Updated site look

Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by Myke, Sep 5, 2004.

  1. J6Commander

    J6Commander Well-Known Member

    The calendar is pretty neat /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif I also prefer dark colored background, they are better for eyes to look at.
  2. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    I thought it was general knowledge in webdesign that you simply don't use italics on links. Not written in stone ofc but anyways - it wasn't ment as a mean thing (chill out man).
    Random webpage quickly found here for example if you don't believe me. Besides that the char table is kinda taking way to much space - I guess it's cause you want those fancy pictures when the mouse is over a chars nick but it quickly looses it's appeal imo.
    About the red I think that if you really want attention to something on a dark bakground the color shouldn't be dark aswell (as in this case it's dark red) - it kinda kills of the point. And I'm all for abit lighter theme and just think it would look nicer /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
    Experiment with colors abit more maybe (just different shades of blue and red for example); I have to agree with GLC that Navyblue, Darkred and Gold is really a weirdcombo. Maybe even lighten up the background picture (brightness) or something. If you really want to have fun - make a contest about making the logo on the top of the frontpage for example - if there's one thing ppl should know by now it's forums users here have Photoshop skills (lol) so I bet you would get nice things in (food for thought). The actual text (VFDC - home of virtua fighter) on the current one doesn't really stick out as a headline - maybe blending it witth the background picture wasn't such a good idea. I'd highlight it more to stick out.

    At the end of the day everybodys happy about the efforts put into the site (new media database and the calendar on the frontpage are exellent for example) :p

  3. O_o

    O_o Active Member

    i dunno why many people dont like the new look, but i love it. i dont mind that its too light.

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    it says
    "I've been to some web sites that have LARGE SECTIONS in italics. It's hard on the eyes. It's even harder on the eyes than a serif font. I'M NOT SAYING THAT YOU SHOULD NEVER USE ITALICS, JUST BE SMART ABOUT IT."

    on the front page there is only italics on the character's names, and that is smart use of italics.

    once again, keep up the good work myke /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  4. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Constructive criticism, here we go.

    1. If you have to use italics, please keep them small and out of main menus. Font smoothing doesn't have to do anything with the jaggy-look - read: it doesn't help much. And it's supported on a limited number of operating systems - and, for instance, XP, 2K, MacOS built-in options work differently. There are of course 3rd party applications that support smoothing, but what's the point of installing junk just to view VFDC?

    2. The site's color scheme - maybe it hasn't changed in general, but the colors are mixed differently now due to main page's redesign. There was nothing wrong with a red logo on the main banner, but putting it into the tables is a no-no - as mixing blue, red and gold/yellow is a no-no according to web design basics and common art traditions. The traditional 1P/2P color distribution should not be an excuse.

    3. "Float look" - is this really a good idea? That's a thing that beginning "web designers" love. You said you wanted to make the tables transpart to some degree - it IS painful, since different browsers render transparency differently (apparently IE has the most problems). So here's another idea - why not lower the background's opacity and make it a gif? When a background pic is too solid, it takes away your attention from a site's content. This is especially true in case of very bright and colorful pictures, like the Jeffry stage you have used. I'd rather go with the darker theme, or make the current background picture less "loud". The red/gold/blue color scheme on a colorful picture... that hurts your eyes.

    4. One more thing - the "home, versus city, media..." menu. Why is the site's most important menu just a line of text? And it's pretty detached from the rest of the site. I'm guessing you had left this for later, but you haven't written anything about it yet.
  5. ValeStyle_Gove

    ValeStyle_Gove Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    GLC said:

    2. The site's color scheme - maybe it hasn't changed in general, but the colors are mixed differently now due to main page's redesign. There was nothing wrong with a red logo on the main banner, but putting it into the tables is a no-no - as mixing blue, red and gold/yellow is a no-no according to web design basics and common art traditions. The traditional 1P/2P color distribution should not be an excuse.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Personally I think its just the colours, a bit of a change to suit the beach and it would be fine.
  6. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Or how about different skins for users ? /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
  7. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Website skins? Yeah right. Since even forum skins are fucked (except the "Versus City" one), don't hold your breath.
  8. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Hell yeah.

    New background is much better. Amazing how something so small can do so much. Good job and [6][6][6][P]!

  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Hell yeah.

    On the home page, if you look under the "Latest Updates" table, you'll find an obscure looking drop down menu. I'm just playing around with some switchable themes for the site, so nobody freak out.
  10. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Re: Hell yeah.

    Wooo I love that pic of dural. Is there any way to make it permanant or still working on the function?
  11. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member


    I do hope you don't plan on making Brad and Goh share a picture though (they get enough of a hard time as it is) /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

  12. O_o

    O_o Active Member

    Re: Nice.

    IMO, i think u should take out akira from jeff's stage. its kinda confusing wat he is doing there. the rest are very good. except for the brad/goh.... cant really see them, and the middle line is knida no good.

    All the others seem very good. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif :thumbs-up-smilie:
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Nice.

    Appreciate the feedback.

    Yeah, obviously some of these were just slapped together in a hurry. Expect some changes and additions forthcoming.

    Vith, I'm working on the permanency aspect right now. I want to have it integrated into your forum login somehow.

    Watch this space.
  14. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: Nice.

    Needs more naked women!!!
  15. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Re: Hell yeah.

    [ QUOTE ]
    On the home page, if you look under the "Latest Updates" table, you'll find an obscure looking drop down menu. I'm just playing around with some switchable themes for the site, so nobody freak out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Fucking SCORE!!

    Myke, you are officially the #1 stunnah!

  16. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    Re: Nice.

    Dude Myke where did you get that awesome pic of Jacky up there? Please do tell because I can't find that pic anywhere.
  17. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Nice.

    It's the wallpaper from Jacky's challenge training.
  18. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    Re: Nice.

    I know it is, I was asking where you got it off the net.
  19. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

  20. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    Re: Nice.

    Thank you very much.

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