Vanessa in general

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by akiralove, Sep 24, 2001.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    How about the f+P+K (MS)?? Spotlite mentioned two followups depending on Stance. I find it rather irritating to check stance everytime. Is there a CONFIRMED followup for that move?

    The combos I listed <a target="_blank" href=>here</a> (which, btw, is the very post you replied to) are all confirmed after the (MTS) f+P+K. I don't know what further reassurance you want. How about you just go and try for yourself? Radical idea, I know.

    Tried some defensive moves. Sucks. f,f+G+K, f+p+g gives good damage for a low move but it is soooooo slow. Is there another move that looks like it to confuse the opponent else it is pretty useless. Does DS Vanessa have a fast mid move? read somewhere that her d/f+p is very fast but it is a high move.

    f,f+K+G isn't a move I'd use regularly, even though the linked throw looks sweet afterwards. She has a variety of kicks that all leap forward (slow startup) so you could try mixing it up with them.

    Dude, I love your attitude - just because you don't like Defensive Style, doesn't mean it "Sucks". Here's a DS sequence that is very damaging if it connects:

    b+P - d+KPP - u+P

    Total damage is around 60%.

    The d+K after the b+P is not guaranteed, but you are in a great position such that the d+K will pretty much interrupt most of your opponents attacks, and of course, the rest will be guaranteed as well.

    err any ideas what to do after her surprise exchange??

    I'm still working on this one myself. I think it's best used against a wall. When you SE them into the wall, they kind slam into it and stagger off it a bit. I'm sure something must be guaranteed afterwards. FV anyone?
  2. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    Thanks, spotlite

    I and my friend had an agreement. He learns Vanessa and I start with Lei-fei. Seems i have to withdraw from that agreement. Vanessa seems very special indeed. She almost makes me forget taka.........
  3. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I used to try DS f,f+K after her SE. It comes out a little slow, and doesn't do much damage, but it did work, and knock them down , so maybe it could be used for ro? I'm sure there are better options.

    i liked using f,f+P+K, f,f+K+G, and b,b+K+G together mixing them up. Yamcha, the timing I used to get the followup to the f,f+P+K was hit P as soon as the sound for the first part hitting happens, basically when she hits them.

    I'm suprised people didn't know that other characters like Jeffry can low throw out of a KD. Start abusing that Hell Stab.

  4. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I'll try it out, though it's kinda hard to hear the sound here.

    I'm still getting used to the auto-inashi, half the time I get it agianst the CPU I didn't even mean it, then I hesitate for a sec and miss my chance to kick or throw them. Am I right you can do u+K, K, or d+K, or throw? That was what I could figure out. Also it's pretty difficult to mash it and get the kicks out, still trying to figure out the precise timing. One more thing, against the CPU, I could only get off a max of three kicks before they were knocked down, so maybe you can't kick ad infinitum?
  5. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    I and my friend had an agreement. He learns Vanessa and I start with Lei-fei. Seems i have to withdraw from that agreement. Vanessa seems very special indeed.


    Vanessa I think would be more powerful and better as a "challenge" character. She's supposed to be for experts after all - on the start screen when you're choosing characters, it says Lei-fei is for beginners and Vanessa is for experts (look under their profile). /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Am I right you can do u+K, K, or d+K, or throw?

    Your only options are K, d+K or P+G after the Arrest Hold (there is no u+K). And the you're only allowed a maximum of three hits in Version B. Version A may have been different.
  7. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    She almost makes me forget taka.........

    It's about time!/versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

    Give the Taka mourning a rest already! You'll be OK. I'm sure of it!/versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  8. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    actually I did try out the moves and I had some of my f+p+k,f+p,p,k missed. Spotlite listed the moves with stance so I thought they were stance dependent. After checking out a Japanese site, they say f+p,p,k is not confirmed for heavy characters and is stance dependent. shrug... dunno exactly though.

    your d+p is a slow move. I do not really like slow moves. Does it dodge elbows at close range??

    BTW, the site listed the lightning elbow f+p+k as a followup to KD. mmm I haven't tried that cuz I though a high move will not hit.
  9. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    This Is Such a Great source of Vanessa Information, no really guys take notes on this stuff. I've just got one question as far as the neutral Hold is concerned, Can a person interrupt a string if holding guard until a punch is thrown in the string and try to time the neutral hold in the middle of the string. ie. Jacky's Hk,P, K or D+K mixups. ?Can Neutral be inputted in the middle of a string, and will it work w/jacky's neutral parry+P also?
  10. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    From what I've heard, this will work. I think as long as you guard the first hits of the string, you can do it. I think in some cases, like Vanessa's d+K,P,P even if the first hit hits normal, you can catch the third somehow.

    Anyone tried this out?

    While we're talking about Vanessa, I had seen in the Black Book mention of escaping Vanessa's Prison Arm Lock reversal wth P+G. This is the High and Mid punch reversal, not the Hand Hold. I tried it out last night with Gribbly, and after Vanessa takes you down to break your arm, if you push P+G, you'll get up.

    I'm not sure if you get up before the arm break, but the damage seemed pretty similar as when not using P+G, slightly less. I haven't taken the time to fully translate the book's note, but it SEEMS to suggest that there's 2 points at which you can input P+G, and that if you do it right, damage will be "very low".

    Myke, Alan, you guys know about this?

  11. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Yeah I'm almost 100% positive you can catch a subsequent moves in a string if you block the first. Certainly, it works with Jerky's BK combos or what not, the CPU does it all the time and I've done it too. But I'm wondering if it also works with something really fast, like Pai's PPP rush?
  12. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    nope first time I heard it. Where in the black book is that written? Seldom played Vanessa defensive... starting to use DS more but haven't used her reversal yet. If ONLY she can reverse elbows....

    I think whether you can catch the P using the neutral hold depends on the move itself. I think moves like Pai's PPP is not possible. It is not possible to reverse the thrid P after blocking the first two right??? There was a thread on the Overweight board and someone posted some examples of moves which can be reversed after blocking the first hit.
  13. Jakekun

    Jakekun Well-Known Member

    Vanessa's p,p,p for example. You can block the first two and counter the 3rd. The computer can do it /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif It's just like doing a regular counter b+p+k, you just have to get the timing right

    One move I've found to be really effective is her b,b+g+k fully charged. Get this on a TR and follow up with f+p,k,k while in DS. The f+p will knock them off of their feet and float them long enough for both kicks to land. Knock them off the wall and you can throw a sweep in there..
  14. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    real quick, regarding vanessa's punch reversal (b or b/d+P+K): I've confirmed that you CAN escape it at 2 different points. If you push P+G as soon as she grabs your arm, you'll flip out of her hold as she trys to take you down, and take almost no damage. If you hit P+G after you've been taken down for the arm break (but still before the break), you can kick up after the break to avoid the Soccer Ball Kick, but you still get almost all the damage.

    I haven't tested it in training mode, so I don't know exact damage figures, but I'll check it out.

  15. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Excuse the "typical response post," but thanks for bringing that up, Spotlite! It will certainly help me out as I've been encountering the situation the last time I played VF4 (quite a few weeks ago--forgot when).

  16. Vanessasman

    Vanessasman Member

    I got a question about her (i never played her but i like her stlye alot check out the name) do u have to deside her stlye before u play her.
  17. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Know, you switch her style on the fly by pressing P+K+G. Something to note is that she takes a small step back when she gets into Muay Thai stance and slightly moves forward when going into Defensive stance. After a good amount of experience playing as Vanessa, people tend to figure when it's good to switch stances.

    From what I've heard and interpreted, a lot of people start out using Vanessa in the Defensive Stance (default stance) and then eventually move on to her Muay Thai stance. For me, fighting against a good Vanessa in Defensive Stance can be fairly tough, but a Muay Thai stance rush can be pure hell--consisting of some mixups and fast leg-flop setups. However, next time I play against Portland's Rayblade, I'll try to remember testing out if Vanessa's Muay Thai stance rushes are MC dodge fodder--my mind says yes on that.

    I know it's more than you asked for, but I felt like sharing/versus/images/icons/smile.gif

  18. Reijim

    Reijim Member

    i don have much time to read some of the stuff on the thread or write this post so... pls forgive me if i didn't read any of the posts above carefully enough..

    Anyway i just had my fourth session of VF4 today and started playing a bit of Jacky but he still is a long way off...

    some of the setups i use requires quite a lot of space so it's not neccesarily the best in tight situiations or small rings..

    i like to mix up b.b+K+G (charge) into either b,b +K+G (hold K press G) and cancel the mid htting kick into a f,f+K+G, F+P+G low kick to throw... the intitial movement of the two kicks looks pretty similiar but one's mid and the other is low

    U can't use this too often tho, else it pretty much loses it's effectiveness but once in a while it's ok...

    also b,b+K+G (hold K press G) cancel to just a K+G is not bad too.. u get the guard stun and a free F+P,K,K if they don't quick stuggle...

    F+P,K,K mix up with F+P,K, throw got to hit a couple of times but they need to hit or else it's easy to hit her out...

    This is probably pretty basic for most characters... low Punch mixup into either ws punch or d/f,d/f+p+g arm breaker or maybe some other throw...

    i'm still trying to utilise defensive stance to the fullest b4 going into Muay Thai stance hardcore....

    Her b,f+K,(delayable P) is really useful as well... the 2nd hit can be ducked but the ppl i play with are still trying to attack me everytime and getting hit... *shrugs*
    after it hits on counter i usually just follow up with P,P,P... pretty decent damage... and depending if against a wall or not.. might add a d+K or jumping on downed opponents attack..... anything other move is should follow it up with?? i noe u guys do f,f+p,p
    U also get the adv if the 2nd hit of the b,f+K,P hits and usually ur punch string will snuff out most of the opponents retaliatory attacks ... but after conditioning them... u can get a big throw in easily... this works especially well when they are low on life and remember to mix up with low throw as well

    Also u noe how for certain strings like Vanessa's P,P,P,K u guard the first 2 hits and u can let go of the guard button and get the auto revesal for the 3rd hit..

    i wanna noe wat other heavily abused strings that can be countered this way... eg.. can Pai and Lau's P,P,P,K strings be countered this way or are they too fast??

    And i still wanna noe whether she has got any good combo's after a Krumple stomach stun... instead of the generic low throw... coz that's not guranteed and the opponent got out of it a couple times today...

    b,f+P+K,P is quite a risky move to use but it hits quite well if u got the space and maybe conditioned the opponent to try and attack u .. coz u abused the unblockable tacke f,f+p+K too often earlier on... but if it gets blocked ... means vanessa is in shit!...

    also as for a P,P,P,K string... if done from not too close i think she is not really vulnerable to much retaliation after it gets blocked...

    Errrmm... what else.. coz my fren want's to use the computer back now... so i gotta rush this msg...

    anybody find any use for her Hold G u/f+P or d/f+P moves yet?? it does some sort of sidestep but it not much useful i think... usually get hit out of it first... does it cause Guardstun??

    ok... tats it for now
  19. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Don't know where to put this, but just realized that her second punch in f,f+P,P (DS) can be throw-interrupted! At least, this is when you delay the second punch, not sure if it can be TIed without delay.
  20. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I don't think this is a throw interrupt, you're just minor countering the first attack. The throw's not interrupting the second attack because the second attack hasn't started yet.

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