VF 5 PS3 1080p rumor

Discussion in 'Console' started by ShinobiFist, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. Roy

    Roy Member

    feel? yup that bruce lee's technique.... u gotta have quick respond in thinking what next move?
  2. Geeseman

    Geeseman Member

    Guys let me set you all straight.

    VF5 on PS3 is NOT 1080P

    the game outputs a 960X1080P frame image to 1080P after scaling in hardware. This is a hack. I have the game and to be perfectly honest the 720P mode has less aliasing and errors that the shithouse 1080P mode.

    Lets hope the Xbox version is real 1080P...
  3. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    There won't be true 1080p for VF5 cause the game is a port of the arcade version, which is 720p.
  4. Geeseman

    Geeseman Member

    thats not neccessarily true. 1080P can use the same textures from 720P arcade to make the game. Even the PS3 version has poor textures in places. I suspect this was not an issue with the arcade.
    The Xbox has a better chance of doing 1080P because it uses UMD memory so it can allocate more memory to textures and has the bandwidth to deal with the limitations of 1080P.
  5. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member


    not again... did you buy VF5 just so you can feel justified saying stuff that's not correct? Reading the internet like beyond3d doesn't make you an expert. I suspect you don't know what you are talking about.
  6. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Geeseman let me set you straight.

    Xbox cant and will never release a true 1080p game, everything is upscaled. Get your 360 facts straight. Having the ps3 version support 1080p means that the game will still look great on native 1080p. That does not mean its a "true" 1080p game of course. You look at Tekken DR for ps3 and its basically a 480p game that allows up to 1080p upscaling and it looks fantastic because the PS3 supports native 1080p. VF5 is in essence the same thing with the source being 720p with 1080p native support. AGAIN THE XBOX DOES NOT SUPPORT NATIVE 1080P. All the 360 scaler does is stretch the 720p image up to 1080p, which most people are reporting that xbox games actually look better in 720p than upscaled 1080p. Do your research before you actually try to post something intelligent and misinform any more people.
  7. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Lets just put this to bed. The new XDK by MS allows 1080p native on 360...

    VT3 - 1080p on 360

    Both were always capable....

    Maybe if AM2 had more time they could have made the game 1080p
  8. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Thank god they did not take anymore time making the game, I want to play it now. If it meant I had to wait 6 months to play the game in 1080p I would rather have 720p, just like the arcade.
  9. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    *rolls eyes at geeseman*

    I suppose you know the sega developers, and asked them what method they were using to render 1080p?

    And I also suppose that for your scientific comparison of 1080p vs 720p, you tested it on two monitors with the same display technology, one 1080p native and the other 720p native?

    Didn't think so . . .
  10. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    you know considering powersmash 3 is also lindbergh i wouldnt be suprised if the source is also 720p
  11. Geeseman

    Geeseman Member

    The method is irrelevant. It is the end result that is important.

    I've tested both resolutions on my 40X sony 1080P panel. It is very clear that the 1080P resolution is not 1080P native. It is very clear through the aliasing and errors in rendering that it is scaled. It's also clear that the scaling method is not normal (as it is in the B3D example) because of the majority of aliasing errors in the 1080P game occuring on the horizontal (due to horizontal scaling). In fact the game has less aliasing in 720P mode than 1080P mode, suggesting that the scaling used by the PS3 is abnormal.
    Ive compared the image quality with RR7, GTHD and NBA, all of which render 1080P and it is very clear that Vf5 is not 1080P native.

    Now, I have the game, I have a capable TV and I have a set of eyes. Unless you have all of the above and more your opinion isnt worth noting...
  12. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    We've known that VF5 is not 1080p native for a long long time.

    It's a port of a 720p game. Obviously when you upscale, you are going to exaggerate the aliasing. Do you have any common sense about gfx? Nothing is wrong with the scaling, and either play in 720p or stop sitting 2 feet away from your screen, and stop quoting B3D stuff.

    You have a capable TV and a set of eyes, but you probably also have a head filled with air, which makes your opinion not worth noting.
  13. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Riiiiight . . . which is why you decided to wave your c8ck around by claiming specifics about the method:

    instead of being more honest, and saying:

    "I read some stuff on beyond3d that I don't really understand, and virtua fighter looks weird at 1080p on my tv, so I don't think it's native 1080p"
  14. Geeseman

    Geeseman Member

    Since when? the game is 720P in the arcade. So what? Ports have been different resolutions for VF games. Considering that the PS3 hardware absolutely owns the VF5 arcade hardware then why is it considering that the port must be 720P. Sega have stated nothing about it and then released the package with 1080P as a supported resolution.

    It seems you have no idea about graphic rendering.
    The resolution of the game can be set at any point. The final build of VF5 can run at 720P or 480P native. It does not scale either of these resolutions. It stores either 720P or 480P in the front frame buffer.
    The same thing occurs with any PC game. You can set it to any resolution as long as the hardware supports it.
    Scalers are used to obtain resolutions which are not supported native in hardware. The scaler is used in VF5 to make the output resolution 1080P. I can only assume that the front buffer is 720P or 960X1080. I would assume it is the latter because the aliasing patterns suggest it is so.

    Don't be such an arrogant tool.
  15. Geeseman

    Geeseman Member

    Just when I begin to think americans are good people I come across someone like you. Of little apparent intelligence yet possesing arrogance that tries to suggests otherwise...

    You sound like a hypocrite when you suggest I do not understand a situation when in fact you have no understanding of who I am or what background I have that aids in making any statements I do. Im beggining to think this forum is populated by elitist clowns.
  16. Whitesburg

    Whitesburg New Member

    Long time lurker, first time poster.

    What matters to me is not whether its "true" 1080p or some cheap hack, but whether the ps3 is scaling it or if its the television. If its the PS3, that means that HDTV lag shouldnt be a problem for anybody. If the game is just in 720p like Resistance, a lot of you guys are going to be infuriated when you realize that Jeff just got a whole lot slower than he already is on your shinny 1080p.

    I have a 1080i crt. I'm hoping that if VF5 is 1080p, it will scale like blu-ray movies to 1080i.
  17. Geeseman

    Geeseman Member

    The scaler would take 1/60th of a second to render the new frame. That is convert from the front buffer of 960X1080 to the scaled buffer of 1080P. This would upset those akira users who have mastered the knee move or the other 1/60th commands in the game.
    The game does not support 1080i.
  18. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Just like you have no idea who the people on this forum are or what their backgrounds are. You are retarded if you think frame buffer is as simple as choosing the resolution as long as the hardware supports it. You make it so obvious that you have no clue what you are talking about.

    Do you even know that frame buffer is not always only the size of what you see on the screen? Seriously, the more you talk, the more stupid you come of as. Images on the screen aren't rendered and displayed as you see on the screen, there are multiple techniques used to make sure the game displays in a consistent 60 fps. If you can name just some of the possible techniques, then maybe I would believe you, can you do it? Seriously, suggesting that the game is lagging for trying to scale to 1080p is just so stupid it's beyond believe. Please just STFU if you don't know what you are talking about.
  19. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Dude, it's entirely possible that you are right about the 960x1080 thing; it's just that you have no basis for it other that the b3d article, yet are going on as if its the gospel truth. Who is being arrogant here?

    - No 1080i support? Possible, but . . .

    And you seem to be mistaken about several things:

    - The ps3 does not absolutely own the lindbergh in all respects; most notably, the lindbergh has 4x as much ram as the ps3. Look it up.

    - Akira's knee has fuck all to do with scaler lag, as you would know if you had actually learned the move. Scaler lag would affect your response to say, being hit, but it doesnt affect your ability to push one button and scrape the other with a 1/60th difference.
  20. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

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