VF and Fighter Techniques.

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Akira Yukii, Aug 15, 2001.

  1. E-Dog

    E-Dog Member

    Yeah, I've had to deal with him doing that to me for years!!! And it's about to start all over again...the horror
  2. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Heheh I talked to Chanchai about this before, I remember distinctly one match against you at E3, my Pai vs. your on-your-way-to-40 wins Jeffry. As I recall I lost the first two rounds then took 3 and 4, but I really didn't get the impression that you were playing around (shows how much I know). At this time I thought to myself, "damn, maybe I can take this". Then round 5 started and I was promptly raped six ways from Sunday.
  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    hehe, yep.... Now you know what I meant. I was reluctant to describe it because I felt some people might be pissed off if they found out that this is what you were doing. I don't think many people would be that upset.... but also... I think most people that refer to your Akira as being "way machi" is in fact referring to when you do this (and I think it does work in confusing them).

    But man.... this "tactic" really has done wonders to your ability to "tap-tap fuzzy guard" on the spot, hasn't it?!

    One of those priceless moments about fighting against Adam:
    attack, defended....
    counter attack, defended....
    counter attack/throw, tap tap, "FUCK!"


    BTW, we'll see if I can do another throw escape fest on you like at E3!!!! Hehehehe. I was so happy:
    poke, poke, poke, Adam has trouble throwing, poke, poke, Adam finds an opening, goes for overhead toss, ESCAPED, poke-missed, goes for low throw, ESCAPED, poke-blocked, goes for splash mountain, ESCAPED, Adam avoids getting hit, retaliates with SE, I avoid getting hit, pancake toss throw, ESCAPED, and something of this nature going on for several rounds. Oh what fun it was! Damn you for easing your game on me though/versus/images/icons/tongue.gif Wish I had it on video hehehe (not that it happened all that well, but I think you remember how it went).<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Chanchai on 08/17/01 02:38 AM (server time).</FONT></P>
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I would never go to Adam's extreme...not my style

    In light of what meseur (sp?) yukii initially asked, please could you (or anyone else) describe this 'extreme' style :)
    Surely Adam hasn't taken to boring machi play, has he? ;)

    I may have given off the wrong impression here...even though I see Adam's defense as the greatest I've ever played against outside of Japan, I've never really thought of it as machi.

    Adam initiates his offense from his defense (as I initiate defense from offense) and his Jeffry is quite aggressive when something opens up.

    What I meant to say by not going to Adam's extreme is that I would never spend the time to make my defense as good as his...I'm not sure I have the mental strength to do so. For example, I would "fuzzy guard" in only certain situations whereas Adam's Jeffry would fuzzy guard as a default defensive position.

    Another example: when both players are down to 1 pixel of health, Adam may choose to anticipate the attack and counter accordingly. I would be the one taking a deep breath, guessing how the opponent will defend and attacking accordingly. I wouldn't go to Adam's extreme my changing my mindset and my "style" of play.

    <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by ice-9 on 08/17/01 07:57 AM (server time).</FONT></P>
  5. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    why don't you go back at read ur own posts?
    U came here...declaring u got certain strategies in 3d fighting games n such..and now u say u haven't even played vf3...

    Stop making urself sound as if u are a victim...

    U Don't know this..I have lotsa Japanese friends who come here, read and discuss our vf topic

    And trust me...My friends over in Japan are laughing at you



    I dare u just as FexiaQ did

    go to the tekken and soul calibur sites...replace whatever 'virtuafighter' tactics u wrote and put in either Tekken and soul calbur

    and u'll see how patient we have been with u

    <font color=red>~~~ 'enemy not SPODED, enemy not DOWN/versus/images/icons/mad.gif~~~'

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