VF evolution screen shot

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by 34, Jun 11, 2002.

  1. Aeon

    Aeon Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    I think people are misplacing their "we can't play it in the US for another 8 months" frustrations. It just comes out as "we need to try to find something wrong with it".

    Like someone else pointed out, everyone shat on VF4 in its baby stages as well. In my estimation, there's no point in making judgments about the game until we really see it in action, and in its entirety.

    /judgmental bull
  2. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    C'mon, you gotta give us that the new guys look gay as hell. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif I'm kinda worried about Shenmue III now, if anything like these guys show up in there, I'm gonna bust some heads down at AM2 HQ.

    I'm interested in the Judoka as well, though it's hard to imagine not having to rely on strikes and such. I was kinda hoping for a Korean kicking-art type chracter instead of a straight kickboxer, but oh well.
  3. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    Yamcha, have you played the Japanese version of Shenmue 2? The fat guys helper was a transvestite in that version, they changed her voice to a female one for the PAL version.
  4. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    Where on Pyrexia does it say they don't like the new look? As for the comment about Brad, yeah, they kind of light-heartedly say that.

    But, to the point -- what the hell is wrong with Tekken-ish stuff? How many times have we heard "It's no the graphics, it's the way the game plays!!!" Well, we get basically a Version D, as we pretty much knew was going to happen, with different items, more modes and whatnot... so why is everyone bitching?
  5. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    It's standard gaijin behaviour...panick...bitch...complain....etc etc etc

    just ignore them
  6. American_Pai

    American_Pai Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    I'm optimistic that the game will play well but I agree with everyone else in saying the new characters look like gay MK+Tekken rejects from Conan O' Brian's "What If They Mated." This is the first time I've straight up hated the way new VF characters has looked. And no, VF should not be biting Tekken characters design because it's just not them. Like DMX says, "Do you!"
  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    I think a large part of all this "panick" comes from the unprecedented change that Evolution brings. VF has always been known as a conservative franchise, adding only two new characters per sequel; this conservativeness in turn has resulted in extremely balanced games.

    How many years did it take for VF4 to come out after VF3? 5 years? How many years before TB came out? And now, barely a year after VF4's first release, we are already getting a major update, and it's an update far beyond what TB represented--we are getting two brand new characters, and it's not even VF5 yet! That's unheard of for this franchise, and so people are nervously surprised. Even though I knew in advance that Evolution was supposed to have two new characters, I didn't really believe it until these screenshots appeared.

    Is it just me, or does everything seem to be happening so fast? I feel like I am only just beginning to understand Kage, and a lot of the theories I have for him haven't even been tested yet against human competition, much less elite competition from Japan.

    Has the learning curve accelerrated that much? Is mastering VF4 a faster process than mastering VF2 or VF3? That may be true, since the experience one accumulates throughout the franchise stays with the player. Perhaps this is why AM2 feels a major upgrade is justifiable so early in the game.

    Of course, there are also financial reasons. AM2 is by itself a cost center, and it must generate its own revenue to justify its costs. Sega as a whole has only a handful of "gold" franchises, and AM2 is just one programming team within Sega. No doubt, VF is a very, very important game to the group and a critical source of cash flow. They may have no choice but to attempt to make as much money as they can from the franchise--and if that means frequent updates/sequels, so be it.

    Whether this is a good thing for VF fans remains to be seen, but I have faith in AM2.
  8. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    Plain and simple -- AM2 & Sega are making a ton of cash. Since the PS2 version came out, they got a massive lot of money in one shot, but the numbers in the arcades are lower -- not much, I'll say that, but now... shit... they're going to be raking it in again.

    Personally -- more power to them. 1: They make the game, so whatever they make "Is VF". I'm sorry, but that's the rules. 2: How many years has Sega (specifically AM2) been pumping out not only quality games, but games 10x better than the competetition and not selling well b/c nobody would buy the DC/Saturn? YEars. IT's their turn to make money, and personally, I'm glad to see them do it.
  9. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    Funny then that theyre Fighters on Saturn and DC sold as well or better then VF4 on PS2 .
    That and they didnt have to pay a license fee either .

    VF2 on Saturn, best selling fighting game in Japan ever .
    Sales capped of at 1.7 million units in Japan alone .
    VF4 will have a hard time reaching that number worldwide .

    VF3tb on DC sold a respectable 750k in Japan, looks like VF4 on PS2 might reach it as time goes by ( and it gets rereleased for 2000 yen )
  10. Luya

    Luya Active Member

    Goh looks like the character related to anime Virtua Fighter. Looks like AM2 lacks diversity when it comes to characters country which someone pointed out. I like how Lei Fei got hair which reminds me Mizuguchi(?) from Soul Calibur. Nice to see that it's possible to edit characters looks.

    Nice to see remixed stages (hope AM2 gives the choice to get the original). Concerning the board used, I think that will be nice to see how powerful the Naomi 2 is. Hmm, maybe it'S time to get decent job to acquire this board /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Note: wow, nice board layout, has been a while I didn't come here.
  11. Vicious666

    Vicious666 Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    Word, Ice-9. Your post said everything I've been thinking. I was immediately disappointed in the characters, but that is such a small part of Evo. Hey, 2 new characters to try out, but look at all the extra stuff: more items, stages, modes, moves, updated animations, etc....
  12. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    Where'd you get those numbers? I'm curious as to where VF4 for PS2 is now. I read that they sold 480,000+ on PS2 the first day in Japan. NO clue how it sold in the US. I'd assume 750,000 wouldn't be hard.

    Now... throw in Shenmue sales. :) Kinda didn't make jack shit on that one, did they?
  13. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    Hehe, took Sega three weeks to reach 500k in Japan with VF4, and then it dissapeared of the sales charts .

    SM1 was a worldwide million seller despite being not a good game .
    SM2 ( wich IS a good game ) was released long after Sega gave up on DC and at a time when the vast majority of retailers in Japan and Europe had dropped the machine, despite that it still managed a few hunderd k .
    Oh and Shen Mue´s losses are completely moot as it wasnt Sega or AM2 who carried the costs and losses associated with it, it was CSK .

    Regardles, my point was that its stupid to claim that VF finnaly sells now that its on a POPULAR system .

    VF has ALWAYS sold well and I doubt there will ever be another fighter wich achieves 1.7 million sales on a single machine in a single region .
  14. nidopal

    nidopal Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    Almaci, VF3tb didn't reach 750,000 in Japan. According to Japan's Dreamcast Magazine VF3tb had reached 373,000+ by Feb. 2001. I highly doubt it has since doubled its total numbers, but if you have a source, please share.
  15. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    I'll search around on the net for some stats, but Almaci has probably the best point on this thread -- VF has always been a great seller. Back to my point, I'm really glad that they're doing well with it, and making a new version.

    As I hate Street Fighter and everything about it, I can't say, but did SF fans bitch when Extra Special Street Fighter Super Alpha Turbo Zero vs. The Catholic Porno Ring v3.8 came out? Those guys crank out version after version (some call them sequels) of essentially the same game, with tweaks and effects here and there, new moves, better graphics, etc. Not trying to rag on anyone -- just really curious, as there are so many 'version ups' of that series, and so few of VF4, that it makes me wonder if this is a reincarnation of such topics on a different media.

    A couple of quick points on Shenmue -- yes, the costs were absorbed by CSK, but I wouldn't call them moot -- hard to get any financial backing for future games when you can't make any money on the first, but I see where you're going. BTW -- I thought both Shenmues were brilliant, although the 2nd is much better.

    And finally, having a storming first 3 weeks, then disappearing is quite common for games in Japan. Some poor games buy games, beat them, then resell them, making the used market more than flooded. You can by VF4 used for proabably $20 right now.
  16. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    Okay, I did some digging.
    VF2 came out on 12.1.1995 -- Between 12.4 & 1.06, it sold 793,744 copies. Unfortunately, there's no data for the first 3 days on the site I found. It sold 373,926 in all of 1996, brining the total to almost 1.17 Million copies. Now, w/o the first three days, it's hard to tell, I guess 1.7 would be possible, although a bit hard to believe. (Data is from Famitsu, btw.)

    Virtua Fighter 3tb sold roughly 251,000 copies -- total. (For those that care, Biohazard: CV was the highest selling DC game in Japan, w/ 404,000 copies).

    Shenmue, 326,000 in Japan, which isn't bad considering the DC's track record, but that means they'd have had to sold 774,000 in all the other countries to hit 1-million world wide. Could've been done, but I think they were aiming for a minimum of 500,00 in japan alone.

    More info later... there's a lot out there I've found.
  17. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    Famitsu acounts for 75% or less of retailers, Famitsu doesnt track online sales either ( online presales for SM1 were huge ) .
    Famitsu = Japanese Gamepro .

    Do YOU trust GamePro ?
  18. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    I'm sure Shadowdean trusts Gamepro/versus/images/icons/wink.gif

  19. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    I haven't read Gamepro in probably 6 years, so can't really say. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  20. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Crosspost: VF4evo news

    Can't say I really like the new announcer's voice! /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
    But I'm really interested in hearing how the new soundtrack is

    Even though it's not all that clear...but if Sarah's new bgm is what I suspect it to be...then it's really cool! VF2 style cool! /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

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