VF: Final Tuned info

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Pai_Garu, Feb 20, 2004.

  1. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    New Moves good
    New tweaks - good
    New items and nicks - in the end, who the fuck really cares.
    Throw in 2 more characters, then MAYBE this will be worthwhile. I really hated the new combos I saw in the media section...it looks like a gay version of tobal, esp Kage's tft combo.
  2. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    For people who can't see the footage/can't tell what's up, here's the breakdown (from what I can tell) on the new moves shown.


    looks like some new canned string: Akira's doing something that looks a little like [6]+[P], [4], but he's stepping forward with the "Hu" sound, and punching to the body with a closed fist (looks a little different, DE-ish sound). Then, instead of the little back step in Evo, he's doing the kind of "wind up" backstep from [1][P]+[K]+[G], this looks canned. From here, he's doing a Dash Elbow (no stance change) that again looks canned, which Kage guards.

    I can't tell exactly what Kage does here, looks like an elbow, but in any case, Akira uses some kind of new Sabaki to deflect it and Stomach KD him. This looks like the kind of like his old "High" kick reversal animation, but he does a little rotation in the beginning, and instead of sending them flying with the elbow, they're KD'd, he follows with DJK.

    new mid punch (or changed [6]+[P], [4]) into [1][P]+[K]+[G]-ish backstep, with at least canned [P] followup.

    new Mid Sabaki, gives Stomach KD. Perhaps a sort of "vs. Mids" version of [4][P]+[K]+[G], [6]+[P]?

    Aside from this, all that's shown is the new [P][K], which was talked about before. Aki Stomach KD's with [4][P]+[K]+[G], [6]+[P], then uses [P][K] to pop Kage up, into a wall, then Double Palms him off the wall.

    [P][K]'s [K] animation changed, seems to re-float oppts a little, but I doubt it floats in mC or normal hit.


    has a new 3-hit string of upper type punches to the body, look like heavy punches, not too fast (about the speed of Jeffry's [3]+[P][P]) but moving forward a lot with each punch, like Left, Right, Left. From here, seems he can go into the [4][P]+[K]+[G] "Sway Back" stance (probably just [4] after the 3 uppers).

    From here, seems to have 2 new options from the "Sway Back" (if that's what it is, and not a canned backstep from the triple upper combo, with unique options): a PPK-ish string that looks like High, High, Mid and knocks the oppt down with the "topple" animation (Akira's dodge attack), looks like a true hitting string (maybe on MC or mC, like Jacky's [3]+[P][P][P]?); and a low kick that Leg KD's, Brad strikes a pose, no combos from either of these looks like.

    New Triple Upper to the Body, can be chained into canned "Sway Back".

    New options from "Sway Back" [4]+[P]+[K]+[G], looks like [P][P][K] (avoid's Lau's Elbow) and [2]+[K] (avoids Lau's low punch).

    a new Sakabi from "Ducking" ([6]+[P]+[K]+[G]) that deflect's oppt's attack and floats with an upper, brad combos Lau from here with [P], [P], [3]+[P]+[K], [P]. I can't tell exactly what Lau's doing that gets Sabaki'd, but I'd imagine it's a low punch.

    new Sabaki from "Ducking" that floats.


    new double jumping Kick that knocks down, looks like a little jumping mid kick followed by another that sends them to the ground. Jacky uses this after a Dodge.

    Jacky makes an air combo with [3], [3]+[K]- [P] then a New String. While it looks a little like [K][P][K], the first kick looks mid, more like [3]+[K] (looks like his mid kick). The [P] seems high, and the last [K] looks like a mid spinning kick.

    new double hit jumping kick, probably mid, high.

    new 3 hit Kick, Punch, Kick string that looks like Mid, High, Mid Spin.


    Seems that Kage can do the Jumonji Roll with his back turned, maybe while not even in Jumonji. Akira guards Kage's [4]+[K] (back turned), then Akira tries to DblPm Kage in the back, but Kage uses the new roll to roll to the side, where he's now facing Akira, and does a TFT. From the TFT, he uses [2]+[P]+[K], then the Dragon Punch, which is followed by a new 2 hit kick string that slams Akira head first, face up (un TR-able).

    Next Kage does the Jumonji Mid Kick reversal to Aki, then follows with the Jumonji Roll, and finished with another new Dragon Punch variation, this one seems to have 3 kicks after the punch (?) and again, slams. This one is a little tough to see because of the angle.

    new side roll from back turned.

    new variation(s) to the kicks following the Dragon Punch (ie maybe [6][2][3]+[P]+[K], [K], [K]).


    Could be that his jumping Kinfe Hand [9]+[P] has a new canned [P] follow-up, but to me this looks more like a new move. Lau jumps and does a kind of double cat-scratch open palms to the face, which looks like High, High, or maybe Mid, High.

    After hitting Brad with this (I dont think there's a big stun, IE the "eye poke" attacks, which would guarantee this next move; Brad returns to his neutral pose between the attacks) Lau makes a spinning elbow to the body which seems to turn Lau around, but it's hard to tell as he immediately goes into a throw animation where he does some crazy Kung Fu shit: he slaps Brad with the back hand from the same arm used to elbow him in the gut, then uses this arm again to shove him head first into the ground, spinning. All this is done from facing towards, not back turned as has been reported before. Basically, looks like a Hit Throw with flashy animation, or an attack that converts to a throw upon hitting (like Goh/Pai's [8]/[2]+[P]+[K]).

    New canned punch added to jumping Knife hand, or new double jumping punch (leaves oppt standing).

    new Hit Throw which starts with what looks like Mid Elbow.


    I can't really tell WTF is happening here: Wolf Guards Aki's [6]+[P] (this would seem to suggest he still has the Evo [6]+[P], in addition to the new "Hu" mid gut punch mentioned before), then suddenly Wolf's behind Aki and goes for a German Suplex.

    The more I watch, what it looks like is that after [6]+[P] is guarded, Aki tries to dodge. Here, Wolf does some kind of slap that looks like the [P]+[K] chop, this Spins Aki around where Wolf grabs him from behind, and goes smoothly into the Suplex. I'm gonna guess that this is some kind of Anti-Dodge attack, that could be half or full circular, that either has Hit-Throw chain-ability, or "shifts" to a throw on contact. Perhaps it's a command that catches all dodgers? Could even just be a new Throw that's connecting at the end of Aki's dodge, but I doubt it. Hit throw added to non-charged [P]+[K]?

    New Anti-Dodge move, could be hit throw...?

    Overall, while this upgrade does seem to be showing some heavy string action, I'm not really upset or dreading it. Aki's stuff just seems more in the same vein as usual, Kage's moves aren't anything to sweat about, Brad's new chain seems like you could (and Should) dodge before he gets to finish it to avoid the Sway Back games, Lau got a hit throw...

    Although if jacky really is getting a Mid Kick- P- Mid Spin kick string, and the first Kick-P doesn't knock down, and the Spin Kick's delayable, that's hairy. I'd hate to play Mid Kick- P- Full-Spin-Canned-Mid/Throw guessing games.

    That's all for now

  3. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    PS: in Kudos to Myke, he perfectly called what should be changed about Kage if given the chance to decide what would change in VF5 during a discussion we had a few weeks ago:

    Myke said that Kage's DPK needed a third hit that would slam to the ground after the DPK, since if oppt's TR'd the slam, they were in a position to punish the recovering Kage, esp if they have a Low Throw.

    As far as I'm concerned, that's what that cheap ass Ninja gets; but it's cool that Myke hit the nail on the head. This little way to cover Kage's ass was his one dream addition to Kage's arsenal /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif!

    further honors to those who had been calling for a low P Sabaki in Brad's Ducking.

  4. Onny

    Onny Well-Known Member

    the wolf move looks very nice for wolf players.. it's not a reversal and it's not screw lariat, in fact it looks like a new semi-circular move that goes into a hit throw. very powerful. look closely at the footage and you'll see that wolf spins the wrong way for the screw lariat.. he hits akira with the back of his hand, not with a fist in the face. you can hear the hit sound, and then he does the suplex, indicating a hit throw. not only is this awesome on it's own, you have to consider that if sega let him keep his screw lariat then this will be a fucking nightmare. (akira evades to wolf's front, which under normal circumstances would dodge the lariat..)

    as for brad... sweet jesus. i can't wait to get my hands on him. even his normal sidekick (as seen in the jacky footage) looks much better.. more muai thai i guess hehe. three mids and then a canned sway? too good! the string from sway back looks quite nice, even if the first two hits are high. and the [K] looks pretty useful as well.. a low crumble! nice little taunt too.. very brad hehe. if they give him a mid from back sway then christ that will be shockingly powerful. the sabaki looks very very nice indeed, especially considering that he gets [P], [P], [3][P]+[K][P] afterwards. but what is lau doing? it could be either his [3][P] string starter or a low [P].. i want it to be a low [P], but i don't think he squats low enough hehe. so i guess we can assume that it sabakis mid punches (and i guess elbows as well, because sabaki'ing a mid [P] isn't that useful against most characters.. nice against jacky though MUAHAHA). oh my christ i'm looking forward to this. sega must have realised he was "weak" in vf4e, which is why he got the most time on the vid.

    man i can't wait! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  5. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    spotlite said:

    I can't tell exactly what Kage does here, looks like an elbow

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Of little importance I know, but it looks to me like he's going for [2][P]+[K]
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    spotlite said:

    As far as I'm concerned, that's what that cheap ass Ninja gets; but it's cool that Myke hit the nail on the head. This little way to cover Kage's ass was his one dream addition to Kage's arsenal /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    haha, nice that you remembered /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif Anyway, what I remember from that discussion was that I wanted to see a little more variation from Kage after a DP, obviously by way of some air combo hits. Hopefully this will have some useful options near a wall for either RO or more combo possibilities. Like, what is Kage's recovery like if he stops mid string? If there's nothing special about this new combo, then it's a waste and not really different to the current DPK. If it's just more damage, then they should've just given the extra damage on DPK, since it slams as well. But, I think it'll be interesting to explore this further.

    [ QUOTE ]

    further honors to those who had been calling for a low P Sabaki in Brad's Ducking.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hmm, I think I proposed that idea as well in one of the Brad threads /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif But seriously, I found it hard to tell what level the sabaki was. I don't think it'll be a high sabaki because when Brad is ducking, highs will whiff. And I can understand if it's not a mid sabaki because they'd probably expect you to use slipping to avoid the mid. While it's hard to make out, I think I've seen a frame or two (around the 31.5sec mark) where Lau is beginning a [2][P].
  7. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    myke, didnt u say in an oldish anti-brad thread that he should have a sabaki which sets him up but dont deal damage?

    is there more u are hiding from us about FT?, or did u just pay them.. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    EDIT: onny, dont forget that wolf's screw hook will always be next to no threat even if they get hit by it's semi-curcular proporties, without MC it's (dare i say) pretty horrid!.. but this new move looks interesting /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  8. alfaphlex

    alfaphlex Active Member

    I'm waiting to see what Lei-fei gets... /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif . All this cool stuff for all the chars is making me too anxious to see what the others get. I'm hoping they give lei less disadvantage after [3_]([9_])+P+K or after the P that follows it.
  9. _MG_

    _MG_ Well-Known Member

    Just adding my 2p to Spotlite's observations:

    Akira's first "thing" looked to me like his [4][6][P] going into a canned [1][P]+[K]+[G]. Maybe it isn't the standing palm but it doesn't look like a changed [6][P] to me - it looks higher and has the same sound as the standing palm.

    Kage's [4][K]->roll looked canned to me. Or maybe it just recovers faster than I thought?

    Kage's new DP string looks like 4 hits (DP, 3 kicks). I think the video skips a bit when you see it the first time, but it's definitely 4 hits in the second one - you can hear the sounds clearly in that one.

    Lau's hit throw looks like it comes off his [6][6][P]+[K]
  10. AmunRa

    AmunRa Active Member

    i can't wait to see the amazing things sega does with sarah. new throws, perhaps? more moves from flamingo?
  11. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I don't know what to think about FT after seeing that clip.

    1) Akira gets a new mid sabaki? WTF is wrong with Sega? I honestly don't see how he needs one, especially one that leads into a 60+ pt combo. Hopefully it was just a new 3 hit canned string or something...personally, it looked like akira did b,f+P into a canned d/b+P+K+G,P into the canned sabaki...
    2) His new P,K simply looks gay...

    Don't play him, so I don't really care. Looks much beefed up, especially with that new sabaki.

    Jacky, Lau, Wolf:
    No problems here, some cool looking stuff.

    1) The BT roll was nice, looked canned.
    2) His new DP followed by the punch and 2 kicks is simply retarded...I was speechless the first time I saw it...now I'm simply left asking myself WTF!

    So far VF:FT is very...oooOHHH~

    "I'm waiting to see what Lei-fei gets... /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif . All this cool stuff for all the chars is making me too anxious to see what the others get. I'm hoping they give lei less disadvantage after [3_]([9_])+P+K or after the P that follows it."

    I know, Sega should just make ALL his moves +7 on block!

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Man, still nothing on Goh, and still no official word on whether or not there'll be any new characters. What's the hold up ?
  13. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    No new characters and this ISNT a brought forward VF5.

    One of the reasons people needed new cards for Evo was becouse of the new characters, in this one you will be able to transfer your old data and it will remain valid so no new characters are unleashed.
  14. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    new chars

    damn i really hoped they would put in new chars. or at least bring back taka.
  15. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    they could easily program it to be compatable with new characters.
  16. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Can everybody stop whining cause they're not happy with their character not being showed with a fatality yet?

    I mean, talk about pissing on the parade of happiness, suddenly you think you're walking amongst squeeky toys with all the whining going on.

    /KiwE (The game isn't even finished and suddenly it's a nerf cry? Wtf?).

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    So it's basically Evo ver. C with a funky name ! First VF Quest now this !? *sigh* Very disappointing... I'll play it out of curiosity but this is really starting to get annoying.
  18. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    how about bitching in the general direction the series seems to be headed?
  19. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    "how about bitching in the general direction the series seems to be headed?"


    Kiwe I don't know why you specifically replied my post with your comments...
  20. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    What direction is VF headed? I have only seen like 5 or 6 shots of new moves that doesn't seem to make any major difference yet. I mean... do people seriously think the game will be broken based on the footage? So in that sense evo is way broken since vf4 ver c? Maybe it was a mistake to put up the clip. It's probably better to have waited until they released more details of the changes they made and posted them all at once. Do people honestly think the footage shown is all the changes that will be made for FT?

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