VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    "Beste Christiaan,

    Het is nog helemaal niet bekend met welk systeem er gespeeld gaat worden. Volgens mij staat er ook nergens in de regels 'single match'. Of we met een best of three systeem gaan spelen hangt af van de tijd en beschikbare consoles, en daarmee dus weer met het aantal spelers. Meer details worden dus kort voor aanvang van de voorrondes bekend gemaakt.

    Met vriendelijke groet,

    Rowan Stroo
    WCG Nederland"

    Wtf betekend "Versus Mode – Single Battle" dan? dat we geen tag spelen? haha oh wcg.

    As for this week, no good for me. I'll be rushing the last school work this week but have pretty much the next whole week off
  2. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Empty isn't the right way to put it imo, you'd bring down a huge part of the jazz scene down by saying non-vocal music is empty ;). Of course it's all a matter of taste, but empty just isn't the right way of putting it imo. If you don't like non-vocal music, you'd better look some place else :p. I'd get more into this, but time on the internet is worth a lot of money down here (a couple of dollars :p), so I won't, maybe when I get home..

    As for WCG rules: don't worry about it. If it's unplayable, we can just tell em face to face when it's time for the tourney, they'll listen to it, as they want to do things the proper way (fighting games take less time to complete, so it's no problem).

    World WCG doesn't care about players or rules or whatever, so that's the reason the rules might seem fucked up (can't view PDF on these machines, so I can't check it).
  3. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Krush, heb je mischien in het weekend tijd. Heb eigenlijk wel zin in wat offline play.
  4. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    weekends are a no-no for me at the moment, got them all filled to the rim with plans and stuff. if this week doesn't work, i'll be available from the 11th of june and onwards.
  5. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    The vocals and the 'empty' sound are two seperate entities entirely. I listen to Vangelis, Air, Daft Punk, various soundtracks and the like, so instrumental needn't be a problem, it's just uncommon for me, especially as I sing myself.

    During instrumentals I find myself not being able to focus on the music and actually hearing the 'missing' vocal track(s) that would fit over it. The bridge in a popsong for me isn't the highpoint or the part where the gitarist cuts loose, to me it feels like the hole in the song. Weird, but that's the way it's visualised in my mind's eye. I need to get into the flow and feel of the music to listen to instrumentals, which usually requires plainly more volume or sweeping melodies.

    I had a lot of trouble with describing what I meant when I put empty. Minimalist (what I put before) in music normally means to use very few instruments or few different types of sounds. And that's not entirely true for the pieces I found of Matsui (White Stripes is minimalist for example, with only two instruments + vocals, but also almost as far away from Matsui as you can get).

    Like I said, I was in a mood for more bombastic pieces so have to revisit this when I'm feeling a little more in the mood for it.

    Back to VF:
    Maybe I can swing by your place this weekend Fulan?
    With WCG coming up I need to put some hours in. And with all the crap I got going on at work this week I need to get out. Maybe I can come by public transportation and hop through the Utrecht comic stores on the way over... Is your place easily reached that way?
  6. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member


    just let me know when.
  7. masterPasje

    masterPasje Well-Known Member

    If you guys want, I could make my glorious appearance as well.
    Just pick a time when you expect it will be raining at Roland Garros.
  8. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    "We zijn nu intern bezig om (voor meerdere games) te bepalen hoe we het gaan doen. Hele grote kans dat het voor VF5 best of 3 word!"
    kreeg ik nog als mail antwoord terug van wcg nl
  9. masterPasje

    masterPasje Well-Known Member

    Mooi. Ik voel er weinig voor om helemaal die kant op te gaan om vervolgens 1 of 2 rondjes weggebuttonbashed te worden.

    Trouwens Vortigar of Fulan, gebeurt er nog iets dit weekend? You're getting awfully quiet.
  10. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Don't worry about the rules, the WCG NL organisation are really trying to keep everyone happy and straying from the rules used at the world tourney isn't something they won't do. As long as the rules make sense and don't take up too much time/effort, they won't really care. At least, that's what it was like last year :).
  11. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    pascal je woont hier om de hoek. bel maar en je kan natuurlijk gewoon langskomen voor wat games. Ik had vortigar een PM gestuurd maar heb niks meer gehoord.
  12. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Heya, ben er weer, ben op training geweest de laatste twee dagen, vandaar mijn afwezigheid.

    'Jazz in the Woods' is in Apeldoorn dit weekend, dus ik ga podiumpjes aflopen en me volgieten met Korenwolf (er is vreemd genoeg nooit zoveel daadwerkelijke Jazz op dit festival).

    Moet even bespreken wat we precies van plan zijn, maar ik denk dat ik Utrecht oversla en direct met de auto naar jouw huis kom op zondag.

    Ik kom vanavond nog wel terug met een bevestiging.
  13. masterPasje

    masterPasje Well-Known Member

    Omdat ik zo dichtbij woon, heeft het voor mij geen prioriteit om ieder moment aan te grijpen om te komen. Tegen Vortigar heb ik nog nauwelijks gespeeld dus die kans wil ik dan niet aan mij voorbij laten gaan. Anders zou ik Roland Garros even afgewacht hebben voordat ik mij weer laat zien.
    Zondag zou in orde zijn.
  14. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Ok, zondag wordt het, ik kom met het openbaar vervoer en ga toch langs Utrecht. Dacht dat ik zaterdagavond naar Jazz in the Woods ging, maar we pakken de vrijdagavond. Zodoende kan ik me zondag dus wel op een redelijke tijd uit m'n nest trekken.

    Verwacht zo rond 13:00 ofzo bij Fulan te zijn. Zal wel 14:00 worden ^_^

    Hah, Mugen forum gevonden met complete spriterips van een hele berg 2d fighters. Nu nog uitvogelen hoe ik ze in een .gif sequence kan krijgen met de Gimp.
  15. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Wie gaan er allemaal op vakantie deze zomer? Wanneer en bij wie zouden we eventueel weer een grotere meeting kunnen houden?
  16. masterPasje

    masterPasje Well-Known Member

    I'm not going anywhere = available anytime
  17. moritasan

    moritasan Member

    Ik hebt net mijn (gebruikte) VSHG binnen gekregen. En ik heb problemen met diagonale inputs. Zuivere 336P lijkt onmogelijk. Kost het echt zoveel moeite of kan dit door slijtage komen? Is er iets aan af te stellen?
  18. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    practice practice practice
    het is gewoon schijt in het begin.
  19. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    oefenen. het is iets waar ik zelf ook problemen mee heb. er zijn een aantal andere manieren om deze inputs in te voeren bv: 63236 of 236236 2142146

    ik betwijfel dat er slijtage heeft plaatjs gevonden.
  20. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    had a nice session vs seiko killah friday. had been focussing on playing a bit more stable defensively and it worked out nicely, less ch's in my face and left me with a relaxing playstyle to adapt a lot easier.
    lol sk, learn to beat my eileen and kage! i powned you too hard with them, even sarah was easy money! i think i will pick up wolf next to show you better tactics for him.
    nice times overall, surprised at your gh skills, you nailed some hard gh1&2 songs right on your first try, i am expecting to see a perfect dragonforce run from you soon!

    @moritasan: you still play pai?
    if you want [2]6P ch launcher to come out, you can input
    236236P too, you can also check all pais moves in which she recovers crouching(she will remain in croucing state for a short time after this move hits/misses/etc before standing up) and just do 6P from there (for example 2P,6P) or when inputting the 33 relax a little you don't need to do 336 really fast, if you just do 33 you will see pai crouchdash forward and she will remain in croucing for a short time before standing up, you can input the 6P pretty late after 33, just as it's before she stands up again.
    the nice thing about delaying the 6P after the 33 is that you can 33 under an opponant high and because of the delayed attack get the 6P free (and mix this with throw and stuff for nice&easy dmg mix)
    if you wanna meet up to play sometime, i'd be happy to show you the pai stuff i know; played her as main in vf4evo and started out with her in 5 too.

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