VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member


    Ik zie die top 10 met lede ogen tegemoet.

    I played chess for years, looking back it was a mess of frustration I don't ever want to return to (losing every game I ever played against my brother helps I guess). I wager Go will leave me in similar straits. I'm also horrible at Stratego and checkers. I have absolutely no feeling for the strategies in those types of board games.
  2. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Go is completely different from Chess, Stratego, Checkers - all those games. This is because rather than eradicating the opponent, or killing/capturing a particular item/unit, Go is all about getting more territory than your opponent. What's also different is that the pieces on the board do not move, ever. They can only be removed if they're killed.

    It's really an interesting and fun game that requires a completely different mindset than Chess and similar games, you should try it some time :).
  3. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    I played a couple of games of Go against another novice player over the course of a week about seven years ago. Naturally I lost all three but that's not the point. I couldn't see the metric of the game, the way strategy works in it. I have this same problem with all the aforementioned board games. Maybe I should read up on the basics. I worry about where that would leave me as I feel I lack the basic aptitude for playing.

    This is very strange because I do have a natural affinity for playing Warhammer 40k and Magic. Both of which I have read no dissertations about strategy on yet won or placed well in local tournaments on a regular basis. Maybe I need an identifiable world or setting to spark a light or something?
  4. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    I could show you the ropes. I´m a bit rusty, but it´d be fun to play someone I actually know for once, haha.

    EDIT: Also, some guy once told me that even really good chess players can't play go without first learning the basics of strategy. I don't wanna make Go seem like the 'perfect game' that everyone should play or something, but if you're into turn-based games, it's something you should give a shot, because it's just a whole lot of fun :).

    I played a bit of Blaze again this afternoon and it occured to me that he might actually be the most basic character in the game, since most of his fancy stuff sucks xD. Everything else he has is really basic and works pretty well, too. Maybe Blaze is the best character to really learn the game with?
  5. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I support that idea.

    Blaze is easy to get to grips with and easy to learn how the game works with.

    Not to mention he is deadly when played well.

    See Faded for that.
  6. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    since i am back in Belgium now.

    i want a meeting, i want to see u guys again, giving u guys the presents, playing bit vf and hanging out like before!

    (about the presents, i got most of the stuff for u guys, except Kaleido Star stuff, its too maniax lol. so its kind hard to found... sorry. about fulan's t-shirt, i didnt get time to go to shibuya again, so sorry. and about vortigar's king figure, i did find some of the figures but they looked fuking ugly so i didnt buy, but i have got some other stuff to give, so no worries :D)

    about the meeting, before 20th Sep seems ok for me.

    more than one day would be great, hope i can crash at someone's for a night or two lol. and i dont have car, so i need go by train. if someone can pick me pick at the station it will be great!

  7. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Cool, I was at NGKrush´s yesterday (Ake was there as well) and we thought the 20th would be best too!

    So everyone, keep the weekend of the 20th open and let's set up a big meet again!

    20th of September meet:


    - Krye
    - Ogi
    - NGKrush
    - Ake
    - Everyone else?

    Location: NGKrush's?, Sofiane's?

    Two days?

    Equipment needed?

    EDIT: Did you find some keiko matsui stuff? If so: thanks!
  8. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    of course! i got ur keiko matsui stuff!

    album: full moon and the shrine

    1.night hawks dream
    2.steps in the night
    3.bonfire in the piano
    4.southern crossings
    5.legend of the trees
    6.full moon and the shrine
    7.spirit at the corner
    8.toward the sunrise
    9.forever forever
    10. meadow

    i hope its a good one...
  9. Sofiane

    Sofiane Well-Known Member

    It can probably be held at my place on the 19/20th/21th, because I will have the house for myself at that time I believe. Gotta have to check that again and will confirm it soon for you guys.

    Can't wait to see how much Ogi improved.
  10. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    I had some appointments fall through these last few days so I'm free on the 20th. No idea at what time I'm going to be able to make on the 19th though, as I'm going to the Davis Cup matches that day. (I'm only in it for the ball-girls of course /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif )

    Yeah, I did quite some searching for models/figurines of her over the years and there are very few of them (being pretty much a B-list character) so I knew it was going to be hard from the start. Lots of thanks and kudo's for giving it a go though. I wouldn't be surprised if the ones you found were doujin creations.
  11. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Very nice, don't have that album (I haven't even found it as a download), so it's perfect! Thanks! (Do you drink beer or wine? I'll get you a nice bottle!)

    19th/20th/21st sounds perfect, I'll probably have to fence on fridaynight, so I'll be there on saturday then.


    - Krye
    - Ogi
    - NGKrush
    - Ake
    - Sofiane
    - Vortigar
  12. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    oh uhm, no, 19 (evening)/20/21 are all free. Up until yesterday the Saturday was occupied though. It is in fact the only free Saturday I have this month.
  13. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Nice, this meet will be awesome!
  14. Sofiane

    Sofiane Well-Known Member


    Bring me a bottle of beer/wine too, its my birthday on the 16th :p
  15. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Oh, I will /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    What do you prefer?

    Doh! Twan just told me he can't make it that weekend, so that's one less /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  16. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    I'll be there, I didn't had a shred of training though so i'll be worse then usual. My stick's B button is still trash, I tried switching the control setting to A LT&RT but that way I can't use my thumb on the A which kinda makes it ackward. Back to pad I guess. Golly.
  17. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    Lol, I haven't played a lot of you guys recently, i think i'll leave a new top.10 untill that happens, if i'd make a list of the players i played recently:

    1. ngkrush/krye (krye: good reaction times, focus on damage, inventiveness(lol, lau)during battle, plays too clean at times relieving a lot of pressure on the opponant)
    2. yrvin (good techniques, good knowledge to execution of knowledge, needs to get out of his wolf patterns, play around more)
    3. fulaani (good techniques and knowledge but not as high on list because i think he focusses too much on flows (read: not super adaptation)spacing is not super.
    4. akebueno (good techniques, setups and flows with his character but has little knowledge of "our" characters (or doesn't show in battle anyway) too much focus on flows and not enough on damage, turtle style limits his options and damage).

    lol, i still believe this is the top of the crop, and fulaani is training with the usa players right now, maybe he's learning all kind of secret techniques that'll kick him up my rankings. i think yrv can be no.1 if he starts using more throws and wolfs 3p,4k and b&b mids like that, just step away from his distance/ main damage game(keep, it, but mix it into a better poking game i mean, not that in&out game you are playing now) and try to play around with his funky options more (OM move too!).

    can't make it to the meet like krye said, so i can't finish my top list soon, hopefully i can make it next time though!
  18. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    You can actually use the LT, X and Y buttons instead of the normal 3, it feels a bit awkward, but it's doable.

    Twan: I like the way you put it: playing too clean. I think I have to agree with this, I think it's because it hasn't been too long since I got comfortable with what generally the best options in each situation are. I kind of only use those options in those situations, for example, I generally only evade after I do a move that leaves me at -8, I rarely mix it up with something else. I should use some tools like 8k+g, 7k+g or 2p or something to keep my opponents on their toes.

    I'm not going to comment on where I think I should be on that list, because I'm biased, but if I leave myself out I think that list is right on the money (maybe I'd tie Yrvin and Kareem, but I'm not sure about that, between those two Yrvin usually has the upper hand from what I've seen..).

    BTW: I noticed yesterday I stopped spamming 6pp...FINALLY! Started throwing more loose 6p's and more 3p->pk's, I wasn't entirely comfortable with those changes in my game yet, but I thought it was a massive improvement, I was very happy with noticing that :D.

    BTW2: Good games vs Ake and Twan yesterday:

    Twan: I'm getting out of practice vs Jeff! You busted him out all of a sudden and I got kind of overwhelmed, haha. I wasn't comfortable at all! Very nice to see Jeff is still there and ready to boot ass!

    Ake: Very nice stick, aside from me finding the stick->button distance a bit awkward, the stick and buttons itself are really nice imo. The stick also looks great /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif ! I could tell you are still adjusting to stick, you said you couldn't evade and it really showed :(. But don't worry, you'll get it down soon enough! Only bad thing I noticed was that you sometimes had the tendency to throw out 2 or more 2ps in a row when you were under pressure, even when the first one hit! Make sure you hit check it! So much damage you can get if you do :).


    PS: List now looks like this:

    - Krye
    - Ogi
    - Ake
    - Sofiane
    - Vortigar
    - Sp00n
  19. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Ake has a stick now? Good stuff! What kind?

    *edit* It's fulan not adam
  20. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    HRAP 3 I think, it´s an HRAP in any case :). What's up in NYC? You like the city?

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