VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    looking forward to friday already!
    had some nice games last week vs krye and fulan who was nearly falling asleep during the matches, poor guy. read that you were fasting during the usa tournament too, i didn't know/seem to forget you are so dedicated, a lot of respect!
    also this weekend vs sofiane/mike & pascal and i wanted to say some stuff about that:

    1. pascal: interesting to see you pick up pai again but i find your lion a lot better already, pais strings are very weak, so if you keep playing stop using them as much, also stop punishing 4evo style man! kept getting ch's because you were trying to throw my safe moves, haha. nice seeing and playing you again though, let's get together soon again.
    2. sofiane: like i said to you: i'd focus more on brad than jacky as a 2nd character. he's more interesting to play for you i think and you are already doing a lot more damage with him. looking forward to playing you friday, hopefully both of us have got our throwescapes down better.
    3.mike: you really leveled up over the weekend, props on your lei progress, it's hard to find holes in your defence and you mix up your strings so well it's hard to know. i found myself just throwing out (too many!!) random 6k's just because i didn't know what to do. the only thing going through my mind was: i can try 2p and get ch'd or 6k and get ch'd because getting thrown and being put into that oki game was even worse. i was actually surprised at the result on sunday morning because i never looked at the scores and i thought i was trailing behind by at least 5 games.. tnx for all your hospitality too! oh yeah, i forgot my umbrella.... can you bring it next time you're planning to travel to amsterdam, we probably won't see eachother this weekend.

    we(sof and i) were also having this conversation about what characters we feel would be best for each of us. i think we're all thinking about a new character or change of character with vf5r on the horizon, so i think that sparked the conversation topic. i thought it'd be cool to write down our thoughts, maybe just to make you think or strengthen the ideas you already have in your head(can you guys see that i'm a big fan of lists, haha)
    ake: eileen(as main)
    vort: lion, jacky
    karim: goh, kage (you started off with him, we thought it would really fit your style)
    wouter: lau, brad(vf5)blaze(vf5r)
    sofiane: jean (personally i would like to see you play akirabrad, even in r. jean maybe too much like akira to be an interesting 2nd character)
    ngkrush: jeffry, taka
    mike: leifei and vanessa/aoi (put wolf on hold for a short while to get some fresh ideas)
    chris: pai or eileen
    pascal: lion
  2. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I've been wanting to dig into Jacky for a while now, but it seems everyone and their mom already plays him.

    I'm really looking forward to trying out Taka when VF5R lands actually. Sumo rocks!
  3. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Alleen Sofiane speelt hem! En Christiaan als ie geen zin in Aoi heeft, maar dat zijn dus maar 2 mensen! Misschien is het goed om zo weer in de mood voor een beetje trainen te komen?

    Leuk lijstje Twan, leuk dat de karakters die mij staan ook de karakters zijn die ik speel :p. Zie ik het nou goed dat je alle karakters hebt verdeeld? :p
  4. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    evading has improved a lot, it's more steady now.

    @twan and sofiane
    that could spark a conversation. but what are the reasons for your choices...

    as for myself, i'm definitely going to check out taka and jean!
  5. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Oh, ik heb m'n pols wel bezig gehouden de laatste weken hoor. Ik heb een paar 'points of improvement' in m'n achterhoofd om op te letten dit weekend.

    en ja, precies, 2 van de 10? dat is 1 op 5. Met mij erbij wordt het iets minder dan 1 op 3... Ach, ik had eerder al Lion opgepikt. Misschien waggel ik Jacky's kant nog wel op.
  6. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Tsja, tis al erg moeilijk om uniek te zijn met je karakterkeuze tegenwoordig :p en niemand heeft jacky nog als main (geen idee of dat je plan was of niet)...

    En good shit dat je bezig bent geweest :), ben benieuwd :D.

    Also, good shit Ake :D, stick ftw!
  7. Sofiane

    Sofiane Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I had lots of fun at Yrvin's place last weekend, props to him for hosting. On sunday he went with me to my place to celebrate my b-day and we had some matches too, which were even better since both of us played really well, throw escapes,etc. I have one match recorded of that which I will be uploading soon. It was not the best match of them all, since the matches were so intense we kept on pressing next match :p, but it was a solid one imo.

    Also Twan forgot to mention that I will be playing Shun as 2nd now. I just started playing the dude, but already I could match Yrvin's Lei Fei quite well, and I think I can bring out a lot of potential with him. So I'm probably dropping both Jacky and Brad.

    @Vortigar: The only guys that play/played Jacky serious here are Ogi and me, but Ogi isn't at meets that often for obvious reasons, and I don't play him that often too now. So I think you should start playing him, if you have questions you can always ask Ogi or me at the meet.

    @Ake: The reason we both said Eileen is because you played really well with her when you were playing her in the earlier days. Also we feel you can play more relaxed with her since you don't have to watch on the drinks as with Shun and that makes you turtle most of the time which is kinda redundant actually. And Eileen can also be played creatively and more offensive, these 2 things suit you more (I also saw this when you played Voldo in SC4, you were offensive and creative).

    The main reason we suggested these characters is because most of the guys here don't really have the system down yet and these characters are somewhat easier to play, allowing you guys to concentrate more on the system.
  8. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    shun as your second?! wicked, we'll do some mirror matches! oh, btw from what time do expect us to be dropping in?
  9. Sofiane

    Sofiane Well-Known Member

    Yeah, you guys are welcome from friday at 13:00.
  10. Seiko_Killa

    Seiko_Killa Well-Known Member

    Over de afgelopen meeting in Leatherpants...

    Pascal: Dude, ik heb werkelijk geen flauw idee waarom ik zo'n pak slaag van jou heb gehad. Ik heb er over nagedacht en kan niet met een verklaring komen. Je bleef maar aanvallen en ik kwam op geen enkel moment in mijn gewone spel. Je bleef mij maar raken met van alles en nog wat. Het leek wel alsof alle moves sneller waren dan die van mij. Ik kan echt niet zeggen wat je nu goed deed, behalve dat je goede pressure gaf en altijd mijn gewhifte wake-up kicks strafte. Normaal gesproken weet ik precies hoe jij denkt in bepaalde situaties, maar nu deed ik er niets mee...? Nee goed gespeeld hoor. Het resultaat telt en dat was in jou voordeel. Laten we zaterdag weer spelen en kijken hoe het balletje dan rolt.

    Sofiane: Ik ben nu overtuigt dat jij echt talent hebt voor dit spel. Je traint niet vaak zeg je maar soms zie ik dingen waar goed over nagedacht is en die veel opties afsluiten bij de tegenstander. Wat ik bedoel te zeggen is: je speelt een hele tijd mee nu, maar heel lang gebruikte je geen throw escapes of fuzzy guard etc.. En je kon niet met 2p omgaan. Eerlijk is eerlijk. Je schijnt die zwakheden overwonnen te hebben en dat heeft je 10 X beter gemaakt. Je execution wordt steeds beter en de echt moeilijke combos komen er nu vaker uit. En wat ik al zei die guard break bij de muur is echt viiiieeess. Gegarandeerde wall combo! Je speelt Akira nu zoals die gespeeld dient te worden. Props to you chief!

    Twan: Het was inderdaad een intense sessie die we zaterdagavond/zondagochtend hadden. Ik had echt het gevoel dat we allebei at the top of our game speelden. Wij hebben elkaar de afgelopen weken zo gepushed(lees gedist) om beter te worden(punishing,using frame advantage,fuzzying) dat het zijn uitwerking niet heeft gemist. Maar nu ik even serieus je spacing wordt echt eng nu. Whiffen wordt heel gevaarlijk. Met Pai heb je veel nieuwe shit erbij wat het net weer iets lastiger maakt. Vooral met oki games. Hitconfirmen doe je ook goed met haar. Je hebt zelfs 5 maal de P+K(charge) van Wolf gestruggled. Netjes... Soms deed je dingen waarvan ik dacht: wow dat ie dat ziet. En jij reageerde dan een beetje droog alsof het heel gewoon was. Maar dat wil wel zeggen dat je steeds beter leert om gevaarlijke situaties te herkennen waarin je terechtkomt en juist reageert. Misschien moeten we de distherapie ook maar op andere spelers toepassen. Gewoon iemand net zolang uitlachen om zijn fouten dat hij het wel moet veranderen. Het is hard, maar bij Twan en mij heeft het gewerkt.

    Tot zaterdag allemaal!

  11. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    oh just one last thing i wanted to know....

    so who is bring the xbox360s?

    because ps3 pal vf5 is 50hz on sdtv...

    well sof told me he has 4 tvs, so i hope that we will have 4 setups if its possible.


    and until tomorrow

  12. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    I´ll bring my 360 (but I won´t be there until saturday).

    Question about WCG:

    Who wanted to come watch? Those who do, but haven't bought tickets: both me and Kareem can bring two spectators with us, so if you want to go: just let me know (I don't know if Kareem is planning to bring anyone else along).

    This weekend will be awesome :).
  13. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Im sorry I can't bring guests, my awesomeness is so awesome it requires three tickets to get in.
  14. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    i'm sorry about the character list, i was posting in an internet cafe and my time was up so i'm happy the post got through. sof said exactly what we both thought when discussing the opponents choices, so your question is answered i hope. i still think lion is pascals best character because he seems to emphasise(sp?) your strengths and your playing style. i don't see that come out that strong in either sarah or pai.
    yeah krye, i think the choices you've made in your characters really fit you. before you started playing i think i have said that you should take up lau and it seems to have been a good guess.
    and about chris's choices: we both had the idea that these characters would also bring out the stronger sides of his play. more and more do i find aoi the hardest character in the game. execution might be easy but to play her at high level she is very input-heavy and her rewards aren't always very good for the risks she has to take.
    also i wanted to say about mikes choice: your wolf is really good, no comments. i just think you would play so much better if you give him a short holiday or something, like i have done with jeff and i think vanessa/aoi will give you some interesting new situations to play with. i always find your technical skills very high, so i think they would fit your enthusiasm in the dojomode. also thanks for all the props, i'm not sure i agree with you about the highest level, somehow i felt that you were more on top of your game that i was. no diss or "but i still won from you" comment. i just didn't know what to do at many times and i think that my experience kept me above water because you really controlled those matches.

    good idea about the diss tactics, i'm not sure everyone's personality can take in all the abuse, but we should try sometime /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  15. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Yeah, you did say I should play Lau. I think back when you showed me VF4 you told me you and Sofiane thought I should play Lau. I think I didn´t agree back then because I didn´t like his style (his light down-attack in particular, which I grew to like, eventually).

    Wish I would've listened to you guys from the start :p.

    You can diss me, I'd appreciate the criticism :), because right now it's getting harder and harder to see what I should improve on. Even when I know what I'm doing wrong, it's hard to see what I should use instead, if you catch my drift.

    I think I'll be at Sofiane's at around noon tomorrow, see you guys there!
  16. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Uhm, Spoon, I'll call you tommorrow morning when time starts to get reasonable. But as I didn't make it this night I can swing by your house and pick you up.

    Tennis was awesome.
    Drunken students in the crowd were crazy.
    Girl in Duinrell frog outfit was even more crazy.
    Old ladies sitting behind me were Muppet style nags.

    The new cycling dome was even more awesome. And the attached volleyball arena was a massive surprise, way bigger than I thought it would be and with all the championship title banners hanging from the ceiling it looked very impressive. But a world championship size cycling ring is still far cooler.
    Yay for Apeldoorn!
  17. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Ah thanks for the offer! however this time around i'm going by train (picking pascal up from utrecht centraal, he said he's going to end up in den helder alone :p )
  18. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    So that's why nobody was picking up the phone at your place...

    Leaving for Sof's asap then.
    Still need to pack and asure my parents I'm not going to drive my car into a ditch somewhere.

    In the meantime I'll be singing Beauty is Within Us from the GitS SAC OST. It isn't even the longest abbreviation they got, that'd be "GitS SAC SSS OST" Add CD for shits and giggles.
  19. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    What does it stand for? I'm way too lazy to look it up :).

    Great meeting guys, I've played everyone and I feel pretty well about my performance.

    I'll do a big write-up tomorrow, because I'm pretty tired right now, haha. Just wanted to mention that I'm glad to have finally met Ogi! You're a cool guy and the best player I have played so far, it was really refreshing to play you :).

    So yeah, report tomorrow, sleep now.
  20. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Ghost in the shell, stand alone complex, offical sound track
    Waar de SSS voor staat weet ik dan ook weer niet :p

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