VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    wo peeps! whats happening! first time i can make it for a big meet and everyone starts talking proper shop! d*mn! great stuff i'm reading here and there as comments to each other, karim, you had some great stuff to say about everyone on tuesday, looking forward to seeing it on the forums.
    just wanted to say amen to some intelligent posts! looking forward to a new meeting!
    @pascal, i'm pretty busy at times and then the week after i would have nothing. i'll send you my number through a PM and we can organize something, i'll give you a ring to if i have a day off /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif it'd be nice to talk to you in a less busy enviroment (the last few times we have met) about all the stuff we always talk about /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    @spoon: shun! very nice, from advanced character to advanced character! haha, joke /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif looking forward to seeing what you can do with him next time we play! maybe we should meet up sometime? i lost your number, do you still have mine? if you feel like it we should arrange something
    @ake: 3-0 voor mij mannetje! haha, i pwned you into oblivion!!! lol, nah, it's ogi's fault, he was hogging the ps3 on friday evening :p
    @yrv: let's meet up soon again, looking forward to your character specific training results, usually when you say you are training specifics it means that you level up very fast in a short time!
    @sof: you too, just come by after work! if you have to work the next day you can stay over and save time/money on the trip!
    @karim: nice games on tuesday; put some extra effort into your spacing and you played very nicely the last series of games we played. looking forward to your match on saturday!
  2. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Pagina 101 zelfs, yo!

    EDIT: Met een boel van dit soort posts gaat het natuurlijk ook wel hard /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  3. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Eerste post was op 2007-03-23 door ogi heh

    @Twan, nog niet te veel verwachten van me shun. Ik verval op het moment heel erg in de zelfde paar moves, moet nog een hoop frames bekijken (zo ie zo in het algemeen but dat terzijde) en zoek nog heel erg naar punish opties die niet 6pk zijn
  4. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Ake en Maurits: Tof dat jullie meekomen, heb doorgegeven dat jullie met mij meegaan, dus als jullie rond 9:30 bij het convention centre zijn, dan zie ik jullie daar wel (jullie moeten met mij mee naar binnen).
  5. Sofiane

    Sofiane Well-Known Member

    Alright, let's talk about the meet last weekend at my place. It was great that everybody could make it in one way or the other. Thx to Ogi, Krye, NGKrush, Seiko Killa (You still have to kill Spoon's) and Vortigar for the presents you gave me. On to the player analysis:

    NGKrush: Good shit as always, but like Ogi already commented, try to tech roll some more. Also work some more on your defense, e.g. more throw escapes instead of trying to interrupt with an attack, someone might mix it up and give you a launcher.

    Vortigar: I agree with the rest, stick to Brad because you play him well, you just need to have more confidence in yourself as player and cast away some habits like doing lp after some setups (both Yrvin and I punished you a lot with a low sabaki/low cut). You're doing really nice stuff with Brad, have solid setups with him and your combos, Krye had it spot on. Actually when I had the chat with NGKrush I was against trying to pick up Jacky and was more for Lion. I still think you should learn him as a 2nd when you have cast away your old habits with Brad and have him down.

    Akebueno: I think of about the 50 spods I landed this weekend, half of it were on you ghehehehe. Jokes aside, you are adapting quite fast on a stick, props to that. About your comment, you are absolutely right, most of the time I ate that move, and after a while I started evading it in the right way, but didn't do much with it afterwards. I will try and work on that. Work on your Shun combo's, your drinking management is solid and your mixups are slowly getting better. Oh and last but not least, finally you can stagger escape solid now, thx to the stick converting!

    Spoon: You are right, we didn't play that much against each other but we had some nice games. I played Jacky mostly because you played Ogi's Akira before we played (dunno why that bum's stealing my character :p). Nevertheless, you have improved a bit too, more mixups now so good shit.

    Masterpasje: We didn't play because we played the weekend before at Yrvin's place. Good to hear/see you haven't totally given up on Lion, because he is your best character imo. Furthermore most of the guys here already told what I was going to tell. Keep it up!

    Fulan: Solid Goh, we had some great matches too, sometimes you were too predictable and sometimes you were owning the shit outta me. Good use of OM K, sabaki's and combo's. Very moral player. I wish you good luck on wcg this weekend. Also dude, you have to learn Kage man, we need a good Kage to play against since he's too much and he fits your style too imo.

    Krye: Damn you were on fire this weekend! Serious good shit with Lau and even with Brad and El Blaze. Good defense, solid mixups and strong combo's were your biggest pluses. Also Very moral style player, I like to play against this style. Good luck to you too on wcg this weekend.

    Seiko Killa: Wolf was back to your old level of play, but I'm probably the only one who has more trouble against your Lei Fei than your Wolf (must be because I have played so many matches against your Wolf and not your Lei). Nevertheless your basics are really solid, good defense, nice combo's and setups and great wake up. Also very moral player which is nice. I could see that your character specific training paid off. Try to watch some more Wolf matches if you can, it will help your Wolf mixup game a lot more.

    And finally Master Ogi:

    Fuck you! Hahahahaha, damn Japan really upped your level of play. Your Kage was untouchable most of the time and you played Akira strong (never missed combo's, only thing lacking was variety and yomi with your Akira but you won from almost everyone with him anyway). Jacky mirror matches were fun too, you were most of the time one frame before me and thus kicking my ass mostly :p. You were hands down the best player at the meet and also very moral, which I like of course.

    Top 3 people at the meet imo:

    1: Ogi
    2: Seiko Killa
    3: Krye

    Ok I think I said everything I needed to say about the meet. It was a fun time and I look forward to the next one.

    P.s. Very soon I will have a Xbox and then I can finally train better than this piece of shit called a ps3. Also online will help me play against different kind of styles too, I know it's not the best because of lag, but I can see somebody improving from it anyway (e.g. Krye,Spoon and Fulan).
  6. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Aight here are my comments. Honestly don't really know what to say so if someone it sounds like BS call me out on it.

    Ogi: sick kage, can't really give you advice since you know the game, my character and yours so much better than I do. Cool to finaly meet you and thanks for the pointers.

    Twan: good offense, feels hella random but probably isn't (that's a good thing). If you worked on implementing stuff like ETEG moe consistently you'd be a beast.

    Yrvin: Good stuff, always like playing Wolf. I don't really remember all that much but I have this vague memory of you throwing out shoulder and short shoulder a bit too much and won matches by punsihing those at the end of the match.

    Sofiane: I got stop techrolling so much, damn. Good matches though, offense is good, but implement fuzzy and eteg more (I heard you started doing that more after I left though). and more KNEE!

    Krye: Old ass men shouldnt be so damn evasive, I'm not gonna give you any tips lol. Because you don't need em and I don't want to help you win saturday. (jk well talk tomorrow).

    sp00n: Same thing as before really, be a bit more creative. Aoi has so many great moves, that 13fr mid that ducks highs, that mid punch that crumples, more 270s. And aside from the game don't assume everything you don't 'get' is is intended as an insult or has some negative intention behind it.

    Ake, Pascal: I honestly don't know anymore. Ake, If you come to firstlook we'll play casuals there.

    Vort: we didn't play
  7. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Wat moet "Moral style" player betekenen? I'm drawing a blank here.
  8. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Abare spelen, het komt er eigenlijk op neer dat je het systeem niet 'respecteert' en dingen doet die je eigenlijk als je naar de frames kijkt beter niet kan doen. Daardoor fok je strategieen op die werken tegen mensen die zich wel aan het systeem houden.

    Het is opzich niet slecht om niet moral te spelen, maar je moet ook wel moral kunnen spelen, anders krijg je harde klappen van mensen die zich weten aan te passen.
  9. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    ngkrush says: thanks for the tips sof, i agree with you and karim about that eteg shit, i'm doing it more and more but sometimes i get a little lazy, haha. to be honest i'm not sure why i techrolled less this time around, maybe because i was playing around with that rolling back option you have out of it, i was looking into the space you get from it and if i would feel safe. still, i need to bite the bullet and get detroyed while inplementing that eteg stuff. next meet i hope you will see some improvements in that department. still, random 6k makes abare play a lot of fun :p haha

    @spoon: by now i think you know that i don't mind playing ppl starting out as long as you are motivated and playing to grow, don't be scared to just play with people, all you can do is learn, if you set goals for yourself that are obtainable but challenging it doesn't matter if you win or lose your matches, as long as -you- know and feel you have grown.

    but i know what you mean, everyone wants to obtain a level with a second character similair to their first, so i'll just say: when you feel comfortable enough, let's meet up /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  10. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Well I guess I want to obtain at least 'some' degree of skill with a secondary, otherwise i'd just be pressing random buttons heh

    also I pm'd you my number but since you posted from krye's account you probably missed it
  11. masterPasje

    masterPasje Well-Known Member

    Wow, ik heb zojuist geleerd dat niemand zoveel gebrek aan moraal heeft als ik. Am I, like, totally screwed for the rest of my existence?
  12. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Niet echt :). Leer in welke situaties je belandt na bepaalde moves van jou of je tegenstander en hoe je daar het beste op kan reageren. Begin met de basics en bouw die kennis langzaam uit :).

    Deze vids zijn best wel handig:

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/gw-7jUwIO28"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/gw-7jUwIO28" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ACRYI-oZlh0"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ACRYI-oZlh0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    (Gemaakt door Chief Flash)

    Practice Practice Practice
  13. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    GL HF Kareem&Krye at the wcg
  14. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Okee, WCG NL is voorbij. Ik heb gewonnen! Joepiejoepiejoepie!

    Kareem had jammergenoeg last van de zenuwen. Hij ´bevroor´ zoals ie het zelf zei. Dat was heel duidelijk te merken in de match, hij maakt een boel fouten en ik maakte daar dankbaar gebruik van.

    Geen vids gemaakt, omdat ik m´n fototoestel vergeten was, maar omdat de matches toch niet goed waren ofzo, maakt dat niet echt uit.

    Special mention: Thx Ake en Maurits dat jullie helemaal naar A'dam gekomen waren om de match te bekijken, gaar dat door het voorlopen op schema jullie de match niet eens helemaal hebben kunnen zien. Cool dat jullie er waren!
  15. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    WCG wat? Kom me verslaan in airhockey dan!
  16. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Als je nu een goede tafel regelt spelen we best of 5!

    I need to polish my tactix >=D.
  17. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    read: ik moet niet zoveel eigen goals maken.
  18. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Je zou et niet doorvertellen /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif
  19. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    In ander nieuws, ake OWNED maurits in NBA Live '09.
  20. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member


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