VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    im in for the xbox
  2. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    great stuff, yeah, the german thing is great, we should do that! make it a weekend again. not sure i can do a whole weekend at my place (because some ppl like to keep the whole neighbourhood up at night) but we should talk about it and figure something out.

    great stuff pascal&fulan! i'll give yrvin a call and ask him about his interest for an investment and we can figure it out. (where the hell is he online, he's suppose to have internet right?)
  3. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Baaaw baaaw i'm not even included anymore even though I said it was a good idea when it was thrown into the group.
    The Spoon love is now offically dead. I shall have to live in a cardbox under the local bridge.
  4. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    If ´local´ is near Amsterdam, you should come to meets more often! :p
  5. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Oi! I'm even taking a sick day to attend this tuesday.
    I'm not the one planning all those meets when i'm suppose to be at school.

    i'll go get my cardbox
  6. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    lol, it's great that you want to participate spoon! i was just getting the feeling the idea wasn't going to go down, so it was a second and semi final attempt to get interest going and reaching out to the ppl who attend most, nothing personal! really happy to hear from you and pascal as it shows interest in the game is still strong!

    sofiane is joining us on tuesday too. 6 ppl are in now, all of us coming on tuesday, so i'll make it official pick up the machine on monday.

    can everyone bring 20 euro on tuesday! 20 eurox5 is 100 and my 50 makes the deal. If your cool with helping out a little more that's very appreciated. I still have to ask the seikokilladude if he's participating.
  7. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Then we shall call it the Virtuabox from now on...
  8. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    I has an airbrush!
    Let us create pretty (or crappy) pictures on zee box!
  9. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    nice meeting guys. pascal showed us how much damage lau can do with just his basic attacks. spoon had some nice cancelling and good mid usage comparing it to previous meetings. sof needs to sleep more and evade less; more fuzzy and normal guard dude!
    krye was trying to hard and karim and yrvin weren't trying at all.
    i sucked, spacing was awfull, used it all up on krye the day before.

    new meeting next week?
    i can make it any day monday to friday.
    even more games now with faster loading times!!!
  10. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Pascal really exposed the holes in my game by playing Lau the way he did. I managed to win by quite a large margin, but I was still pissing myself off 90% of the time, because I wasn't able to react to the simple Lau things properly. In the end I was blaming stuff on my stick, which is probably partially true, but not nearly everything was because of the stick.

    I need to work on my defense! Damn!

    I also said I would main Kage, I was really planning to do this, but the way he plays is just not my kind of thing. I tried for two days, but I just got bored..

    Played around with El Blaze a bit today, I thought I had some scary new setups, but the setups actually didn't work... Thanks VF5 dojo mode...

    I need to learn to make better use of staggers, I don't know how to force proper mixups when I get one, any tips guys? I think I'm gonna make a thread in the Lau forums about this as well, since it's a part of my game which could use beefing.

    I need to stop using 8kk from big disadvantage since it's useless. I also need to actively start LOOKING at what my opponent is doing, right now it's all just instinct, which isn't enough.

    My main problem isn't my damage output, it's the amount of damage I receive.. could be so much less if I'd just play the game better :(. Basics Basics Basics.

    Little frustration rant!

    Things I caught from playing everyone:

    Pascal: Adjust more, lessssss attacking out of disadvantage, it worked against me somewhat because I was frustrated and not used to fighting Lau, but generally it's not a good thing to do! Stick to Lion as well!

    Chrizzle: Play more! You're on the right track, you just need some more experience, don't worry!

    Sofiane: When I compare you to most of the Akira's I played at WCG, your general pace during matches is not that fast. Maybe you should try to 'overwhelm' your opponent more. Like, constant pressuring and such. I see you do this sometimes, but it's usually only near walls..

    Twan: Only played you with lame Kage, so I'll talk about the next day: Very solid games. Maybe you should throw some random big things out sometimes when at a distance, not to hit per se, but just to keep your opponents on their toes. Also, maybe it's a nice idea to find some situations in dojo where you can backdash and use 43p after a move is blocked to dodge a 2p/6p attempt? Just to get a feel for where you can use the move from :). Also, p,p 43p+k, 6k for juggles! 2 extra free damage!

    I'll come over next week, just say the word.
  11. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    totally agree with you on "My main problem isn't my damage output, it's the amount of damage I receive.. could be so much less if I'd just play the game better :(. Basics Basics Basics."
    that's just the level we are right now. our offence is fine, it's getting it tighter and tighter to get less dmg back.

    things like k+g: great move and stuff, all the thing's you've been testing with the dmg and situations, great stuff!!, but the risk is also very big when ducked. eliminating stuff like that from your game is so important for us right now! also count in evades. slowly we are evading and punishing properly and using a linear move with long whiff recov will just start hurting more and more. it's a whole new element to take into account when building strategies for your game and knowing your opponant (how much "trashy" moves can i get away with vs opponant A, and how much vs opponant B, etc). we need to eliminate these things from our basic games and start to develop a sence for situations that the opponant is scared enough to freeze up or make drastic choices next to sencing the opponant skill leven and adapting our options vs that.

    a big example for me in this is playing vs pascal. we all know how totally different he plays from us and we still lose a lot because we are not correctly reading into when we can get massive damage at most times (sorry pascal, no diss, it's just that because you play "out of the box/system" you are a good example and we are still learning so much from playing your style! i was sweatdrips on wouters forehead with your mirrormatches!!). i play totally different vs him than vs other people and i don't mean it in a way like i would play differently vs karim than sofiane. because he plays out of the box i force myself to play ultra-in the box style. punishing all whiffs, throwing out massive unsafe launchers when i know they are (semi)uninterrruptable (as pascal will often to very slow moves when at small advantage or disadvantage). these options i would never even think about when playing wouter because i know that the punishment when it goes wrong vs wouter is much more severe and has a big chance at losing the round than vs pascal.

    anyhow, slowly but surely i am learning to group together the techniques used by the opponants and choosing my best options, not just play a string game vs all opponants. i feel that you need a strong b&b, but need to be able to change your tactics all the time, so not focussing on building 1 strong game is the situation i think we are in right now.

    lol, i might have said the same thing 10 times now, but i cant be bothered to check. see you guys soon!
  12. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
  13. Seiko_Killa

    Seiko_Killa Well-Known Member

    Hallo vriendjes en vriendinnetjes.

    Ik moet zeggen dat ik erg onder de indruk was van het VF niveau op WCG in Duitsland. De beschikbare tourney matches en casuals heb ik uitvoerig bekeken en er waren echt goede spelers aanwezig. Het was echt schrikbarend om te zien hoeveel defensieve technieken zij gebruikten die wij als groep totaal nog niet toepassen. Dus ik snap wel wat Krye bedoelde met zijn analyse van de trip.
    Ook hebben de WCG vids mij niet overtuigd om ooit Vanessa te gaan spelen. Wat een saai character zeg...pfff.

    En Adam Yuki deed vrijwel nooit de 2e hit van Jeff's 4KP. Alleen de 1e voor een eventuele CH of beide hits om een move te punishen. Heb je dit gezien NGKrush? Ook vaak 1P+G bij een wall. Hij wachte meestal tot je uit de struggle kwam en ging dan verder met aanvallen.

    Iets anders... dat Pascal met zijn Master P stijl aan het ownen was een dinsdag geeft maar weer eens aan hoe slecht wij zijn. Ik vind dat NGKrush een goede analyse geeft van onze manier van denken als we tegen elkaar spelen.

    Ik wordt het oude VF4E echt zat nu. Ik heb mij voorgenomen om pas weer op meetings te komen als ik zelf VF5 thuis heb en uitgebreid getraind heb. Lei Fei zal dan ook weer een comeback maken. Voor het einde van het jaar zal ik een 360 hebben dus zolang hoeven jullie mij niet te missen. Succes met alles.

  14. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Als je een 360 wilt kopen, kun je daar maar beter mee opschieten. Microsoft geeft nu nog korting als je een 360 koopt, dat scheelt al gauw 50 eu als je een 360 met harde schijf koopt!

    Yrvin met een 360...straks gaan we nog customisations van je zien!
  15. Seiko_Killa

    Seiko_Killa Well-Known Member

    Ik ben van plan om gewoon een kale 360 te kopen. Geen hoempapa erbij. Ik koop geen 360 om er de nieuwste games op te spelen. Ik wil alleen VF5(R) en later SF4 kunnen trainen.

    Waren er ook Wolf/Eileen/El Blaze spelers op WCG, Krye?

    Wouter: Aangezien ik er afgelopen dinsdag niet bij was zou je kunnen proberen om wat meer te vertellen over de dingen die je in Duitsland eigenlijk op papier had willen zetten, maar niet gedaan hebt omdat je meer casuals wilde spelen? Ik ben er wel benieuwd naar eigenlijk.

  16. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Bij een kale 360 krijg je 30 eu korting ofzo, ook de moeite waard dus :p.

    Er was een wolf speler op WCG, maar ik denk dat jij beter bent dan hij was. Ik heb in ieder geval van hem geen dingen gezien waarvan ik dacht: 'WO, dat moet Yrvin ook kunnen/weten!'.

    Eileen spelers...alleen iemand op pad die knopjes drukte voor z'n leven. El Blaze spelers...just me :p.

    Ik wilde van Duitsland voornamelijk setups op papier zetten. Ik heb alleen niet zo gek veel setups gezien (in ieder geval geen dingen die ik zo 1,2,3 als setup herkende). Daarom heb ik ook niet echt iets opgeschreven, ik wist niet wat ik dan op moest schrijven!

    Er waren daar eigenlijk maar 5 spelers waarvan ik echt zei: 'Wauw, die zijn echt veel beter dan ik', dat waren Itazan, Danny, Tetra, Adam en Wonhee.

    Er zaten wel andere spelers bij die echt 50/50 met mij speelden en de ene dag meer wonnen dan ik (andere dagen weer niet :p). Maar over het algemeen zag ik bij hun dezelfde gebreken die wij in NL hebben. Alleen bij Bob(Zweden) was het omgekeerd: hij had heel sterke verdediging in de vorm van fuzzyguard en ETEG, maar zijn aanval was heel kaal en eigenlijk niet echt eng.

    Wat ik van die 5 spelers (eigenlijk 3, Itazan is gewoon te goed en Wonhee heb ik niet zo vaak zien spelen) heb gezien dat ze zo sterk maakte was eigenlijk vooral dit: Ze maken geen zware fouten. En als ze fouten maken, dan zouden die fouten als ze geen fout waren, zwaar in hun voordeel uitpakken (denk aan een geblokte knee van Jeff). Wat ik ook veel zag is dat ze eigenlijk als ze eenmaal beginnen met aanvallen, ze eigenlijk nooit meer de pressure loslaten, ze blijven gewoon bij je. Het is heel moeilijk om te gooien, maar als je niet gooit is het heel moeilijk om ze te raken..

    Het was eigenlijk technisch niet eens zo indrukwekkend, maar zij hebben gewoon zoveel ervaring tegen goede spelers, dat voel je gewoon als je tegen ze speelt. Ik voelde me af en toe een beetje hulpeloos daardoor; ik wist niet meer wat ik moest doen! Al moet ik zeggen dat ik tegen Adam toch naarmate het toernooi vorderde echt veel beter ben gaan spelen. In het begin maakte hij me moeiteloos af, maar na de eerste dag won ik al veel rondes en op de laatste dag was het eigenlijk constant 2-2 in rondes, waarna hij toch wel 70% van de games won, maar hij had het eigenlijk nooit makkelijk.

    Vind het moeilijk om goed over te brengen wat ik allemaal precies geleerd heb. Maar wat me wel duidelijk is, is dat we elke kans moeten grijpen om aan internationale toernooien mee te doen, als we echt goed willen worden. Die ervaring die je opdoet is zo goed, je ziet echt compleet andere stijlen die je in NL nooit zou tegenkomen.
  17. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    seiko: if you go for the cheapest xbox set, try to get a cheap hd with it, or rather go for the cheapest hd pack. it might not do you much good now, but it really adds a lot of options to the machine and it's just silly to waste that. alongside the loading vf to your harddrive for faster loading times, maybe possibly HD remix or other arcade games that might interest you will be worth the small investment.

    it'd be cool to see you at the meetings again, it's been too long since you've been by. on your 4kp comment, i use 4kp most for punishing whiffed evades meaning that it hits on nh. 4k is just not interesting alone on nh. because it still only gets ducked by you and wouter at times(and gets punished even less if someone does) i haven't forced this tactic out of my game. 1p+g, i've started looking into proper wall oppertunities after watching adams matches. stupid enough i actually never looked into proper setups and situations after 1p+g wallhit. you'll probabaly see some stronger and more effective attacking from me after that throw next time.
  18. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Remember that the recovery of 4KP is much MUCH faster (-7 the thing is safe on block) than most moves that get ducked and not punished. I'm still amazed every time I get away with Brad's 6PK (duckable @ -18). But yeah, even if it doesn't get punished yet and is harder to punish than most of the high ending strings, it's still pretty dangerous and something you don't want to get used to.

    We've talked about 4K before a few times and I think it weighs out quite well against 6P. Both are 14f true mids. But you have to Counterhit check 6P for its follow-up, whereas a Counter from 4K doesn't even need the follow-up P to get a massive payoff (down = pressure). This weighs against the fact that the disadvantage on normal hit or block of 4K is worse, but both are still safe, so I give it a 50/50. But personally I'm not so secretly in favour of 4K.

    Ah well.

    I just wanted to say hi and tell you guys I'm up for meetings all through december, I've got a load of spare leave days and been meaning to spend them. Plus I'm on an internal project right now, so there's no risk of angry customers.

    I'm really wanting to try and play a waiting game, defend, defend, defend until an opening presents itself. Trying to put something like that in practice will probably be very annoying at first, but will probably pay off in the long run.

    Yeah, I love Vanessa but I really hate the way you have to play with her to properly make use of her potential, utterly mind-numbing.
  19. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Welcome back man! We've been wondering where you were at!

    About 4k: It's so much better than 6p it's not even funny. Not saying 6p is useless, just that 4k is usually the better option (I think 6p gives better payoff vs crouchers). 4k is a counter hit launcher... You can just hit-check it and use 2k+g as a guaranteed juggle when it hits on MC. You can also use a 43pp as a juggle every once in a while, it's just-techable, but noone will do it if you do not use it as a mainstay juggle, so that's free big damage..

    By the way Twan, isn't it better to use 66p+k->hitthrow as a failed evade punisher? Better payoff!
  20. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    vortigar! what's up dude!
    get your @ss to amsterdam for some meetings!
    just name some dates and we can probabaly figure something out, we usually have something once a week/two weeks the last months, so there's bound to be some other peeps there!

    about 4k vs 6p; i never ever use 6p for the ch followup, i only use it as a bare ch for advantage poke/interrupt or crouchstagger. sometimes at the thend of the round i will go for a delayed 6p4p, or maybe finish the round because 6p4p is guaranteed on crouch because of stagger. 4k wins in all aspects on nh and the launch on ch gives it a nice different was to pressure your opponant.
    seiko punishes crouched 4kp with wolf 4k+g~hitthrow, so the risk in going for the 2nd hit it pretty big.

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