VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    oh lol I forgot, the 7th is actually my b-day
    Eh got to shift some things now.
  2. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    hahaha, i wanted to make a comment, but i don't know what to say, too funny, made my evening /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    hope you can make it one of the days though, if not, are you still on for the meeting at yours before the trip? what dates would work best for you?
  3. Seiko_Killa

    Seiko_Killa Well-Known Member

    @ Pascal: als iedereen een zaterdag netjes op tijd naar bed gaat en een goede nachtrust geniet, moeten we wel wat tegenstand kunnen bieden. Maar dit is zelden het geval geweest met alle grote VF meetings die ik heb meegemaakt...behalve bij Twan! 9 van de 10 keer raken de meesten helemaal op naarmate het weekend vordert. En de laatste dag zijn we als brakke zombies een beetje op onze knopjes aan het drukken. Maar laat dat je er niet van weerhouden om te komen. Zoals ik al zei Twan maakt het nooit echt laat. Je kunt lekker uitslapen op een matras(geen bank)en hij zorgt de laatste tijd voor verantwoord voedsel op tafel bij het avondeten. Oke genoeg gepromoot. Kom maar gewoon een zondag.

    @ Twan: Ik heb in principe alleen zondag wat eten en drinken nodig. Zaterdag kan ik zelf voor zorgen eventueel. Maar een potje is ook goed. Misschien kunnen we als de meesten er zijn gelijk met z'n allen boodschappen gaan doen. Of wou je alles vrijdag al in huis halen?

  4. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Heh, you are allowed to laugh. I mean, what kind of person forgets his own b-day like that :p
    I think I might still make it saturday though. i'll update on that.
  5. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    i ordered my stick at bol.com as well unfortunately. anyway i'm down with whatever food, but i would prefer some orange juice. oh, and do you have enough airbeds and stuff? i'll bring mine just to be sure. see you saturday.
  6. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    I'll be in on Saturday. Think splitting the cost and cooking dinner instead of going out is a good idea.

    Might be a tad late because I want to go to Arnhem first. Curse the fact the local comic book store went belly up. Or I could just dive into bed a bit earlier on Friday and make it an early Saturday for a change. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I'm worried about my current skill level though. I've laid off SF4 until after Stockholm since last weekend.

    Dang Spoon!
    My birthday was March 1 btw.
  7. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    i have one spare matress but i think sofiane was coming on saturday evening too. maybe i can borrow something from next door, not sure yet. we'll figure something out. i'll buy some orange juice for you. I'll just do the groceries beforehand and we can semi split the cost, i think that'll work best.

    congrats maurits!
    nice christiaan!
    see you sunday pascal! (use the doorbell this time!!)
  8. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Congrats Vort!
    And yes, i'll be there. I'll show up on saturday. probably around 14-15:00 or so. What better way to celebrate? I can think of none.
  9. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Party like it's 2999, of course!

    Honored that you want to spend your birthday with us, though /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif .

    Congratulations Maurits, are we to call you 'gramps' yet?
  10. masterPasje

    masterPasje Well-Known Member

    Mijne heren,

    Er is onverwacht wat tussengekomen zodat ik tot mijn spijt en groot verdriet moet verkondigen dat ik helaas ook op de zondag verhinderd zal zijn om acte-de-presence te geven.

    Dus helaas moet ik deze meet aan mij voorbij laten gaan. Ik zal er geen gewoonte van maken. Ik hoop dat ik gemist zal worden.^^

    En dus moet ik deze plek gebruiken om Maurits alsnog van harte te feliciteren en Christiaan alvast van harte te feliciteren. 22 wordt het, eh? Aaah...to be young again...
  11. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Sad to hear.

    '83, you do the math.

    I'm all kinds of happy with my new (old) record player.
    Vynil mofo's, wooha!

    Let's party like its 1699!
    <object width="480" height="295"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/WrowbOGZJwg"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/WrowbOGZJwg" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="295"></embed></object>
  12. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Yeah, even if I was only there on saturday, still a lot of fun. In the end, I'm glad I left though, I did really well at the fencing tournament today (top 8, yay), so it's been a good day. And I guess after going to pretty much every meeting held for the past year, I can afford to skip a day... :p.

    I was way more rusty than I expected to be. Street Fighter kind of mindfucked me or something, it was tough..

    Anyway, great games... aside from everyone(IMO) playing nicely, there was also a really nice vibe. It was really casual, but everyone was really serious at the same time.
    I hope we can hold onto that vibe when we go to Stockholm :).

    I could tell everyone is tuning their game for the better, even if not everyone is practicing at home, I really noticed how some people completely changed their game around. Good stuff :).

    Specific comments for everyone:

    Ake: I wanted to start with you, since even though you said you hadn't played at home for a long time, your game has really changed a lot.. in a good way! Of course, it was easy to see you weren't quite used to playing like that, but there was so much more pressure already. Like I said to you at the meeting: I think if you used come over to one or two other meetings before Stockholm, I think you'll kind of get the hang of it, which will allow you to grow a lot when we go to Stockholm, since you'll have a solid foundation to build on, without too many bad habits.

    Once again: props.

    Maurits: Ook jij zei niet veel gespeeld te hebben.. En ook jij deed et supergoed! Nice Brad stuff! Enige comment is dat je nog wat beter op je juggles moet letten: pppk mag niet, gewoon jezelf verbieden die ooit nog te gebruiken.
    Ik vond je setups erg nice, je flowde mooi alles naar elkaar toe, was vaak lastig om er tussen te komen.
    Je zei dat je moeite had met jab setups. Versimpel het voor jezelf: fuzzy of interrupt.

    Fuzzy is veruit de beste optie, maar vaak moeilijk omdat een jab zo weinig recovery heeft (dus minder lang de tijd om te reageren), fuzzy zorgt er namelijk voor dat je een volgende jab zou ontwijken, een throw zou ontwijken en alle snelle mids/2p zou blokken. Wat je hier dus mee bereikt, is dat je tegenstander geen advantage op block meer kan krijgen, wat er dus voor zorgt, dat tenzij de tegenstander jou op een of andere manier raakt met een move, of een string gebruikt, jij na de volgende move weer advantage hebt en het spelletje mag overnemen. Ik zei al dat het moeilijk is om zomaar na een jab te fuzzyen, maar als je weet dat je tegenstander het leuk vind om een offense met jabs te bouwen (hoi), dan kun je makkelijker op een volgende jab reageren.

    Interrupt spreekt wel een beetje voor zichzelf:
    je staat op -2 en fuzzy lost bijna al je problemen op, dus hoef je niet zoveel verschillende dingen te gebruiken, ik hou het voor mezelf simpel:

    Jab: ownt alles behalve p en 2p en highcrush moves(dit werkt niet zo bij karakters met 13 frame moves en ook alleen bij karakters met 11-frame of snellere jab, bij 10-frame jab werkt het ook bij 13-frame moves), wat je hiermee dus doet is je tegenstander forceren om zijn game ook simpel te maken, omdat ie een move van jou moet respecteren. Als ie dan p en 2p gaat gebruiken om je jab te stoppen (en CH daardoor te krijgen), kan jij weer fuzzyen om die opties te stoppen.

    2p: Als je tegenstander anti-fuzzy (vaak lows) gebruikt en veel jabs gooit, is 2p je reddende engel. Omdat de meeste lows highcrushen, kun je die niet met een jab stoppen en je fuzzy gaat weer omhoog op frame 13, dus dan heb je daar ook niet zo veel meer aan (tenzij je de low op reactie kan zien, maar daar zijn we nog niet aan toe).
    Maurits, je zei dat je 2p gebruiken cheap vond (weet niet meer precies welk woord je gebruikte), maar dat moet je echt vergeten. 2p is gewoon een tool die vrij noodzakelijk is om de tegenstanders aanval niet te overwhelming te laten worden, pas als je meer dan een 2p achter elkaar gebruikt ben je gaar bezig. 2p's gebruiken om bij de tegenstander een bepaalde manier van aanvallen af te dwingen is just a part of the game /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif .

    Weet overigens niet waarom ik overgestapt ben op Nederlands, lol. Back to english for the people reading this thread in secret, haha.

    Lepelboy aka birthdayboy aka spoon aka christiaan aka chrizzle aka chris...: It's hard for me to comment on your game, because I think you know what I'm going to say and you probably get tired of hearing the same thing in a different form all the time. So I'll keep it short and I'll keep it positive /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif . I think you have great anticipation skills: you always reverse me when I least expect you to, so frustrating! Your cancelling is also still very nice, you mix it up well and it's pretty much impossible at this point to properly react to it or even anticipate what's coming.
    I'm gonna end with some advice: try to find some things that would make a strong foundation for your game, I would suggest talking to kingofvf4 about it, he has really indepth knowledge about Aoi and what moves can be used for what situations. Just try to get a few basic things that you can use for multiple situations and focus on learning to properly utilize those tools, this will make it easier to grow.

    Twan: Hardly played you, we were about to go at it, but something came up (dinner, I think) and we never played afterwards. Gotta clean off the rust, man! It's probably SF4 for you, too, so it's understandable..but still, rust isn't good!
    We still had some really intense matches, which I obviously enjoyed, but I missed some edge in your game.. I don't know how to properly explain it.
    I did like your 'fuck it, just knee' attitude, and you managed to hit quite a lot of them, too, so that worked out pretty well /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif . Let's play some proper games next time!

    Yrvin: Best for last... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif . Respect for another Lei Fei level-up, amazing how you used those built-in sidesteps in some of his stance-switches, it got me pretty hyped to do some creative (and flashy etc.) stuff of my own! Also...you were whiffpunishing! YES! Very exciting games /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif .
    Wolf is lagging behind, IMO. But I don't think that's a bad thing. Your Lei Fei is getting so good, I think you should focus on him for a little while and then go back and work on your Wolf again. Trying to level them up simultaneously will probably hinder your progress (I'm kind of talking out of my ass, here, but it sounds pretty logical to me..).
    Great games :).

    Me: Positive, even though I was rusty. My wallgame is undergoing another couple of changes, some of which are a lot more flashy than anything I've done before (I think everyone saw the crazy bounce combo), but at the moment I'm not using my options equally, since I want to use the new stuff more, so I'm hoping to set that straight before Stockholm.
    I also need to get used to the fact I can p4pp after someone doesn't tech 2k+g, I gotta learn to watch for that, now /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif .
    My movement is also getting tighter by the day, it's so much fun to move, you should try it, too!!!

    Looking forward to the next meet (@ Chris' place?)
  13. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    My problem in this is still that I tense up way too much and simply forget to combo at all and end up mashing P's instead. Still, consider PPPK well and duly kicked. My motto is back to: "if in doubt: P,P6PK". I made this my religion on sunday.

    Twan suggested I try and play defense only against the top level AI to train for punishment (which was also horribly subpar, I got PK's in here and there, but 6P+K was only to be found after succesful dodge, not to mention I completely forgot 2P+K6P on blocked sweeps) this may also aid in this somewhat but I think my main problem is the added pressure of playing other people.

    It feels weird to say this, but I've got to teach myself to use 2P. Currently I sometimes use it on disadvantage after I get a move of mine blocked. I should rather use it sometimes when I'm at disadvantage after getting hit. (Note: sometimes!)
  14. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    It's good to just have a generic juggle to rely on, anything other than pppk is nice.. :p .

    I don't think you should bother with 6p+k if you're just not punishing consistently in general, just stick to pk for punishment and maybe 2p+k6p or 6pk for things you block low, get punishment into your system first, then adjust your punishment to the disadvantage afterwards. I don't punish with 46p, yet, either..

    Good job on using 6p+k after evade, I love punishing people after evading their moves :).

    About the 2p thing: I remember I had to work that back into my game, myself some time ago. It seemed weird to me, too, back then. But it really makes your game that much more solid :), way harder to put on pressure when someone knows when to use 2p.
  15. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    i was looking stuff up and wrote down some notes for myself, this part may be good for you ake!

    shun punishment:

    PP4P,-2,22dmg,Sou Koku Kyuu
    PP2KK,knd,47,not guaranteed
    analysis: even though shuns PK doesn't give advantage on block you have a lot of options to mix between keeping the opponant on his toes. mixing PK to backturned gives new mixes, PP4P is another way to keep the opponant reacting fast. key to his 11frame punishment is mixing it up. if you want to keep it safe do a single P and use the frame adv to continue your offence.

    6PK,knd,34dmg, doesn't work vs crouch recover

    6PPK,knd,42dmg, doesn't work vs crouch recover

    KK2PK,knd,39or71dmg, doesn't work vs crouch recover


    46p+k,+15,24dmg,Chou Ka Rou, doesn't work vs crouch recover

    shun can't punish a lot of low pokes as they are -14 and crouch recover. use shuns full circles and slower moves to frame advantage to pressure the opponant:
    delayed throws
    3K,for ch frame advantage or crouch stagger(+7)
    use the big frame advantage to go to a stance of choice for free

    I'm writing down all your options right now. at first it may be easier to simplify(i'd forget 236P if it's too hard to use consistently at this moment):
    -11: P-options
    -14: KK-options
    -16: 236P to juggle
    -17: 8K+G to juggle

    important moves to punish:
    6k -15
    3pp -13
    3k -11
    2p+kk -14
    43PP -15

    6pp -17
    3k -11
    66p+k -14
    3p+k -27 (6k is also an option here for free followups)
    4k+g -12
    4k+gk -14

    6kk -16
    66k -13
    44p+k -12
    33p+k -13
    2k+g -19

    7k+g -13
    all long strings (PPPK, 3PPP2K, etc) are -23 and higher
    2k+g -18
    3p+k -15
    kokei ppp+k -14
    bt 2k -16
    bt p+k -15
  16. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Lau 3p+k=-15
    Lau p+k=-8 (not punishable)
  17. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    tnx, updated /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    maybe someone can help with between 5-10 brad/leifei moves that can be punished, i'm not sure which moves are good/used often by yrvin/maurits. i know the animations, just not the commands.

    the way i learn punishment is write down the moves on a piece of paper, lay it next to me and take that character and execute the moves untill i know the animation and can recognise it if it looks like another move. then I'd switch to my main character, put the AI on a harder difficulty and just wait for the moves to be used and punish them. it might take a little while to do it this way, but it works for me, so maybe it would for you guys.

    maurits, your punishment list is like you said(sorry ake, some characters are just less complicated in punishment department, lol):


    it'd be supercool to see some of this at the next meeting. it really strengthens your game in both the damage department, makes the opponant think before attacking (hopefully....) and gives you(well, it does me) a kind of calm when playing defence. I'll see the move come out, be blocked and punish accordingly and because i already know how i'm going to punish I know what situation is going to be after that (advantage, knockdown, sideturned, etc) so in a match i'm already thinking about the next situation and all the lovely damage i'm going to do, haha
  18. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    For Brad:

    ducking pp=-14
    2k+g=-19(brad is in a standing state, so you can also use high moves to punish)

    43p+k(double handed 14-frame mid attack..)= -12 <-good to know!
    4p+kp= -12 <-good to know!
    Doku(punch parry stance) 2/8k+g(sweep met evade properties)= -18 <-punish to stop abuse!
    9k+g(double jumping kick that hops over lows and gives slam for combo)= -13<-punish to stop abuse!
  19. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    ducking /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif = -14
    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif = -13
    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif = -13

    Those are all three of Brad's double uppercuts, so if you block any of them you can /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif him (at least, sometimes more). All his lows are also at least -14 on block. And only the two low punches (Phasing turn /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif and /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/db.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif) recover low, all others recover high.
  20. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    that's good info to know, tnx vort. also makes P punish for shun an option on those lowkicks.

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