VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    What's up Sofiane (is that Sofiane as in Sufyan?, if so salamu `alaykum)

    And yeah I'd like to attend those meetings, I mean'I won't stand a chance but it'd be fun.
  2. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    So what's happening guys?

    Had a few games against suffejan, i mean, sofiane in the last weeks, and mike leroi too, sof started playing jacky and has gotten annoying with him very quickly, i've been putting some time into el blaze (i like him a lot more than eileen now i''ve put more time into him) and yrvin was still beasting with his wolf.

    just wanted to bump the thread, maybe a meeting soon? looking forward to one anyhoo!

    catch ya later,
    Jazzy Jeff & El Blaaskaak!
  3. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    You're pushing on with El Blaze and Sof picked up Jacky? More speed characters into the mix, eh?

    At what days do you meet up with those guys anyhow, are you out for fighting games every week?

    In gaming:
    Been testing my reflexes in CoD4 (holding my own quite well online even though I never played a CoD game before... I was pretty good in RS:Vegas and Warhawk too though) lately while playing quest mode to get those max-damage comboes to stick. Also been reading up a lot and watching videos like crazy, trying to find some more setups/combinations.

    I'm thinking about freshening up my Goh a bit to get some new perspective on things (was a bit rusty but decent against Ake last meeting). Also wrote an overlong post on the forums to get my thoughts on Brad and Goh in order.

    Beyond gaming:
    Stuff ground to a halt at work because a key member of the team decided to go on a vacation for two weeks and forgot to unlock his parts of the source-code we're working on so I can't compile or test anything until he gets back...

    Y the Last Man is great! Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep got me a bit weirded out. Managed to get a friend to read Transmetropolitan, he enjoys it quite a bit, I'm helping Warren Ellis conquer the world one soul at a time. I'm watching Carnivale again and still think its probably the best tv show ever made and Gatacca is still my favorite movie.
  4. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Warren ELlis is crazy

    Do you read his Thunderbolts? Awesomeness galore.
  5. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    I'm reading graphic novels mostly these days. I picked up Nextwave and Marvel 1602 because they're self-contained stories, but that's the closest I got to the main titles. I don't bother with the continuing series these days.

    Nextwave is absolute genius btw, though the second of the two tpb's is rather hard to come by it seems, as the local comic store has been trying to reel it in for the last month and failed. I've become quite an Ellis fan of late and read his blog practically daily. Still playing catch up, but have enough out on order already with Planetary, Nextwave tpb 2, Lazarus Churchyard, Y the Last Man (not Ellis) and Doktor Sleepless.

    Also looking forward to the Black Summer collection when it's complete, which Ellis wants out there to have a fat book like Watchmen. He lovingly calls it the CK or Cow Killer edition, as in: a book so thick you can kill a cow with it by knocking them on their head with it. I pondered getting the loose comics for it (Sleepless too) but decided I had too little shelf space and enough patience to wait the extra months.
  6. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    we had a last minute minimeeting, and we played some vf after a tekkenmeet, nothing much tbh.

    i'm trying to get together with people once a week, i'll be seeing you this sunday at spoons place /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  7. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Ah ok I feel you on the trade/graphic novel thing. The first trade with Ellis' run on thunderbolts is our though, seriously reccomend it, crazy fun.

    And NGKrush you live in utrecht right? (saw your name on that map thingy). You guys mind if I tag along sometime for one of those meets?
  8. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    check your PM fulaani,

    Had a mini-meet yesterday at my house, was kinda gonna be an introduction thing for my old-skool doa friends as some of them have started playing vf5 now. In the end 2 of them chickened out, but Krye still arrived.

    We played some games and after a while Sofiane joined us, I had a good time, it was nice and quiet, no stress and Jeffry was beastin the hell out of all a y'all!!! haha, well, not beastin beastin, but i did play well with him i think, still not using enough circulair moves but i kept pressure on with delayed mids and stuff. Sofiane commented that my blaze was scarier than jeff, but i think that's cause you don't know him that well. Blaze has a bit more funny tricks up his sleeve and his ch game is very good and if you don't know a characater well you get a lot of ch's in your face :p

    haha, but anyway, krye played very well, he took some sneaky things to the game, i saw him fuzzy guarding and spacing his moves very well, he also already knows quite alot about goh, that was really cool. if you start evading more dude, you'd really have taking more games, at some points you had some good pressure but you started backdashing again. if you evade, you stay close and regain the advantage to keep giving damage. looking forward to playing more against you.

    nice meeting guys, see you next time!
  9. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    hey guys for next meeting i wanted to propose that we lay in some money for the mini-tournaments we play. i don't know how much, something inbetween 2 and 5 euros? i'd be up to put in 5 euros but i'mnot sure how the rest of you think about it.
    we can do the 70/30/10 split or not split it at all.

    i want to do this because it pushes me much more to learn to focus and play for real instead of staying within this mindstate where i don't react fast enough to adapting strategies. really need to up it with my jeff to stay on level.
  10. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    hey guys,

    nice to see you're all keeping up your game.
    unfortunately i'm not able to do so. a lotta work up to the holidays /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
    but maybe i can arrange something during the new years holiday! i'll keep you posted.
  11. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    It could give a new incentive, wouldn't be opposed to the idea at all really. As you guys know I get nervous a lot, but things do change when there's really something on the line (last rehearsal vs actual stage kinda thing). We'll discuss it at the next meet I think.

    You indisposed (lovely word) for weekend meets as well? I don't play a particular lot in between meets myself, just an hour or two a week or something, if even that.
  12. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    to Vortigar
    yeah, i'm afraid so. and yes it is a lovely word, isn't it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    to NGKrush
    so what you're saying is that you are not very motivated currently? it is an idea, but perhaps we could transfer the 'proceeds' towards a goal that benefits us all. for example i have a poker weekend every month in which we play for money (5 euro pp). every month we take out 5 euro of the winners winnings to put into a fund. (that fund was recently spend on a couple of hours of paintball).
  13. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    @ake: it's not like that, what i mean is that i want that small extra push to force me to learn to adapt. many times i'm playing a session and my mind goes on auto-pilot. it is not good, you need to stay active at all times, adapting at all times. i'm not forcing myself to adapt my throwescapes, or doing them at all. i'm looking for a push to foce myself to actively use fuzzyguarding, eteg's and patience.

    we could do something like that with the money, that'd be cool, but we don't do it on a regular basis to really get that to work i think. i'd rather play for cash winnings as it makes it a more personal win (and defeat) too.

    it's not like poker where you must play with chips/money to really play the game, this kind of setup changes how you look at how you play: ok, this time you lost, what did you do wrong, adapt, maybe you can hit the prizes next time, it pushes you to try to beat the opponant instead of accepting he is better than you and you will probably never be better than him.
  14. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    Damn, I feel like the biggest spammer of all of us right now, posting so much in this thread.

    Ohwell, just wanted to say that we had a nice meeting. Played some good games overall, tried to be a lot more patient in my game and i think it payed off, not that much in the results, but in how i controlled my own character and that i had more space in my head to overthink situations instead of just running into them and seeing what would happen.
    we didn't play a tournament this time as we were only with 4 people(mike leroi, sofiane, spoon and me).

    sof: i noticed you practised more with akira this time around, to be honest i really think it's your most interesting character to fight and look at. you mix your two circulair moves very well so it's still very hard to sidestep.

    spoon: i'm never sure when i can attack you because of your reversals, it's still a bit strange to fight against some times, and that 66k aoi launcher comes out so suddenly, get hit by it everytime, arg.

    mike:your lau was a lot more stable this weekend and your wolf too. it's hard to comment on how you play as it's very solid and i always enjoy playing against you.
  15. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    So the meet went through after all? Sorry for bailing out at that late a point in time, but I'm still not feeling well. Saturday was the worst (sausage!).

    Well, if it makes you feel better we could compare post counts in this thread and the two of us would probably end up somewhere near 50/50, neh?
  16. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Blargh! the Xdoos360 dvd player suddenly broke down on me. Cheap ass piece of shit microsoft quality.
    I guess i'll just have to leave aoi alone for now and do some stuff with other characters on evo4.

    About the meeting in short.
    Kroet: Has started a bad trend of escaping my multithrows and down throws.

    Mikez0r: Tends to backdash a lot, made me whiff a lot of throws, didn't knew exactly what to do against it.

    sof: good games, enjoyed em a lot. Even though I lost most of em I didn't felt like I was being pressured 24/7 (kroet) or that I guessed the situation wrong 60% of the time (mike)

    Overal I had a lot of fun, lots of laughing. I really need to practice some more (I say that every time, I know I know) though.
  17. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    lol not being pressured by sofiane? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

    too bad that your 360 broke down, can you still send it back for repairs?

    anyone up for a get together this week? wednesday/thursday/friday? those are the days i'm available.
  18. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Evenings? Sure, I could pick you up in Apeldoorn if you don't trust the bus (half an hour, direct connection). I'll drop you off on the way back as you don't want to risk missing the train I think.

    Not sure what we're going to do about dinner though, you'd either have to join at the table or come in afterward.
  19. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    hey vort,

    i'd love to play at your place, but i'd really like to make a day out of it for the kind of money i need to pay for the trip, my discount card stops today (ns never sent me a letter for a new one and i'm too poor to buy a new card at the station). so if it's only for the evening, i'd rather meet up another day.

    i was wondering, have you read the comic "domu" ? it's by the writer who did akira. I recently started reading it, i really liked it and i thought you would too.
  20. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    See you at another meet then...

    Domu, eh? Seen the name being dropped on a forum, never dug into it, I'll check it out then.

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