VF4 Evo expectations?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by death_raven, Jun 13, 2002.

  1. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: You kidding?

    But fancy footwork is what Sarah is all about, anything she does looks good. Constantly trying to get a float via [1][K] and mixing it up with the <font color="pink">Flamingo</font color>, every move being a risky attempt to get a [P][P][P][K]. Yes, there is still much for me to learn though I think my counter throw game ([6][1][P]+[G] [3][K]) is good. Back to the point though, you don't depend on TFT though do you. Like you said, there are other throws that he can use let alone techniques.

    Sure, when I get the funds I'd gladly take a lesson from you. BTW I saw your piece in CVG a while back. Not enough Sarah but kudos on getting such exposure for yourself and the game.
  2. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Re: You kidding?

    Surely that's a great exaggeration. Kage has loads of strong techniques and evasive manoeuvres (I've experienced them first hand via talented players).

    Really? What are those supposedly "strong techniques and evasive manoeuvres" exactly? Getting a little vague here, care to elaborate?

    And with the Jumonji Stance I find his ground game to be difficult to fight against. His throws are strong and plentiful. The TFT would only be missed because it's his trademark signature move, he has more then enough variety in that department.

    Sure his Jumonji stance is very useful in Ver.C, but you'd have to be kidding yourself to think that Kage can do without his more powerful throws just because he has got a "new-wonder-do it all-invincible-stance".

    You'd have to be a pretty shallow player to ditch a character over a throw when they weren't even a grappler character to begin with (now if Wolf or Jeffery lost their GS or Splash Mountain respectively then that would be a crime).

    This is hillarious. How do you define a grappler anyway? Jeff/Wolf are so called grapplers by your definition but they have air combos that can take 50% off the bar easily. On the other hand, some "non-grapplers" have better throws than Jeff, so there's no such thing as a grappler. Throws are awarded to some characters to balance up the game.

    Since Kage does not have a proper floater ([3][P] and [2_][3][P] doesn't exactly give a good float), he would need better throws(also remember that the TFT is essentially a floater).

    It's quite possible for Kage users to win a match without touching the TFT, those who can't obviously place too much faith in it and haven't thought of other strategies.

    Kage indeed does not need to use the TFT to win, but he needs the threat of TFT to win.
    Kage can only get his other throws in IF HIS OPPONENTS FEAR THE TFT and try to escape it. You don't even need to know DTEG well if Kage's only got 2 good throws, TEG has a 50% chance of escaping one of his other 60pts throw.

    Besides, TFT combos make playing Kage fun, and that is all that matters to some.
  3. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: You kidding?

    > I wouldn't say he was a major throwing character

    Since VF1 his game is (or can be) based around the TFT. It's only one throw, but it still makes him a major throwing character. In 3 it got a little wider with the f+P+G and df+P+G and b,d+P+G, making him more throw oriented than ever.

    > It burns me when I've got the lead only to see it all disappear

    Doesn't this apply to any character and any powerful move? I think you're just having a hard time with Ryan and UKGuy.
  4. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    Re: You kidding?

    adio let me ask you something if sarah lost moves in flamingo, or the flamingo itself, would you be as good with her than with the flamingo?
  5. GlennFinito

    GlennFinito Member

    We Digress

    What I would hope for is a inashi for shun (yeah right) and an ub throw that wasn't a catch throw. maybe it did more damage than P+G but gave less DP. oh well
    oh and bla bla bla bla "kage unfair this" blablabla "TFT is soo broken"
    the thing that annoys me most auto inashi, but hey! it seems to work for them and it isn't that annoying. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  6. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Closing thoughts.

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    Doesn't this apply to any character and any powerful move? I think you're just having a hard time with Ryan and UKGuy.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    death raven, the <font color="pink">Flamingo</font color> is a stance that compliments Sarah's technique by providing varied powerful attacks via hit-throws and catch throws or setting up combos via guard crush and a low sabaki. It's absolutely possible to win without it (assuming that she still retains the moves that would take her into the stance) but you would be putting yourself at a disadvantage as it's a great reserve of options for those who wish to use it properly.
  7. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    Re: Closing thoughts.

    yuo didnt answer the question, will your game be the same or not without the flamingo?
  8. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: Closing thoughts.

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    It's absolutely possible to win without it

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What didn't you understand? Goodbye.
  9. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    Re: Closing thoughts.

    possible to win... yes, but i didnt ask if it was possible to win without the flamingo, i asked if your game startegy will change without it and would it be as fierce when the flamingo was there? you're the one that cant understand or maybe you dont wanna give an answer because you know using her with flamingo will be different when using her without it, you dont wanna give an answer because you know without the moves in flamingo, or flamingo itself the way you use her wouldn't be the same, well guess what its the same with the TFT, need i elaborate more?, forget the possibilty of winning without flamingo, what i'm asking is if you're a sarah user and you suddenly loose the flamingo stance would you're game be at its prime compared to when the flamingo was there? is it that hard to understand?
  10. Tripp

    Tripp Member

    Re: Closing thoughts.

    As a non Kage player I believe that Kage needs this throw to balance himself with the other characters. I find a lot of his moves slow and high risk (high damaging however). Yes it is very possible to win without it mostly because it is in the back of the opponents mind that they can eat a TFT at any second, and this usually opens the door to other throws.

    I ALWAYS imput b+P+G every time i see a throw coming, I have never broken a different throw with Kage. It's only one throw, so it will never be overpowered, it's variety that make getting thrown frustrating. I am totally in favor of Kage having this throw for all game play purposes.

    However, (yup, however, here comes the bitching) it's the way the moves looks that I do not like. I'm sure this has probably been beat to death over and over on these boards, but moves that are that extremely unrealistic I do not like, such as Jeff's u+K+G. I do understand it is a video game and that you just can't do away with all the juggling and silly moves but sometimes when a move like this is done I tend to lose the feel for the realistic combat.

    If Sega somehow found a way to twek this move so it was not weakened yet looked a little better I would be a very happy boy.
  11. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Closing thoughts.

    The only thing I have against the TFT is the same thing I've got against Wolf Giant Swing, Lau's elbow, and Jacky's testicle knuckles (forgot the name -- [P]+[K][P][K]). It's not that good players have the threat of these things, that they'll use them over and over again - it's that in a pinch, they've got the ultimate fallback - AND DO USE THE SHIT OUT OF THEM. I think any of the above moves are slightly on the 'abused' side, with the throws obviously being the easiest to escape.

    It's not that people one-pattern their way to victory all the time, it's that they do it in a pinch. Say what you want " Real players don't do that" -- they do. I played against a 5-dan Lau last night w/ like 180 wins & 30 losses -- a record like that says it's most likely his 2nd card, as his first one is ranked high, and needs another to have fun (pussy). I go in as the underdog in a big way w/ my 5-dan Lion (down from 6-dan. This is the card I've used since Version A). We get to the 5-round. What does he do? Elbow, Elbow - delayed palm, Elbow, Low kick, Elbow, Elbow (I'm staggered) Throw -- and a win.

    C'mon guys -- this is skill? Any dickhead can hit
    [6][P] multiple times in a row, and it requires almost no reading of your opponent. Hence, I've always gone for more challenging characters. This DOES seem to be a bit tamed in Evolution though.

    Jacky as well a bit tamed, but he's still the most rewarded character for being passive.
  12. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member

    forget about TFT, I want the low jab to disappear from this series


    Do you think that in vf4evo am2 tone-down the low punch [2][P]? I just can't stand it!!
  13. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: forget about TFT, I want the low jab to disappear from this series

    You mean for everyone, yeah? Nah -- it's still there. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  14. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member

    Re: forget about TFT, I want the low jab to disappear from this series

    oh well, worth a try tho. Thanx GP.

    Well, I am still hoping that they will spice up chara like aoi, shun, lion , pai and vanessa. I'll look more into it from the other threads.

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