VF4 General FAQ

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Hayai_JiJi, Aug 2, 2001.

  1. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: For those interested...

    Corrections noted, thanks... just one thing though. I thought I made myself clear, but I'll say it again - hold the move name corrections until the final release of the FAQ! When I play the full game, I'll check all the moves myself... I appreciate any constructive input but you're simply going overboard ;)
  2. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: For those interested...

    Yeah sure, I understand. But I already had that in mind. I brought up those points because the name you gave would confuse a Sarah user. For example the "Switch Kick" which you had noted as a "Punt Kick" clearly isn't. It's not just a different name, it's a different move altogether. So I felt the post would be relevant. Cheers for listening.

  3. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 General FAQ *sticky*

    i cant get the faq page to load

    'Hah whats next attack of the drunken cats' Wong Fei Hong from Drunken Master
  4. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 General FAQ *sticky*

    I have just checked, and everything seems okay... try entering the address manually, the url is:

    <A target="_blank" HREF=http://zametex.pl/glc>http://zametex.pl/glc</A>
  5. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 General FAQ *sticky*

    Request: how about adding the order of the opponents in the 1P game (since I gather VF4 is not random like VF3) to the FAQ?

    I did skim through to see if it was there -- sorry if I missed it :)

  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 General FAQ *sticky*

    VF3 actually wasn't random. There were several opponent sets you might get.
    But anyway!

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  7. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 General FAQ *sticky*

    ok fair enough but you know what I mean, right?

    and I gather that VF4 is not the same order as VF2?
  8. VIVI

    VIVI Active Member

    Re: VF4 General FAQ *sticky*

    Do you want to put in the Japanese name for the move ?
    I might be able to help with that.

    If not, keep up the good work :)
  9. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 General FAQ *sticky*

    There's no point in putting Japanese move names there... maybe later but I doubt it. Thanks for the offer anyway :)
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    VF4 Kage stuff

    Spent some more money cash on papa Kage and came up with some stuff for the FAQ. These suggestions, corrections, additions and comments are mainly directed to GLC. But seeing as how I'm likely to get his standard "it's my FAQ and I'll do what I want with it" reply, I figure I'll post here for the rest of you to read :)

    Firstly, a small point - the outfits are reversed. That is, outfit #1 is the blue one and #2 is the armor. I'm assuming #1 and #2 refer to P1 and P2 default outfits btw.

    b+K is a Turn Away attack. "Toe kick" is a bad description/name for this attack. It's more of a frontal cresent-type attack at the mid-section.

    b,f+K puts the opponent into a crouch when hit.

    P+K is a guard break. It causes the opponent to stagger if they're guarding when hit. It's not really a "chop" either. Kage kinda "claps" both his hands in the face of the opponent.

    d+P+K is the same as VF3's. Wasn't it called something else instead of "whirling chop"? Again, it's not really a chop since he doesn't use the knife of his hand for the attack, but instead swipes upward with the back of his hand. The canned K followup is the "inverted kickflip", so shouldn't be called "backward kick". Also, the d+P+K,K is a Turn Away attack.

    u+P+K is his cannonball dive attack. "Jumping head smash" made me think of his head dive pounce.

    The sweep followups (links) to the forward/backward roll should just be listed as K, and a note that they can be delayed. Just like VF3.

    Why, oh why, is the Falling Leaf stance abbreviated as the LF stance? Shouldn't it be FL? :) Just curious.

    LF, K - this is more of an advancing kick, rather than a toe-kick, kinda like Jeff's f,f+K.

    LF, P, K, K - the last kick isn't a flip kick. It's more of a forward roll where the legs hit the opponent, or a really slow shinsodan if you will (but different animation). Call it a revolution kick, because it looks like his "revolution evade" (FL, u or d) but it's into the opponent.

    LF, d+K - this is not a sliding tackle. It's a frontal sweep, like Pai's db+K+G.

    LF, f, f - this is not a "fast roll". Actually it's not a roll at all. f,f during the stance simply makes Kage run forward as he says "ikuzo", and that's it.

    LF, K+G - could be described better than "big boot". It's the same type of kick as the regular LF, K, except he doesn't step forward. Instead, he hops on the spot while performing the same kick - a protruding front kick.

    LF, P+K - Kage's sabaki. It's not really a "punch, toe-kick". There's no punch, i.e. he doesn't attack with his fist. It's more of an advancing inashi and kick. The kick looks the same as the LF, K.

    Wall Attacks:

    f+P+K is not a backflip off the wall. It's more of a reverse leap-frog maneouvre. Kage runs up the wall and pushes off while his back remains to the opponent. Kage clears over the opponent, legs stretched apart (leap frog style) and as he lands behind them, delivers a vertical chop downward. If the opponent isn't close enough when he executes, he'll still perform the same move, and chop thin-air, leaving himself extremely vulnerable with his back exposed.

    That'll do for now.
  11. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Kage stuff

    Thanks Myke, at least ONE person cares ;) I'll fill the faq with your stuff asap.

    Why, oh why, is the Falling Leaf stance abbreviated as the LF stance? Shouldn't it be FL? :) Just curious.

    FL stands for Sarah's flamingo stance... feel free to propose something else ;)

    <font color=orange>Go die or something...</font color=orange>
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: VF4 Kage stuff

    Oops, forgot one more bit. The ??'s in Kage's section!

    Turn-Towards Attacks:

    P+K - this is low downward chop which hits mid, and recovers in crouch. It looks like his TT-d+P but has more of a downward rather than side-sweeping motion.

    P+K,K - after the above chop, Kage jumps straight up, from the crouch position, and does a high lifting kick. If the opponent is hit, they'll launch a little in the air and land on their back with that huge leg-flop animation (read: followups are possible). Example followups include b+K+G, f,f+K+G or f,f+P+K+G.
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: VF4 Kage stuff

    Well, I don't see a problem with using the same abbreviation for a stance as long as it's kept within the context of the character.

    Is Falling Leaf the official name for the stance? What ever happened to Jumonji (sp)?
  14. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Kage stuff

    Is Falling Leaf the official name for the stance? What ever happened to Jumonji (sp)?

    Nah, I made "falling leaf" up :)

    By the way... is rolling forward after a knockdown possible in VF4?<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by GLC on 10/06/01 05:28 PM (server time).</FONT></P>
  15. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Kage stuff

    Thanks for the informative post Myke!

    Can others who have access to Ver B do similar write ups for other characters to help GLC flesh out his FAQ? Jacky, Jeff, Shun and Pai would be greatly appreciated. TIA.
  16. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: VF4 Kage stuff

    Nah, I made "falling leaf" up :)

    Well, it sounded convincing enough :) but how about just abbreviating it to JS, for Jumonji Stance?

    By the way... is rolling forward after a knockdown possible in VF4?

    Nope. You cannot roll forward after a knockdown anymore. You can roll back though, and of course to either side.

    BTW, I think the FS (from standing) abbreviation is redundant. All moves are assumed from the standing position.<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Myke on 10/07/01 03:51 AM (server time).</FONT></P>
  17. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: VF4 Kage stuff

    One more addendum: Both of Kage's Wall Attacks require Kage to be facing the wall.
  18. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Kage stuff

    Can others who have access to Ver B do similar write ups for other characters...

    I bet they could, they just don't want to ;) I have to ask individually hehe.

    <font color=orange>You now speak to GLC.</font color=orange>
  19. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Kage stuff

    Myke, this an awesome post, thanks man. It's the first one that gives me a really good idea of what the new Kage is like...
  20. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    lion stuff...

    just want to post what I learnt about lion. I have posted some of it in another thread so there may be repeated stuff.

    general feeling, watched chibita movies and realised Lion hasn't changed much has him. In fact I recognized every single move Chibita used are from VF3. Okay, he did used QCB P ONCE and b,f P K once (I think) but his bread and butter moves are ALL from VF3.

    f,f P and b,d/f P looks much better. decent damage stagger and safe?

    b P K looks like the most improved list award. can dodge moves and UNBLOCKABLE (if you charge I think) good damage too as opponent will stagger.

    b,b K is good at long range to interrupt. really fast (for its range) and pretty safe. At closer range you get interrupted with your back turned... not a comfortable position at all

    new moves,
    f,d/b P G throw. Lions NEW throw. sigh I was hoping for something better. anyway, the throw don't really do that much damage, unless you want to dodge lion to the sides, there isn't much point in doing it. Perhaps it is useful for tactical advantage.

    additional info: Lion recover in a crouch position after the catch throw which is a pretty good thing. So Lion can buffer the kickflip throw or an uppercut.

    The HCB throw or crouch F throw is much better. In fact HCB throw high pounce looks guaranteed against humans :) CPU managed to rolled away a couple of times though. It is by far the best improvement to lion. you really only need one good throw. Okay, people break throw, if they break throw go for b,b K. so one only need one good throw. If the high pounce is really guaranteed, well, VF4 lion may not be so bad after all.

    d,f P,P,P... err... pokes that hit mid?? looks fast to execute and recovers fast if you stop at second P. I saw chibita did this move vs a tech roll. tried vs the CPU but not much success.

    b,f K G good for float as it hits really low. but with tech rolls, I think f,f K,K is still safer and simpler.

    f P K, is the turn-around move. lion's TA game is not that good in VF3 so I haven't really tried this.

    that's it. duh.... what happened to Lion??? they forgot all about him in VF4.... very very few new moves I think.

    <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by alantan on 10/07/01 11:58 AM (server time).</FONT></P>

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