VF4 Looks and Comparison

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Guest, Mar 2, 2001.

  1. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    I never played Diablo 1 or 2 or PSO, so I can't comment on how the games compare.


    I can. I've been an avid online Diablo player since it first came out and now I can't play enough Diablo 2 - the game is awesome. Graphically, it's an apple versus oranges debate because the game genres are drastically different. There are however, some truly wonderful looking games on the PC - take Baldur's Gate 2 as an example. The textures and lighting effects are spectacular. As nice if not better than many of the RPGs on all consoles, imo.

    Kbcat just got TTT. I haven't seen it yet but he claims it's absolutely gorgeous - much much better than any of us expected apparently. There are no jaggies and the character designs (from a graphical point of view) are extremely well done and quite impressive. He was telling me about Jin's gloves being completely constructed of polygons - the T3 version was a texture on his hands. I would say that Kbcat would hold strong in saying that TTT looks light years ahead of Model 3. Perhaps the leap for VF4 will be as impressive.

    If the VF4 pics are truly a PS2 version, I have no doubt the jaggies will be gone upon final release and we'll a really nice looking game.


    <font color=white> Llanfair the prized <font color=green>cabbage</font color=green></font color=white>
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    jtx no one knows, but the x-box will be more powerful than the naomi2 so given enough time you could probably make a better version, not just the same. Look at Soul Calibur in the arcade and on the DC? Any comparison? nope. DC wins graphically, same may be true for the X-Box if they release VF4.

  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Some of those frame-buffer screen dumps of VF4 are the same as in the movies - take a look at the Wolf pics, for instance. It's the same scene as in the movie.
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Naomi offers two video outputs, low resolution and high (VGA) resolution. None of the DOA2's I've seen in arcades have ever been in a machine with a VGA monitor.

    Don't compare DOA2 arcade to DOA2 DC until you have seen it running in high resolution.
  5. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    What the hell are u crapping on abt????
    typing 'jap' = racist (or being mistaken in ur case) ????

    For the love of god, stop being so highly strung!!!!!

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN'
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Oh for fuck sake.

    I'm asian.
    I go thru racial slurs pretty much on a regular basis.

    typing Jap was a abbrevation.
    It's not meant to be A RACIAL REMARK

    U have to have reading comprehension problem to think it was a racial slur when I type 'jap'.

    I just confirmed with my Japanese friends...they DO not have a problem with 'jap'.

    Do not insult me by sending me all these ridiculous terms n fucking comments when I have to live with idiots who actually sees a NEED TO USE THEM ON ME for the rest of my life.

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN'
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    One thing that I've noticed is that "Japs" have a more racist connotation in the West than in the East.

    Apparently that was the term used to describe the Japanese during WWII. Non-Japanese Asians have their own slurs of course.

  9. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    All I know is I only use 'jap' when I typed ONLINE....purely as a abbrevation.

    In real life, I always say 'JAPANESE'
    Cause in real life, no one says 'ah let me introduce to u my Jap friend'.

    Everyone types abbrevation while only...
    "TTYL, IMO,BRB,LOL'....

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN'
  10. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Jesus I'm sorry. I was just talking out of my ass. I am never highly strung but apologize if I appeared so. I think you could mellow out some:)

    Under the surface of the most jaded cynic lies a dissappointed idealist- George Carlin
  11. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    True, Llan. I was perhaps a little extreme in my judgment. I agree that the textures on PC games are amazing - as well as lighting in some examples. But have you played Grandia 2 for the DC? That game has unbelievable textures for a console game!

    Damn...Kbcat is right about TTT. It is abolutely mindboggling how many polys it is pushing for the characters - they are flawless! That will be PS2's saving grace, IMO, when it comes to trying to emulate VF4 for the arcade. It seems that Sega is always second to Namco when it comes to rendering the characters (proportion, anatomy, etc.). Sega should hire people with better knowledge of human anatomy. Cause even though VF3 arcade reigned supreme for many years graphically, the character models still needed major work. Heheh...i couldnt believe how much i bitched when i say Shun's beard in his character selection screen portrait - it was unacceptable considering the power of Model 3. Overall, as evidenced even in VF4, Sega just needs better modelers to compliment the amazing hardware at their disposal (as usual).

    How awesome is Ganryu rendered in TTT?! Amazing! Makes Taka look absolutely shitty in comparison.

    <font color=red>ORA! ORA! ORA!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by adamYUKI on 03/06/01 02:24 PM (server time).</FONT></P>
  12. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    I think the characters are pretty there is just something off about them. It looks like they are made out of clay. I much prefer VF3's characters. I will take good animation over high polygon count any day of the week.

    Under the surface of the most jaded cynic lies a dissappointed idealist- George Carlin
  13. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Heck - they should hire ME...I have a degree in Human Biology! I loved Anatomy...one of best marks actually ;)

    "Keep dreaming" i say to myself...


    <font color=white> Llanfair the prized <font color=green>cabbage</font color=green></font color=white>
  14. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    One problem I had was Aoi's hair.
    I mean, they did a good job with sarah and Jacky's hair.
    And for some reason, Aoi loks like she's wearing a cap.

    Bad job with Lion's hair as well.

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN'
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    It seems that Sega is always second to Namco when it comes to rendering the characters (proportion, anatomy, etc.).

    Sorry Adam, but I have to strongly disagree with the statement that Sega's modelling is always second to Namco.

    You even bring up the proportion and anatomy of the models as if it supports your statement when in fact I think it works against it. Give me one example where Sega has incorrectly or poorly modelled a character in terms of it's physical characteristics (proportion, anatomy, etc). I can give you many examples where Namco have designed characters that just look plain wrong:

    - Jack and Gun-Jack: With those little stumpy legs and huge bulky arms, you want to tell me Namco is one-up in the design stakes? Please. And I know the Jack's aren't meant to be human, but the proportions are still wrong, they're too top-heavy it's hard to imagine how they even remain standing.
    - King and Armor King: are they meant to be wearing masks? Again, they just look wrong.
    - Kuma and Panda, Roger and Alex, Mokujin: you know what, I'm not even going there.

    You may want to argue that the characters were designed within a given context, with Tekken being more 'fantastical' than VF, thereby allowing more leeway with character designs. But sometimes I just don't get it - what is Tekken trying to be? I personally just find everything - character designs, game engine, etc - regarding the Tekken universe to be out of whack and sometimes offensive.

    VF3 had it's share of problems with character designs too, but they were overlooked with less effort than the flaws that riddled Tekken's characters. I don't care much for the character select screen, that Lau's eyes appear cross-eyed, Shun's beard looking like a waterfall, or Jacky's psychadelic hair. These are all minor issues which could of (and probably should of) been fixed with the existing technology. But during the game, where it all matters, none of this is noticable. For me, the visuals (characters, backgrounds, stages) are still a pleasure to watch today, after all these years.

    TTT on the PS2 might be technically impressive, but it still suffers from all the stuff I mentioned above. I was playing the Japanese version shortly after it's release (which was quite a while ago now) and whenever I had a gaming session with my friends, we always grew tired of TTT very quickly once the novelty had worn off. The 'we' I refer to included hardcore Tekken players, who were in my opinion the best Tekken players in Sydney.

    Of course it's up to the individual to decide and choose what appeals to them most. But from an anatomical standpoint, to say that Sega is always second to Namco is, in my opinion, absurd.
  16. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    Perfect Dark

    i never played a pc shoting game as good as goldeneye and perfect dark. If perfect Dark was online it would be the best shoting game ever

    'Strong body but a weak mind' Sam Seed from Drunken Masters
  17. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    " - Jack and Gun-Jack: With those little stumpy legs and huge bulky arms, you want to tell me Namco is one-up in the design stakes? Please. And I know the Jack's aren't meant to be human, but the proportions are still wrong, they're too top-heavy it's hard to imagine how they even remain standing.
    - King and Armor King: are they meant to be wearing masks? Again, they just look wrong.
    - Kuma and Panda, Roger and Alex, Mokujin: you know what, I'm not even going there."

    Um...okay...you are talking about character DESIGNS here. Regardless of the fact that the DESIGN is silly, doesnt mean that the technical quality of the model is bad. Given the silly design (huge arms, lion mask), they are rendered flawlessly (no visible seams, blocky edges, etc.).

    I should have made it clear that what i was talking about, dealt with the technical QUALITY of the model, not how appealing the character designs are. Cause i too dont like the "silly" characters from Tekken, but i was blown away with HOW they were rendered, given their context. I can be very discerning (read: nit-picky) when it comes to technical aspects, and things that you didnt notice while playing VF3, I did (purely from technical standpoint).

    Now, the setting in VF4 is not "fantastical", so there is no reason for Jeffry's shoulders in VF4 to look as dislocated/disjointed as they presently do! Given the more "realistic" setting of the VF world, and the amount of poly's Naomi 2 is pushing around - shit like that is unacceptable, IMO.

    I had always said that I would be perfectly satisfied with VF4 character models if they exhibited the same technical quality as TTT's character models.

    My bad for not clearing up my "anatomy/proportion" comment.

    <font color=red>ORA! ORA! ORA!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>
  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Perfect Dark

    While those are good shooters, they cant compare with todays online shooters, the exact point is you cant play them online, so the convinience of playing against other people isnt there. You have to use link cables or play split screen which just isnt the same. You also dont have the luxury of keyboard mouse combinations and instead are stuck with an controller. Any FPS gamer, will tell you the way the game is designed a person using a keyboard mouse will always beat a controller user. The game genre was started using keyboard mouse and therefore is like someone trying to play a fighting game using a keyboard...(well maybe not as bad, but close)

    Graphically they suffer, even when they came out, Unreal was around and boasted better visuals.

  19. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    What?! I actually like Jeffry's new shoulders! True, they may be a little larger than life, but they give him a look of dominance. He doesn't look slow and stupid as he does in previous VFs. Perhaps they should be toned down a bit but I give props to Sega for what it's trying to do.

    The other thing mentioned previously regarding the VF4 videos was Akira in his cotton geti and his apparent belly...well, I love it!!!! Belly or no, it gives Akira the look of a REAL MAN as opposed to some wuss concerned about getting abs. Remember Fight Club? When the two guys were on the bus and some muscular dude gets on and they're like: "He doesn't have a real man's body?" It's sort of what I'm talking about with Akira. To have a belly,STILL kick ass and be lightning quick is just too cool. And even if he doesn't have the belly, at least the folds in his clothing is realistic and still gives off the same impression of swagger.

    I guess I'm sounding contradictory. Jeffry with gut -> stupid Jeffry. Akria with gut -> cool Akira. Heheheheh....

  20. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: Perfect Dark

    "While those are good shooters, they cant compare with todays online shooters, the exact point is you cant play them online, so the convinience of playing against other people isnt there. You have to use link cables or play split screen which just isnt the same. You also dont have the luxury of keyboard mouse combinations and instead are stuck with an controller. Any FPS gamer, will tell you the way the game is designed a person using a keyboard mouse will always beat a controller user. The game genre was started using keyboard mouse and therefore is like someone trying to play a fighting game using a keyboard...(well maybe not as bad, but close)"

    andy: im playing right now unreal tournament and quake3 arena online with keyboard and mouse ON MY DREAMCAST. :)

    been doing it since duke nukem on saturn (online too).

    fuck spelling!

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