VF4 Ultimate Combo Guide... a Challenge

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Llanfair, Sep 24, 2002.

  1. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I've been working for a while on an ultimate combo guide. The idea behind it is to list the BEST combo for any situation... any character vs. any other character, with any stance. The way it's arranged, I list some popular combo starters (the ones I think most players will use in a serious match)... then I list the most guaranteed damage you can get after the combo starter. All combos assume an interrupt unless otherwise noted.

    Anyway the CHALLENGE part:
    Look over the faq, and if you can come up with a better combo for the situations I've got listed, you win! ... credit. Yaaay!

    Important Disclaimer Crap
    1. NO WALL COMBOS, and no combos that require very special/weird circumstances. I want combos you can use any time, not stuff that only works when the opponent is back turned, or doing a very specific move, or already dead.

    2. TRUE COMBOS ONLY. Don't bother listing combos that can be tech rolled or avoided by quick rising. Don't list combos with pounces at the end unless you're sure that people can't avoid the pounce/ground attack. Don't list stagger combos unless the combos are pretty hard to get out of. Use the PS2's record mode to test combos on yourself.

    3. Combos that work only on some characters are okay. I have a lot of combos listed that are for "midweights"... but akira is my midweight training dummy. There are probably a lot of combos that work on lion or shun or lei fei, but not akira. I want those combos too.

    Remember: just because the PS2 says it's a combo doesn't always mean it is! Turn on tech rolls and thoroughly test stagger-type combos.

    Tips for figuring out the best combos:
    1. More hits isn't always better. The VF4 damage scaling makes long combos weaker than short ones, sometimes. 3-4 hits is usually ideal.
    2. Moves that slam the opponent to the floor at the end of a combo are very strong. The opponent can't TR/QR, so these moves often guarantee at least a ground attack, and sometimes a pounce. Since ground attacks and pounces are pretty good damage (and don't suffer from damage scaling if timed correctly) you should look to end combos with slam attacks.
    3. When a move hits very low to the ground, sometimes it does a little more damage than usual. You can use this to your advantage. There are times when a combo does more against a heavy opponent than it would against a lightweight opponent, thanks to the low-to-the-ground effect.
    4. Sometimes range matters. Generally a max range hit from a float combo starter will allow you to do combo combos you otherwise couldn't.

    Ok, on to the combos. VANESSA AND LEI NEED HELP. I know this part of the faq is nearly empty. My shun and lion are also my least picked characters and so I may have missing stuff there. PS: Shun di's combos are all to be tested without any drinks.
    by CreeD


    This guide is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced
    electronically / placed on a web page or site as long as it is unaltered, with
    this disclaimer and the copyright notice appearing in full. Any information
    used from this document, quoted or not, should have this author's name somewhere
    clearly as acknowledgement. Feel free to distribute between others, but this
    guide is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes; this includes being
    used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into
    magazines, etc. in ANY way.


    This goal of this guide is to provide you with the best combos for each
    character, with "best" being defined as either:

    - 1. The combo that does the most damage in a particular situation or
    - 2. The combos that give near-maximum damage and are easy to do and hard to
    screw up.

    Comments and corrections are welcome.


    f,b,d,u joystick motions (forward, back, down, up); hold if capitalized
    db... diagonals (db,df,uf,ub); again, hold if capitalized
    P,K,G press punch, kick or guard buttons, respectively
    + buttons must be pressed together
    , move separator
    FC execute from crouching position
    OTB "on the bounce", opponent is hit after he bounces from the ground
    DLC Akira's df+K+G,f+P,b,f,f+P+K combo
    AS3 Akira's d+K+G,f+K,b,f+P combo
    PIT Akira's f,b+P+G -> u|d+P+K combo
    R: requirements and notes regarding respective move
    MC major counter (interrupt)
    LW combo works on or up to lightweights (LW = any female)
    MW combo works on or up to midweights (MW = males except wrestlers)
    HW combo works on or up to heavyweights (HW = wrestlers, i.e. wolf and jeff)
    * combo does more damage due to hits that are very low to the ground


    - I tested with the heaviest characters in their class - Vanessa, Akira, Jeffry.
    - A major counter (interrupt) is assumed for all combos, but some float combos
    don't need a counter.
    - If a combo lists a combo for MW but not LW, that means the same combo is best
    for both midweights and lightweights.
    - If there are entries for lightweights and heavyweights, but no midweights,
    assume the heavyweight combo is also what you need to use on midweights.
    - Any combo with a FC move in the middle or end requires you to do the move by
    buffering a crouch dash (which makes you get into a crouch instantly). This
    technique is called 'modifying' a move. For example, FC,f+P+K -> P -> FC,f+P+K
    -> FC,b,f+P would be described as shoulder ram, punch, modified shoulder ram,
    modified double palm. The exact commands to execute it would be D,f+P+K -> P
    -> df,DF,f+P+K -> df,DF,b,f+P


    f,f,f+P followups
    >> AS3 -> df+P (ground attack) [54 pts]
    [LW, open stance, normal hit]
    >> f,f+K,K [74 pts]

    FC,f+P+K followups
    >> P -> FC,f+P+K -> FC,b,f+P [97 pts]
    [MW up to kage?, substitute d+K vs. akira]
    >> P -> f,f+K,K [89 pts]
    [HW, open stance]
    >> P -> AS3 -> df+P (ground attack) [89 pts]
    [HW, closed stance, delay ground punch for best damage]

    df+P+K followups
    >> f,f+K,K [67 pts]
    [ALL, for variety, do AS3 + ground punch. Ground punch unconfirmed]

    b,f+P followups
    >> P -> FC,b,f+P [67 pts]
    >> P -> AS3 -> df+P [72 pts]
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> f,f+K,K [71 pts]
    [LW, max range]
    >> d+P -> FC,b,f+P [65 pts]

    f,f+P followups
    >> AS3 -> df+P [67 pts]
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> f,f+P [54 pts]

    QCB+P followups
    >> (dodge up) -> b,f,f+P+K [84 pts]
    [ALL, f,f+K,K is more reliable for 78 pts]

    df,df+P followups
    >> P -> FC,f+P+K -> f,f+K,K [112 pts]
    [LW , open stance]
    >> FC,f+P+K -> AS3 -> df+P (ground punch) [109 pts]
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> FC,f+P+K -> FC,f+P+K [109 pts*]
    [MW, open stance]
    >> F+P -> f,f+K,K [96 pts]
    [MW, allow akira to dash before doing the first jumping kick]
    >> P -> AS3 -> df+P (ground attack) [94 pts]
    [HW, closed stance, delay ground punch for best damage]
    >> f,f+K,K [92 pts]
    [HW, open stance]

    PIT followups
    >> f,f,f+P -> F+P -> FC,f+P+K [78 pts]
    [LW - for variety end in the tougher m-dbpm]
    >> f,f,f+P -> FC,f+P+K [74 pts]
    [ALL except akira and heavier - heavies must hold D and then QR to avoid dbpm]


    b,df+P followups
    >> f+K,K [66 pts]
    >> d+P, f+K,K [67 pt.]
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> F+K,K -> df+P (ground punch) [70 pts]
    [HW, open stance, requires perfect buffering]

    f,f+P+K followups
    >> F+P, f+K,K [70 pts] *
    [LW, works up to the lightest MW,'s, only in closed stance on some. Delay
    f+K,K as long as possible to get best damage]
    >> F+K,K -> df+P (ground attack) closed stance [66 pts]
    >> d+P -> FC,df+P [55 pts]
    >> F+P -> F+K,K, d/f+P (ground punch) closed stance [69 pts]
    >> f+K,K [66 pts]
    [HW, unreliable, requires a mid to long range interrupt with f,f+P+K]
    >> FC, D/F+P open stance [44 pts]

    b,b+P+K followups
    >> K,K -> d/f+P (ground attack) [61 pts]
    [ALL, if the opponent is caught struggling during the ground chop, it's 63

    f+K followups
    >> F+P -> K,K -> d/f+P+G (ground throw) [79 pts]
    [LW, hold forward the whole time to ensure staying as closed stance as
    possible. Buffer a forward dash and allow aoi to move a -hair- forward
    before executing the ground throw. This works in either stance. Remove the
    punch for heavier midweights, which brings damage to 78 pts. The CPU rolls
    out of the ground throw if you let your dash go for more than a few frames, a
    human will probably eat it reliably]
    >> P -> f+K,K [70 pts]
    [HW, the knee must hit from max range for the combo to work in either stance]
    >> F+P -> F+K,K -> d/f+P (ground attack) [69 pts]
    [HW, closed stance, a more reliable combo for heavies than the previous one]

    df+P followups
    >> F+P -> K,K -> df+P+G (ground throw) [85 pts]
    [MW, see above f+K combos for how to do this]
    >> F+P -> F+K,K -> df+P (ground attack) [75 pts]
    [HW, closed stance]
    >> F+P -> f+K,K [76 pts] *
    [HW, open stance, the K,K, dash and ground throw trick doesn't seem to work
    on heavies, prolly cuz they slam into the floor a few frames earlier than a
    lighter opponent would]

    f+K+G,P followups
    >> K,K, df+P (ground atttack) [61 pts]
    [ALL, with delay the ground attack does full damage, bringing it to 63]

    b+K+G followups
    >> turn towards -> f+K,K
    [ALL, second kick whiffs frequently, may have stance requirements]


    f+K followups
    >> K,P,K [98 pts]
    >> K,P,d+K [93 pts]
    [HW, open stance]
    >> f+P,P,K [88 pts]
    [HW, closed stance. The open stance combo works on heavies, but is very
    unreliable. Requires a max range knee interrupt]

    P+K, P followups
    >> f+P,P,d+K
    [MW, open stance]
    >> db+P+K,K,K -> df+K (ground kick)
    [HW, open stance, the ground kick above is unconfirmed. The next best
    possibility is the canned K followup to P+K, P. That's the combo for open
    stance too]

    FC,df+P followups
    Note: all followups are struggle-able, so these are not true combos:

    >> f+P,P,K [?? pts]
    [ALL, tough to struggle out of]

    >>>The following combos are fairly easy to struggle out of.
    >> b+K+G -> d+P -> df+K,K or db+P+K,K,K,K,d+K [77 pts] (up to ???)
    [LW, open stance]
    >> b+K+G -> F+P -> d+K+G, K [83 pts] (up to lei/lion)
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> b+K+G -> d+P -> P+K -> df+K (ground attack) [80 pts]
    [LW, open stance, ground kick unconfirmed]
    >> b+K+G -> u+P (pounce) [70 pts]

    b+K+G followups
    >> d+P, df+K,K or db+P+K,K,K,K,d+K [77 pts] (up to ???)
    [LW, open stance]
    >> F+P, d+K+G, K [83 pts] (up to lei/lion)
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> d+P -> P+K -> df+K (ground attack) [80 pts]
    [LW, open stance, ground kick unconfirmed]
    >> u+P (pounce) [70 pts]

    b+P followups
    >> b+K+G, u+P (pounce) [88 pts]


    f+K followups
    >> P -> b,f+P+K -> u+P (pounce) [103 pts]
    >> P -> K,K,P [102 pts]
    >> K,K,P [96 pts]
    [MW, may need open stance on some]
    >> P -> b,df+P,P [?? pts]
    [MW, closed stance]
    >> d+P -> f+K [87 pts] *
    [HW, open stance]
    >> d+P -> f,f+P,P [86 pts]
    [HW, closed stance]

    f+P+K followups
    >> b,df+P,P [66 pts]
    [ALL, for variety you can do df+P,P,P for 1 pt. less]

    df+P,P followups
    >> d+P -> f,f+P,P [71 pts]
    >> f,f+P [67 pts]

    P+K+G[stance] -> P(blocked) - f+P+G (special throw) followups
    >> d+K+G, u+P (pounce) [71 pts]
    [ALL, the d+K+G must be done early. If done early, it causes foot crumple.
    An equally reliable followup that's easier is just u/f+K+G for 1 pt. less.
    You can also use u+K+G after the d+K+G crumple for variety]

    df,df+P followups
    >> P -> b,f+P+K -> u+P (pounce) [100 pts]
    >> P -> K,K,P [99 pts]
    >> P -> b,df+P,P [84 pts]

    b+K followups
    >> f,f+P,P [54 pts]
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> d+K+G [40 pts]
    [MW, up to lei fei. A low kick will do 41 pts vs. lei since it hits low to the ground]
    >> b+P (canned followup to b+K) [36 pts]

    b,f+P followups [99 pts]
    >> K,K,P
    [ALL except jeffry]
    >> P,P,b+P (83 pts)


    TFT (b+P+G) followups (scammed from UK-GUY! thank you for your dedication)

    >>>AKIRA or JACKY<<< FC,f+K -> d+P+K -> db+P,K,G -> ub+K+G [83 pts]
    [the db+PKG is a swipe punch, going into a canned kick, then the kick is
    canncelled. doing the cancelled kick followup lets you recover faster than doing
    db+P by itself]

    >>>JEFFRY<<< FC,f+K -> d+P+K -> ub+K+G [80 pts]

    >>>WOLF<<< FC,f+K -> P -> d+P+K -> ub+K+G [80 pts]

    >>>KAGE or LEI-FEI<<< FC,f+K -> P -> f+P+K -> ub+K+G [80 pts]

    >>>LION or VANESSA<<< FC,f+K -> f+P -> ub+K+G [84 pts]

    >>>LAU or SARAH<<< FC,f+K -> b+P,K -> d+P+K,K [83 pts]

    >>>SHUN DI<<< d+P+K -> P -> FC,f+K -> ub+K+G [80 pts]

    >>>PAI or AOI<<< d+P+K -> FC,f+K -> d/b+P,K,G swipe -> kickflip. [83 pts]
    [the above is damned hard, and you can much more easily perfect:
    d+P+K -> FC,f+K -> ub+K+G [80 pts]
    For the 'best' combo, this is what I go with. The three extra points for the
    swipe combo isn't worth the gamble of messing it up]

    TFT -> FC,f+K -> P -> P -> f+K+G -> d+K (after this low kick, opponent may TR)
    -> df+K (ground attack)
    [Total damage from the above is 70 before the heel swat, and if the opponent
    failed to TR, the heel swat connects for 13. That makes this an easy 83 point
    combo. If the opponent is light enough, substitute the first P with db+P,K,G
    ... a swipe, followed by a cancelled kick. This is slower but three points more
    damaging, bringing the 'pseudo-combo' damage up to 86. The combo works because
    the timing for tech rolling when a low kick hits on the bounce is tough]

    >>>ALL<<< d+P+K -> P -> d+P+K -> f,f+P+K+G
    [This is the best distance TFT combo because the opponent, upon getting hit by
    the f,f+P+K+G, starts to fall onto kage's body. However the game doesn't allow
    them to pass through your body, so while kage keeps moving forward, their body
    is shoved along for the ride. Then when kage lands, they slide off the front of
    his feet. Overall distance is enough to ring out from almost the middle of the
    ring on most stages]

    TFT -> kickflip (near)
    TFT -> d+P+K (P) -> kickflip (further)
    TFT -> d+P+K -> P -> b+P,K (furthest)
    [These are the best combos to ring out over low walls]

    df+P followups
    >> P -> b+P -> f,d,df+P [69 pts]
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> f+K+G -> d/f+K (ground attack) [76 pts]
    [LW, open stance, depending on whether the d/f+K hits right away or not, you
    will get either 67 or 70]
    >> P -> ub+K+G [64 pts]

    FC,D/F+P followups
    >> F+P -> f,d,df+P [54 pts]
    [LW, in closed stance you can do F+P, d+P+K,K for the same damage]
    >> F+P -> d+P+K,K [54 pts]
    [MW, closed stance]
    >> F+P -> FC,df+P [44 pts]
    [MW, open stance, this is the best I can find vs. akira, but a lighter
    midweight might get hit by the closed stance combo]
    >> [HW has no followups]

    uf+K+G followups
    >> d+P -> F+P -> f,d,df+P [81 pts] *
    [LW, open stance, for a more reliable 78 pts do d+P -> b+P,K]
    >> d+P -> db+P,P,K [76 pts]
    [LW, closed stance. In open stance one punch misses, bringing damage to 72]
    >> d+P -> f,d,df+P [73 pts]
    >> u+P (pounce) [70 pts]

    jumonji K+G followups
    >> df+K+G [65 pts]

    TT P+K,K followups
    >> f+K+G -> df+K (ground attack) [74 pts]
    [ALL, doesn't register as a true combo on the PS2, but looks impossble to
    struggle out of. Next best option that registers as a combo is an u+P pounce
    at 66 pts]

    jumonji midkick reversal followups
    >> uf+K+G -> d+P -> f,d,df+P [98 pts]


    FC,df+P, df+P+K followups
    >> FC,df+P,P,P,P,d+K [88 pts] *
    >> F+P,P,P,d+K [79 pts] *

    FC,df+P, P followups
    >> FC,df+P,P,P,P,d+K [86 pts] *
    [MW, delay starting the combo by a hair for best damage]
    >> F+P,P,P,d+K [78 pts] *

    df,df+P followups
    >> P -> b+P -> d+P,P,K [83 pts]
    [LW, this combo is unreliable in open stance, the second punch sometimes
    whiffs. A more reliable variation is P -> b+P -> P,P,K]
    >> FC,df+P,P,P,P,d+K [86 pts]
    >> P,P,P,K [77 points]
    [HW, the above is just the canned followup to the lunging knife]

    df+P+K followups
    >> P -> FC,df+P,P,P,P,d+K [98 pts] *
    >> df+P,P,P,P,d+K [91 pts] *
    [MW, delay starting the combo by a hair for best damage]
    >> DF+P,P,b+P,P [92 pts]
    [MW, open stance]
    >> DF+P,P,b+P,P [96 pts] *
    [HW, closed stance]
    >> F+P,P,P,d+K [84 pts]
    [HW, open stance]

    b,b+P followups
    >> d+P,P,P,K [82 pts]
    >> d+P,P,P,d+K [77 pts]
    [HW, the d+P etc is a canned followup to b,b+P, do it IMMEDIATELY after
    entering b,b+P]

    u+K followups
    >> FC, DF+P,P,P,P,d+K (major counter) [83 pts] *
    [ALL, damage may vary with weight]
    >> b,f+P -> F+P -> f+K+G [80 pts]
    [AOI, closed stance, normal hit]
    >> b,f+P -> d+P -> FC, DF+P,df+P+K [75 points]
    [ALL, open stance, normal hit]
    >> b,f+P -> P, b+P, P [78 pts]
    [HW, closed stance, normal hit]
    >> b,f+P -> d+P -> FC, DF+P,df+P+K [75 points]
    [HW, open stance, normal hit]

    b,f+P followups
    >> F+P -> f+K+G [72 pts]
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> d+P -> FC, DF+P,df+P+K [55 points]
    [LW, open stance]
    >> P, b+P, P [70 pts]
    [HW, closed stance]
    >> d+P -> FC, DF+P,df+P+K [67 points]
    [HW, open stance, none of these ever require a major counter, but damages are
    based on MC, which is why they're close in damage to the hopkick combos above]

    uf+K followups
    >> FC,df+P,P,P,P,d+K [81 pts] *
    >> FC,df+P,P,b+P,P [85 pts]
    [HW, closed stance, the damage is possible because the hits happen lower to
    the ground than they ever can vs. lightweights (the b+P refloats too much for
    the final P to hit really low to the ground). So for once a heavy can be
    hurt worse than a lighty by a specific combo starter]

    uf+P followups
    >> P,b+P,P [50 pts]
    [LW, open stance]
    >> P,b+P,P [57 pts]
    [HW, open stance]
    >> df+P,P,P,d+K [49 pts]
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> FC,df+P, df+P+K [46 pts]


    uf+K+G followups
    >> d+P -> uf+K+G -> df+K (ground attack) [63 pts]

    df,df+P,P followups
    >> P -> uf+K+G -> df+K (ground attack) [74 pts]
    [LW, closed stance]

    >> d+P -> uf+K+G -> df+K (ground attack) [72 pts]
    [LW, open stance, more reliable than above]

    Independent Stance: d+K followups
    >> K -> d+P+K+G -> P,P+K -> uf+K+G -> df+K (ground attack) [97 pts] *
    [MW up to ? - This is not a true combo since you can struggle between the first and second hit. However it's difficult and too useful to leave out. After the K, switch
    stances with a quick buffered d+P+K+G]

    b+P followups
    >> f+P,P,P,P [71 pts]

    df+P+G followups
    >> df,df+P,P -> d+K [71 pts]


    FC, f+P followups
    >> b,b+K,P+K -> b,b+K [80 pts]
    [LW, in closed stance you can end in K for variety]
    >> b,b+K -> p -> df+P,P -> df+P (ground attack)
    [MW, delay ground attack for max damage]

    u+K followups
    >> F+P -> df+P,P -> df+P (ground attack) [80 pts]
    >> df+P,P -> df+P (ground attack) [76 pts]
    [MW, delay ground attack for max damage]

    b,b+K, P+K followups
    >> F+P -> df+P,P -> df+P (ground attack) [86 pts]
    [LW, closed stance, hold DF immediately after the first punch to make the rest work.
    Delay the ground punch for max damage]
    >> df+P,P -> df+P (ground attack) [76 pts]
    [MW, delay the ground attack for max damage]

    b+P+K followups
    >> F+P -> df+P,P -> df+P (ground attack) [82 pts]
    >> df+P,P -> df+P (ground attack) [76 pts]
    [MW, delay the ground attack for max damage]

    P+K followups
    >> df+P,P -> df+P (ground attack) [71 pts]
    [ALL, closed stance, hold DF immediately after the first hit to make the rest work.
    Delay the ground punch for max damage]
    >> u+P (pounce) [61 pts]
    [ALL, open. Can also do f,f+K,K for variety]

    QCB+P followups
    >> df+P,P -> df+P (ground attack) [72 pts]
    [ALL, hold DF immediately after the first hit to make the rest work.
    Delay the ground punch for max damage]

    FC, f+P+G followups
    >> b,f+K+G [70 pts]

    df+P+G followups
    >> b,b+K,P+K -> K,K [68 pts]
    [LW. Not a true combo, they can duck it, but not block or dodge]
    >> df+P,P -> u+P (pounce) or df+P (ground attack)
    [ALL. Also not a true combo, the opponent can block the second punch]


    FC,f+P followups
    >> P -> FC,f+P -> K,K -> d/f+P (ground attack) [81 pts]
    [MW, above works up to, but not including, Akira]
    >> P -> FC,f+P -> f,f+P,K [76 pts]
    [MW, above works on Akira. Requires open stance on lau and jacky]
    >> P -> K,K -> d/f+P (ground attack) [72 pts]
    >> P -> P -> K,K -> d/f+P (ground attack) [73 pts]
    [HW, open stance]

    b+P followups
    >> d/f+P, P(whiff), f+P [67 pts]
    [MW, open stance]
    >> f,f+P,P [66 pts]
    [ALL, closed stance, first combo whiffs on heaviest]

    db+P followups
    >> P -> FC,f+P -> K,K -> d/f+P (ground attack)
    [LW, above works up to, but not including, Akira]
    >> P -> K,K -> d/f+P (ground attack) [60 pts]
    [HW, open stance]
    >> P -> P -> K,K -> d/f+P (ground attack) [61 pts]
    [HW, closed stance]

    K followups
    >> P -> FC,f+P -> f,f+P,K [76 pts]
    [LW, may require long range interrupt]
    >> P -> P,P,P,d+K [72 pts]
    [MW, in open stance you can substitute F+P, f,f+P,K for the same damage]
    >> P -> K,K -> df+P [72 pts]
    [HW, open]
    >> second hit of K,K combo -> u+P (pounce) [71 pts]
    [HW, closed stance, the CPU can roll out of this usually, but humans cannot.
    I can't find a better combo in closed stance]

    f,f+P followups
    >> F+K,K -> d/f+P (ground attack) [70 pts]
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> f,f+P,K [62 pts]
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> f,f+P,K [66 pts] *


    db+K followups
    >> df+P,K -> P -> db+K+G -> df+K (ground attack) [96 pts]
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> df+P,K -> P,P,P,b+K [91 pts]
    [LW, requires aoi/pai]
    >> df+P,K -> P -> db+K [89 pts]
    [LW, open stance, up to ???, for variety end in ub+K]
    >> P -> P -> db+K+G -> df+K (ground attack) [87 pts]
    [MW, delay ground kick a hair for best damage]
    >> df+P,K -> u+K [89 pts] *

    f+K followups
    >> df+P,K -> P -> db+K+G -> df+K (ground attack) [97 pts]
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> df+P,K -> P -> f+P,K [91 pts]
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> P -> P -> db+K+G -> df+K (ground attack) [87 pts]
    [MW, delay ground kick a hair for best damage]
    >> df+P,K -> u+K [85 pts] *

    d+P+K,K followups
    >> df+P,K -> P -> db+K [89 pts]
    [LW, for variety end in ub+K]
    >> df+P,K -> u+K [82]
    [HW, open stance only past Akira]
    >> P,P,P,b+K [78]
    [HW, closed stance]

    f+K+G or u+K+G followups
    >> df+P,K -> ub+K [77 pts]
    >> db+K [61 pts]

    uf+K followups
    >> P -> b+K -> u+K [76 pts]
    [LW, tap guard after uf+K]
    >> P -> db+K [69 pts]
    >> P -> db+K [71 pts]
    [HW, max range. At close range no followups]

    ub+K+G followups
    >> d+P -> FC,f+K [73 pts]
    [LW, open stance]
    >> u+P [70 pts]
    [ALL, closed stance]

    K,P followups
    >> P -> P -> db+K+G -> df+K (ground attack) [80 pts]
    [LW, open stance]
    >> df+P,K -> u+K [76 pts]
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> P -> db+K+G -> df+K (ground attack) [77 pts]
    [HW, delay ground kick a hair for best damage]
    >> P -> FC,f+K,K [79 pts]


    QCF+P followups
    >> F+P -> K,K [74 pts]
    [LW, closed stance, can also end in F+P->P->f,f+K->df+P (ground attack)]
    >> F+P -> f,f+K -> df+P (ground attack) [70 pts]
    [MW, open stance]
    >> K,K [70 pts]
    [HW, closed stance]
    >> F+P -> P,P,P [64 pts]
    [HW, open stance]

    u+K followups
    >> u+P (pounce) [55 pts]

    FC, DF+P followups
    >> d+P -> db+P,K [70-73] *
    [ALL, more damage vs HW]

    b,df+P followups
    >> P,P,P [60 pts]
    [MW, closed stance for heavier midweights. For variety on lightweights, you can also get P -> b,df+P or P -> QCF+P in open stance]
    >> b,df+P [57 pts] *
    [HW, open stance vs heavier mids and up. More damaging vs heavies, mids get 52 pts]
    >> df+P [52 pts]
    [HW, closed stance, hold DF before pressing punch to avoid trying a ground attack]


    G, u+P and G,d+P followups
    >> f+P,K,K [76 pts]
    [ALL, closed stance, -and- you must dodge towards the opponent's back]
    >> f+P,df+K [66 pts]
    [ALL, for situations where the above cannot work, ie open stance]
    >> MT f+P,P,K [64 pts]
    [ALL, in open stance, dodge to front. In closed stance, dodge to back]

    [MT] f+P+K followups
    >> [MT] f+P,P,K [57 pts]
    [ALL, vs heavies only in open]
    >> u+P [55 pts]
    [ALL, best followup vs HW in closed]

    [DS] FC, while standing P followups
    >> df+K [50]
    [requires MC, and may be strugglable. If it connects, db+K is hard to tech
    out of]

    db+K+G followups
    >> f,f+P,P [75 pts]
    [LW, open stance]
    >> F+P,P(whiff),K [66 pts]
    [MW, closed stance]
    >> [MT] f+P+K [61 pts]


    f+K followups
    >> P -> P -> b+P -> u+P (pounce) [104 pts]
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> P -> b+P -> u+P (pounce) [97 pts]
    [MW, open stance, a max range knee mc will allow the first combo to be
    done on lw. This is flaky however so sticking to one punch is probably best]
    >> b+P -> u+P (pounce) [86 pts]
    >> P -> d+P -> FC, QCF+P [82 pts]
    [MW, the second is best for closed stance vs. midweights. b+P generally
    whiffs. However it's possible with a long range interrupt to pull off P ->
    b+P -> pounce in closed stance. Another very reliable combo is F+P -> f+P,P
    ... this may be even better as it's the same damage, but it slams the
    opponent (setting up okizeme options)]
    >> F+P -> b,f+P+K [86 pts] *

    b,f+P+K followups
    >> P -> P -> b+P -> u+P (pounce) [104 pts]
    >> P -> b+P -> u+P (pounce) [97 pts]
    [MW, open stance, a knee MC at max range will allow the first combo to be
    done on lw. This is flaky however so sticking to one punch is probably best]
    >> b+P -> u+P (pounce) [86 pts]
    >> P -> d+P -> FC, QCF+P [82 pts]
    [MW, the second is best for closed stance vs. midweights. b+P generally
    whiffs. However it's possible with a long range interrupt to pull off P ->
    b+P -> pounce in closed stance. Another very reliable combo is F+P -> f+P,P
    ... this may be even better as it's the same damage, but it slams the
    opponent (setting up okizeme options).
    >> F+P -> b+P -> u+P (pounce) [97 pts]
    [HW, closed stance, max range interrupt]
    >> F+P -> b,f+P+K [86 pts]
    [HW, closed stance, only at max range. The next combo is far more reliable]
    >> F+P -> f+P,P [82 pts]

    HCB+P followups
    >> FC, QCF+P
    >> P (canned followup to HCB+P)

    b+P followups
    >> F+P -> f+P,P [67 pts]
    [LW, this is very unreliable and I'm not sure what the conditions are to land
    the second punch consistently. Maybe a slight delay]
    >> HCB+P,P [58 pts]
    [ALL, for variety you can do u+P or F+P -> f+P for 1 pt. less]

    charge P+K followups
    >> f+K -> P -> b+P -> u+P (pounce) [126 pts]
    >> f+K -> b+P -> u+P (pounce) [113 pts]
    [MW, unsure of guaranteedness of the knee. Is charge P+K MC a normal hit or
    >> f+K -> P -> FC,QCF+P [110 pts]

    f+K+G followups
    [all are strugglable. However if your opponent is a poor struggler, do your
    best knee combo. f+P also crumples in this situation, so you can do f+P,

    [end of file]

    Corrections are welcome!
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Hey, I think I'll do it. I hope myke doesn't get angry and use the barbed steel dildo.
    Thanks for the suggestion.
  3. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    More obscure Version C Akira combos (against Pai and Aoi only):

    SDE (MC), [2]+[P], shrm, m-dblpm (82 pts). In order to perform this combo properly, the [2]+[P] needs to connect as soon as their knees touch the ground. When timed appropriately, the [2]+[P] causes a special high bounce that allows you to follow up with shrm and then m-dblpm.

    Backstagger combo:
    If you replace m-dblpm with SDE and the opponent TR's, you can set up a backstagger combo with[3]+[K]. This is EXTREMELY difficult however, due to the fact that after you hit with SDE, the opponent is slightly further away than in a regular backstagger setup situation. If you're fortunate enough to connect the following combo: SDE (MC), [2]+[P], shrm, SDE, (opponent TR's), forward dash, sidekick, SDE, [6_]+[P], m-shrm, m-dblpm.....that's around 175 pts(the most I've managed to get). So far, I've only been able to do this against Pai.

    Note: EXTREMELY difficult. Only attempt this if you're completely insane and have lots of free time.

    The standard backstagger combo I use for everyone else is: SDE (MC), yoho, (opponent TR's), forward dash, sidekick, SDE, m-dblpm.
  4. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    if we're on the subject of akira combos, i thnk this is an interesting one /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

    [4][2][P]+[G] ~ [6][6][K] ~ [P] ~ shlrm ~ DLC / m-dblpm
  5. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Interesting one. The [6][6][K] isn't guaranteed, but it's difficult to avoid. I usually have to do [6][6][6][K] in order for it to connect.
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    bah that wasn't an interesting one, it's been around since VF2 /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
    In previous vf games a well timed ff+K always worked, but now it takes too long due to the need to dash a little before kicking. Guard break, f,f+K is an ok substitute but is stance dependent.

    Also for anyone who was wondering, f,f,f+P isn't guaranteed after b,d+P+G either. I get out of ST, sjk easily but f,f,f+P it took three or four tries. Someone with a stick and correct technique probably would have no trouble.
  7. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    It's not guaranteed, but it's an interesting mind game against someone expecting the automatic sgpm. There's always a chance they might not struggle hard enough and end up eating the SJK instead. Obviously, ST, sgpm, dblpm is usually the best choice . Too bad it's no longer guaranteed in Evo. /versus/images/icons/mad.gif /versus/images/icons/mad.gif /versus/images/icons/mad.gif
  8. Hello all. I'm quite new to the website. I just got my PS2 this past Monday and am getting Virtua Fighter 4 for the Playstation probably this coming week, should I get my money in time /versus/images/icons/wink.gif . I was just reading this thread and I thought to myself, I would be very intimidated playing this game against you all. I see you guys talk the talk, but it also seems that by your words, you also walk the walk. I have Virtua Fighter 2 for the Saturn, and to be honest, I just plain suck. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif I enjoy the game but yet suck. Hopefully, I can learn a lot from you guys. Maybe I can even become a hardcore VF gamer like you all. Ciao.
  9. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Not sure if this was posted before, but it's pretty obscure:

    [3][P]+[K] (MC) -> [2_][3][P], [P]+[K] -> [3][P]+[K]. Works on Pai and Aoi in open stance. 99 pts.
  10. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    Jeff of course

    MW MC
    you can do [P],[G],[P],[G] instead of [P],[P],[G] if the timing is easier for you
    91 pts

    [3][3][P],[P],[G],[P],[G],[6][6][P],[P], 91 pts
    [3][3][P],[P],[G],[P],[G],[4][P] plus maybe a pounce

    if the stance/ weight/ foot position isn't right for knee to kkp or p, headbutt
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    These are pretty good combos, though the challenge was to find combos more damaging than the ones I've listed. /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif

    I could only wish b+P allowed a pounce afterwards, but jeffry's recovers too slow. Otherwise he'd be just like wolf with his knee combos.
  12. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    Your highest MW (that works on all midweights, without stance requirements) damage combo is 87 pts. You didn't list damage for Knee, P, b,d/f+P,P.... 87 pts. Read my post again.
  13. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    LW MC 105 pts

    [3][P], (miss with it) charge [K], hold forward, [P][P][P][6][K]

    tested on pai, timing is critical between K hit and first punch
  14. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Creed...uh...like...shun sucks without drinks...i mean, give him 8 drinks and he can make the u+k, df+pppk (3 p? or 2? don't remember..) p+k+g so that you won't lose any drink. I mean, You REALLY have to let shun drink, without drinks he's the weakest fighter in the whole game. He won't be able to connect most of his techniques. It's like playing Akira without using Yoho, SPoD, ShlrRm and DblPm.
  15. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    111 pts
    [4][6][6][P][K], (full charge) hold d/f during charge[3_][P][P][P][2][K]
  16. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Ha, I forgot all about that move. Not one I'd try in a serious fight too often, but if it works it's hilarious -
    Another one to fool with - fully charged palm -> P -> P -> KK -> df+P (ground attack).
    Vs. lazy opponents, K,K pounce can work.
  17. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    any use?
    lei fei
    [3]+[P]+[G] [P]+[K][P][P]
    i think it works on mids and unders, for around 70+points.

    [P]+[K],[P], [3_][K][K] (double sidekick),
    i think it works on anyone under akira, but im not sure.
    67 points.
  18. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    It's on, the ultimate Jeffry Revision Volume 1.
    All combos are MC unless otherwise noted

    Knee followups
    P, G, P, G, b,f+PK, u+P (110 pts, Pai only)
    (the rest of your knee followups are great....)

    (why the section on d/fp, p floats??? i don't see them as being integral to jeffry's game.... )

    Kenka Upper (d/f, d/f, P) Followups
    P, G, P, G, b, f+PK, u+P (107 pts)
    P, G, K, K, P (99pts, must hold forward)
    K, K, P (93 pts, must hold forward)

    Headbutt followups
    d+P, b, f+PK, u+P (98 pts and 83 pts non MC!!)
    d+P, f+K (81 pts, d+P, f,f+P,P is easier for 80 pts)
    u+P (55 pts)

    b, f+K followups
    P,P, b+P (86 pts)
    P, G, f, f+P, P (83 pts)
    f, f+P,P (79 pts)

    Special Goat Battle Combo
    b, f+P, b, d/f+PK

  19. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the combos.

    If you're wondering about the df+P,P combos, you might as well wonder about kenka uppercut combos... kenka upper is definitely more useless. And b,f+P+K... I wouldn't throw it out..
    But anyway, these are nifty combos, I'll probably end up adding 'em all.
  20. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    Well I guess..... The d/f+P, P just seems to be quite a strange combo starter I guess..... BTW are senbons even useful in 4 to add more damage to combos? And what about iageri kicks? I know there have been some nasty combos/exploits in older VFs, but have you found anything in 4?

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