VF4 Ultimate Combo Guide... a Challenge

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Llanfair, Sep 24, 2002.

  1. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    Sorry Creed, here are the 'best' TFT combos for versionC.

    [4]+[P]+[G] follow-ups:

    Best vs Aoi & Pai
    [2]+[P]+[K] - [2_][6]+[K] - [1]+[P][K][G] - [7]+[K]+[G]
    77~83 points of damage
    [2]+[P]+[K] - [4]+[P][K] - [P] - [6]+[K]+[G] - [6][6][3]+[K]

    [2_][6]+[K] - [P][K][G] - [2]+[P]+[K] - [7]+[K]+[G]
    [2_][6]+[K] - [2]+[P] - [2]+[P]+[K] - [7]+[K]+[G]

    [2_][6]+[K] - [2]+[P]+[K] - [7]+[K]+[G]

    [2_][6]+[K] - [4]+[P][K] - [6][2][3]+[P]

    Shun, Kage, Lau, Jacky
    [2_][6]+[K] - [1]+[P][K][G] - [P] - [6]+[K]+[G] - [6][6][3]+[K]

    [2_][6]+[K] - [6]+[P] - [7]+[K]+[G]

    Lion & Lei-Fei
    [2_][6]+[K] - [4]+[P] - [P] - [6]+[K]+[G] - [6][6][3]+[K]
    85 (Note: On Lion you can also do; [P] - [4]+[P] - [6]+[K]+[G]...)

    [2_][6]+[K] - [4]+[P] - [6]+[K]+[G] - [6][6][3]+[K]
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    Re: Sarah knee helix f+K+G heel swat

    Miss a move in there? Or typo?
    The best I could get with sarah was the old standard knee, swipe, P, f+K+G, heel swat for 83. What's the 87?

    Just for fun:
    TFT, d+P+K -> db+P,K,G -> P -> dodge attack (opponent hits wall) -> ff+PKG.
  3. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    What about Sarah's db+K/f+K -> b,b+P,K -> db+K? Requires spot-on timing, but works on everybody up to Jacky for 90+ damage IIRC, uses the weird "scrape off ground" extra damage like some TFT combos.
  4. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    Check page 7, it's been posted already....
  5. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    Err not sure, the combo is:

    [4]+[P]+[G] - [3][3][6]+[K] - [4]+[P] - [6]+[K]+[G] - [6][6][3]+[K]

    The timing for the helic into the cartwheel kick is tight but if done correctly you get 74pts before the delayed heelswat (13pts) for the 87pts, making it probably the most damaging non-wall TFT combo


  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    Turn on tech rolls you goon /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  7. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    Creed, Creed, Creed...

    THIS IS A TRUE COMBO!! Timing is tight but it can be done, you have to have perfect Knee height, and then the rest of the moves have to be perefctly buffered.

    It's even shown on the Kage training section from the VF4 Revolution DVD.

    Stop 'gooning' about and get your timing skills up to scratch
  8. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    Just so to put any doubts into the bin for good

    it is a true combo
    it is a old combo (oh shit, it was for me anyway, since Feb)
  9. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    err...Actually it's NOT a combo. Creed was right all along.

    I always asumed that since I first saw it on the Enterbarin revolution verC DVD that it was a combo, I mean c'mon they are the people behind the green and blue book, and have such staff writers as Kyasao and Bun Bun Maru...well I tested out the combo and it NEVER connects, you can ALWAYS techroll or quickrise, so err don't belive evreything you see on DVDs...or something /versus/images/icons/frown.gif

    For Sarah just stick with the standard combo up to Jacky:

    [4]+[P]+[G] - [3][3][6]+[K] - [1]+[P][K][G] - [P] - [6]+[K]+[G] - [6][6][3]+[K]

    also this one is quite neat in evo on lightweights:

    [4]+[P]+[G] - [2]+[P]+[K] - [4]+[P] (Hold [P]) - [JM] [P][K] (Hold [K]) - [2]+[P]+[K][K]
  10. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]


    I must have somehow con my friends into thinking it's a combo n they never struggled to get up! (them asking me n i go ' oh yeah!') or, something /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif


    then again, I am a lazy goon. I always stick to tft, knee, swipe, kickflip.

    Nowadays, I'm even lazier.

    I just go knee, p, p, carthwheel, stomp. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  11. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member



    minght have been posted didnt see it..... /versus/images/icons/blush.gif
  12. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    I have a few Jacky Combos.

    -f+k, p, ff+k (63 or 69 dmg) ALL (cant believe nobody posted this one yet)
    -f+k, b+p+k, p, f+p+k, p (67) LW open stance
    (works up to Akira for then, just minus the last punch)
  13. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    -f+k, p, ff+k (63 or 69 dmg) ALL (cant believe nobody posted this one yet)

    The reason nobody posted that combo is because this thread is meant only for the best possible combos for every float starter vs. each weight class.
    There's nothing wrong with your combos, but I only want replies if someone has found something that does more damage than the combos I have listed. Any ideas have to be true combos, meaning not TR-able. If there's a pounce in the combo it must not be escapeable.

    *grunt* HAHAHA!@
  14. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    I see, thanks CreeD, Sorry about that then. I'll try to be more careful next time and read through it. I just wanted to contribute somethin.

    Thanks for the *GRUNT* too... that was mean lol.
  15. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    Some fun VF4 ver C Akira combos on Aoi(probably Pai and Sarah too):

    Knee(MC/OS)~P(G)~P(G)~P~Dbpm (need to hold forward during punches)

    These are not the best combos for lightweights but are really stylish and fun to do.
  16. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    BMF, don't make me rape you with a sharp stick.
  17. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]


    Wolf also has a combo starter with his uppercut ([2_][3][P]) when it hits on a counter (will warrant a nasty stagger). Treat this much like his rolling sabat kick stagger ([6],[K]+[G]). The difference is, it's either impossible or much harder to struggle out of. I always follow it up with [4][6][P][K], [P]([G]), [4][P], [8][P]. Neither the cpu or humans ever struggle out of the uppercut stagger (I can't remember if the joystick icon even pops up; I'll have to check on that one). Yet, the cpu and a good human player always struggle out of [6][K]+[G]. Btw, I think that combo works on all weight classes if you do [P]([G]) instead of just [P]. Again, I'll check that one too. I'll have to test it on Jeff, cause I know it works on another Wolf. So, you can also follow the uppercut up with your best float combo.
  18. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    It's pretty easy to struggle out of. The only near-guaranteed one is Wolf's fully charged [P]+[K].
  19. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    Hmm... I didn't think it was possible to struggle out of a fully charged P+K. Are you sure that b+p, or f+p isn't guaranteed afterwards? Also, that would be saying that a blocked b,df+p can also be struggled out of? I've never seen it happen. Same with the uppercut. On the other hand, I see f,k+g recovered from quite often. If the others mentioned were ever guarded; I assumed that I (or other Wolf players) screwed up, and didn't follow up fast enough. Anyway, even if it is possible to struggle out of the uppercut ([2_][3][P]) stagger; it's still worth mentioning as a combo starter in the faq; since [6][K]+[G] was.
  20. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Max Combos Guide, version .99 [LONG]

    oh yeah
    It's not easy
    but definitely can be struggled out in time.

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