VF5 community numbers after SCIV release

Discussion in 'General' started by funkpanda, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I want to know why VF is the only fighter using a good throw escape mechanic.
  2. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    You can escape throws in other games as well, but the issue is that in VF throws are an actual threat. So need for escapes is also greater. Plus VF's large buffer window helps a lot too.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Now, I've seen some whack !@#$ but w.t.f is this /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif

    This can't be real game play for SC IV, it just can't be /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Naah man, its gotta be some creative editing.

    <span style='font-size: 20pt'>W.T.F[/size] </span>
  4. funkpanda

    funkpanda Member

    But another thing I was wondering mostly, was what about the online matches thing?

    Even now there are people who arent hardcore community members who play VF5 in online matches. Do you guys think a lot of the so called "Casual" players will leave for SC4 which is a friendlier game?

    To be honest, I'm no good at VF, but if only the good players are left playing VF after SC4 comes out. I probably wont be playing because it will be hard to find anyone at my same skill level.

    Losing to WorstPlayer(WHICH YOU ARE NOT PLZ CHANGE YOUR NAME), ChiefFlash, KrsJin, LarsVFDC, Brisal73, Boxcutta, etc. etc.. over and over again is NOT fun and I'd rather be doing something else. Id prefer to fight people at my own skill level.
  5. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Have I played you? I get what you mean though as far as playing people around your
    skill level. Me? I can play some high level people and do well then get demolished
    by obviously low level people for no apparent reason whatsoever. I may not be the
    Worst but I do a good impersonation from time to time.
  6. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member


    There were already a ton of people always around posting like maniacs around December or so, and alot of them are gone. i.e. Ciscorey, Chibiaya, etc.
  7. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    That's pretty normal, you can always expect more posters when the game is hot.
  8. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    Throws in SC are linear and can beat attacks.

    That alone shows just how little Vf skills goes into SC4.
  9. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    You mean like how sabaki's work? Or to a lesser extent, catch throw?(lesser, because you said throws are linear)
  10. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    Catch throw. To a lesser extent, yes.

    Also, SC doesn't have a rock-paper-scissors system like VF has, e.g repel GI can beat throws and attacks.
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    There is always the possibility of raising your skill level. VF is a martial art in its own right. It will take time to achieve a high skill level, and even more time to achieve mastery.

    There will be a temporary focus on SC IV by some casual VF players or some of the
    new recruits. But once you've really had a taste of VF you never truly leave. I know many fighters that have changed from Tekken, DOA, SC to VF. On the other hand it is extremely rare to be any good at VF and then drop it for Tekken, DOA, or SC.

    What usually happens is ppl go from Tekken, DOA, SC as their major game to VF as the major game, an then and play those other games as secondary. That's what wil happen with SC IV, once the newness wears off even the casual fighters return their focus to VF.

    In terms of losing, there is no shame in defeat, only in how defeat is handled. It really is not important whether you win or lose, as long as you represent your dojo with honor. I have lost many thousands of matches and with each loss I learn something, either about my opponent, myself, or VF.

    From the crane we learn grace and self control.
    The snake teaches us suppleness and rhythmic endurance.
    The praying mantis teaches us speed and patience.
    And from the tiger we learn tenacity and power.
    Fron the dragon we learn to ride with the wind.

    Between the supple silence of the snake, and the eagle's claws, there is only harmony. As no two elements of nature are in conflict, so when we perceive the ways of nature we remove conflict within ourselves. And discover a harmony of body and mind in accord with the flow of the universe.

    Learn from TheWorstPlayer,[/size] perceive the way of nature and no force of can harm you. Do not meet a wave head on. Avoid it. You do not have to stop force. It is easier to redirect it.

    Remember it may take a life time to master a martial art .
  12. funkpanda

    funkpanda Member

    Though this has nothing to do with the original topic. Just FYI, I have never learned ANYTHING from being constantly dominated.

    When I was learning Tae-kwon do back when I was a young lad. Our teacher rarely ever partnered the yellow belts vs red belts in sparring.

    From my experience, YES you learn from losing. But you learn NOTHING from being destroyed.

    And if the only people I can play against online are going to be people who destroy me. I'd rather move to a game with a larger player base where I can find players around my same skill level.
  13. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    In my case, whether I stay or not will depend on how good SC4 is. I doubt it will be good enough to hold my interest for that long unless it's really fun. VF5 is still fun to play though.
  14. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter



    I see your point. It is a valid point. I hear you on this because I get waxed all the time! but....

    There's an old saying. Fall down 7 times get up 8

    Personal experience:

    There's a guy in our dojo that used to just obliterate me. No
    matter how much I stepped my game up the matches always ended in
    my defeat. Sometimes he would give me the mercy round. There were time that I would spar with him 30 - 40 matches consectively. Till my forearms were hurting and hands swelling.
    Still I lost, I would luck up and win a round every now and then
    but over all I got my arse kicked over, and over, and over again /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    But I started recording the ass whoopings, and after watching myself get 'dominated a few dozen times'[/size]
    I realized how studpid I was all this time. I saw my weakness.

    I was all about the pressure game and agression and my opponent was master of the 'counter attack' He would simply just counter me to death (literally). I didn't see it during the match it did
    become clear until I was able to watch many matches (without the pressure of trying to win).

    Now I still loose from time to time from this guy, but now its more 50-50. It turned out that I had more character knowledge than he did, but he had far more tactical game experience than I did.

    So the moral of the story is if 'TheWorstPlayer'[/size] is destroying you. Watch the tape! Find out why you're loosing. Is it knowledge of character, knowledge of the game, YOMI, poor defense, lack of speed. The reasons for getting destroyed can be analyzed.

    If TheWorstPlayer's[/size] game is that much better than yours, figure out exactly where it is better and then either work on those areas, or come up with a tactical approach that might give you some breathing room. Study the tape.

    I know its not fun (initially) fighting at a skill level higher than you're at, but its absolutely necessary to bring you're game up.

    Excuse the cliche here., But learn to appreciate the beauty of good VF match whether you win or lose.

    Its the excitment of the hunt, not necessarily the taste of the catch.


    We know that where there is no contention, there is neither defeat nor victory. The supple willow does not contend against the storm, yet it survives. Weakness prevails over strength. Gentleness conquers. Become the calm and restful breeze that tames the violent sea. We must seek a discipline of mind and body within ourselves.

    The cobra seeks to fix the eye of the bird, before it strikes. In that moment of looking at each other, each accepts their role (predator and prey). Fear creates the victim. [/size] Yet, something in the bird makes it seek the eye of the cobra, such it is between you and TheWorstPlayer[/size].

    Don't leave VF because you can't find other players at your level, work on stepping your game up, and in finding enjoyment in loosing as you learn. Games (especially one like VF) can show us the kind of people we truly are.

    To reach perfection a man must develop equally compassion and wisdom.
  15. Dive2Blue

    Dive2Blue Well-Known Member

    I was at Fighter's Generation a while ago, and it reported a new bonus fighter.[/size]
  16. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I know but other games have you press one button to escape.

    It makes it very easy.

    And in DOA you can't escape any input throws at all.
  17. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    In SC's case, yes.

    In Tekken's case, no (as you have 1 chance out of 3 possibilities).

    In DOA's case, only the normal throw is escapable.
  18. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    You can see which arm they grab you with and break the correct throw on reaction.

    That is not true. It's just different rock-paper-scissors, that's all.
  19. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    At the same time however, throws have priority over attacks in Tekken.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    That is not true. It's just different rock-paper-scissors, that's all. </div></div>No. it's not.

    Throws > attacks.
    GI > attacks.
    Repel GI > throws.
    Sidestep > throws and attacks.

    You can't slap that into a triangle, otherwise it would've been:

    Attacks > throws > sidestep and GI > attacks.

    That does not look like rock-paper-scissors, no matter how many ways you put it.
  20. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    No. Throws beat out attacks when they connect earlier then the attack. In other words, it's just frames vs frames, if your attack isn't fast enough to connect before the throw does, you lose. If attack and throw meet each other on the same frame, attack outprioritizes throw.

    And I do believe it's pretty much the same way in SC, throws do not have priority over attacks.

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