VF5 Final Showdown Console Features

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    [5] Full item and Revision updates for the game, even it's paid for DLC.
    [5] Rank for online modes tied to individual character profiles instead of gamertag/psn i.d.
    [5] Viewable stats, like hours played, character usage, amount of matches played etc.
    [5] The frame data and other displays from the arcade game viewable in replays.
    [5] Items, orbs etc. obtainable in online play, not just single player modes.
    [5] The netcode to be at least on par with VF5 online if not better.
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Keep 'em coming, guys.

    I've realised that keeping a long flat list of suggestions is going to get disorganised real fast. When I next update the main post, I'm going to categorise all the suggestions according to things like Training Mode, Online Mode, User Interface, Controller Configuration, Items, and so on.

    And thanks for the link, akai. I tend to subconsciously block anything Brisal has to say, but I think I can force myself to sift through that thread. [​IMG]
  3. metalbutter

    metalbutter Active Member

    supply spectator mode on player match at least
    (I don't care about Ranked match)

    spectator mode is an essential part of user community keeping
  4. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    I definitely agree, the lobby music drives me insane. Really, what were they thinking? It's also very repetitive, making it even more annoying when there are few people on. Sometimes I mute the sound, but that pretty much forces me to sit and stare into the screen until someone joins...

    Also if they're gonna have clothes/items as DLC, they'll have to do it better than the item packs they did for version C. I.e. I wanna know what items I'm buying.
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Maybe an in game store where you can view the items before purchasing? Probably pushing the boat out a bit there though.
  6. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    A couple of minor online ones:
    The ability to change characters without having to set up the match again.
    A proper stage select that isn't just the type of walls.

    Syzygy already answered my VF2 style team battle question, but it would be nice to see it.
  7. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    I hate you [​IMG]
  8. RORY

    RORY Well-Known Member

    VF isnt that hard of a game to learn, infact its pretty easy, its just hard to master. VF4 style training mode would be great but in my opinion players shouldn't need anything more than that.

    Personally I dont even care if they include VF4 style training mode or not, just give us a record feature.
  9. def

    def Well-Known Member

    -Make rage quitting a match count as a loss.
    -Have a "memory" option so u don't have to re-select ur favorite character every time u go to the character select screen.
    -When playing online, be able to select any stage and NOT based on its ring type like in VF5 (Original).
    -No item point limit when customizing ur character.
  10. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    One reason why I´ve never played ranked games in Vanilla is because that there was no possibility do any connection requirements for joining games.
    I would like to have the possibility to set connection requirements in FS, at least for ranked games.
  11. soakrates

    soakrates Well-Known Member

    - If there are changes to the arcade version, keep the console version up to date via patches.

    - Netcode needs to be at least as good as VF5.

    - VF4Evo style training features.

    - Frame data in the command lists.

    - The option to change characters at the end of an online match.

    - Even though it's been said a million times, lobbies and spectator mode. If there are worries about spectator mode creating lag, give lobby hosts the option to turn spectator mode off.
  12. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I want to be able to obtain items in online VS mode.
  13. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Give us those special item matches with the locked treasure chest and the gold/silver/bronze dragons please!!!

    Frame data during replays.

    Option to turn off commentary during replays.

    Lobby capability with the option to set it to 1v1 room.

    Replay channel with the option to watch live matches online.

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    - A dedicated replay channel ala SSFIV where you can watch (party optional)/upload/save replays and you can filter by character/region/whatever. Also, include the frame data display option for replays and training mode.

    - The slow motion feature from training mode from VF4: EVO (add adjustable speeds from Tobal 2) to practice just-frame inputs (and a display to indicate when to input just-frame commands) and/or throw escapes.

    - Character models from VFs 1-4 as item customizations. I want my VF1 Jacky again, dang it!

    Other than that, just about everything has been said thus far.

    Oh, and bring back the English in-game commentary. "Attacking with a throw." [​IMG] Okay, have the Japanese commentary as well. Better?
  15. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member

    Hello all - Some great features listed here by everybody and certainly what I'd like to see in FS console.

    Having visited Japan last year and played VF5: Final Showdown for as much as I could in the month travelling that I did, I would like to see the Story mode option (where you travel to different "areas" and seemingly fight in 10-stages) that was available in the arcade for completions sake, however I'd much rather SEGA focus on a more robust and fully featured and improved Quest mode for the singleplayer experience.

    So, I'd like to take this opportunity to list my personal requests for console features:

    Training mode/Practice options:
    - VF4:Evo training mode and challenges. The hallowed and much respected eye-opener into the philosphy of VF has to return. We missed this with VF5 Vanilla and I think it hurt the scene. It's no surprise that the biggest challenge for fighting games is to appeal to broader audiences, be that new, casual players and hardcore fans alike - we need to be able to know the intricacies of this game if we're to compete at a competent level and bring new people into the VF scene. A decent training mode is a must.

    Quest Mode:
    - Quest mode improvements: More similar to VF4:Evo with it's breakdown of stats (%high hits, %low block, etc), but more like Tekken 6 with it's option to allow you to choose your next oppponant difficulty for the next match if you want to. Also, I really like VF4 Evo's arcade "quest" options, where you could choose to accept a quest like "block 5 attacks" or "evade 10 times", etc as you played, giving you extra incentive to keep playing in interesting ways, other than just win, because if you met the criteria and complete the quests, you'd get extra cash or customised items. I also liked the Event arcade that would give you a whole host of crazy mixed up rule matches, so please include those again.
    - Ghost data importing: Ability to import real-world character player data/tendencies from fans/gamers. Data that we can all upload to VF.net and import into our own Quest mode arcades. Something like the current Tekken 6 ghost data import, but hopefully more user friendly and intuitive - by allowing us to set the frequency by which we can play downloaded data, or allowing us to always choose that particular ghost/s to play against. I'd love to import game data of the forum members here and basically get the skinny (the low-down) on how you guys play, allowing me to practise offline with your levelled-up ghost data decked out with your customised gear and icons.
    - Allow fan registration - similar to what SEGA have done in the past with fan data making it into the game for quest mode for the official release, allow the community to yet again to appear in the title.
    - Location info: Actually list the SEGA arcades and their location in Japan. Having been to Japan, I'd appreciate some more info on the real-life arcades, rather than just calling it "SEGA NORTH", how about "CLUB SEGA, AKIHABARA DISTRICT, TOKYO" and fully map the SEGA arcades around Japan, surely a good advert for promotion and pilgrimages?

    Online: (because this is not a disc release and download only title, it's essential that online features are robust and the netcode is as lagless as possible so that we can really enjoy this to it's competetive fullest, that said, features I'd love to see are).
    - Spectator mode: If possible, has to be done with upto 4-6 player lobbies. This a game that I'd like to observe others playing and this should not be underestimated as a key learning tool.
    - Tournament Mode: A regular feature of Quest mode, if we could only have something like that online, similar to games like Third Strike Online, or Street Fighter. With viewable brackets and the ability to observe & record ongoing matches from a tournament you're participating in.
    - Quick rematch and character select option.
    - VFTV.net replay console channel: To check out the latest console match uploads. Something of the mold similar to the real VF.net, but specific to the console. A portal to watch and search for replays by anybody in the world, or by specific tags or search criteria (e.g Eileen matches with player rank > Master, etc). If it cannot be a VF.net supported portal, then make an in-game broswer similar to something like Super Street Fighter 4 and the channels it has.
    - Replay Upload feature: Match upload to Youtube. Or at the very least, ability to save any match in Quest, Vs, Arcade (just like with VF4:Evo) to local console. Third Strike Online has a great tool where you just about upload any match you see.
    - Comprehensive Ranking leaderboard system: A clear and easily read ranking leaderboard, where we can watch the latest replay upload from that player, download their ghost data, and see their players stats.
    - Play Quest or Train while we wait: like others have suggested, the option to play singleplayer quest mode or arcade mode (like Street fighter 4), or practise in training (like Arcana Heart 3 or MvC3) while the game does the background work and searches to pair you up online against a real opponent would be a great feature.
    - Arcade Creation/Lobby/Hang-Out Have the ability to create a lobby area and define it as an "arcade", e.g. VFDC.COM Arcade and have a registration of all the players that would visit that gaming lobby, with ability to download replays and ghost data and import that data to our Quest mode - but more crucially to play online with members of that "arcade" or hang-out for social chats/streams, and organise tournaments from within that space.

    - With frame data: Just like the replays we see all over Youtube, and the ability to turn on/off the frame data when we view saved replays on our own console, or online replays through the console portal, like the VF.net channel (if that appear as a feature). Also, be able to customise the height at which the frame data is on the screen (i.e. lower it more to the bottom, away from centre), and the ability to turn on/off button inputs when viewing a replay (a la SF4)

    - Custom Arcade player intros - Those pre-match animations for arcade are an enduring, unique feature of VF that we should not be denied. Please give us the ability to customise the character intro and really express our character's personality - and please allow that for online matches too. If it irrittates players, allow the option to skip or turn off the feature - but please include it.
    - DLC VF1-4 character models. For nostalgias sake and celebrate Vf's rich history. I doubt they'll feature this, but the option to unlock or download these for casual versus play would be a nice touch.
    - Hooks for update content (for future proofing Ver. C/D DLC, etc)
    - DLC of VF5:R included, e.g. stages and music.

    General Options:
    - Audio options & Subtitles. Option to toggle English language subs for the intro/victory/loss sequences of the non-English speaking cast members (e.g Goh, Akira, etc).
    - Option for Japanese audio commentary.
    - Twitter Integration: for milestones in Quest mode, or ranked online, etc - similar to the Japanese Arcade feature.

    Oh and please SEGA, I'd really love to see a DISC release at some point after the digital download release. I'm a collector of fighting games, and I'd certainly pay to have a physical hard copy of the game - something that I can take around to friends and get them interested in the game. It'll certainly help for tournaments too, otherwise bulky/expensive consoles have to be lugged around and it's not an ideal way to promote the game or the scene.

    I shall continue to update this post when a new idea takes me.
  16. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    If there is a replay save option, I would like for there to be a quick option where you press a button (or combination of buttons) to automatically save the match including the online gametag, the date and time of the match and the ability to sort out matches with the "winner vs loser" format, and maybe the option to rename the file. I can't tell you how much time is lost trying to save a file, and the person that's waiting gets impatient and leaves.

    If the option to determine where the file's saved at is possible, let the "new save file" be at the top, vice the bottom, for quick access.

    Let's not have any commentary at all. They could do away with that. If Sega decides to put it in, give us the option to turn it off, or try to make it sound good or something. Fire the English VAs that did the commentary for 5, just give us something more engaging, and hype without sounding corny or having to be in Japanese to sound better.
  17. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Doesn't SF4 automatically save every match replay in the background? I'd love to see that implemented.

    To all those saying they'd like to see the animated intros -- exactly where would you see this in game?

    In the arcade, when you challenge someone you see the winner's intro movie at the character select screen. But obviously it's different on the console. So say you're browsing for matches online, would you want to see the intro movie of the host before you play? I think that would incur additonal and much unwanted load time, since you need to do a live query each time to load the character model and items.

    As a minimum, perhaps it can be an option for saved replays, along with the other stuff like the frame data HUD, evade direction, tech roll, etc.

    Also, people need to stop requesting for VF.Net -- it's just a service that allows registered players to interact with their account. The services VF.Net provides is already integrated within the console game (item shop, customisation, replays) -- so focus on the specific features you want to see included/improved, rather than just say "I want VF.Net".

    Rant over. For now. [​IMG]
  18. Mooseking_Lion

    Mooseking_Lion Well-Known Member

    The Intro movie thing is something I've wanted for ages with VF5.

    If something like tournament mode was to come in through DLC down the line, I'd really like the tournament mode to have these sort of theatrics around each match with the intro to help build the suspense of the match :p

    Locally, the USB save data feature from VF5 to bring your character to tournaments would be amazing, I think it's a little disappointing not to see the cool costumes of competitors in tournaments on console when arcade you can almost immediately recognize the player from how they look.

    DLC Item packs, more than the very limited amounts they gave for VF5.C I'm happy to continue giving SEGA my money if more items come out. Helps with longevity of the game if there's more thing to tinker with :p

    But the option for VF5 & VF5R stages and all VF music to be included would be amazing. [​IMG]
  19. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member

    From what I remember when playing this in the Japanese arcades a year ago, everytime you challenged you'd see the character intro - though my memory might be inaccurate.

    I would hope that there's an option to toggle intros in all modes of play (offline for each Quest mode match, versus player - assumming ghost data or multiple account data is allowed and single player arcade where you can see it at the start). For online (ranked, unranked players matches and tournament modes). I would also hope that saving replays also would save the data for the intros and if there is a replay channel then we get to see intro for the players.

    There could be several settings. There could be general or specific to each mode of play:
    - Always show
    - Off
    - Show when playing New Player only
    I'll give you an example of the last setting if it's implemented online: Let's say I create a 4 player lobby. I invite you and we start to play while waiting for other players to join. The first time we play each other, I'd like to see our intros. Then the game should detect we've met in this lobby and not show our intros after subsequent plays, but get us straight into the matches (assuming no one else has joined up until that point). Then, if someone else does join later, and the loser out of our match is rotated to the back of the queue, the first time you play that new person, you see get to see your intros: your one (again) and the new player's. If he wins (and you're rotated out), when I play him for the first time, he gets to see my intro and I see his. But afterwards from this point (assuming that no one else joins so we've got a 3 player lobby) we don't see each other's intros because we've seen them already and the game remembers this.

    I can't speak for everyone but I want to clarify my request for "VF.net" or something similar. I was speaking more in terms of "VF TV.net" or some kind of stat tracking/upload service. I don't think console data or services will be integrated with the actual arcade VF.net or VFTV.net, but I think what I'm requesting is dedicated services from SEGA for the console crowd. Something like an integrated VF TV channel - dedicated space to upload/download replays and ghost data - something along those lines in the console menu for Final Showdown. Ideally, I'd like to see some sort of integration with the true VFTV.net, but that's very unlikely to happen - so most likely I guess I'm asking for an emulated (and seperate) service for console gamers. By the time VF5:FS launches it'll be five years since the original VF5 release - that's 5 years of our commmunity out in the wilderness - so I would truely appreciate a effort by SEGA to give us excellent online channels and ghost data uploads and other cool network integration features.

    Listen, I'd take re-releasing VF5 vanilla features (offline and online) but with VF5:FS updated gameplay, but the oppportunity SEGA have here is immense to do something much more rewarding and professional for the community.
  20. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    -The ability to change the stage after a match online. (The fact that you can't select a stage at all is pretty annoying in Vanilla VF5, let alone not be able to change it. I can only imagine it will be more so annoying in FS where small stages with walls can seriously change the game)

    -The ability to change character online after a match, rather than having to quit and re-invite someone.

    I wouldn't mind if there were no spectator mode as long as there are lobbies. Similar to like how MVC3 is.

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