VF5:FS demo at Final Round this weekend

Discussion in 'News' started by Shag, Mar 1, 2012.

By Shag on Mar 1, 2012 at 11:50 AM
  1. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Sega is debuting the first look of the console version of Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown at Final Round XV this weekend in Atlanta starting Friday, March 2.

    Sega will have two console setups featuring the upcoming release for PSN & XBLA available to play for all three days at the tournament. The setups will only have offline Versus mode.

    I will be there and do my best to report.

    You can read more of the discussion on the Final Round tournament thread located here.
    VF5:FS at Final Round XV - Atlanta March 2-4 '12

    Update:VF5FS Exhibition match stream is over! At the 6h30m mark within the [​IMG]Final Round archive video is where the VF5FS exhibition begins.​


Discussion in 'News' started by Shag, Mar 1, 2012.

    1. THE_WALL
      Who is the 2nd place sarah player Ekans? I know every one else from the site.
    2. akai
      Dango - Part of the Virgina Crew
    3. erdraug
      Yeah, BTW thumbs up for that guys, much appreciated by those of us on the other side of the pond [​IMG]

      Addendum: Jeffry's new [2][K][+][G] = baby toes (c) 2012 shidosha [​IMG]
    4. westtrade
      Great Job to everyone on the stream tonight!
    5. akai
      According to the Sega Rep during the Exhibition Stream, there will be a demo released for the Xbox 360. There was no mention that there will a demo released on the PS3.
    6. Shag
      Did you guys like the stream? I'll have to watch the replay later. The first two matches were planned in advanced then we kind of winged it. Props to Spooky for giving us airtime. There were some oohs & aahs from the audiences as we played, I wonder how the general public thought about it.

      There was another tourney right after the stream. 28 players signed up but due to it starting so late Sega reps made it single elim.

      1. Ekans (SA)
      2. Chief Flash (WO)
      3. Chef Boy (VA)
      4. Shag (GO)

      <Jacky>YEAH! I won a shirt!</Jacky> [​IMG]

      Going to get back down to get some more games in before they close up shop.
    7. Rodnutz
      Stream was awesome man. Definitely a lot better showing than the previous event in my opinion. Props to Flash for getting my message of switching the stage after every match to players. I wanted people to see as much of the game as possible.

      Thanks to some awesome matches and stage switching I noticed some really good responses from some of the stream monsters in chat box. Of course there were tons of haters, but there will always be haters when it comes to VF.

      Despite the fact that it wasn't high level play a lot of people commenting really like what they saw and seemed like they were interested in the game.

      VF has been put on the center stage guys. If it doesn't succeed at this point we really have no one to blame but ourselves. The time of talking about how you will promote the game is over. It's time to actually do the things you speak of and make shit happen.

      Shag you got more pics of the event? I know you took more than one. [​IMG] How about pics of all the different shirts you guys won?
    8. Dennis0201
      Do we have any videos?
    9. AlexMD
      starts around 6 1/2 hours in
    10. akai
      Thanks for the link and info, Alex. Updated the first post.
    11. BLACKLAC
      Nice to see Vanessa in the top 3!

      Would love to read a hands on impression of FS Vanessa from Chefboy_OB.
    12. Flyingguillotine
      In the stream Shidosha said Ekans was AkiraZero. Was he wrong?
    13. akai
      I don't remember what Shidosha said, but Ekans is Dango. I don't think AkiraZero was at the event.
    14. Flyingguillotine
      OK. I just though he had 3 aliases. On the stream at 6:53:54 Shidosha said he was Ekans aka AkiraZero. I don't know where he got that from then.
    15. CIDKID
      Don't worry JHow i'm going to play as many as I can to get my skills up, that includes you!

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