VF5:FS Location Test Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Reno, Jun 29, 2010.

  1. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Both of these videos are posted already sorry
  2. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    If throws would be 10f then after blocked DE you could fuzzy with crouchdash. I could live with that I guess. Better than there not being any fuzzy at all like in VF4. If throws get any faster than that its bleh though.
  3. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    That was not directed towards you.
  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Yeah Manji, you need to remember that fuzzy is still in. So not every situation is do or die and the delaygame will still be there (probably stronger then ever) Basicly in VF5 (imo) if you ETE over fuzzy when you can you're doing yourself a non favor as you get rid of all throwattempts and standard attacks. Also there's just to much that can change / happen like for instance if they improved backdash backdash evade might be a very valid option against throwattempts now (and delayattacks etc etc). ETTEG isn't the end of everything. As said; there are top japanese players (fuudo?) who have for a long time just input one throwescape from the get go. Does he lack yomi? No ofc not. Have a little faith and cheer up.

    To be honest everyone should be happy if VF becomes more accessible to new players and attracts newplayers. It basicly has to become more accessible and flashy imo to survive as a gameseries. I hate rage in tekken 6 etc but from a buissness point of view it was one of, if not, THE best addition to the game. Ever tried explaining the concept of ETEG to a newcomer?

    And Jeneric is right, you always whine like this. Man I remember the IRC stuff pre VF5 [​IMG]
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    I guess its good old times then... [​IMG]
  6. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    I have asked Kamaage if he would help out with getting some top player opinions on FS thus far (most of them have played it), so he said he will help.

    Right now I am going to ask for their opinions on the new evade/backdash system and new throw escape system. I think those are the two biggest changes to the game so I'd like to hear what they think about it.

    Edit: After talking to Kamaage, he said he was going to write an article with top players' opinions on the game, so he will send that to me and I will be translating it and posting it on the site.
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Does anyone know if there's Akira vids around yet? I looked through nearly twenty pages on here and not one yet [​IMG]

  8. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Awesome, thanks for all your efforts! I'm really looking forward to reading what the players think.
  9. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

  10. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

  11. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Reno you get a raise Brother. you now get $5.50 per hour for your work lol.
  12. Oldboy

    Oldboy Active Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    what plugin's required for the vfdojo.net videos?
  13. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Sarah vs. Lion and a Sarah mirror match (for frame data purposes) videos have been added to the video thread... please check for links.

    Edit: It's also mentioned on several blogs that canceling backdash and evade is faster now... but I'm kind of confused on what they mean. I don't know whether they mean that canceling is faster, or if you have to be faster to cancel them.
  14. dapheenom

    dapheenom Well-Known Member

  15. IzunaOtoshi

    IzunaOtoshi Active Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    A few of my observations on Vanessa:

    -New intro. "Just focus on your enemy." Looks like she's getting ready to wrestle, lol

    -WTF is up with DS neutral stance? Why did they change it? It was fine before, it just looks sorta weird now. Some of her old move animations still show her returning to her old DS stance for a split-second, right before shifting to the new one. OS stance looks altered too, but not as much, like she just leans forward a bit more, maybe is crouched a little lower

    -Animation altered on light down attack(DS), PK(DS/OS), 44K+G(DS), 46P+K(DS), P(DS/OS), 3P+K(OS) (though 1 or 2 of these may have been from R)

    -This wasn't in the Vanessa vs Akira vid, but I speculate that the input for the combo Vane did on Wolf in the older trailer may have been DS P6P or P3P (if they changed DS P3P)K

    -New spinning mid kick from OS, causes a new knockdown that sorta looks like the one from Jacky's 66K. Hopefully this hasn't replaced her old OS 66K (but it probably has, judging by the movement beforehand)

    -2K+G(DS) low full circular stops midway on block

    -Looks like her PK from DS has been copied over to OS (you can see the DS version early on, and the OS version near the end), does this mean OS PKP is gone?

    -That new jumping kick that goes into ground stance is done from DS, leaves her at +7 on block

    -The old OS 3P+G is still there, guess the command might have changed based on what Reno said about low throws

    -I do like that taunt from the ground stance, and the throw from it is BEAST^^

    I really wish they would've included input display on this replay, so I could see what the commands are on some of those moves...
  16. IzunaOtoshi

    IzunaOtoshi Active Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    I meant just the one that shows the stick and buttons on the bottom of the screen, not the black boxes that take up all the screen^^
  17. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Frame data is more important to people right now. No one really cares about input displays at the moment.
  18. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Where's the video thread?
  19. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

  20. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Thanks man

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