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VF5 on Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    With so much added time, if the 360 version isn't at least marginally better, I'd be really surprised.
  2. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    your kidding me right. game developers are so lazy sometimes you just never know what your going to get with a port. i bet for the most part VF5 for the PS3 will almost be identical to the 360 version.

    the biggest difference the 360 might have is it could possibly be version c. theres also a good chance that might not even happen. im sorry but i want proof the 360 version will better. in my opinion most ports are done lazy.

    however if VF5 is improved for the 360 i wont mind since i already own a 360. i think it should be improved especially when some of us are considering buying the game again for the 360.

    like i said id love a patch for the PS3 version but do you really think sega is going to make one? im just glad VF will get a whole new audience. im scared one day we might have to import VF if it doesnt start selling well.

    fighters arent that popular anymore outside of japan. i dont mind importing, in fact bought the japanese version of VF5. the thing i like about VF5 was you had the option to import but you could also wait till it was released in your area.

    importing is cool as long as theres no region restrictions. thats when shit can get real annoying. cause then you have to find a way to play the game you want to import. i just hope VF sells well no matter what system its for.
  3. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Game developers aren't as lazy as they're often either not qualified, or horribly managed.
  4. n_nlemon

    n_nlemon Member

  5. Oruko_Saki

    Oruko_Saki Member

  6. Millionz

    Millionz Well-Known Member

    ^^^^ I was JUST about to post that hahaha
    Magic box typically has accurate info but I was reading a gamespot article where they played a demo of the Xbox version and they made no mention of it being online
  7. nitefly

    nitefly New Member

    I think it is a bit weird to focus on the platform in regards to Virtua Fighter. The game is what is important, not the platform and if the content is better on the 360, I'll just buy a 360.

    To complain that SEGA has to keep supporting Sony is in my view more selfish than anything else. If they got a good deal from Microsoft they should run with it, 360 is a major player in the States and any exposure and revenue funnelled into SEGA's Virtua Fighter franchise means added value down the years for me as a consumer.

    If you're worried about sticks and so on, buy an X-gaming board now and be happy with it. It has adapters for all major consoles as well as PC and it is continually supported as new versions of the consoles are released.

    The way I see the current situation is that Sony sort of dropped the ball on a title they could really have garnered a huge following with. But in order for them to keep it exclusive you have to deliver to the developer (SEGA) and I really think Sony's effort on the US market and the European market was pathetic compared to Xbox360 or Sony's own effort on the Japanese market. They dropped the ball. SEGA found someone who would step up to get it into play again. We all win.
  8. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    VF5 isnt going to have online play for the 360. im pretty sure though that it will have some online feature. probably just rankings and achievements.

    if sega was going to give VF5 online play dont you think they wouldve worked on it when they started making the game. it would be stupid if sega implemented online play now.

    remember VF5 wasnt made with online play in mind. in my opinion you cant just slap online play on a game and think it will work. if sega was going implement online play they shouldve done it when they first started work on the console versions of VF5.

    that pretty much tells you VF5 wont have online play on any console. which i can live with.
  9. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    i dont know about all that but what i do know is VF will get a new audience. VF has never been the most popular game in the world on any console. now that online gaming is the huge craze VF5 probably wont sell that well.

    its unfortunate because in my opinion VF isnt just the best fighter. its also one of my favorite games to play. what am i saying it is my favorite game.

    like i said, i dont mind if sega tried to make VF5 play online. as long as they had online play in mind from the beginning. i have a bad feeling if sega tried to slap online play on VF5 it could end up playing really poor.

    that being said if VF5 plays poor online then people arent even going to play it. if theres other games that have great online play then why would you want to play a game that plays like shit online.

    so if VF5 does get online play for 360 (which i doubt) then it better not play like shit or it can end up ruining VF reputation. then people will say DOA4 is better than VF5.

    when the truth is DOA4 was created with online play in mind. what if DOA4 plays better online? then what. then people will automatically think VF is a shitty game.

    just because it didnt play well online. the average joe wont know that though. hell just think this games really glitchy and it that it plays like shit.

    so sega if your going to put VF5 online you better do it right. you dont think gaming mags would give VF5 a bad review if it didnt play well online.

    if not done right online play could make VF5 look like a joke to people who are already experienced great online games. once again sorry for the long post and punctuation.
  10. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    by the way can we please stop discussing online play till sega announces it. for now i havent seen sega confirm any online play changes for the 360. so lets just assume VF5 wont have any online play. for now at least.
  11. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Why did you just post 3 worthless posts in a row? VF5 will have online play for 360 apparently. It fits in with the signs, and has been confirmed by some pretty interesting/reliable sources.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    interesting just how wrong all the so called experts have been all along. firstly, we had people like fishie (and his opinionated female sidekick) laughing at the suggestion vf5 would be released on 360 and PS2...WRONG....then we had the usual suspects claiming am2 would never release an online version, citing bs arguments on topics they clearly didnt understand.....WRONG

    the 360 version will have online play....it wont be perfect but who cares? nobody's going to play serious ranked matches over the internet but as a practive and community building feature it'll be second to none.

    one other point......fighting games don't need to be built from ground up to accomodate lag. sf2 plays well on a good connection.

    i personally applaud sega/am2 for this mode and really don't understand the negativity coming from some camps over this. its an extra feature...it won't dillute the purity of the series.
  13. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    You can't really speak conclusively either though. Even if it is confirmed who can say that this wasn't a knee-jerk reaction to Namco's decision?
  14. DammyG

    DammyG Well-Known Member

    I don't think small lag is the big issue, I aint going to complain if it lags too much, I will just not play online, if it helps sales then please do it.

    These rumours are as annoying as ever, can't they just tell us already, I just hope the ps3 version can have online aswell, I do not want an xbox360 just for this game, probably will get all the microsoft fans saying yeeeeh sony fanboys you suck blah blah, even though ps3 had vf5 first and I couldnt care less about other xbox360 games.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    if fishie did indeed speak with Noriyuki Shimoda (VF5 producer) then i believe him for once...it will have online play

    it also makes sense from the market perspective. 360 players expect all games to have some form of online functionality. games lacking online play tend to get slated by the press even if their core mechanics are sound.

    that's why hitmaker added online play to the 360 version of virtua tennis 3. the fact this wasnt included in the ps3 version says allot about how brilliantly microsoft has now integrated live into its console and shaped expectations of gamers.
  16. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    That's true.
  17. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    I would rather like to know what the specs are on the Hori stick being released.

    Is this stick like the Fighting Stick 2 where your buttons press down onto a PCB? Or is it like the HRAP where your buttons are microswitches?

    If all possible I would like to know this to see how hard it is going to be to mod.
  18. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Urmmmmmmmmmmmm historic revisionism much?
  19. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Hey fishie, any confirmation on a PS3 update? I'm happy that VF gets online either VS or maybe ghost files like T5DR for PSP. This is some great news for NA VF scene. I just really hope they release an update because I dont want to buy another system just to play VF. Especially when you've spent $800+ like most of us. Also, I'm scared of the red rings of death that is associated with the 360.
  20. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    F**k off.

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