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VF5 Quest Mode tips

Discussion in 'Console' started by White_Worm, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    you mean the player list is totally full? with stars next to each name? You're checking the player list from the status screen, right?
  2. mokkori

    mokkori Member

    White_worm, just a random thought. Since this thread ( http://virtuafighter.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=150276&page=2#Post150276 )gives the Kanjis for the rank. It would be possible to just verify if it's true by putting PS3 settings in JP. By comparing the Kanjis we should know for sure what is the type of rank.
    I think the easiest way would be to write down the name of AIs we already fought, and write down their english ranks.
    Then convert into JP language, then go into the list again, and compare the Kanjis.
    This should give us the exact breakdown of the 3 tiers.
    LOL sad thing is, I probably won't have time to test that myself. Sucky work ; ;

    Bah what the hell, I took a few minutes just to babel fish the names, here are the results (thanks to Raoul for original post):





    Kaiden, Kousha, Meishou, Kensei, Seitei, Kenshin

    Initiation -> skillful person -> expert -> name military officer -> fist king -> fist saint -> emperor -> fist God

    Kaiden, Tsuwamono, Tatsujin, Toushou, Tousei, Daitei, Toushin

    Initiation -> fighter -> expert -> fighting military officer -> fighting king -> fighting saint -> great emperor -> fighting God

    Kaiden, Mosa, Tetsujin, Bushou, Buou, Busei, Tentei, Bushin

    Initiation -> super person -> iron man -> general -> military affairs king -> military affairs saint -> heaven emperor -> military affairs God

    Not quite similar to the PS3 ranks but at least it gives a general idea ;D
    Maybe INITIATION would be the first rank after 1st dan... or a few ranks after, since there are only 7-8 ranks after.
  3. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    At first I thought there is something fishy goin' on in VF5 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif but now, I think this division of ranks is great.
    Two people can say they have the highest rank in gam, but different names, cause one of them has 76% win ratio, and the other only 50%.

    That's a great idea IMO. What do you think?
  4. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    It worked like that in VF4 ver.C as well. There were only 2 tiers, but it was the same premise.

    I think the "initiation" rank is the same as "master" rank. In that case, its not really part of the tiers yet. So the master rank is where you determine which path you'll take. If this is correct, tier one would be:

    warrior -> Veteran -> gladiator -> Vindicator -> Avenger -> Vanquisher -> Conqueror

    I'll do more testing to see if this is right.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Just so people are aware, the English ranking names are not direct translations from Japanese. They were made up according to who-knows-what kind of logic.

    Anyway, check out the old Ranking FAQs on here:

    VF4 Evo Ranking FAQ
    VF4 Ranking FAQ (apologies for the messy formatting)

    They might provide some clue or help into the ranking system used in VF5, along with the Japanese ranking names Raoul provided.
  6. mokkori

    mokkori Member

    Just wanted to mention that I got the final orb for Sarah and it gives the angel wings.
    So most likely every orb gives a specific item that is not buyable at the item store.
    I hope the guide will give all the details about them.
  7. XeroShinobi

    XeroShinobi Member

    Gah, I hate loss items. I don't lose frequently. In VF4 Evo I have no losses at all, and I didn't go around turning off the console if I thought I was going to lose. I got a huge amount of wins without loss, legit. Then once I progressed really far I had some potential losses but they were few and by then my win/loss ratio was still 100% with a lot of wins so I didn't want to throw it away so easily. At one point I contemplated losing 100 times to get the color black...but it just wasn't worth it. There should be alternate, very, very difficult ways to get loss items. And now that money is dependant on losing...ugh. There should be an option to redeem cash without losing and end your streak and collect. I hope there is anyway.
  8. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    you can get everything in the game without losing. I think you may have read a post wrong. You can get money from item battles and winning tournaments. So far I haven't seen anything that can be obtained only by losing. Except some of the lower tier ranks, but those don't really matter.
  9. mokkori

    mokkori Member

    Win money tournament, highest and fastest is the 15k tourney /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  10. XeroShinobi

    XeroShinobi Member

    Yeah, but I hope no items or anything, especially colors, are awarded for losing. It's annoying. lol.
  11. mokkori

    mokkori Member

    The only thing you get by losing is 50 gold.
    To win items, you need to win the battle when it says ITEM battle.
    To win money, you must play until you have a chance to enter a money tournament.
  12. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    theres nothing awarded for losing
  13. XeroShinobi

    XeroShinobi Member

    I'm aware of this. However in VF4 Evo for example, the costume color black as only unlockable by losing 100 matches. I was just explaining my dislike of stuff like that. I hope VF5 doesn't have something that can only be unlocked via losing.

    ^Well that's good to hear. *edit*
  14. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    hmmm... it does give me an idea of something to try... but I seriously doubt it. Everything about quest mode works differently than VF5. Time to go beat my girlfriend! (at vf5 until her character has 100 losses to see if she gets anything... don't mistake that statement /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif )
  15. XeroShinobi

    XeroShinobi Member

    I've already tested it before. Every character has a 100 loss item, same thing too. Once you have 100 losses you get Black for that character. Hopefully that'll be done away with in VF5.
  16. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Ok, I am having a hard time understanding this ranking system. I see that the ranks possible are determined by your win/loss ratio. But is Master the determining rank, where as once you achieve this rank your ratio at that time will determine the highest possible rank? That or can you actually imporve your ratio and eventually move up the ranks?
  17. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    I have beaten 4 arcades so far and nothing special, anybody complete all of the arcades yet?
  18. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the informative post Mokkori -- I've been wondering for the longest time what the Japanese ranks are. Speaking of which, why are the American ranks so sucky?!?

    Here's how I would do it:

    Apprentice, Fist Expert, Fist Master, Fist General, Fist King, Fist Saint, Fist Emperor, Fist God

    Apprentice, Military Expert, Military Master, Military General, Military King, Military Saint, Military Emperor, Military God

    Apprentice, War Expert, War Master, War General, War King, War Saint, War Emperor, War God

    What do you guys think? What I like about this is that it's clear what's better:
    - War > Military > Fist
    - God > Emperor > Saint > King > General > Master > Expert

    Right now I'm just thoroughly confused what's what in the non-Japanese version of VF5.
  19. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    Well I tested the rank progression, and I think we're right about the tiers system, but heres the interesting thing... you're not "locked" into a tier. I thought that once you got past master or warrior, your win ratio would determine what path you took, but my Lau was on tier 2 for 3 ranks, then went back onto tier 1. This happened right when my win ratio went above 80%. So keep that in mind if you want specific ranks, you have to keep your win ratio right there.
  20. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    I am positive you don't get money for losing and you don't get anything for 100 loses. I tested it, I am currently on the last arcade with a +%90 win ration. I have about 950 wins and 107 loses. The only time I ever get money is during anm item battle.
    I recieved my sun tan skin during an item battle.

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