VF5 story? Opinions, guesses, assumptions - fun!

Discussion in 'General' started by Goom, Mar 4, 2002.

  1. Goom

    Goom Active Member

    Yeh, a female using drunken style would be not only awesome but a first, all past characters of the style have been male.
  2. Moby

    Moby Well-Known Member

    It's interesting you mention this... I just had a long discussion with friends the other day about racial representation in fighting games. And VF is pretty much the <font color=orange>only</font color=orange> major fighting game without a Korean character (except for a couple iterations of Streetfighter). Kinda unusual considering Korea is such a HUGE part of VF's popularity.

    In fact, VF is the only major fighting game series with such a heavy Chinese-emphasis (not just in terms of characters but also fighting styles.... 8 of the 14 characters use Chinese or Chinese-derived martial arts).

    So I'd definitely vote for a Korean character as well... but any other under-represented race or culture group would be a welcome addition IMO.
  3. Goom

    Goom Active Member

    Yeh, like a Ukranian trained in Sambo. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
    I don't know any Ukranian fighting characters.
  4. Murasame

    Murasame Well-Known Member

    Chinese MAs look the best..
  5. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    Hmm, the drunken master "chick" could be his student couldn't it? Or was it mentioned somewhere that the student is male?
  6. American_Pai

    American_Pai Well-Known Member

    They already mentioned Shun's student is a guy. Speaking of drunken females does anybody think DOA3 slept on this? I'm surprised Temco didn't make Brad Wong into a chick (they are the T&A fighting game masters after all).
  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    well.. I think Tecmo decided that a drunken chick wasn't that sexy at all... If you ask me, at least at the college level, drunk-ass chicks are annoying as fu--/versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

    Let's see... we have the drunk blondes who randomly stick their head out of cars or go up to your apartment door saying "Hi~!" Then you have the drunk asian chicks for which the only words in their vocab is "I'm not drunk!" Then you have the sluts (sorry, drunk doesn't turn me on). Then the ones who seem to drink so they can sleep on someone else's couch. The flighty whackos who start talking to everyone in the room. The big-ass crazy drunk bitches who are even scarier when they are drunk--unless you are drunk for which you mistake them for a victoria's secret model. List goes on, but in my book, they're all annoying! Who would want that in a fighting game?!

    Back to the game, drunk-ass Brad looks more like he's trying to be drunk than actually being drunk if you ask me.


    PS Naturally this post was done in humor, so no offense to all the whacko DRUNKASS BIATCHES OUT THERE/versus/images/icons/tongue.gif At least Shun looks drunk and somewhat composed in VF.
  8. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 story? Opinions, guesses, assumptions - fu

    "Let's see... we have the drunk blondes who randomly stick their head out of cars or go up to your apartment door saying "Hi~!" Then you have the drunk asian chicks for which the only words in their vocab is "I'm not drunk!" Then you have the sluts (sorry, drunk doesn't turn me on). Then the ones who seem to drink so they can sleep on someone else's couch. The flighty whackos who start talking to everyone in the room. The big-ass crazy drunk bitches who are even scarier when they are drunk--unless you are drunk for which you mistake them for a victoria's secret model. List goes on, but in my book, they're all annoying! Who would want that in a fighting game?! "

  9. American_Pai

    American_Pai Well-Known Member

    LOL! But you gotta admit her win poses could be hella funny. College Girls Gone Wild: VF Style!
  10. GlennFinito

    GlennFinito Member

    Re: VF5 story? Opinions, guesses, assumptions - fu

    A Korean charecter is much needed in VF either Kuk Sol Won- or Tae Kwon Do practitioner...Though...I would love to see a Tajiquan practitioner in VF despite the style being Chinese.. A Karate practitioner would also be cool to see..Also, I would like to see the style that the bad guy from Shenmue used (the guy who kills your father in the beginning of the game, I can't remember his name). Another thing I would like to see is the end of Dural...I'm tired of the shiny thingofamajig who doesn't have its own style.
  11. Vanessasman

    Vanessasman Member

    Re: VF5 story? Opinions, guesses, assumptions - fu

    I would like a character that resembles xiayou's (tekken) style but i wonder if a female charcter would win in vf4 that would be different!
  12. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I don't know how much of this is true, but someone once told me that there is apparently a version of VF3 tailored specifically for the Korean market; all the Japanese voices are translated into Korean!
  13. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 story? Opinions, guesses, assumptions - fu


    what a load of bullshit.

    starting with vf3 rev C the 'asia' mode was added in the region setup. all of the japanese taunts are completely muted out, save for grunts. english taunts still remained. 'asia' mode was made almost specifically for korea.

    this has only been mentioned about 1903798216487698 times here and is explained in a document you host on this site.
  14. YoungKnight

    YoungKnight Member

    Re: VF5 story? Lots to read.

    VF3 and VF4's storylines connect very sparsely if you examine them carefully.

    My ideas:

    Lau's bio states that he seeks to find a successor for his art, while Lei's says that he seeks to learn Koen-ken from Lau before he kills him. Lei probably discovered Lau after he came to prominence from winning VF1. My guess is that if Lau is left out of VF5, Lei Fei will retain some Koen-ken moves as his new champion and combine them with his own moves. Koen-ken is after all, based off animal forms of Shaolin wushu, which would give Lei new stances and moves. I suspect if this is wrong and Pai becomes the successor, she will retain some moves and have forgiven her father in his death.

    The entire VF storyline primarily revolves around J6 and its legacy with Dural. While poor Tsuki-kage is being thrown all over the place in Kage's story, one minute she's Dural, then not, the again, etc, J6 claims it's seeking out Sarah as the next Dural, since she was already manipulated by J6 previously. I don't think this means she would be absent from VF5 if she becomes Dural, but the new boss would probably mimic lots of Sarah's moves. Kage's sole mission then would be to exact revenge on J6, considering that Tsuki-kage is already old and may die from her experiences as Dural.

    Akira and Aoi's relationship was not explored in the VF4's storyline, but in VF3 it's stated that both their fathers were friends and that Aoi followed Akira to VF3 to challenge him. Vf5 may be the blossoming of a romance between the two. Maybe love is true strength after all.

    Lion's VF2 purpose was to break away from his father's legacy of illegal capitalism, while in VF4 he is encouraged by his father to continue. Where he goes from there could be anyone's guess.

    Shun's student may be one of the new characters, likely then another wushu practitioner.

    Sarah and Jacky's relationship has been tossed around, but sticking with the Dural plot above, Jacky would once again have to go after her, so this seems unlikely. Right now, he's after J6 for the sole reason of hijacking his race's sponsors. Vanessa and Jacky may combine strengths in an effort to rescue Sarah and bring down J6.

    Wolf's visions may at last lead him to J6 as well where he confronts the syndicate with his own brand of punishment.

    Jeffry may or may not succeed in getting his equipment for the boat but he'll always be after that damned shark.

    I think I've covered everyone. I'd also note that individual storylines do not seem to advance unless a character has won a VF. Lau became famous and even more begrudged by Pai which leads to Lei Fei's appearance. Akira's friendly bout with Wolf ended in his victory and winning VF2. Jeffry got the new boat he needed from VF3 and is continuing to hunt the shark.

    As for new characters, until VF4 there was a pattern in which they were created. Each new pair of fighters was related by way of ethnicity or fighting style. Lion and Shun both used Chinese arts. Taka and Aoi were both Japanese fighters. Since VF already had two Japanese fighters (Ak and Ka) and two Chinese (Pai and Lau), I expected two new American fighters to compliment Jacky and Sarah. Vanessa seems to fulfill this, but I think Lei's addition was to supplant Taka's absence as a unique fighter.
    Personally, I'd like to see a new fighter who is a Capoeirista like Elena from Street Fighter 3, but the lack of jumping in VF4 may negate this. Maybe a new grappling fighter like a Judo fighter or a karate fighter would be nice, not someone as rigid and choppy as Akira, but more fluid like Makoto from SF3.

    As for the victor, who knows....if it all comes down to that big tournament in Japan, it seems a lot of the powerhouse guys are winning. Maybe Wolf this time, or Jeffry again, but i think a lot of ppl have been betting on Jacky since VF1.

  15. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 story? Lots to read.

    It's interesting to see how VF characters pair up (or are opposites)... Lion and Shun both come with dodges and very middle-of-the road weights, plus funky stances. Aoi and Taka are basically complete opposites (except that they both use throws and punches /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif ), at the opposite end of the weight and style spectrum to complement VF3's load of new options. Lei and Vanessa are stance-heavy, to go with VF4's new stances and parries. Ironically, VF4 is the first game where Sarah is NOT a Jacky knockoff /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  16. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 story? Lots to read.

    > Ironically, VF4 is the first game where Sarah is NOT a Jacky knockoff


    you're joking, right?
  17. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 story? Lots to read.

    Yep. I wrote the emergency FAQ, after all /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  18. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    they removed taka because he was to hard to integrate in the game no story reasons lau has been in every game they wont remove him he has to be cured
  19. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    You do realize you responded to a post made ten years ago?
  20. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member


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