VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/07

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by YuuKun, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    Yeah, if it does I'm sure we'll have a northern posse down for it.

    As it is, none of us play online up here so we won't be entering this but props for getting this set up and I hope everything runs smoothly for you guys.
  2. _MG_

    _MG_ Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    I played HOWL a couple of times and got bright green icon and not much lag (also in London). It's weird how inconsistent it is, I also get grey icon against some people in France/Belgium and 2 green bar icon and relatively smooth games vs some US east coast players.

    Anyway, I'm in for the tournament
    GT: ReasonableTrout
    7th Dan, approx 135 win / 140 loss
  3. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    Yeah I noticed you and J sharp entered, good luck /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  4. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    as for lag issues, we have to live with it. it's a friendly tourney and a good way to know each other in our home turf.

    one thing we need to remember is to stop any downloads during your session, or throw out your brother or sister surfing the net. that would be fun! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  5. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    Count me in as well YuuKun. Details below:

    Gamertag: Kaiser Driver
    6th Dan
    204 wins
    102 losses
  6. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    I got bright green icon and laggy game.
    I usually have better conection with american players.
  7. Akairyu_Medion

    Akairyu_Medion Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    Sign me up.

    7th Dan but can't remember how many wins/losses I have on rank as Live has kicked me out of ranking matches every time last month, usually now when I have time, I just play player match.

    Usual character is entering but I'm also going to try Aoi as well.

  8. MrShy

    MrShy New Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    hi i'm new here, sign me up ( although i'm probably going to make a fool out myself with my lag and sub par play )
    gamertag: shysmile
    rank:1 or 2 dan ( i think )
    win/lose ratio: don't remember sorry
  9. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    LM_Akira: you so should get a 360 for Virtua Fighter and play online. God knows its better than the shitty ps3 for decent games to play too.

    Anyway, wondered what people thought about this: If the lag from someones connection is really bad then maybe they shouldnt be allowed inthe tournament. I think Chibita himself would lose to someone shit at the game occasionally if there was a hefty amount of lag. I dont suppose it will be a problem but if there is someone with horrible lag it would be a shame to mess up the league because of it. What do y'all reckon?
  10. Steam

    Steam Active Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    I'll join up. Not much of a competition. Probably lowest rank, at least what I can see here.
    Gamertag:Cold Steam
    Rank:1st Dan
  11. Joel

    Joel New Member

    GT: Siient Joel
    Char: Akira
    Rank: Haven't played rank but I'm new to VF

  12. RORY

    RORY Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    hmmmmm guys i might not be able to enter this tourney. my 360 is playing about, sometimes it reads the disc and sometimes it doesnt. i need to call up microsoft
  13. SkateBKP

    SkateBKP Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    I'm in.
  14. SkateBKP

    SkateBKP Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    Oh and I'm 3rd Dan.
  15. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    ok Howl, i took your name out of the list. let me know asap if you want to join back in.
  16. Calibrated

    Calibrated Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    Can I enter please? Ive already played some of you before so I expect a good kickin :p

    5th dan
    losses=520ish lol somewhere around that figure ^^
  17. MrShy

    MrShy New Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    hi sorry about leaving it so late, i was thinking about this up until the last min, but im going to pull out of the tournament.
    i'm very sorry to have messed anyone about.
  18. Atb

    Atb Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    GT - ATB 360
    Char - Lion
    Rank - Havent played any rank matches
  19. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    Entries Closed.[/size]

    Thanks for those who entered. 17 Players in total.

    Ok, let the tournament rock and roll. Damn its cheesey!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    Everyone, before you all start, please read the rules again. I don't want anyone moan and complain about it after a fight, or any confusion to how many games you need to play.

    Obviously this is in default settings, 3 rounds, 45 on the clock. First to 5 games (except final, which is 10).

    I don't care if you want to have a warm up session with your opponent, test connections, etc. I just want the results in this thread for me to update the bracket chart.

    The bracket list is updated and please contact your opponent and arrange your fight now.

    I want a clean fight, good sportmanship, no cable or hair pulling, and be honest with your scoring! I know people can be forgetful in scoring during a intense match, therefore marking your score on a clean piece of paper really helps in moaning department.


    P.S. Please don't complain about the draw, the computer told me it's listed the way it wanted it to be. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  20. Atb

    Atb Member

    Re: VF5 - UK Online Tournament - Entries by 11/01/

    It depends on a couple of things like yours and your opponents connection speed and whether or not they are using wireless.

    Personally I just connect the 360 straight to the modem.

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