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VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have it

Discussion in 'Console' started by ElectricLeo, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    Nobody to play yet /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    Let's get a UK gamertag listing going! I doubt we'll get any decent games with the US guys from over here.

    Jide - I made some room, but every time I delete someone I get angry emails from my colleagues. We need more than 100 slots! What's your tag and I'll get you on.
  2. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    I dont think he can test it since no one in the world has the game yet....
  3. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    There's guys on the leaderboards. A couple of Shuns and another El Blaze. But they weren't playing when I went on.
  4. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    UK gamertag: Zeextremekid.
    Add me if you want and we can play when the game releases.

    Oh yeah I wanted to ask, can you do the custom intro's in the Xbox 360 version. Not talking about the same ones you see in a replay video. I mean, like when you select your customized character.

    Also, all the cool special items that are in the arcade version of the game in the 360 version?
  5. GameOver

    GameOver Well-Known Member

    Can you go a bit more into the A.I.?

    For example, does it seem like the different A.I. opponents in Quest mode genuinely have different styles of fighting (instead of just being more or less erratic than others), and does it seem like if you played the same A.I. opponent a series of matches, he/she'd fight you in different ways?
  6. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Does the AI in Quest mode actually use OM?
  7. FallingEdge

    FallingEdge Well-Known Member

    How are the loading times? Reasonable?
  8. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    FUCK OM-using-AI.

    In dojo can you: go to options, do something like "record" where you can move the dummy and do attacks, stop the recording, then press select and then the cpu will do it?

    If no, fuck VF360 and Sega.

    /would trade all items, 2 costumes, A.I. "improvements," and VF.TV for a dojo mode a kin to Evo
  9. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Some of you people don't freakin read before posting. He already answered both the OM question and the loading times. READ!
  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I don't have the full game yet, but based on the demo I agree with you. Colors in the 360 version do not seem as bright/vivid as they do in the PS3 version; I run both on 720p. Perhaps there's a way to adjust for it, a la The Darkness for the 360? To the 360 version's credit though I can definitely tell it has anti-aliasing; some of the rough edged in the PS3 has disappeared in the 360.
  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Can you tell us what all the options are in the Training menu, and sub-menus too?

    p.s. I've updated the thread title to something more meaningful than "First impressions now that I finally have it" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  12. Caj

    Caj Well-Known Member

    Few questions

    How many more new items have you noticed being available through the item shop from the get go?

    Are you able to create custom intros as seen in the arcade version?

    Are you able to save Quest mode replays?

    Does the Sega Balloon trick still work?

    Sega Ballon Trick:
    Line up your wins and loses by 7s (Example 57 Wins 37 loses)and leave the arcade your currently in,if you see the Sega Balloon on the quest map the trick was successful and you get 10 item battles in a row in any arcade you go to.

    If the trick was not successful rinse and repeat until the Sega Balloon appears on the Quest Map screen.

  13. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Maybe it is because you guys don't have the 360 on "Expanded" setting in the dashboard. It increases color saturation. If VF5 was any more "bright/vivid", it would be sickening. I think it is just fine as it is on expanded.
  14. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    No custom intros.

    I won't know if all the items are in until I've unlocked them all!

    AI - I think there's a style for each character, and that character's skill level will be relative to its rank. But Pai is pretty much always Pai. So far they switch their game as often as I do, more or less, and have only a few different tactics, but switch them at intelligent times. SO FAR. I think it's fair to say, though, that if you can beat the AI easily you can probably beat me quite easily /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    AI in quest mode uses OM a LOT.

    I've no complaints with the loading times.

    Items in the shop from the start - pretty much the same. Also, the first items I got for El Blaze for ranking up were the same, so I'd hazard a guess that everyone's items are the same, plus some additionals for higher ranks.

    Quest mode replays - will check tonight.

    Sega Balloon trick - that can fuck RIGHT OFF. I couldn't get it to work on the PS3, I'm not going to try to find it now. I'm sure that's a photoshop job.

    Training Mode - I will take a look tonight and create a doc on what's available and what isn't, and then you guys can see what's new. It's about time I gave something back, I've been raping these boards for data for years now /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  15. GameOver

    GameOver Well-Known Member

    I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the side bar alongside the option for "Expanded" black level says something like "only affects 480p output and DVD playback".

    Do you use 480p?
  16. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    Oh right, I thought you were joking. Where's this expanded option, then - I've never seen it. I run in 480p.
  17. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    You ARE wrong. It effects everything, straight from the dashboard colors to every single game. It immediately saturates all colors.

    Electro: You find it at System > Console Settings > Display > Reference Levels.

    This was mainly their solution to solving the VGA washout. VGA no longer ever looks faded. It pops on expanded. There is also an intermediate setting. But electro, the fact that you are looking at it in 480p is almost an inhibitor for you to judge the graphics anyway... this is an HD game. 720p would look optimal, but 1080p on expanded looks fantastic.
  18. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    You won't be able to give anything back (unless you have friend to test it with) if the training mode is no different from VF5.

    I'm surprised that people are concern with anything else. It is just fluff, people.
  19. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Please let us know when you get online.
  20. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    He has online, just nobody really has the game to play against. People on forums seriously have reading disabilities (ie., they don't do it).

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