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VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have it

Discussion in 'Console' started by ElectricLeo, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    No that feature isn't on the 360. Must be an arcade thing only feature.

    1) I had to boot up my 360 to see this. From dashboard it's:
    - Start button to stop intro
    - Start button to get past title screen
    - A button to select profile from hard drive
    - done
    so yea a lot less, it's pretty quick to get to main menu this time round. Dojo thingie, you can change setting and you can press the B button to go back but you will be prompted by a message if you wanna save the settings you modified.
  2. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    It would pass the TRCs because it indicates that it's loading when it's over the required time for it. And don't believe the TRCs say anything about this type of loading before front screen actually, but maybe they should lol. Or maybe they will now haha.
  3. EscapingJail

    EscapingJail Active Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

  4. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Well said. To tell you the truth, there was a time when I enjoyed DoA even more than VF. It was when I got 360, not long after its release, with DoA4 of course /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I gotta tell you, that for me, DoA is right below VF on "the best fighter" list, and both are hiiiiiigh above Tekken /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Just wanted to say... don't say DoA is for kids, or that it's shit... try it, it's really fun /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  5. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Lol Sean, just go drive down and beat on Dissmaster with Low_Sweep and the other PA dudes. They just down there in Penn anyway. Every scene shits on every other scenes game, the moment you realize that and just shrug it off the better you are at picking up every other game without getting pussy hurt cause some dude said the game you play sucks.

    Most VF players do not like DoA or to be more accurate are rather uninterested with the game. When you play A LOT of VF and against good competition you may find out why that opinion arises.

    This is actually a step better than Tekken where most players absolutely hate DoA and shit on it on a regular basis. Hell when me and Virtuapai used to post up silly ass 10 page argument threads on this forum it didn't erupt into a shit fest like it does on SRK/TZ but rather a pretty deep discussion about DoA3.1

    Course, irony is I ended up leaving DoA entirely for VF and not really looking back. I still talking to old friends like Jared and Jeremy just to see how things are going. But basically for DoA players jumping into VF, just play the game against comp and get your feel for it.

    - the player formly known as EXM
  6. EscapingJail

    EscapingJail Active Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Yeah I've always known who you are lol, I already know and understand the mindsets of the other community's.

    I wasn't ever "pussyhurt" it's just that obviously Inforcer is pushing along the lines of having less people support VF, When the VF community is obviously small compared to the rest of the FGC's in the US.

    Why push away members from another community that is also small but dedicated just like VF?

    I also do alot outside of DoA. (not very well but I still try). I plan to really work and get better at VF and participate at VF tournament's. (I'll be at NEC for DoA & VF.)
  7. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    If it makes you feel better, 90% of us don't agree with Inforcer on probably.... ummm... everything?

    Nobody is pushing anybody out, most of us are welcoming the new players but we kind of hope they look for comp outside as Online VF isn't really VF.

    IMO, VF is the next best thing for DoA players looking for another fighting game, it's balanced, is the closest in similarities, and now it doesn't require you have a PS3/PS2.
  8. EscapingJail

    EscapingJail Active Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    I wasn't talking about just online for VF, I do alot of the here offline the EC DoA crew.

    I'm not a random online kid lol.
  9. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    I hope all of the talented, cool folks from doacentral come on over, while the children, drama queens, trolls, e-thugs, etc stay there! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Jail qualifies as the former -- we're off to a good start.
  10. FallingEdge

    FallingEdge Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Yup yup. I really hope that VF5 can blow up as it does seem to have alot of interest from the various boards I've visited. Gonna start a VF Thread on the teamxbox forums and try to see what will happen then, lol.
  11. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    <span style='font-size: 17pt'>Attention all with a copy of VF360</span>

    Unless something unforeseen happens, at the next meet up in SoCal, we will more than likely get two copies of VF360 for the meet which we will be having at Sweeps! on Friday and Saturday of this week.

    Post up in "SoCal VF5 in 2007 and beyond" for more info!

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    i just ran the above post through the new google internet rant and bullshit translator. this was the output:

    "i am very annoyed a better version of VF5 is being released on 360 after i bought a ps3 for it."

    "therefore i will not buy it out of biterness and spite."

    "i will also do my utmost to annoy and preach to those who intend to buy and enjoy it"


    hope that helps /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  13. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Yours too?!?! Mine had the same output. I was surprised at the blunt results. Looks like it was legit though. Inforcer is really a joke, and needs to stop posting/pretending he's hardcore in his basement. Fanboys do not belong here. This is about the game VF5. PS3 players, 360 players are all welcome. We just need a common platform to play the LATEST version of the game NOW. Hardcore communities don't wait on freakin "training mode" options. A lot of us waited because we heard there was a version coming to our platform that would be the latest edition. If I heard that 360 was going to have the outdated version and it would NEVER BE UPDATED, and the real version would be PS3, I'd get it as soon as the PS3 was at a reasonable price, or at least I'd get the 360 version for practice then a VSHG for PS3 gatherings.

    However, the superior (portable profiles, updated version, SEGA saying PS3 won't be updated, online for when gatherings aren't until the next weekend, etc., etc.) version is out in a week. There is no need to bash it. If you want to just keep playing the old version that won't be updated power to you, but you don't need to even bother typing about it on the forums.
  14. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Inforcer is an idiot, but you're full of shit.
  15. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Orly? Great post explaining your opinion. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
  16. GameOver

    GameOver Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    The e-thugs never fail to provide good LULZ material, though! hehe.
  17. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Guys, let's not derail this thread too much OK?

    FWIW, if the 360 version had a record feature, I'd snap it up in a second. This is how important this feature is to me.

    But instead, I'm choosing to wait to see if:

    - PS3 gets ver.c update
    - Online lives up to it's expectations
    - Joystick problems get resolved
  18. EndCA

    EndCA Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Never heard explain please?
  19. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    joystick problem = no vshg for 360
  20. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    is Shun censored on the 360 version?

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