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VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have it

Discussion in 'Console' started by ElectricLeo, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Yes, I do.

    I forgot to check my mail today. The Fighting Stick EX2 by Hori (with the VF5 stickers) just arrived today, so I'm off for a good testing session. Love to see how Aoi has evolved since VF3. Now if there only was a still working Evade button as it was the case in VF3 ...

    If anyone has already got the game too, then we can test it online as well, but don't expect too much from someone who skipped VF4 ...

    Gamertag: Leonard McCoy
  2. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Yeah, tomorrow, I'll be back in London, playing my copy of VF5!
    UK guys, ElectricLeo, Leonard, DubC. Gimme a shout tomorrow evening. I'll be online to test this game.

    I'm all set, got my arcade stick as well.

    My gamertag is: Zeextremekid
  3. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Hi, a few of us will have access to this tommorw evening will try and give you people some games from some vf4 days london heads.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    got my copy today along with the ex2 stick.....frist impressions....amazing!

    i've already played a few games online and noticed no lag as yet....played a very fruity vanessa a coule of times (i assume from the uk) and it really felt like a proper vs match. the online implementation is slick with quick responsive menus. ranked games are one off affairs but player matches allow you to replay to your hearts content.

    overall, i'm drooling over the game. the ex2 stick is also very good for my needs, responsive and decent quality.

    what's so enticing about this version is the feeling you can get human competition at any time....every time i've searched for games i've found them and the game isn't even officially out in europe until tomorrow.
  5. yoomazir

    yoomazir Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    got the game also,seems somes stores are selling it since wesdenay.
  6. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    lmao I can guess who that is. That'll be bluem4gic. He works with me, he's a joker. Lol.
  7. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Also, for the record, Bboy is a title. It's like if a guy went by Farmer John and you called him Farmer instead of John. That's why I didn't use the Bboy tag here. I actually hate being called that, because it sounds weird (kind of like calling your teacher in school by "teacher").

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    i chanced my luck in a local dixons...spotted some cluless looking wee punk on duty and asked him if he could fetch a copy of vf5 for xbox from the back, he did so, oblivious to the fact he wasn't supposed to sell it.

    suffice to say i walked out of the store with a copy of vf5 and a big cheesy grin on my face /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    played a few more online matches...ElectricLeo and Leonard McCoy. Leonard was playing from germany and i was amazed to experience almost no lag whatsoever...felt perfect!! got a bit of lag with Electric Leo but more than playable.
  9. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Wow, haha. That was a nice con.
    Leonard must have a sweet connection then. If you could play him with no lag, the same could be possible with the west side of europe.

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    thank you

    I will do that /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  11. caliagent3

    caliagent3 Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    nice....glad to see i'm not the only one skipping from vf3 to vf5
  12. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    you're not alone. I skipped from vf3 to vf5 as well. Quit in 97 and started playing vf5 January 1st this year.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    i wouldn't worry too much as you've only really skipped one major version. vf5 is nigh on identical to vf4 barring some minor gameplay alterations.
  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

  15. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    It is true: we tested the online version quite decently with a few matches. I got a decent German 2MBIT connection, by the way. Maximum (FreeScotland) from Scotland, and me (from Germany) had no lag issues whatsoever. We only once encountered a mili-second-like lag. I tried to play ElectricLeo, but every time that we sent invites, we had a match going on lol.

    I was playing quite a decent number of players yesterday - I only entered matches with a top connection, though (you can see that from a nice little green connection item in the top right corner of each match that you select).

    I was able to breathe in Aoi's cleverness again, though Maximum pulled off some mean maneuvers ;). I lost almost every Ranked Match - this one guy was playing a mean Sarah. I really wonder how easy it is to pull off float combos compared to the times of VF3.

    I'm also quite content with the EX2 as of now - it is no VSHG, but it's worth your money. Compared to the Sega Dreamcast Arcade stick, the EX2 is more than twice as good.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    what's everyone's online 'ranked' win/loss ratio like? after a nervous start i've managed to get up to 2nd Kyu with 25 Wins 10 Loss. out of those 35 ranked matches i've only experienced 2 that were badly lagging, all the others felt perfect to me. it really is a rush playing ranked online games....feels very similar to playing the vs city cabs in tokyo arcades in that mostly you don't know who you're playing. checking someones gamertag after a match is kind of similar to peeking over the cabinet to see who you just fought! lol

    the online mode is so addictive that i really wish sega allowed you to unlock items and money this way. it's a real drag having to play cpu in quest mode just to unlock some new threads.

    btw, i played a journalist dude from new york this morning with zero lag! we had a good few games and after the matches i checked his gamertag expecting a uk profile given the fast connection...was shocked to discover he was in the US. he claimed to work for some online website.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    btw, there are some VERY good players playing ranked online matches now. played a few 3rd and 5th dans just recently.

    to those who thought this version of vf5 was going to be populated by scrubs you are totally mistaken.

    i can imagine a few of the stuffy elite on here getting gang raped when they head online...lol
  18. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Just had the ever elusive sega baloon popping up in my quest mode while I had 43 wins and 3 losses. Seems the 3 can give the goodies as well.
  19. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    Man, that blows that you can't get items or cash online.

    I wonder if I can get a full game save somewhere.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
  20. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have

    wow no money or items in online .vs matches. well that really sucks, i thought i read some where that online profiles would be seperate from offline profiles? would have been cool, that way you can really gauge how good your oponent is and not assume he is really strong. imagine being in a match against someone 4 ranks above 10th dan with 85+ win ratio.... you would be nervous as hell getting ready to fight this guy. then it turns out he is really fighting on 5th dan level cause all his rank, items, win ratio, etc, comes from offline quest mode. i would be annoyed having to freak out for nothing all the time this happens. *sigh... SEGA WHY?*

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