VF5FS Akira - Overpowered??

Discussion in 'General' started by Junsuina Chikara, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    I think I agree with this. I'm no expert but isn't Akira's execution really demanding? And he's the flagship character so it's cool that he is very strong. As long as he is not game-breakingly over-powered that's cool. If he was then every scrub player online would be playing him and winning which doesn't seem to be the case at the moment. I have fought a couple of Akiras online but they haven't been too much to handle.
  2. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    No his execution is not demanding. He has generic combos that don't lose that much damage and are easy to do. Damage isn't his strength anyway.

    Also I want to add that the idea that a character isn't "over powered" because they have gaps or weaknesses is ridiculous. Not everything is equally important. Akira doesn't have any high or mid full circulars but why does that matter? They tend to be crap in the FS system anyway. Only Shun Brad and Jacky have really good ones.
  3. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I'd love to hear some proper reasons to why FS Akira has "demanding execution" and I hope those reasons are not "durr he has THE KNEE and like GBOD is pretty hard or something" I've seriously wondered about this claim as long as people have been claiming it, and I'm still not seeing it, as Marly said.
  4. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    what i find really irritating about akira it's [3][3][P][+][K] that goes under the MIDS. Well not all of them but when i guess right and he just throws out that move and wins anyway seems really wrong to me.
  5. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    They still have them Marly.

    Why because YOU did'nt have much trouble pulling out moves with him? To a VF vet they can be done with a lil practice but As for anybody playing VF for the first time they can be turned off by his steep learning curve compared to Jacky or Jean especially if they are not dedicated. His heavy combo's require a timing that is strict being that they need to be buffered. I'm not going back and forth about this anymore... It feels like some of ya'll trying to play devil's advocate for the hell of it.. If he is so overpowered or that Easy then he should be you guy's Main.
  6. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    He used to have hard execution. In VF3 if someone did DLC it usually meant they put some work in. Now the only issue is putting in [2_][6][P]![P] for a couple extra points of damage.

    It's harder to do Jacky's average iaegiri combos than Akira's standard ones now. Nothing complicated about Akira at all.
    SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
  7. Voltaige

    Voltaige Active Member

    Doesn't every character's high damaging combos require strict timing and buffering? Listing that as a retort doesn't disprove he's OP. Not everyone picks Akira cause most people go by who they like not by who's best; that's what SF and MVC players do. Wesker, Vergil, Wolverine are THEE most top tier characters in MVC3 and a lot of top players use them cause they're SO good, but even they admit they're OP and they use them all the time so even though I agree with BG; that we should learn to overcome the character rather than "cry" about it, just because you main the character and see it's weakness, doesn't mean overlook its strengths and deem him not OP just cause YOU know how he works. That's like saying, "M.Bison's round house is not OP, it may hit High/mid/low at ranges and leave you in enough block stun for me to get a guaranteed hit but it's not OP cause you can just stay out of its range." Every attack in this game is avoidable SOMEHOW but doesn't mean the attacks aren't good.
  8. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Oh I thought his execution was tough but I guess that's not relevant anymore. To be honest I have not been through his moveslist in ages so I don't really know. Kage has tough execution though, think I nearly sprained my wrist trying to type out some of those moves.

    But my point still stands: if he's so overpowered and his execution is not demanding how come there are not hordes of scrubs playing him online and kicking ass? That would normally be the case when there is a character that's overpowered. Like Lilly in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection which used to drive me crazy. I don't think I've encountered many Akiras on PSN and certainly even less that were any good.
  9. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    When I (try) to play Akira I find the harder execution compared to most characters comes OUTSIDE of combos. Keeping up all those 66s just to get your elbow out on time and 666s for your nitaku launcher while still playing fast enough to be competitive is quite a chore.

    I feel he's the best character in the right hands. He gets to fuzzy after his two mid half circulars and his SDE. I don't know any other character who can do that. His carry to wall is excellent, he gets extra damage at the end of his combos when he does it, and he is scary as fuck when your back is to the wall. His throws are great and his guard breaks are awesome. I don't believe his damage is anything spectacular but it doesn't need to be. He can hard counter some of the best defensive techs for high reward which pidgeonholes the opponent into less attractive options. In turn, his oki is amazing (best?) which can lead to knockdown after knockdown after...oh you're dead.

    Most players don't have the right hands though. I don't think many people who bitch about him could play him as well as they do their current mains (I've seen some try and LOL). He needs above average yomi to avoid being evade-punished all day (even if you use your half circs they can still evade one direction so even that is a guess) and while guard break is undeniably awesome it's still unsafe if you evade or crouch it. He's still a character that's weak to evade and if he manages to beat that with delays etc then it was the player outsmarting you.

    He also suffers from "mr obvious" syndrome in that you pretty much know when it's your turn to attack. He's safe as fuck but you don't really have to worry about him throwing you a curve ball if you guard his shit. You just have to deal with the fact that he never has to be in nitaku if he doesnt want to be -_-

    tl;dr Akira is the best but definitely not free wins. If you think so, give him a shot and maybe you'll be surprised.
  10. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Anyone talking about execution with Akira...


    Try the [9][K] max damage ones and then see how you feel, now maximising damage isn't relevant for most of us here but it's pretty much undeniable that his exe is more demanding than most.

    Also, the over powered label implies he's much better than he really is.

    If he was such a powerhouse, certain B tier characters wouldn't be a bad matchup for him now would they?

    It doesn't matter.

    Akira doesn't need them but Dingo stated that he has superior versions of every tool in the game and a tool for every situation.

    I personally don't give a fuck that the only decent low Akira has is as slow as Shiny Brentford & linear, I don't care that he has no full circulars & low throws etc. ...but if someone talks a load of poppycock you got to remind them of the facts.
  11. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Totally agree....This is what was in the back of my head... The the topic was'nt about Jacky so i did'nt want to bring that up lol! But Long as you know...​

  12. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I said what?

    I never said he has every tool in the game. I never said that he has superior versions of the tools that he does have. I did say that he has a tool for most any situation. I did say that he has more tools than the large majority of the cast. And those tools mixed with the FS game engine makes him an overpowered character.

    We clear?
  13. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    He is not OP, he is top tier.
    Not a big difference in many FGs. (Un) fortunately, this is VF, so... :D
  14. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Haha, ok, so is this where the confusion is coming from?
  15. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    I am afraid it is :D
  16. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Yeah, it's not like he can press [1][P][+][K] and reverse MP,EL,MK,SK,KN and somersaults.
    MarlyJay likes this.
  17. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    Check dat title :D
    There is a big distinction between the two.
    Listing his strengths and claming he too many tools and claming "He has weaknesses?" basically alludes to all my posts so far. Its like Akira players shouldn't lose due to xzy reasons.
    SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
  18. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    I'm usually delighted if an Akira player tries to use reversals on me. His are not worthwhile imo. Aoi's are only good because she can strip you of options with Tenchi to make it easier for her to tell what's coming. Pai's and Akira's are meh.

    If I was going to pick holes in what I said earlier I'd say shoulder ram and 4P+K+G are much scarier and more viable alternatives to defending for Akira.

    His strength comes from the fact that he doesn't NEED alternatives to defense too much because he is never worse than -5 most of the time.
    MarlyJay likes this.
  19. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

  20. Citrus

    Citrus Well-Known Member

    what post?
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2015

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