VF5FS Official Console Site

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Mar 1, 2012.

By Myke on Mar 1, 2012 at 12:57 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]The official website for the console release of VF5FS has been launched:

    Thanks to Reno, a translation of all the hot features can be found in the next post. How does joystick configuration at the character select screen sound?


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Mar 1, 2012.

    1. ALEXisconfused
      I'd love to see them copy the way DLC is handled in Forza4.
    2. Dragonps
      The whole item thing could turn to bite Sega in the ass, the whole custom character thing was an awesome way to bring casuals to the game and hopefully sell more copy's.

      Don't get me wrong I'll download everything but I think this is a bad move by Sega considering the custom options in games like Tekken 6 and SC5
    3. Dennis0201
      Does spectator mode really cause lag? What about other fight games??
    4. Hated_Greatness
      I will get this as soon as it becomes available. Thank you Based Sega!
    5. Jide
      Button Configuration
      You can set up the controller at the character select screen, and there's also a "button check" option too so you can check to make sure your buttons are properly configured and working!

      They actually listened... \o/ Running tournaments for this will be so fun [​IMG]

      I'll be purchasing both versions. The DLC thing sadly is a fault with MS's strict system. The PS3 version wouldn't have this trouble but it has to be fair for both versions..
      VF5FS isn't even big enough to get MS to change it either.
    6. akiralove
      I've been playing Rocksmith & there's been a decent amount of free DLC, song packs etc, in addition to the paid ones.
    7. Sozos
      im excited like the time when vf4evo comes to ps2!!oh god thanku sega..if they put quest mode like vf4evo this game it will be the best!! oh god those 4 months is like a year for me!!!sorry guys for my poor english!!:)
    8. joanot
      One of the screenshots give us a sneak peak of the main menu:


      - ------------------- ( Versus mode ? )
      - -------------------- ( Dojo mode ? )
      - --------------------
      - ------------------- ( Replays/VFTV ? )
      - EXIT GAME
    9. noodalls
      ※自分ãŒãã®ã‚­ãƒ£ãƒ©ã‚¯ã‚¿ãƒ¼ã®ã‚¢ã‚¤ãƒ†ãƒ ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ã‚’æŒã£ã¦ã„ãªã„ã¨ã€ã‚ªãƒ³ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ³å¯¾æˆ¦ã§ç›¸æ‰‹ã®ã‚«ã‚¹ã‚¿ãƒžã‚¤ã‚ºã‚’見るã“ã¨ã¯ã§ã㾛ん。

      If you don't own a specific character item data, you will not be able to see the customisation during online play.
    10. ZeroEx
      Can't wait to run tourneys with this game.

      Glad they listened and allowed more than 2 players in a room for online mode.

      DLC thing could be a result of Xbla's restrictions, or it could just be a way to make more monies. Either way, I'm gonna get all the DLC for this game.

      Love the new button check at Char select, every fighting game should have this, no excuse.

      Replay upload sounds like what they have in Tekken 6, where you can upload to the online server, and other people can download and watch whenever they want.

      Really hope there is a record feature in the new dojo mode, and possibly sample combos for beginners.
    11. Feck
      All this good news and you still find something to rant about [​IMG]

      Anyway it's more like BS from MS, they impose the maximum file size and SEGA are forced to stick to it. This is easily solved by optional or mandatory updates to the game, games like MK9, Blazblue etc. released compatibilty packs which allowed you to play with others that had the DLC.
    12. El_Twelve
      This is interesting. If people who buy just the game don't buy any of the item packs, all they'll see online are people in default costumes. Sure there are 5 default costumes for each character, but it's a shame that you miss out on the whole customisation aspect of the game unless you "join the club." Not that it matters to me, because I'm buying every item pack, but for newcomers, how are you going to convince them to shell out for something you get as part of the basic game in Soul Calibur and vanilla VF5?

      That being said, I like the fact we don't have to grind for items anymore.(So much wasted time waiting for that damn balloon!!)

      More details from the site, it says character specific item packs will be sold, so if you only play certain characters, you can just buy packs for your favourites. There will also be discounted bundles for those of us buying multiple character item packs.

      I expect to spend my first few days on this game playing dress up with my wife and kids. :p
    13. Seidon
      I'll be getting the DLC but part of the fun for a lot of people is earning items. Also I liked when I'd play online and see other people's characters looking slick. Seeing items you've never saw before was awesome too. Gave you something to look forward to trying to get. I don't think it's a good idea to have no unlockable items at all. The least they could do is have a reasonable amount of free DLC items for download.

      This will probably bite them in the arse.

      License mode sounds like a giggle. Surely they have quest mode if they were asking for our names, favourite characters and stuff?

      Online Lobbies is great. Anything on spectating matches?

      Replay uploads should be cool.
    14. akai
      Andriasang Article of the Console Website -

      Not sure if this was in the official console website, but the writer (Fishie on VFDC?) mentioned the item count is over 14,000.

      And that list of 14,000 includes the color swapped items.
    15. akai
      Maybe for Knockout Trial Mode from the Arcade. I believe it was clearly stated that the game will not have quest mode in the beginning...but who knows, they might have change their mind.
    16. Namflow
      I can't wait for this! VF4 is what me break down and buy a PS2, and VF5 Final Showdown is gonna make me break down and buy either an XBOX 360 or PS3.

      VF5:FS online mode shall being ruins to my social life that League of Legends could only dream out.
    17. Ash_Kaiser
      That makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up.

      That being said, Sega could also do what Capcom did with SSF4 and add a free costume pack viewer that allowed you to see the new costumes but not use them yourself.

      If they did do that, hopefully there'd be no bugs with it like the SSF4 one either.

      That's over 700 items each. That's a lot.
      It should simply just display the items on your opponent's screen and that's it.

      On King of Fighters XIII when you're online you can fight against a DLC character and go to their stage even if you haven't downloaded the character/stage. It made a bunch of people think that they had somehow unlocked the character and stage but to their disappointement as soon as they went offline neither the character nor the stage was there.
    19. SDS_Overfiend1
      Atleast let us be able to see the items whether we unlock them or not. Other than that im hype as fuck and that screen shot of the challenge menu gave me a orgasm.
    20. akai

      At the bottom right - there is a random character select option. I don't think that is in the arcade version.

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