VF5FS side tourney @ ECT 4 - June 9-10

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by FightClubHuBBs, May 29, 2012.

  1. DaiAndOh

    DaiAndOh Well-Known Member

    GGs to those I played while I was there. I was the Jean/Goh player in the staff shirt. Sorry I couldn't play longer.

    Hope to see faces show up, whether it's at the Break, Jaxel's event, or my own!

    WINBACK Active Member

    Thank god for Gamerbee. Shit was horrible otherwise.
  3. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    Plz remove these vids... they interfere with my own youtube channel... My vids have been up for several hours even before yours, and they are in HD.


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