vf6 wishes-

Discussion in 'General' started by Pp5Animal_KungFu, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Ha least I'd be in it chump!
  2. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    So you feel like you deserve to win against someone that puts in way more time than you to improve their game? Sounds like the same type of mentality where people want to get thin by using a miracle pill while sitting on the couch eating potato chips.
    DMPK offline is either -14 or -15 depending on character so if you understand the game, you should have no problem getting guaranteed damage with AT LEAST 50-60 points in most cases on block. If it does hit you, you lose around 20-30 points. For the most part, its the weakest option and the reason you almost never see good japanese players using it.

    I can see how this stuff might be annoying for a casual player like yourself but for serious play, VF has always had way better game balance than most other fighting games and most the move properties are very well thought out. Most people here still think fuzzy guard and 2xeteg is invincible.

    In regards to the topic, I think Sega needs to simplify the game in a way to make it more appealing to people outside the niche crowd. You look at vanessa and shun who have a few hundred attacks and its really alot of work for the casual player. At the end of the day, the average joe just want to get in there, mash and beat the other guy with as little homework as possible. Something for nothing! [​IMG]
  3. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I totally agree with you LA~
    DMPK is not that bad as long as you know how to punish back when it's blocked. For those top VF players they barely abuse DMPK coz they realize it's dangerous. (And I think the reason AM2 put DMPK since VF4 due to Akira's 46P+K+E in VF3 which is the same animation as his DMPK now, and the idea is to avoid the attack by one side step and also reverse the situation.)

    AM2 also reduced the threshold from VF4(they canceled the E button). Based on the system now, I don't think they are able to simplify the game easily which is also the charming parts for the hard core fans~~
  4. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Yeah of course DMPK is punishable offline, but I still think it sucks that you have to block at advantage. And eating a zero frame throw at advantage cuz you were waiting for DMPK is mad frustrating. I just don't see what would be lost by taking it out of the game (other than Darthminion's favorite move).

    And really, is it true that adding very powerful techniques that require practice to master is automatically good? If there were an extremely powerful technique that allowed someone to defend against almost any attack at large dis, would that be good since only someone who has spent a zillion hours in dojo would be able to perform the hypothetical fancy technique?

    It seems to me that if people really practice their D, they actually can get away with thinking a lot less when they play the game since they have all or nearly all of their bases covered when they are in a disadvantaged situation.

    Also isn't reading your opponents tendencies a skill in and of itself? I personally would prefer if VF went in a direction that encouraged Yomi and mixups and traps over defensive techniques acquired by trolling in the dojo. Limiting defensive options would accomplish this. Of course AM2 limits D options to some degree. I would just rather they limited them more.

    But... I don't want it to be rock paper scissors for people with an extra chromosome (DOA) either...

    So... for me VF is not perfect, but is by far the best thing out there.

    And yeah, DMPK is obviously so risky that only Casual American Noobz would ever use it.

    (Watch Round 5)
  5. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    If the opponent had no options at all while at disadvantage, that would be a problem. Far worse than the mind games that stem from the options of 0F throws and a DMPKs.

    Reading tendencies is a huge, often not discussed, skill in all fighters. You're right. But reading their tendencies when they're at disadvantage is apart of that skill. If you notice they DMPK out of panic or out of habit, you can bait that and punish hard (And they may not even realize what your strategy is.)
  6. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    if you are worried about dmpk or 0 frame throw mixup you can fuzzy and then get guaranteed damage vs DMPK or stand up and p,k the throw whiff. Or you can just use a full circular. On rare occasions a DMPK will go around a FC but its nothing thats consistent. If someone is beating you by DMPKing more than 2,3x a round, there's seriously something wrong. lol

    Care to share what that super strong, seemingly unbeatable technique is?

    defense is really important but you cant avoid everything. for example, when I played adam last time and I saw he would fuzzy my mids and throws, I had a GUARANTEED counter tech that he would get him 85% of the time and he knows this. I would say adam has the best defense out of anyone in the USA and if I can do that to him, then im not worried about anyone else. If you cant beat a specific defense, you aren't thinking outside the box.

    It does encourage Yomi and mixups. Why do you think itazan, fuudo and itoshun do so well. Its not because of their manual dexterity (itazan only does one direction eteg), its because of their yomi. No one on this side of the earth has yomi anywhere close to that realm.

    I said "For the most part, its the weakest option and the reason you almost never see good japanese players using it."

    The top players here for the most part are probably a lil above a 10th dan japanese player. Thats a fact. How do I know? Because I know how I do against people here and I know how I do vs the good players in japan. For the most part, my definition of "good japanese player" is far above anyone we have here. Don't take my word for it though. Fly to japan and see how well you do against the players there.
  7. WolfKing

    WolfKing Well-Known Member

    There will be NO VF6. The game is DEAD. [​IMG] (Maybe Japan sees it tho...)
  8. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I concur but that's only because I'm getting old. My manual dexterity and amount of time I have to play the game is getting more and more limited.
  9. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Well, I more or less agree with happy friend when he implies that good defense can reward rote learning and dexterity. That can go quite a bit farther than it should, when your ability to read your opponent's patterns and make quick risk-reward choices is more important imo. This is totally on paper, though. And yeah fuzzy and ETEG, or fuzzy THEN ETEG, are not totally foolproof but they are almost too good at getting out of two-choice situations compared to VF4.
  10. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I agree with eliminating DMPK...

    If you say it's not a good move, then why should it be there at all?

    If you think it's cheap (I am in this club) then you would agree it should be eliminated as well.

    Wolf's DMPK is certainly cheap. That was an ugly win.
  11. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    I see your logic, but it seems to me maybe 5% of the players out there actually place a premium on playing good defense. and only about 1% (of american players this is) or less have reached the level of which you speak.

    There is such a lack of focus on defensive fundamentals and understanding situations and risk/reward options, that to skew the game more towards offense and away from defense would simply reward all the players who are too lazy to become technically sound defensively.

    and for the record, i am the poster-boy for not wanting to put in the effort, energy, and time to develop good defensive fundamentals, and instead rely on yomi and flow charts and abare friendly moves to try and wiggle out of disadvantages. so your proposed changes would only help me [​IMG]

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    Shit I just hope we get the game. Seems like Sega AM2 doesn't give a fuck about anyone these days.
  13. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    How is it cheap when you can just input a DTE to negate it? It sounds like you just need some reflex training. In one of the money matches with Flash vs. Denkai, Denkai was escaping from it pretty consistently. I know that he is one of the best players we have, but it's possible for anyone to do it with enough practice.
  14. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I would be very happy if I can reach to Master rank in Japan arcade. However, I believe I'm not able to.......
    For those who think AM2 should eliminate DMPK, just consider DMPK is one option(but not the only). Btw, I think AM2 already took out Wolf's in R.
  15. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    It's tough unless you live there. Alot of the players that got master rank over there did it when the game was new and everyone was ranking up. I got up to 10th dan in R within 2 weeks but after that it was really hard to find legit 10th dan players to beat. For the most part, in akihabara, you would gets really strong players like gemu (whos main is around moushou [1st or 2nd silver] iirc) just ranking up their subs past 10th dan.
  16. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Faster dashing/crouch dashing and Crouch dash canceling of the type in VF4. Maybe 10 frame throws.
  17. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    I want pk +4 on hit with lei. I know this is where everyone then starts complaining and this thread gets locked. But i don't care. I want to be able to pk for garaunteed damage and have +4 like (almost) everyone else. That way i can punish without having to commit and put myself in danger when i don't want to.

    I want goh's identical moves to akira to have similar properties to akira's. I.e. a better low, and 46p + on block, or even.
  18. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Since when do defensive techniques take away every option?
    Seconding Jeneric in this. I agree though that fuzzy guard is too strong, especially in R. But I remember VF4 where fuzzy was not even usable let alone useful..

    Eliminating DM P+K is kind of silly as well. Noobs need something they can spam, and experienced players will get free wins punishing it. Not to mention, if there was no followup to the DM, then noobs would spam DM P which would be just as bad if not worse as its + on block. (well ok they would propably spam DM PPP) DM P+K is one OF THE FEW semicirculars Akira has, Don't take it away! No!
  19. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I propose they remove DM [P] [+] [K] for VF6 and replace it with DM [P] and DM [K] featuring identical stats for every character, the same way OM attacks are handled in VF5.
  20. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    How is fuzzy stronger in R? Or too strong, especially in R?

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