[VFDC CHOICE] Choosing a stick for VF4 PS2

Discussion in 'Console' started by oldtimer, Feb 4, 2002.

  1. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    You can order them domestically from www.arcade-infinity.com.

    BTW guys, I've built this frame:
    [​IMG] whics is roughly the size of a DC agetec stick.
    This will be stained and varnished, and topped with plexiglass. Anybody interested in purchasing these from me? I'm going to put in an order for more Sanwa Sticks later. I want a guage in just how many of you want one, and in which configuration... I could make it 6 button street fighter type, or 3 buttons like VF4. And if you do want one, what color buttons and ball do you want.

  2. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Sorry, but I couldn't find any joysticks, all they sell are sanwa pushbuttons...would you happen to know of anywhere else that would sell sanwa parts?
  3. Ellinas

    Ellinas Well-Known Member

    If u look in the faq at that site u will see:

    "Q8: If I by a Japanese import cabinet and need parts what should I do?
    A: We can get any Japanese arcade parts for you. All joystick and buttons
    or replacement parts can be easily replaced."

    So I suppose you need to email them and ask for the parts. That's what I'm going to do anyway, I guess.
  4. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    count me in. 3 buttons please /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  5. pltan

    pltan Well-Known Member

    Those Korean sticks seem to have a large area between the stick and the buttons. Maybe it's cos of the picture...
  6. Gndalf007

    Gndalf007 Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, sure I want one, but I think I'll wait until your site is finished before I commit.

    I've talked to the local VF4 crew, and just about all of us want one with six buttons. The custom face is really, really cool, BTW.

    Also, can you post a blank template graphic I can use to start designing my own faceplate in Photoshop, or at least tell me the dimensions?
  7. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    The dimensions should be 7"x11". The template can be found at


    In the zip file are two files, a jpg, and a Corel Photopaint 7 file. I still use my old Corel PhotoPaint to create stuff, and there is an object in there that is "flattened" in the .jpg file. Photoshop 5+ users should be able to still open the file.
  8. homerj

    homerj Member

    im interested in perchacing vf4 set. Have u already ordered them? If u havent could u place an order for a blue stick and buttons.
  9. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    everyone, I'm too lazy to read through 23 pages so i'm gonna ask anyway, is the sony joystick any good? i found it and it's only 20$. sorry if it's been mentioned already.
  10. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    I recently emailed arcade-infinity.com and they have yet to reply (its been like a week), how did you actually get ahold of the various japanese joysticks and such?

    This is really frustrating, I don't want to spend 60 dollars on a hori stick when I can make my own for 20-30 dollars if I could just get a damn joystick from sanwa
  11. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    find their phone number on the internet yellow pages and call em. I did. But then I searched for Sanwa Japan, and ordered direct.
  12. homerj

    homerj Member

    instead of emailing them try going over to ai. I had the same problem they seem to be pretty lazy.
  13. ggbro

    ggbro Member

    After beginning to build my own joystick I have inevitably stumbled over the bat vs. ball joystick debate. From what I read on this site, it seems to be a one-sided argument, yet my question is should I, someone who has never seriously played with joysticks, go through the effort and pain not to mention pay more to get a Sanwa joystick and pushbuttons? From what I have read, and dismissing the quality of their products, the choice of joystick basically boils down to preference. Can anyone offer me a compelling argument that is not based on personal bias as to why the ball is better than the bat?
  14. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    I have done it. This joystick is for a "customer"...

    Anybody wanting one, email me privately at


    BTW, size is roughly the size of the Agetec DC stick, but slightly higher (taller).

    ...and the 15 pin plug basically allows it to be compatible with any system, including MAME.
  15. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Well see the deal is that my original question was there any way for english-speaking customers to order from sanwa. So, if I were to call sanwa's office in japan, would it be possible to order these parts? Or did you mean I should call AI? Also I'd like to thank you guys for being willing to help and if push comes to shove I would be interested in purchasing one of you sticks catch22.
  16. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

  17. pltan

    pltan Well-Known Member

    So Catch22, how much is that sucker going for?
  18. homerj

    homerj Member

    catch when are u going to put how u made the design for the base on the website. I really wanna start working on it.
  19. homerj

    homerj Member

    basically i have two questions could i happen to get the template from that latest stick? and how did u attach the plexiglass to the wooden frame?
  20. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    I used another wooden frame underneath to hold the plexiglass up. Since the plexiglass is only 1/8 in thick, you have to brace it. I would have used thicker plexiglass, but the buttons do not grab 1/4 in thick material... so it has to be a little thin. There are many, many variables that made the design the way it is... and it's the trouble to account for these unforseen variables that make the sticks so hard and expensive to make.

    $135 + shipping for the six button configuration
    $110 + shipping for a 3 button vf1/2/4 configuration
    $115 + shipping for a 4 button vf3 configuration

    take into account the time to build this sucker.. the right way... and the shipping I have to pay for the japanese parts, I'd say I'm undercharging. Cutting the wood, going to the hardware store, sanding... sanding... sanding... more sanding of the plexiglass cause there are no metric spade punches for the holes... painting... or staining and varnishing if you wish, I"M WORKING ON A VARNISHED VERSION... and you can understand why the price is what it is. If you still don't understand... try getting the parts and building one yourself.

    Oh, that's one other option I'm looking into... selling a kit that has all the material you need, and you can build it yourself.

    The reason for the delay of the site, instructions for the base is that I go to school, and am in school for quite an amount of time. The first joystick has already compromised my grades... so the site has to be delayed some, until I find time.

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