[VFDC CHOICE] Choosing a stick for VF4 PS2

Discussion in 'Console' started by oldtimer, Feb 4, 2002.

  1. Lingoon

    Lingoon Well-Known Member

  2. MHK

    MHK New Member

    hey, are you know 4gamers Arcade stick for ps2? is it good stuff?
  3. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Hey Piotrek,

    I just had to copy you this old post of mine.
    Hope you have not actually bought that 4gamers stick yet!

    Other people are better qualified to tell you what stick is best, but I can definitely give you some pointers on that 4Gamers stick you use.

    Buddy, take that 4Gamers piece of shit stick and, if you want to be mean, see if you can scam some poor fool out of a few quid for it. Seriously, sell it, throw it away, burn it, just get rid of it. It's absolute shittyness has caused me soooooo much anger and frustration that I am currently playing with the PS2 pad while searching for a new stick. Never, ever buy anything manufactured by that company again!!!

  4. DRC

    DRC New Member

    Hey guys. First off I only have a US PS2. I love fighting games, but mostly VF4EVO and SC2. I loved the Agetec Dreamcast joystick and was actually thinking of getting an adapter to my PS2 if possible. I only have one however and was wondering what are my best options for a stick to use w/ a US PS2 considering it will be used for VF4 and SC2. Thanks, DRC.
  5. Lingoon

    Lingoon Well-Known Member

    I've never seen a DC->PS2 controller adapter... If those things really exist, please let me know about that too.

    The most obvious and prolly the best solution would be a Hori SC2 stick. You can get the Hori VF4Evolution stick for under 30$, but you can't really play SC2 with that thanks to the buttons (only three). The SC2 stick is the best Hori stick if you wanna play different fighting games. Well I suppose the Tekken sticks are just as good.

    Just don't buy American sticks.
  6. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    can someone enlighten me as to the major differences between the Hori vf4 evo stick and the Hori soul caliber 2 stick [like, stiffness and stuff]? besides the number of buttons...
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I've tried both Hori sticks and here's what I think:

    VF-stick is a little stiffer (although the stick I tried was over a year old and had accumulated some trash inside it)
    VF-stick's microswitches react a little bit earlier (you can play with really small movements if you want).

    The buttons are different, and VF-sticks buttons are more arcade-like and react better (in case of Akira's knee)

    Other than that, they are both really good sticks..

    - ManjiMaru
  8. gazza

    gazza Well-Known Member

    Manji was referring to my VF4 Stick, which is the "old model" not the EVO version, I don't know if there are any major differences between the two, though.
  9. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    ok guys thanks. ugh, darn, i was hoping to hear that the Soul Caliber II stick was better cuz i want to play other fighting games also, such as Soul Caliber II -_-, but i also wanted to perfect akira combos.. what to do, what to do... don't have enough money to buy both
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Evo and SC sticks are extremely similar in feel and I think you won't have a problem investing in either one. I personally use the Evo stick, but have used the SC stick and had no problems with it. In fact, I preferred the buttons on the SC stick as they don't feel as chunky as Evo's buttons.
  11. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Buy SC2-stick. I use SC2-version myself and HAVE perfected Akira's combos. Definitely no problems with modified-doublepalms etc. As I said, a really good stick. Hori sticks are still superior to everything else I have played.

    - ManjiMaru
  12. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    hehe alright, that was good to hear, thanks Manjimaru and Myke. SC stick it is.
  13. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    I have one, but it is supposed to work perfectly only with DS1. Pretty essential piece of kit, really... /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  14. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    Where can u buy sticks (good ones, that last)? I dont wanna order.
  15. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    same question as aznricemasta. i live in northern california, kinda near san francisco. are there any stores at which i can purchase Hori Arcade Sticks? cuz i don't want to order online, seeing that they ask for your birthday, which is un-necessary information, and they can use it to gain further access to other... stuff. so, anyone know any stores in San Jose or close to San Jose that sell Hori sticks?
  16. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    Yup, cept i want Sanwa (cuz everybodys been raving about it). I live in Canada, and i cant seem to find a joystick in any stores (ive only tried Best Buy LMAO) /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif.

    OR i could make the darn thing myself but i WANT Sanwa parts and i dont kno where to find them (other than Sanwa.com or something but i dont kno how to read Japanese lol).

    Anyone kno a worldwide (popular around the world) store where i could possibly get a stick or just the parts?
  17. CRXgoon

    CRXgoon Member

    http://www.excellentcom.net/ is supposed to be a good place to get sanwa parts: $10/stick $1/button . look in Catch22's choosing a joystick post, we're thinkin about gettin a group order together to save us on shipping
  18. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    thanx. yaa, i saw that post but wen i clicked on the link, it didnt work. but it works now.

    wats this group ur thinking of getting together? (PM me instead if u want)

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