VFDC Community Combo Video Idea: Taka Must Die

Discussion in 'General' started by AzureWanderings, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. AzureWanderings

    AzureWanderings Active Member

    Sorry about that. As long as it works only against Taka then it's fair game for the project. I did receive your submissions and it had Jean, Akira, and Sarah. If you have stuff for Lion and Shun, send it our way.
  2. Sharizord

    Sharizord Active Member

    I assume this never really happened then ?

    Sorry for necroing this but i figured i could post the silly combos i submitted and someone might enjoy them regardless of how crappy and extremely unrealistic they actually were:

    Lei Fei.

    Inputs: [1][P][+][K][+][G], [K][+][G], [K], [K][+][G], W! [P], [4][P][+][K], [6][P], [P][+][K][+][G], [6][P], [K][+][G], [P]
    Damage: 185
    # of Hits: 10
    Notes: Counterhit. Open Position, Deep Mountain starting position.

    Different ender: W! [P], [4][P][+][K], [6][P], [P][+][K][+][G], [P][P][P], [8][P][+][K][+][G], [K][+][G]

    Same damage and hits but might look nicer.

    Inputs: [6][6][K], [1][P][+][K], [4][P][+][K] [6][6][K], W! [6][P][+][K][+][G], [K]
    Damage: 107
    Hits: 6
    Notes: works on any starting position just dash forward to where the second 66k will hit the wall for the roll kick to work.

    Inputs: [1][P][+][K][+][G], [2][2], [P], [9][+][G], [K], [4][P][+][K], [9][+][G], [K], [6][K][+][G]
    Damage: 87
    Hits: 6
    Notes: Cpu back to wall.


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