VFer weapon choice in SCIV?

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Lei, Brad and Van in VF5, Siegfried and Ivy in SC4 (haven't had time to practice much with Ivy yet) and of course even though he's practically useless.... Vader /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Wow... Lei seems a bit like Sieg (stances, fucking powerful, etc.), and Ivy has white hair like Van and also uses two main types of fighting (defensive and offensive as sword and whip)... maybe there is something to that /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  2. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    If you're talking about the weapon of choice in SC4, I go bare knuckles.
  3. Dango

    Dango Well-Known Member

    I play Akira and Aoi, and found a liking to Mitsurugi. =D
  4. PompousKristina

    PompousKristina Well-Known Member

    Considering that I'm a Pai player. I use one of my CaS characters(the one with Xianghua's moveset considering that I like her moves despite the fact that I hate Xianghua). I also tend to use Cassandra and the rest of the normal cast. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  5. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I play Wolf, Akira and Jacky in VF.

    I play Raphael and Astaroth in SC.

    People should use Siegrfied and Kilik less, there are far too many of them and the vast majority of em suck.

    Astaroth is the pwnasaurus.

    Much like Wolf.

    Raphael is the cocky bastard.

    Much like Jacky.
  6. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Konjou use Ivy and do the infinite or pick

    Brain dead easy gameplay ftw.
  7. LucidNightmare

    LucidNightmare Well-Known Member

    Well, I use Aoi in VF and plan on using Jean in R as well...In SC IV, I use Nightmare and Seung Mina(Customized to look like Aoi w/ Naginata).

    So yeah, I always try to main a "dark, rival"-type character and a Aikido-like fighter/weapon user...
  8. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    Well I play Aoi on VF and I play Setsuka on SC. But I do plan to make Aoi with Seung Mina style for fun ^_^
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I can't really address the noob issue, but for long time players,
    your choice of character and style in VF says something about who you are. When you pick up somebody in SCIV there might be (probably is) a connection to your VF persona. It may not be obvious (e.g. instance Lau & Maxi) but... if you look deeper I think you'll see why.

    For me I'm at home with Lei-fei in VF and feel the same
    security when I play (Mitsurugi or Kilik) in SC. But I haven't figured out exactly why yet. Although I do have a theory /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  10. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Mitsurugi and Siegfried are VERY, VERY tough for me to beat at the moment. I hate Kilik and Seung Mina but even they aren't as strong as Siegfried and Mitsu...

    Last night I played 6-8 Siegfrieds and Mitsurugis in a row... EVERYONE is using Siegfried right now... Whatever character is owning is who most people are gonna use. They don't care bout have fun, just winning.

    Siegfried has such long range but he is much faster than a lot of other long-range characters... He also has some type of circular mid that is just a ring out machine... Mitsu can just spam powerful attacks and it seems like his disadvantage is just tiny.

    I will say that the ring outs can be kinda gay and cheap in SC4 but it's still a very good game. I too have won by a million cheesy ring-outs myself so it evens out. There's not really one character that owns ring-outs that hard...

    I was using Lizardman[/size] at first and just fucking everyone I played up. It was too easy so I switched to <span style='font-size: 17pt'>Ivy[/size]</span> and she is a extremely complex character... Lizardman[/size] is definitely sick but it wasn't really challenging to win with him. I think partly because no one uses him and thus they have no clue what his moves do or how to block them.

    I have a big question though I'm hoping someone can answer...

    <u>Can you side-step Mitsurugi's 2KB[/size]</u>??? That move is just evil...

    It seems like the long-range characters are just so much more powerful than the characters that play from a shorter range... Just seems like there's ways people can use Kilik or Seung Mina and you just CAN'T get inside to do any damage. They have HUGE range but they aren't really slow at all, they're actually fast.

    Does anyone have any tips on beating some of the more rangy characters??? Someone help me please!
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Most of the players that use the "rangy characters" don't have a good inside game. So all you have to do is get inside and stay inside. Don't try to side step or block those horizontal circular attacks, use "jump" and "duck" [/size]and then running attacks. It works(it looks funny though[/size]) for me most of the time. And when I don't use jump,duck and run, I parry and then use the momentary advantage to get inside. Once inside its usually over fairly quick
  12. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    It seems so far that the best answer against someone throwing a lot of low attacks is to try jump over it and attack as opposed to blocking low. Just seems like a little jumping B will make them stop attacking low better than ducking.

    There's a few characters that just fuck me up... With Ivy it's hard to switch weapons at the right time. I usually switch when I'm in a bad situation as opposed to preemptively when I should.

    A lot of times I got stuck in whip in close and I have trouble switching back to coiled without eating some hits first.
  13. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

  14. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    sieggy is my man and he can be beaten very easily, you just have to learn his strings. He has very few low attacks so you can stand up blocking a lot of the time and his sword is slow as fuck. Honestly if you can't see that coming from a mile away I don't know what to tell you, compared to VF his sword takes 22+ frames to move which is a lot slower than the B&B of VF moves.

    He's also on CRAZY dis. on block so just block his shit and rush him with one of your longer range moves. A lot of his side step killing moves from range are high so you can duck them.

    He's the shitty tits but he's not all that great (I still love him though) and def. fear his ring outs, sometimes just the fear of knowing he can ring you out with just one move is enough to mess up someone's game. Do it to him before he does it to you.

    UP close you're going to get a lot of kicks in the face as those are his only fast moves so be ready to deal with them as he has one that's mid/low/high. His high kick is the fastest and gives highest reward for him as it leads to a combo. The low kick is a lil slower but it looks like he might be on negative after it hits (i hear a lot of characters are negative after pokes, keep that in mind) Then he has his mid hitting kick 4K which is pretty good and fast so that one you just gata watch out for but a lot of seig players don't even use that stuff.

    You know you're in trouble when you run into a stance shuffling sieg player and I have no real advice against them because they're just changing it up so fast it can be really hard to see what stance he's in hence what he'll be able to do next. but if he's dancing he's not blocking or attacking so use that to your advantage.

    p.s. the calibur forum takes forever to load and the moderation of it is pretty crap so I'm just gonna talk about it in this thread, too bad for the calibur peeps. Our site rocks much harder than theirs ever will. . . though they're less of us

    p.p.s. what's up with vfdc cats having hard ons for taki. . . she is awesome but all of us play her, I wonder if it's because she's the cloest thing to a hand to hand fighter.
  15. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Yes, I have side-stepped the 2k (b will track if you side-step and stand there, so you have to hit him really fast after it). The timing is very difficult, and I can't do it consistently, but despite looking like a sweep, I'm fairly certain the kick is linear.

    Also... I'm told by good players that the 2k is fairly unsafe on block. I also have incredible trouble against mitsu, but I guess it's not considered that big a deal.

    Siegfried... yeah, he's just crazy. My biggest complaint is actually his soul gauge damage. I really don't have that much trouble blocking his strings. But, for many characters, there simply aren't good ways to follow up on him at max range, even when you know he's at disadvantage. And if you keep blocking to find an opening, he just critical finishes you. So far, among my group of local players, Siegfried is the only character we've used to win with a CF, and it's been done multiple times, and he's also undefeated so far. Part of that, is that I guess Siegfried is nearly identical to SC2 nightmare, so everyone knows his moves already... but still, unless I'm really, really missing something, I find it hard to believe he's not overpowered.
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Start GI ing him and your soul gauge will safe.
  17. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    Playing Raph I tend to see his range and raise him range+absurd speed. Damn him if he starts circling me though.
  18. smb

    smb Well-Known Member


    10/10 on the unintentional comedy scale. I wish I would have predicted "someone" would say this, hehe.
  19. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it just seems like he can open up on you and it's hard to retaliate. A lot of the shorter-range guys are fast but most of the time, even on guard, you have to waste the advantage just dashing in to set up an attack for the next block.

    You can block many of his attacks and just have nothing with enough range and speed to answer back with. His mix of range and speed is really hard to deal with...

    I've been searching high and low for frame data but can't find any yet. That would at least help me figure out a little of whats going on though. Siegfried has been owning me, and I suspect most others, real hard lately.


    Yeah, I only want to talk about SC4 with VF-ers anyways... I need my SC4 compatriots to VF fans who can compare and contrast... I imagine if you play SC4 as your main fighting game you're a huge noob anyway...


    Which is funny cause the guy just listed 2 of the 3 top tier characters being : Kilik, Mitsu and Siegfried... Nice job SMB_is_"G"...
  20. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    actually mitsu is low tier still as his lows are even less payoff than they had before, he's been down there for a while. In SC the teir is basically which characters get a high pay off for low attacks become top tier.

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