Virtua Fighter 360 Confirmed

Discussion in 'Console' started by Jide, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    yeah ~

    since "to play a goddamn stinkin any frikkin version of VF5 because nobody cares if it says sony or pony or phoney or xbox or beat box or jack-in-a-box or boxer shorts, boxer knickers or knicka-boca-glory on the front cover aslong as someone outside of japanlandofeverythingjustfandydandyhandy can even press start on the title screen of this game" ~ cant be a reason.

  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Poppa said:

    Yes, but now that it's on both consoles, there has to be some kind of reason to get a particular version, be it price or other games on the system. Those are my reasons.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There are a few reasons why you would get one before the other.

    1) How soon you want to play the game.
    2) Can you afford a PS3.
    3) How badly do you want to play VF.
    4) Do you want to get better at VF.

    For me, it's the PS3 version solely due to those reasons, and nothing more....
  3. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member



    So...are you getting the PS3 version or 360 version? Or you don't care which version? But if you don't care, then for what reason would you pick up the particular version you'll be picking up?

    I can see the following two categories that people fall under when trying to decide which version to get:

    1. Price vs getting it sooner. Would you pay the extra amount for PS3 to play VF5 6 months sooner? Or save the money and play it 6 months later?

    2. Other. What other games or features on the system interest you most? And go with that version since you'll be using it for other things than VF.

    I'm #2. I gave my reasons as to why. Emulation and games like MGS4 and FFXIII are why I'm going with the PS3 version. What are your reasons?

    If you don't care (i.e. you only care about VF), then you would probably fall under the first category.
  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    akiralove said:

    If you're like me, and have a 360, but don't want to support Sony, but don't want to wait, either, here's what I'd do: shell out the $ for the PS3 & VF5, use a PS2 stick. Keep the system in PERFECT shape, I wouldn't even un-wrap the manuals, controller etc. Just barely slit the tape that covers the cardboard tab on the box, and keep everything as nice a possible. When the 360 version hits, re-package the thing, then sell it as barely used for maybe $50-100 under retail. I'm sure supply will still be limited by that point in the summer, and even if it isn't, it's a chance to score a PS3 for less than retail, someone will be interested. You'll have basically rented a PS3 for 6 months or so for $10-20/month. And you won't have put any real $ in Sony's pocket, since they loose $ on every PS3, and it's way more than the lisencing fee they'll get for the copy of the game you bought. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you for saying that. That's exactly what I'll do. Besides, a used PS3 sold to get a 360 will probably even net some cash inbetween. I'm gonna buy a PS3, play VF until the 360 version hits and then maybe sell my PS3 (if there's a big version update) and buy the 360. Peace out.

  5. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    DissMaster said:

    I can't wait any longer to play. I never played FT. Never played VF5 in the arcade. I have played Evo since 03, I think. It is nice, but man that's a long time.

    Why does everyone hate Sony? I can understand it somewhat, but when the alternative is MS, who has never even made any money in the industry and can afford to lose hundreds of millions just to have a place at the table in the video game world, well, I just think they suck worse. Bill Gates is a software Robber Baron.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    To me it's not that everyone 'hates' Sony, it's just that everyone including myself had insanely, if not unrealistically high expectations for the PS3 launch. So now that the PS3 has fallen short of the mark not just by fans, but by industry observers, there is a huge Sony backlash. Almost every videogame publication has said the PS3 had the worst launch by far this generation of consoles, and even magazines like TIME are blasting Sony for fucking up on such a colossal level (not in those exact words though). If VF5 had launched with the PS3 I'm sure half of the people on this board would have already purchased a PS3 as at the PS3's launch time, VF5 was still PS3 exclusive. Again, it's not that a game being exclusive for a system is going to matter, it's how long it is exclusive for. Look at the Metal Gear and Grand Theft Auto games. Both of the PS2 versions of those games ended up coming out for other systems but sold better on the PS2 as they were exclusive on the PS2 for significant lengths of time. VF5 is exclusive for only a few months, and in those months no one owns a PS3's almost a no brainer to get a 360 if you are a casual gamer who only wants VF5.
    [ QUOTE ]
    akiralove said:


    You said yourself that you've been playing Evo since 2k3. If Sony had gotten their way, you'd still be playing Version C, since they agressively tried to stop the PS2 version of Evo from happening. Sony would have you playing a new version of VF every 6 years.

    that's probably the best reason I can think of, as a VF fan, but there are others. They're totally full of shit, they build hype on lies (witness all the "real time footage" of PS3 games from E3 2k5, only to have the games look WORSE a year later at E3 2k6). They make empty promises to their own fan base (PSP Gran Turismo, HDD support), they have a bad record with quality, the list goes on.

    Fuck a company that doesn't even make video games having such a large hand in this industry. Fuck a company that gives citizens from it's own country a 20% price cut over the rest of the world.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    First off when did it ever come to light that Sony didn't want VF4:Evo to come out on the PS2? I've been on VFDC long enough that I should remember that but I can't honestly recall anything about Sony trying to block Evo from being made for the PS2. I mean Evo was made as a standalone $20 retail greatest hits game, had U.S. exclusives of the 10th ann. game, and in Japan they re-released the VF4 joysticks with new Evo logos, two different logos in fact. I'm not saying I don't believe you, in fact I would not be surprised at all, I'd just like to know what the full story is behind that as it interests me greatly.

    As for Sony building hype on lies.....I'll 100% agree on that. I mean the PS3 has some of the most advanced technology in it for home use....but I've heard almost nothing on when movies will start coming out in sony?

    As for Sony not making games they have had a hand in some massive titles and series over the years. And making the price for a console outside of Japan higher is also understandable at least for me, not that I like it.

    All in all having VF5 on two consoles is great, maybe not for Sony, but hopefully if VF5 really takes off we'll see Sega do more to promote the VF5:Evo or whatever it will be called outside of Japan finally. And of course I can't wait to see how Sega negotiates having NO online functionality for a 360 game when it is required for all 360 games.
  6. zakira

    zakira Well-Known Member

    my reasons for getting the PS3 w/ its ver. of VF5 and not getting a X360 are as follows:

    1.most of the good games on the X360 that people referring to are FPS games. wither it be HALO3, RSX or Call of duty 3. i never liked FPS and it seems that I`ll never like it either.the only good decent game that i want to play and its on the X360 right now is Lost Plant. but then again there is a high possibility that capcom will bring it on the PS3 (RE4 anyone /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif).

    2.I`m a fighting game fan along with adventure action games (MGS, DMC, Onimusha...)and its logical for me to buy a PS3 since most of these games come from japan. and japanese companies are supporting PS3. simply coz japanese players are. not coz PS3 has a better graphical potentials than the X360 or what soever. 

    3.although the X360 is more powerfull than the Lindbergh, there is no guarantied that VF5 will be arcade perfect or even better. and ver.C doesn`t mean gameplay tweaks it.could be just like ver.B a new game modes or something like it. actually japanese players are starting to get sick of this kind of updates thats one of the reasons why ver.B didn`t have any.

    4. I`M A BLOODY VF FAN AND I HATE TO WAIT /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif
  7. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    [ QUOTE ]
    akiralove said:

    Fuck a company that doesn't even make video games having such a large hand in this industry. Fuck a company that gives citizens from it's own country a 20% price cut over the rest of the world.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Didn't MS do the same in japan for 360 o_O

    Why can't people just be happy that they're getting VF LOL
  8. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    I have no doubt that Sony are dicks. They are corporate and care only about money. They don't really make games. They may have set up and/or bought a few game studios, but they aren't a game company like Nintendo or Sega. MS is even less of a game company than Sony.

    And it was lame that Sony helped kill the Dreamcast by convincing everyone that the PS2 was so much more powerful than the Dreamcast. Look at Soul Calibur. It came out early in the life of the DC and it looks better than a lot of PS2 tites. And Shenmue. The machines were in the same ballpark.

    I doubt that any one else here is as hard core about this as me, but I really dislike Bill Gates for not using his money to address one the world's biggest problems: the backward political culture of the Uninted States. He has enough money that he could do it and it wouldn't even affect him. He could, say, endow a News network, and give Americans a source of news that wasn't corporate/nationalist propaganda.

    Would that Bill Gates had balls.

    Again, I am probably the only guy here who has this gripe with Bill Gates, but I do. So I will try and avoid buying an XBox 360. Take that Microsoft!
  9. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    DissMaster said:

    I have no doubt that Sony are dicks. They are corporate and care only about money. They don't really make games. They may have set up and/or bought a few game studios, but they aren't a game company like Nintendo or Sega. MS is even less of a game company than Sony.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sony (note: Sony, and not a second party dev like Insomniac) developed Shadow of the Colossus and Ico among others...
  10. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    zakira said:

    my reasons for getting the PS3 w/ its ver. of VF5 and not getting a X360 are as follows:

    1.most of the good games on the X360 that people referring to are FPS games. wither it be HALO3, RSX or Call of duty 3. i never liked FPS and it seems that I`ll never like it either.the only good decent game that i want to play and its on the X360 right now is Lost Plant. but then again there is a high possibility that capcom will bring it on the PS3 (RE4 anyone /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not to mention that most of the nicer games come to the computer. I'm wondering if VF will have enough sexual innuendoes to make it as an xbox tittle?
  11. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    This announcement has rocked me to the core. As a gamer, I couldn't have received a better present this Christmas. Like many others; I was going to purchase a PS3 solely for VF5 yet, already owning a 360, I felt bitter.

    Now, I'm on cloud nine; I have no interest in the PS3 and can now spend the money I had put aside elsewhere, like on a new HD TV! Sega have really come through for me this time. I haven't felt such admiration for them since they released Panzer Dragoon Azel/Saga for the Saturn in Europe.
  12. Nilsson

    Nilsson New Member

    I already have had the absolute pleasure of:

    Dead Rising
    Gears of War
    Viva Pinata

    ..and now I get VF5 too! I have no hate against PS3, but after it's absolute debacle of a launch, and now with VF5 no longer being exclusive, the only reason people could possibly want to buy it is they have the cash to burn and simply can't wait.

    An early xmas present, for sure. I can wait for August -- life FLIES.
  13. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    DissMaster said:

    I doubt that any one else here is as hard core about this as me, but I really dislike Bill Gates for not using his money to address one the world's biggest problems: the backward political culture of the Uninted States. He has enough money that he could do it and it wouldn't even affect him. He could, say, endow a News network, and give Americans a source of news that wasn't corporate/nationalist propaganda.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You want Bill Gates to use his money to get you a news network, as opposed to solving global healthcare and U.S. education?? OMG, stop acting like such a spoilt American...
  14. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    How about Bill Gates buying us all 360's for VF5?

    I'd go for that.
  15. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    i will "play" whichever version comes first~ meaning i'd be very happy if VF5 just appeared at my local arcade area~

    if im paying sick loads of money for one game ~ i dont even mind buying the arcade board over any version~

    to be honest i never intended to buy a PS3 or an XboX 360 in the first place for any reason, i dont like the games industry repeating the same old trash since the early 90s ~ i never did like that side of the market because i always relied on SEGA to be first party and make games that would just blow your mind each time. ~ pony and microloft would only make the industry boring and full of gimmicks. took the focus off kids who enjoyed the thrill of a simplistic objective with a full interactivity~ and made a focus of games to a an adult casual approach with a filmic complextity, jam-packed with FMV, limited interactivity and excessive saving.

    i wanted a Wii, and a Wii only~ in the sense that becomming more involved in the games that you play is more essential than same old franchise sequels claiming to be next gen when ur still moving a character in the same way with the same controls and the same objective in the same genere and this subject is way too deep for me to explain within one breath. ~

    if VF5 somehow came on a Wii, i'd be satisfyed.
  16. azrael

    azrael Active Member

    im buying ps3 because: VF5, FF13, MGS4, maybe silent hill5(it was annouced to be coming on a system where it was for very long time). Why VF5 on PS3? Because of the Sega-Stick.
  17. Ryo Yamazaki

    Ryo Yamazaki Active Member

    Console wars are so lame.

    In reply to the person that said Sony are in the business to make money (as I've heard as a criticism against Microsoft many times) I have to just LOL at your naivety.

    Do you think companies produce things for free out of the kindness of their hearts? Certainly not Sega that's for sure. Everyone is out to make money such is the capitalist society we live in. Deal with it.

    As for DC, having the PS2 out didn't help, but ultimately, casual consumers as well as Sega 's complete lack of understanding of the importance of advertising and putting themselves out there killed the DC in the west. I was sad about it but I entirely blame Sega for the DC's demise.

    In response to BK:

    I don't like the fact that the industry is filled with gimmicks and crap these days either but unfortunately that's what a majority of people buy into.
    All Microsoft/Sony/Any other company can really do is keep on telling you a product is out there and then it's up to the consumer to go and buy it or not buy it. Money talks and people vote with their wallets.

    Apparently, the Japanese get a cheaper ps3 because they would have boycotted it at the price it was originally going for.If that is true then why couldn't the US have done the same?

    Anyways, sorry for my long winded off topic post. Back to the matter at hand:

    I'm happy that vf5 is on 360 as well. It's always good to have options.
    Sega could potentially have even more players by porting to the Wii as well so that no matter what next-gen console you get, you'll have a vf5. That would rock extra hard.
  18. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]

    You want Bill Gates to use his money to get you a news network, as opposed to solving global healthcare and U.S. education?? OMG, stop acting like such a spoilt American...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ice-9, you are being stupid again.

    These numbers are from memory, so they are not exact, but I am pretty sure that they are ballpark. The UN population fund some years ago did a study that found that upwards of 20,000,000 million lives a year could be saved by spending $40 billion to provide people with access to basic health care, to eliminate water bourne illnesses, to provide basic reproductive education, and I think provide basic education.

    This is not a dollar amount that Bill Gates could provide annually. It is however, an amount that the U.S. could spare, were it not for the backward political culture of the U.S. Instead, America will spend over a trillion dollars in Iraq to make the world a shittier place and to kill hundreds of thousands of people.

    So a couple points here:

    1. The political culture of the United States is one the world's biggest problems - a problem that prevents so much real progress in other areas that it can scarcely be quantified.

    2. You are not the guy to tell me anything about politics or the world.

    3. It is funny for you call me spoiled when I work for a living and you are a privileged, rich little shit (or at least that's what I've been told; we've never met).

    My apolgies to everybody else for arguing about this shit here, but I couldn't let this clown's pithy, idiot post go unchallenged.
  19. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I actually think this could be an interesting argument and wouldn't mind seeing it separated and moved to the General forum if possible.

  20. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    "VF5 was a huge reason for choosing the PS3 over the X360, but now both systems are receiving the game. The main distinction is that the X360 rev will feature version C, which has yet to be released, while the PS3 version will be based off of version B, which we took for a spin today around Shibuya"

    I read this on IGN so if this holds any truth the 360 version will have version C

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