Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown online casuals tournament (PSN)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by InnerSanctum Games, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    What a liar, since Toydango was able to save the replay, it means that there were no DC.
    Because in the case of a real DC when you would have hypothetically get replaced by the AI, the game would have shown a DC screen to toydango at the end too, and he wouldn't have been able to save the replay.
    And I watched the replay, you just freeze everytime when you're side turned , and with the wall near you, you knew if you tried to move or abare, it would have been the end, which happened anyway considering the yellow flash CH at the end hahaha

    Wait, why am I wasting my time to explain something to you, since you live in denial and will respond with your usual retarded answer ?

    And yes, if you want to play me in rank no problem, but use one of your stormlord account cpt little foot or majorbanana4you, I don't want to waste my time with you if I can't demote you when I spank you.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2013
    IcKY99, Unicorn and Knot like this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Lol yes my computer is old but it works lol.
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I am not a liar and yes I seen the replay too and thanks to brodi for uploading it cause I wanted to see what happened when on my side of the game it froze and dc on me and thats why I could not have saved the replay. so you can say what you want because it does not matter cause you dont know what happened from my side of the game but I do and I am not saying anything bad about it, brodi did what he had to do and he got the win and its not that was mad about, I was mad about that I got cheated from a win when my side of the game froze and dc because I could have made it to the finals and faced you cause it seems like you are ducking me lol and my main acount is BlackBeltSpartan so if you want a match then let me know and just play, dont just play for rank or to talk shit because you beat me or someone because its not about that, its about improving and having fun and does not matter on someones skill level cause everyone can better them selfs. So lets have a friendly match.
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.
  4. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member

    Final Fight between Snake Boss and ToyDingo. Match 3/3


    Good Morning gents!

    Just thought I'd update you! I did a quick hand recording of the match in dispute between @ToyDingo and @SNAKE BOSS , and I recorded this using my HTC ONE. I apologise for the quality, but believe me, it is very watch-able! The audio went out of SYNC when I was converting to .MP4, so I covered it up with the soundtrack. I am working on better videos today after work.

    Well done both contestants!

    Final Fight between Snake Boss and ToyDingo. Match 3/3

    Stage: Jeffry's Stage

    Soundtrack: VF2 OST: Dream Emperor of God: Takayuki Nakamura, Takenobu Mitsuyoshi, Akiko Hashimoto.

    YOMI likes this.
  5. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    You lost the game vs Brodi => @kingo is ducking you, cause he was facing the winner of the match.

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  6. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member

    Hmmmm ......

    I have a devious idea :rolleyes::ninja:;)

    I'm feeling rather devious today lol

    After work, I will share my devious idea ;)

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    see a he end there it froze for me and I could not do anything and when it dc for me we were in the mid of the ring, but like I said brodi gets the win but he did not beat me atleast not on his own cause lag helped him and dc me, but its ok cause its a game and plus I beat him too many times before. You should upload the mach were i beat him.
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    if there was a losers bracket he would have been facing me.
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.
  9. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    If it doesn't matter then why go through the trouble of having to brag about how you've beaten people before? You can't ever let a person win without either making some excuse or talking about how you've beaten him more or last or whatever. If the match did disconnect, then how about forgetting about it? You never shut up about any losses you've had where there was lag or a disconnection, even though you've become a Skylord by disconnecting on people. You would like for us to forget about that since it's in the past, yet you want to bring up the past where you've supposedly beaten ToyDingo "too many times."

    Think about all the wins you have on PSN due to lag, even when you didn't do anything on purpose to make the matches unfair. If they were here "defending" themselves by talking about the times they've beaten you, you'd be complaining.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2013

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    All the matches i won online or anywhere else I have earned and lag effected my play too, its nott that I lost I am talking about its the way it happened and I was cheated from a win were I could have won, if that dc did no happen I would not be saying this but I am just saying the truth and plus its all good.
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    So what is your idea? Also did you download that second replay that I uploaded on psn the second match between me and Robelion?
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.
  12. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Do you know how many times you've complained about it in this thread? Seven (7). I can understand being upset about a disconnection and mentioning it once. It's the way you've brought it up that's a problem. Not only do you feel the need to repeat yourself over and over, you have to be disrespectful towards ToyDingo by talking about all the times you've beaten him in the past. What do your past wins against him have to do with anything?
  13. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member


    Good Evening Everyone!

    Got back from work not too long ago, have the evening to myself, and I'm feeling like I'm in a Virtua Fighter mode!

    Just have a few updates for you guys:

    1) Thanks for all your participation, but I think personally, this was a learning experience for me and I intend to improve upon all your feedback. Thanks to all who have given feedback, rest assured I am taking notes to make the next tournament even better organised.

    2) @SNAKE BOSS , you seem to not be in agreement with the results of the tournament, and this is understandable. However you have to own up to being beat sometimes. It is part of being a warrior: You will have to improve on your previous performance. You have the potential, but you MUST ACCEPT DEFEAT SOMETIMES LOL MOTHER OF GOD! I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU'RE STILL MOANING LOLOL @kingo has earned his title for a reason. In the words of Robelion today at work:

    " @kingo seems to have intricately mastered Aoi. To the point where all your plans are rendered useless, seeing as he is always ready for what you throw at him "

    To be frank, I completely agree. His understanding of Aoi is breath-taking to the point where playing someone like him will undoubtedly improve your Virtua Fighter.

    You have the potential to be an excellent Lau, but my advice to you is simple: Don't always look for the easy way out. Trust me on this.

    My Ideas

    The following are my Ideas:

    1) I'm off work this weekend (Sat and Sun) and I am free for an all out Virtua Fighter Tournament rematch ? If you are up for this then please inbox me or reply to this post. I will obviously be implementing all the feedback I have received.

    2) @kingo is the King for a reason. However @SNAKE BOSS is adamant that he has what it takes to challenge the King. Do you have what it takes @SNAKE BOSS ? Because I was considering staging a 1 on 1 between yourself and @kingo , 6 Matches (or what ever), 3 rounds per match e.t.c. This will be exciting should both players want to participate. It will be an excellent way to settle your dispute as opposed to MOANING lol No hard feelings, no emotions, no beef, no grudges, JUST PURE SKILLS!

    This is to also announce that Lau Chan is now and holiday (seeing as he just received his pension), and the new character I will use for the time being is JACKY BRYANT ...


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 2, 2013
  14. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member


    Oh sorry I'm just eating now will go on PSN Shortly . . . Actually need to buy the Jacky Customization outfit

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member


    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I do accept my loses and I learn from it and improve, as for the tournament rematch i am in, so let me know when its going down and lets do this.
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I am not disrespecting anyone so stop stearing the pot, I said he won this one even though with the help of the network but thats ok, its all good and I know its not about just winning its about more like improving, learning and having fun so its cool, thats how I see it, I dont know about you, thats it.
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.
  18. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2013
    ToyDingo and InnerSanctum Games like this.
  19. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    I said it before and I'll say it again;

    Let the community decide who can participate. We all know who the honest, good sports are, and who will be able to make the tourney one to remember for all the right reasons.

    Drama like this just makes the whole experience unpleasant for everyone, participants and spectators alike.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2013
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.
  20. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member


    Thats the Spirit. Please don't moan lol

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