Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown online casuals tournament (PSN)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by InnerSanctum Games, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member

    Good Morning Gentlemen! :)

    Find attached to this message, the version 1 of the player stats card that was hinted at in the Version 2 announcement of the InnerSanctum Games presents: Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown Online Casuals Tournaments (XBL).

    This Player stats card is still a prototype (Version 1) and I tried to make it a bit cool but professional. I hope you guys like it. I doubt version 3 will look much different, unless there are other details I could add . . . . Hold on a second . . . . Something just popped into my head for the version 2 of this document! I will include a field known as " Average battle time in seconds ". What this will show is the average time it took you to win your rounds (or loose your rounds).

    I will also include a field known as the " Total battle time ". What this will show is how long you lasted in the tournament (The player with the biggest time is obviously the last man standing ?)

    All contestants will have a card of this nature after the tournament. Consider it your bragging rights ? :);):);):rolleyes:

    The aim was to have a document that you could sort of view at a quick glance to know how a player performed at the tournament. Compact but informative.

    Any suggestions, please do not hesitate to let me know ASAP!

    Thanks for all your interest (And please can everyone see if they know any XBL contestants interested in participating ? Obviously these guys have to be intermediate and above at VF5:FS).

    Mucho Gracias!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 10, 2013
    Craigbot likes this.
  2. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member

    Don't be angry mods, but I just thought I'd share a brief off topic distraction ? :oops: I posted this thread by @EvenPit titled " Virtua Fighter 6 ". You guys can head over there if you want to contribute :cool:

    I wrote:

    " I have some pretty interesting ideas for some new characters:

    1) A higher ranked monk from the shaolin temple (possibly the Abbot). Skilled in the butterfly fist, Buddha palm & fists. He also knows the I-Ching body armour technique. He has come to handle the situation personally seeing as Lau Chan is still alive. He was the one who sent Lei Fei to assassinate Lau Chan.

    2) The estranged son of Lau Chan that no one knew he had. He secretly trained him in the Koen-Ken (Tiger Swallow fist). Lau Chan's son will also be a master of the TIGER CRANE STYLE.

    3) A Kempo fighter: Very much like Goh, but is a rival to Jean Kujo and Akira

    4) A lady extremely skilled in the WING CHUN fist. If this character was a guy, he would be the rival to Jacky (Jeet Kune Do vs Wing Chun) seeing as Jeet Kune Do was derived from Wing Chun. If this character was a lady, it would be one that Jacky is sort of like trying to chat up and fancies, and is hoping to win her over. But she isn't that easy! "

    This would definitely be sooooo cool ;)

    Many Thanks:ninja::eek:
    Craigbot likes this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Yea I have an idea for you and that is having the fastest win in a match in the tournament will also get some prize or the top 3 fastest wins get prizes too. Also I cant open that attached file, can you copy and paste it on here?
  4. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member

    complexz and Libertine like this.
  5. 40i4

    40i4 Well-Known Member

    @InnerSanctum Games
    I'd like to take part.
    I play with "el balze".
    Btw, it's a great idea, i mean,.. arranged online playing is fun like hell, but you're doing somthing more then "fun like hell", it's more like "fun like hell with prizes" - i'm speechless :)
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.
  6. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member


    Thank you so much for your kind words! I am happy you find it interesting!

    Look forward to your participation!

  7. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    InnerSanctum Games likes this.
  8. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member


    Hey man!

    I won't be available tonight Sir :( got some heavy ass work to do :(:(:(
  9. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    That's ok, another time then.
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.
  10. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member


    By the way SNAKE BOSS, If you notice, I haven't exactly given you a decisive, definitive, and straight answer regarding your participation in the tournament. In fact, The tournament listing has a * by your name. The details seem slightly unclear at the moment.

    The reason was simple. I have been watching you very closely myself, and I didn't want to make a decision on your participation purely based on other peoples opinions because this isn't fair (after all the video evidence was there, and I saw it all). I listened to all you have to say, and the fact that you insist you have changed. However, here is my verdict on the situation:

    1. I am organizing this tournament as a development break from my project, and because I am a TRUE Virtua Fighter, just like a lot of members on this website. To even make things even slightly more exciting, I offered prizes as an incentive to lure players in to the tournament and to generally have a fun experience (also to give Virtua Fighter 5: FS the much needed exposure that it deserves). The truth is, I didn't need to offer prizes, seeing as true Virtua Fighters are not worried or concerned about prizes (they just want a good battle, like me). They are concerned with fulfilment, learning, recognition and improvement. Sadly, I must admit that you are the ONLY applicant that has really fixated on the prizes offered in this tournament (Your last comment really did put me off to be fair, because you were basically suggesting that you will do anything to get those prizes, quick time). I am a fair fighter and host, and I believe irrespective of how fast or slow you win a round, the last man standing is the king of the hill. The king of the hill to me is the fighter that really puts a lot of brain work into his/her fights to ensure they get the best outcomes and ultimately win, a clean fair fight (they aren't looking for head shots or one hit kills * thankfully there are no one hit kills in VF5:FS *). I am fortunate and happy to have met (on-line) and played fantastic combatants like @Craigbot and @kingo . They have shown me their dedication to this game, the tournament e.t.c. and it is really encouraging. It is part of the reasons why @Craigbot is the co-host. He is reliable, very helpful and I appreciate his play style (You can see that his play style is high quality, just like @kingo ). These guys aren't worried about prizes. They genuinely believe in this tournament and they are right to do so seeing as each time a new document is released, there are huge improvements and they have helped a lot with organising it. For this reason, I have more doubt cast on your participation in the PSN side of the fence. Believe me @SNAKE BOSS , I am a developer, project lead and designer of an independent video game project. I work with different people every week. I meet so many different people, and I have sharpened by sense for a genuine request or something which is deceptive.

    2. Play Style: I remember we had a few matches over PSN. I told you I was doing this to test the connection. This is true. However, what I was also doing was having a first hand experience with you in the arena as well, and I took note. While you have the tendency to be an excellent Virtua Fighter (If you study hard), what I saw in the matches was the same idea detailed in point number 1. This is self explanatory.

    @SNAKE BOSS , You have to appreciate that I and others interested in participating have put in a lot of effort into organising this tournament because we believe it can have a positive impact on the Virtua Fighter community, and most of all, it has the potential to be a lot of fun! What I have noted in points number one and two has the potential to take away the fun from the event. It will also upset quite a few people and put all that money and hard work in the bin.

    @kingo and myself had a brilliant conversation yesterday, and he suggested something to me. Based on his suggestion, here was the conclusion of the conversation:

    1. Take away the prizes: True Virtua Fighters will remain irrespective of prizes being there or not. @kingo suggested that seeing as I am new here, and this is the first tournament I am organizing, I should organise it with no prizes and see who is willing to participate. To be fair, the man has a good point. He is one of the best Aoi's I have battled and is dedicated to this game, so I will always take his suggestions on board.
    If you want to compete @SNAKE BOSS , you will have to play clean and are willing to battle for no prizes.

    Furthermore I am willing to remove the console restrictions that I previously put on console specific participation. What this means is that:

    1. If you own both consoles, you can participate on both sides of the fence (XBL and PSN). There are no restrictions on the console you can compete on. I especially want @kingo on the PSN side of the tournament for obvious reasons.

    @SNAKE BOSS , I wouldn't like you to think this is a personal attack on you. Far from it. This is an honest first hand analysis and evaluation.

    In conclusion:

    1. If you want to compete, there will be no prizes offered in the tournament, Just the tournament videos and best fights.

    It's up to you :eek::oops::rolleyes:

    Many Thanks
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2013
    Libertine, kingo and Craigbot like this.
  11. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member

    Tournament Videos

    Hey guys, heres what I have planned for tournament videos:

    1) Introducing the Contestants: A video introducing all applicants and their fighters. I can add special backgrounds to your intro if you wish.

    2) Tournament Highlights showing the best fights and moments of the tournament. This will also introduce the tournament stats cards as well

    3) The full event: A video showing all the fights. Sort of like a long play.

    4) The Victor: Video detailing the winner of the tournament and all his best moments. This will be a special video made only for the winner and the spotlight will be on him/her.

    Many Thanks

    Craigbot likes this.
  12. SoulTruth2013

    SoulTruth2013 Well-Known Member

    That is AWESOME!! My brad on the big screen!!! EPIC!! imagine Innersantum, me whipping ass to everybody and then the video playback in slow motion!! I like it. But, I have to get a new router because it is not functioning properly. I am in college right now using the computer.
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I did not mean anything about those prizes in that way, is just i taught you said you wanted ideas and I gave you an idea. also its up to you if you want to include prizes or not because like I said from the start that I dont care about prizes or what place I come in at, I just want to compete in this tournament to support vf and the community. So yea I did not mean anything bad. I am still in the tournament even if there are no prizes, and if there are prizes then I look at them as a bonus but what matters more to me is having fun and improving by going up against all the competetors, so its cool that you allow everyone to join both sides of the tournament on psn and xbl. I would enter on the xbl side as well but I dont have the game on xbox so its only for psn for me. Let me know when this thing is happenning because I am in it, prizes or no prizes its all good.
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    See 40i4 was talking about prizes but you said nothing and chose to pick on me when I said dont care about prizes and you wrote that whole speech for me, which I dont why?
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.
  15. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member



    I just need to all contestants to let me know what background image they want. I plan on doing something pretty cool with that video, in fact, should everyone get back to me tonight ? I could probably have that video done tonight ? Im feeling veeeery creative tonight :cool::cool::cool:

    And we have a new XBL warrior :) ......

    XBL: Infamous Geezer
    Player: Akira

    Things are about to get interesting! @Craigbot (sorry I tag you to stuff Craigbot, just want you to see some things seeing as you are the co-host ?)

    I actually already have this to edit the videos to a fairly professional level: :)

    Attached Files:

    Craigbot likes this.
  16. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member


    Hello @SNAKE BOSS ,

    That is a pretty good observation. However, I think you might have taken what he said out of context. Read it again, and you might discover that he was actually showing his appreciation for the efforts behind starting the tournament, and saying that prizes were just an icing on the cake!

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Yea and that is how I meant it too, you just miss understood me but its cool. So am I in this thing?
  18. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member


    By the way, the manner with which the videos will be released is: 1,4,2,3

    Study that sequence closely and put it in context of the tournament ....... VUALA! ;););););)
  19. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member

    Hey Guys!

    After a few requests, I have edited the original post detailing the tournament announcement. I decided to put all the information in one place to make it easier for anyone looking for information regarding the tournament. I tried to edit the title, but I just couldn't figure it out :confused:

    Special thanks to @kingo and @Pana for pointing this out to me. Things are gradually looking much better!

    @Craigbot we are almost there!, just a few more tweaks and I think by the 23rd of this month, I will close all entries to the tournament and finalize the version 3 of all documents.

    What's pretty good is that I am off work on the 30th of September 2013, which just so happens to be the tournament date :ninja::ninja::cool:, so you can imagine that I will be up all day ready for battle with all the equipment set up.

    Best part of it is :oops: . . . .


    SNAKE BOSS and Craigbot like this.
  20. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member

    We have a new contestant on the XBL side. Introducing:

    XBL Gamertag: SprappaPana

    Character: Lion Rafale


    This is version 2.5 of the announcement document, and I don't know if my eyes deceive me, but it seems we have 8 players so far ? Not bad. I'm yet to hear back for @2ndFace regarding his character. @Craigbot do you think we need more players ?

    You will notice this version introduces the Entry No. This is a number that you are assigned before the tournament, and will act as a determiner for the first set of matches. These numbers will be randomized and put up against each other to decide the initial set of battles.

    So far so good!

    @Craigbot @Darthminion @2ndFace @kingo @WiZzYx @EvenPit @Pana

    Can you get back to me with the desired background you want for the contestant announcement video ?

    Thanks guys!


    Attached Files:

    Craigbot likes this.

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