Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by TaC, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Well, those characters who can stomachcrumple staggered opponents for an easy low throw attempt (Wolf [6] [P]; Blaze [4] [6] [P] [+] [K] ; Aoi [4] [3] [P] [+] [K] iirc) are probably not that glad they lost a bunch of stagger opportunities [​IMG]
  2. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Thought they got rid of stomach crumple->Low throw in R? Anyway, given the damaging options everyone has and the lack of Evade Multiple throw escape, it's probably a good thing we're not seeing as many staggers.
  3. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Yeah, like Marlyjay said, there are no stomach crumple -> low throw options anymore. Furthermore, Aoi's [4][3][P]+[K] doesn't cause stomach crumple on stagger/MC. I causes "balls" crumple [​IMG]

    Anyway, I prefer guaranteed damage/frame advantage over a stagger, even though staggers sometimes allow sick setups.
  4. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Replace "easy low throw attempt" with "damaging stomach/vital crumple combo" then [​IMG] My point was that not all characters are affected equally by this system change.
  5. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Here's some frame data in addition to what was posted by Hollasan for Akira much earlier. I used the Masters Guide when composing these tables.

    Akira (Translated and posted by Hollasan, not me)
    Brad (Second table contains stance data from Arcadia)

    Ash was doing Wolf's, but he was testing a slide at work and got stuck in it. So it might take him a couple more years. [​IMG]

    EDIT: Expect some errors in the notes sections. I'm still working on translating that information.
  6. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    I have a lot of school stuff going on right now so my Masterguide won't be of much use for a while, but when I have time I can do Pai/Aoi and whoever else.
  7. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I'll do Sarah, but after that my translation skills won't be of much use since other characters have kanji in their move names.
  8. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    oh this stuff is just delicious. I look forward to doing some nice theory fighter with this when it's all done. . . since it'll be a while until I'll see the game.

    If ever.
  9. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    So umm... yeah... FS for consoles? No news? How long has FS been in arcades now?
  10. T_Kang

    T_Kang Member

    Well FS Ver.A has recently been teased on a trailer... Doubt it's dropping by anytime soon :T.
  11. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    Nice read about the changes in FS. If all goes well, i hope to travel there in the next 2 yrs or so if i can save up ( :
    Just curious..

    U mentioned off a failed evade if u get hit by a low attk it'll be a CH. Some moves knockdown on MAJOR CH and not on MINOR CH or recovery CH i think.. For example goh's 3K+G, if i hit someone with 3K+G will it be Considered major or minor CH on failed evade?

    shit i thought i posted this in the one day in TOKYO THREAD sorry.
  12. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    I'll admit I'm lazy, but I also don't know how I would search for this in the forum.

    WIth the changes to speed of throws and the lack of 0f throw I'm wondering what this means for some defensive options.

    Specifically I want to know if crouchdash-canceling for fuzzy guard still applies for moves that leave you at -6?
  13. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    If itss back to 9frame throws then fuzzying actually works better
  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I'm not sure that I would say fuzzy "works better". Fuzzy guarding in FS is a more strict than it was in vanilla.

    The facts:

    • Throws in FS are 10 frames.
    • A normal crouch takes 7 frames to reach a crouching state.
    • A crouch dash takes 5 frames to reach a crouching state.
    What it all means:
    • So from -1 to -3 you can perform a normal Fuzzy Guard. In vanilla, you could normal fuzzy up to -5.
    • But from -4 to -5 you can only perform Crouch Dash Fuzzy Guard. In vanilla, you would have to CD Fuzzy at -6.
    • From -6 and worse, no Fuzzy Guard is possible (true nitaku). In vanilla, true nitaku ocurred from -7 and worse.
    So overall, in FS you have a smaller window in which you can perform a normal fuzzy guard, and true nitaku starts a frame earlier than in vanilla.

    Suggested reading on the System changes in FS: refer to the sticky thread in this forum Arcadia 124 VF5FS System notes.
  15. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    You have more frames to block the mid in FS. Fastest mids are 13 frames.I hated fuzzy in Vanilla because I would often get staggered trying. I thinking more on the back end than being able to get under the throw.
  16. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    i have a question about jumps. How do they work exactly? I saw something like [9] [G] then an attack like [P] or [K] Does that mean in FS we can jump just pressing [7] or [8] or [9] plus [G] ?
  17. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Yes you can jump by pressing the [G] button with the different up positions in FS.
  18. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I don't understand how/why you have more frames to block a mid in FS?

    FYI, the fastest mid in Vanilla and FS is Jacky's Lightning Kick at 12 frames. But that's usually treated as an exception to the rule that the fastest mids are generally 14 frames.
  19. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Because throws are 12 outside of 0 frame and mids are 14 It always felt like I couldnt stand in time. When I played evo it felt like as soon as i went neutral or forward on the stick that I was considered standing

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