Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by TaC, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    FUCK <span style="text-decoration: line-through">SEG</span> NO NO NO NO I mean please Sega I want FS!
  2. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Yuck, I guess everyone have their own preference but I can't use that thing for the life of me
  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    When you play VF do you use a pad or a stick?

    If you use a pad what kind are you using?
  4. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    And You know this man lol!!!
  5. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    I use a pad (Hori ex Pad only pad with a decent D-pad on the xbox IMO) although I been known to use a stick if theirs no Hori pads around
  6. PerroChileno

    PerroChileno New Member

    Great news this new iteration of VF5.
    I use the 360 controller but im only a average player.
  7. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    It's good to know that someone as good as you plays on a pad.

    Helps put paid to that stuff about it holding people back.
  8. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    i wonder if this shit will get ported or not
  9. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Do you guys use shortcuts?
  10. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I use PKG, I used to use K+G as well but I found a button setup that allows me to hit that without crazy finger madness.

    A lot of people seem to think that people prefer the pad over the stick because of button binds. In my case (and I'm sure it's the same for others) it is all about directional inputs.

    I play stick for Tekken and all the 2D fighters but not VF. I practiced a lot to get my movement and inputs to where they are now and I feel like I've taken 10 steps b ackwards when I try to use a stick. It's very annoying.

    I can't do PGS, 270 throws and almost all of my Akira stuff on a stick. Screw hook also eludes me on occasion. I know that if I made a proper effort to use it that I could but I hate that feeling of being unable to act when I want to.
  11. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    I use shortcuts however I can play without them as well (it's just isn't as comfortable) During a few tournaments I was forced to play without them

    I prefer pad because I believe a d-pad is a more accurate tool for directional inputs then a stick. Moreover, I grown accustomed to it over the years since theirs no arcades to train on
  12. TEARO

    TEARO Member

    If VF5:FS is released on the consoles.

    Do you guys think there could be a limited collecter's edition?
  13. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Shortcuts seem to be a grey area I've noticed. I don't agree that they should be used in tournament play as there is an artificial advantage. But it's never really bothered me where I would refuse to play someone.

    Seidon that is very weird.. I find Tekken inputs suit a pad more than a stick. Because some commands require the stick to be in neutral. Plus I find it easier to qcf's on pad than on stick. Why my 2D exe skills suck ;p
  14. mahmood1982

    mahmood1982 Well-Known Member

    i am sorry, i dont know but that sounds like insulting those new comers and also the people which play VF for years and they actually not into fourms. [​IMG]
  15. CIDKID

    CIDKID Well-Known Member

    I second that!!!
  16. Andhika

    Andhika Member

    Good news! I believe sega would bring VF5FS to console
  17. Bloodyshinta

    Bloodyshinta Active Member

    everyone knows that one girl who's been going out with that guy who abuses her and your just like "wtf why are with that loser, maybe he's got a six pack or whatever but hes a total douche". Thats what Sega is planning to do to us right now.
  18. Dive2Blue

    Dive2Blue Well-Known Member

    Nice, but oh boy. Here we are trying to get VF5r in consoles, and Sega is releasing a second remake. Well, lets this will be the one to hit consoles since it looks freakin' sweet.[/size]
  19. Hated_Greatness

    Hated_Greatness Active Member

    Hated Greatness
    I hope that this version of Virtua Fighter 5 is what is released on consoles.
  20. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    xX SETTRA Xx
    Sweet, can´t wait to get some serious information about the game, and a console port as well, of course. [​IMG]

    But wtf? Seidon, you are playing with a pad? Can´t help it, but Im still the opinion that´s quite impossible to play with a pad decently, even if every padplayer I know proves me the opposite...

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