Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown Trailer

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 25, 2021.

By Myke on May 25, 2021 at 9:05 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Just when you thought it was safe knowing there was some kind of announcement happening on the 27th of May, followed by a couple of leaks that VF5US would be available for free via PlayStation Plus, IGN goes ahead and finishes off the 1-2 combination with an absolute uppercut of a trailer! Wait are you waiting for! Go watch it now!

    More information here:

    Highlights from article:
    • New background music for every stage
    • New user interface
    • New opening cinematic
    • New lighting and shaders using RGG's Dragon Engine
    • Spectate online matches in real-time
    • Ability to build robin-robin style online tournaments
    • The private and public lobby system will support up to 16 players
    • Include new communications tools like stamps

    Release Information
    Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown will be available free on PlayStation Plus for the months of June and July, and also available on PlayStation Now in June.
    Last edited: May 26, 2021
    Tiripsem, Meison, nou and 20 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 25, 2021.

    1. smbhax
      Sega in effect ended their arcade service for VF years ago when they shut down Final Showdown's arcade networking service. Since then and even more so during the pandemic, Japanese players have been holding more and more online FS matches and tournaments. Sega wanted a piece of that pie, thus this game, which was originally announced as coming to Japan first, and whose title there is "Virtua Fighter eSports."
      Zekiel and Carlos Lenz like this.
    2. Shoju
      From what I remember of the netcode of fighters of that generation was that Namco's started off really bad with Tekken 5DR but improved Greatly by the end. Soul Calibur 5 and Tekken Tag 2 were really good (SC6's netcode is actually not as good as 5 it seems). Blazeblue's was good and SF4's was reasonably playable. VF5FS netcode was similar to SF4 for me. It needs to be better than that this time round.
      smbhax likes this.
    3. Ali
      If they brought VF4 Dural's stage and ditched VF5 awful one then they care enough in my book.
    4. Tiripsem
      My oh my, going to have a lot of dusting off to do...

      Very happy with Aoi's redesign and CG picture. Happy with most of the characters.
      Last edited: May 26, 2021
    5. Technocrow
      I'm happy with what I've seen so far. It might not be cutting-edge but seems like testing grounds to gauge interest. To those who are disappointed maybe show support anyways? The best has yet to come
    6. celsowm
    7. Dreamboat
      Any time people talk about "gauging interest" and "showing support" I think about Darkstalkers and then do a big laugh with zero humour in it
      Zekiel, smbhax, gl0ry and 1 other person like this.
    8. SSfox
      I hope we will have infos tomorrow about the customization.
    9. Adamay
      beanboy and b4k4 like this.
    10. Sozos
      The biggest sin about this is how sega dare to show a trailer that is so bad quality without the 60fps option. My suggestion is wait and see when the game is out. All of you know that SEGA is too lazy even to bring a decent trailer. As a HUGE VF FAN i cant wait for Ultimate showdown. I feel like 10 years ago when FS came out. Lets play VF again guys
      Zekiel and Sonic The Fighters like this.
    11. TexasLion
      I'm curious how the game plays. If it'll "feel" like VF. Is there a chance it'll feel differently or do you think it'll play exactly like Final Showdown?
    12. gl0ry
      Yes, back when fighting game netcode was absolutely tragic, the titles you listed including VF5 were all considered pretty good because they were at least playable. These days the same performance doesn't result in the same reception. As a matter of fact, people hate on DBFZ and Granblue netcode when they are about as good as it gets with delay based netcode.

      The old days where some delay in your inputs were expected and acceptable are no longer welcomed.
      nou, smbhax and SDS_Overfiend1 like this.
    13. YOMI
      Damn, we all comin outta the woodwork again?

      Trailer is whatever, everyone looks weird right now and the UI is ugly. PS4 only is dumb. Hope the netplay is good.

      See you all in the sewers.
    14. Cheribam_J
      Ok, so, my thoughts after this first trailer:

      1. Graphics
      Can't quite tell if this looks better than the original VF5 (which I remember looking fantastic), but this sure looks better than the downgraded PS3 version of Final Showdown. So that's a good point. Skins and clothes looks definitely better. However, some of the new faces look... meh...

      2. Stages
      I'm glad we're getting new versions of the stages. Can't wait to admire them a bit more.

      3. New effects
      Not a fan of the Tekken-ish effects during hits. Perhaps this is Sega's desperate attempt at attracting an audience that was never appealed by VF. Hopefully it works, then.

      4. CG arts
      I actually love the new CG pictures. Too bad it's just for the characters' faces and not their entire body, though.

      5. Content?
      No words on the content yet? I'm actually hoping all customization items will be available from the get go like they were in VF5FS and that the 150 customizations limit will be pushed to, say, 200/250.
      Zekiel likes this.
    15. smbhax
      Sega's official YouTube channel has posted the video as well, it's the one that's linked from the middle of the official site's front page: --only has 5K views right now, vs the nearly 500K views the one IGN posted Tuesday on their channel has.

      The way Sega presented the video on the official site ( ), if you don't click on anything and just look at the page, the large animated thumbnail there is looping a clip that isn't actually in the YouTube video, of the camera zooming past two lines of the characters facing off--at the end of the lines is the shot of Akira vs. Dural that's very briefly seen near the end of the YouTube video, (1:02)--only in the site's thumbnail, the view of their slow-motion clash is much more extended, and followed by a shot of Akira going into his uh shoulder barge attack or whatever it's called. I guess that stuff didn't make it into the final trailer but they found a way to include it there in that giant looping custom thumbnail.

      Oh, this is it:

      Last edited: May 26, 2021
      SSfox, SUGATA, VFnumbers and 8 others like this.
    16. smbhax
      If you mean the Characters section at the bottom of the official web site, the heads are just the thumbnails--click them and it will show the full body shot to the right.

      Nothing other than the little blurbs in the "Features" section on the official site (midway down the page--hey it now has a link in the site's top menu, that wasn't there yesterday ; ), which do not mention customization.
      Tricky likes this.
    17. Cheribam_J
      Oh, right! Thanks! Most of them look amazing!

      Mmm... Concerning.
      smbhax likes this.
    18. Emptyeyes
      I look forward to the exceptional prowess, the specialization in this series in particular from all of you who are long-term seasonal players. I've never had a more elevation with this series to my satisfaction, in odds to old school 2d fighting games from the likes of Alex Valle and many others in their respective fighters, which was from an entirely different timeline.

      Although, I don't like to feel such intensity again, but the competitiveness in me is resurfacing. I've only went roughly on an 80% winning steak with every character casually against others, which is decent at best from the beginning few months of it's release in that year, before everything went silent.

      Hopefully, people will stay longer this time around and hope I can still keep up with those especially, where their consistency never wavered.
    19. nou
      SSfox, Zekiel, smbhax and 2 others like this.
    20. Carlos Lenz
      Carlos Lenz
      Thanks for letting us know, I personally found his analysis very useful. But when he said SEGA doesn't have experience with online infrastructure for many games I realized that being a PS exclusive makes sense and they'll just use Sony servers. If that's indeed true a PC version sadly becomes much more unlikely.

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