Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown Trailer

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 25, 2021.

By Myke on May 25, 2021 at 9:05 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Just when you thought it was safe knowing there was some kind of announcement happening on the 27th of May, followed by a couple of leaks that VF5US would be available for free via PlayStation Plus, IGN goes ahead and finishes off the 1-2 combination with an absolute uppercut of a trailer! Wait are you waiting for! Go watch it now!

    More information here:

    Highlights from article:
    • New background music for every stage
    • New user interface
    • New opening cinematic
    • New lighting and shaders using RGG's Dragon Engine
    • Spectate online matches in real-time
    • Ability to build robin-robin style online tournaments
    • The private and public lobby system will support up to 16 players
    • Include new communications tools like stamps

    Release Information
    Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown will be available free on PlayStation Plus for the months of June and July, and also available on PlayStation Now in June.
    Last edited: May 26, 2021
    Tiripsem, Meison, nou and 20 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 25, 2021.

    1. def
      Zekiel likes this.
    2. Shin ZAKIRA
      Shin ZAKIRA
      Their were many interviews with Suzuki where he expressed his interest in making a new VF. And a couple ones where he said he was approached by a SEGA top manager to make a new VF game. Also there was a cross interview between him, Harada (Tekken) and Mori (BluzBlue). In it, he was about to the talk about his involvement with a new VF but for some reasons was abruptly stopped from continuing his speak. This was post by either Myke or VFDC Twitter. Can’t exactly remember.
      Though this doesn’t 100 confirm a new VF, coupled with SEGA to revive its most important IPs and Suzuki’s interest in VF, all signs are leading to that logic.

      Sorry for not providing any link. I simply don’t have the time. You can google Suzuki’s latest interviews and you’ll have a clearer image of I’m saying.
      Junosynth likes this.
    3. VF2011
      I said this in another thread on this site, but I really hope Suzuki isn't involved with VF in any way. He has admitted he doesn't play videogames and after Shenmue 3 I can believe it. The game was stuck in the past and felt like a chose to play since he hasn't kept up with trends, a VF made by him would feel old and out of touch.
      Zekiel likes this.
    4. GustavoHeisenberg
      And I was expecting crossplay with Xbox and PC lol. Well I'd be missing out until I can get a PS5 since I can't personally justify buying a PS4 in the meantime.
    5. KrsJin
      This is really the only thing that bums me out at this point. I have a PS4 but I know there's quite a few who are in your situation right now. Hoping for a PC release at a later date but tough to bank on that.

      (Also hoping for an eventual VF6 release on current gen too of course)
      GustavoHeisenberg likes this.
    6. MadeManG74
      Nobody has ever purchased a video game because it had hit sparks.
    7. smbhax
      SSfox and MadeManG74 like this.
    8. def
      Hey I just checked the Official VF Youtube page, that countdown video seems to be gone, are we still getting that 6 AM EST video tomorrow morning?
    9. charleypk222
      i got live in 9 hour
      def likes this.
    10. TexasLion
    11. Carlos Lenz
      Carlos Lenz
      Site is buggy LOL, it assumes a JP audience and completely ignores timezone differences.
      Zekiel likes this.
    12. Jotamide
    13. Zekiel
      Sonic The Fighters likes this.
    14. Shin ZAKIRA
      Shin ZAKIRA

      Now I have Shenmue 3 but never got the time to play it so I can’t comment on it in any manner. But I’m huge fan of the series.

      It’s not like Suzuki been playing games ever. And that didn’t stop him from creating great games like Outrun, AfterBurner, Shenmue or the previous Virtua Fighter games. So I don’t see any good reason for him not be able to make a great or at least good new VF game.

      It seems many people don’t understand the roles of each game developer. The difference between a producer, director or game planer. Or at least these differences due to them having different meanings here in Japan than the west.

      In Japan a producer used to handle budget & team management while directing the game (which Suzuki used to do when he was in SEGA) but now it’s just management role. While director is responsible of the general look and feel of the game and how it should play. Game Planers are the ones responsible for bringing new ideas and implementing mechanics in the game. And usually it’s not a one person responsibilities, it’s a whole team of them.

      SEGA is still a big company with many crazy game planners. Just look at their wacky and fun arcade games. Or even Yakuza games to know what I mean.

      I on the other hand wants Suzuki to helm the project. Cause I want to see new ideas and new technology with great quality just like previous VF games before VF5. I want be wowed like before.
      beanboy, Zekiel and Junosynth like this.
    15. Myke
      For anyone wondering what these files contain, they're images for the respective platforms' logo in SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format. Here's what they look like overlayed on a dark background:

      platform logos.jpg
    16. Sebo
      *comes out of busy life hiatus of mostly mutual aid work*

      Neat. I hope there aren't any gameplay changes because I don't want to have to update all those guides. *shudders*
      Also lowkey I hope FS's ranks on PSN carry over lololol

      *goes back*
      KrsJin and smbhax like this.
    17. ICHIBANin10000
      This. Its a generational thing when the upstarts try to shit on creators from past generations. I've seen people online shit on Chris Claremont's work, even he is the writer that made X-Men Marvel's most popular comic for 20+ years. if there was no Yu Suzuki, there would be no Virtua Fighter. With every new entry, the game gets further and further away from Yu Suzuki's original vision., It used to be a thinking man's fighter. Every new entry makes more and more moves safe on block, and it becomes a brainless mash fest.

      As for Shenmue 3, It is an awesome game, if you are a real gamer. Its not that Yu Suzuki is out of touch, its that games have become more mainstream, and they coddle scrubs. The majority of current gamers like to put their brains on auto-pilot and just watch wall-to-wall cutscenes. Shenmue 3 never had the budget to cater to that kind of gamer.

      As for current VF versus old school VF, the barrier of entry was stricter inputs and multi-layered mechanics. More characters had revesasls, Evade attacks were a factor. In a recent interview , Yu Suzuki was asked why he never made VF vs Tekken. He said people only make that type oif game when they are out of ideas. The interviewer brought up Fighters Megamix, ans Suzuki-sama said" (Daiichi) Katagiri made that, he likes to do that type of thing" Basically implying Katagiri(VF5 Final Showdown director) is an idiot.
      beanboy and SDS_Overfiend1 like this.
    18. SDS_Overfiend1
      Ok.. So we know this game is free. Will they charge for the customizations again?
      beanboy likes this.
    19. smbhax
      SSfox likes this.
    20. SSfox
      It should start in 2 hours and half if i'm correct.

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