Virtua Fighter 6 (General Discussion)

Discussion in 'General' started by def, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Actually the trainable AI was in VF4 not Evo and it was awesome.
  2. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Do you have any reliable source for these statements or it is all 'apparently' and 'I've heard'?

    'Maybe' Arcadia isn't reliable. Are your sources more reliable? who are they? can you point us towards them?

    If some autority more reliable than arcadia is the source of you lack of confidence, maybe I will be convinced as well.
  3. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Shun is Drunk
    I wish i may, I wish I might, wish on this wishing star tonight...
  4. smince82

    smince82 Well-Known Member

    yes kingovcarnage your right it was vf4 not evo i had both little mixup but im glad you agree
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Educated guess:

    Arcades: YES!
    Consoles: at some point in the distant future

    Sega has done such a poor job developing the VF market for consoles world wide, that the community of players is getting smaller by the day, either ppl are dropping out because they don't see any activity in terms of upcoming games or DLC or just retiring from the scene because of age or new family responibility or jobs,etc. So by the time Sega does release VF6 who will still be around to play it?

    Def at this point, I'll be happy if Sega distributes more VF5 discs. They're getting harder to find. And if you can't new or even used copies of VF5 then its harder to make new recruits, and if you can't make new recruits to replace old retiring, or disgruntled players [​IMG]
  6. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    It's been mentioned on here a few times that the way Arcadia gathers it's data isn't necessarily a good way to guage poularity. It seems like everyone who's been to Japanese arcades has said that VF isn't being played that much (dunno if anyone else here disputes that). Also did you see what Zerochan the games journalist posted? It didn't sound at all promising.

    There may be a VF6 but I'm not feeling that confident about it especially the way Sega are changing their focus recently.
  7. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Download VF5 fuck buying it. thats whati did when mines cracked. Works perfectly and faster. I would'nt mine seeing R for download at this point.. Make some money off that then drop FS for a few dollars more then make 6 for retail.
  8. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    If they'd hype VF5 beyond that of any fighter (or game for that matter), they might have a chance at giving fans the okey doke like Capcom is doing with SF4 and MvC3... I mean Sega could bust out with a DC Mega Pack that has 3 DC games that were garbage, and the 4th would be VF3TB. Have an online mode as DLC with an ok lobby. Then they could easily sell VF5R without Taka or Jean, just have them sold as DLC. Wait about less than 1/2 a year and release VF5FS on consoles, then have major DLC in terms of allowing players to do stupid stuff like make their characters fight in panties. Stages could be DLC also, especially that Sumo stage (I think that one beats the Wrestling Cage Match stage and takes the title of best stage right now).

    This would ultimately lead to the grand arrival of VF6 for Wii-U, which people would then buy the system just to get the game, and then wait for it to drop on X360/PS3 as another version. They would be rebuilt in no time just off of VF alone. Oh let's not forget the Anniversary Edition that would be on XBLA/PSN for a full price of $65-$70, which would include VF1, VF2, VFR, VFK, some other random VFs, and maybe Fighters Megamix. If people start crying, Sega can just give them some dumb excuse like, "we were planning this before actual release", or "it saves you money", or even better "it's not built for online". Then they could release the news of VF5 dynamic themes, and premium themes being on sale for diversion.

    Either way, that window of opportunity to get released without much comp from the other fighters is gone... So many fighters are coming down the pipe for console release. Can VF make a major splash after the extremely long wait, especially with other fighters in the pool???
  9. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    I want to share some historical perspective on this as one of the old farts.

    Back in the heydays of VF, say between the late VF2-VF3 times, spreading the stories from Japan, often fantastic, exaggerated, if not misinterpreted, was a favorite activity of VF fans and fan-atics.

    If all those stories were to be believed, Japan was a country completely overrun by VF fervor, with 10 year old girls in every street corner who can SPoD like nobody's business, top VF players exalted as national heroes, people gather in "dojo"s to devote themselves under the teachings from local masters, and anyone playing Tekken are put into a kangaroo court and then dragged against the wall.

    Am I exaggerating? Perhaps. But these were not far from what people _wanted_ to _believe_. And what happens when people want to believe something? They start seeing what they want to believe: You reject what doesn't fit into your belief system, and accept what fits into your belief system, and exaggerate and distort what you hear if it doesn't quite fit into your view.

    At the center of this syndrome was the Arcadia, of course. After 20 years of people quoting the Arcadia I am yet to read a definite info on what their "chart" counts, doesn't count, how stat is collected and not collected and what not. Yet this was the centerpiece of the argument claiming that VF3 was kicking ass in Japan against all comp despite that many first hand accounts (including my own, mind you) told otherwise.

    So I guess I am writing this more or less in support of Shoju's point. I have to state again, that objective information has been hard to come by, and my experience told me to be skeptical whenever I hear overly positive claims about Vf's populairty.
  10. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    The question is not whether or not VF5FS is N#1 in japanese arcades, because its not, and nobody ever claimed it was.

    the question is whether VF5FS sells well enough to warrant a sequel.

    Who cares if reports of VF3 popularity were overly exagerated? VF3 got a sequel, therefore it was popular enough. VF4 was popular enough to get a sequel. Is VF5FS popular enough to ge a sequel?

    If FS sales are so poor that Sega thinks it wont make a return on VF6, please show me some proof.

    No rethoric Hyun, I already know you good at that.
  11. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    But now there's no console release, no international arcade release, VF is seemingly not as popular as it was and Sega are shutting down arcades in Japan. The outlook Zerochan reported for arcades there was bad. Harada of Namco did mention China as a growing market for arcades and Sega also brought that up but still no international arcade release of the latest VFs.

    Fighting game renaissance thats only happening to other fighting games. It reminds me of this scene
  12. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member


    It is true that VF5 sales were shit on consoles, therefore no VF5 sequels so far,

    It is true that Arcades are dead in USA, so no arcade release outside of Japan.

    It is true that Sega is closing arcades, but its also true that Sega is the biggest arcade owner in Japan (AFAIK)

    It is true that VF is not the king anymore, but apparently it never was...?

    All of this is not quite poiting towards AM2 not being in the process of making VF6 right now.

    In fact, I bet you cannot find anybody (not even Zerochan! LOL) that knows what AM2 is working on right now.

    So, based on the historical data, I think AM2 is working on a new arcade board and a new VF6.
  13. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    If my memory serves me correctly Matteo you've had one or two philosophy classes. So even you should agree that what
    you just put up has to be some of the most specious sophistic abductive reasoning posted in these forums in years [​IMG] Bringing fallacy to new heights [​IMG]

    Now how about this. Considering with the weather catastrophes and the nuclear meltdown catastrophes that Japan's economy is hurting somewhat. Possibly even Sega is being hit, which only puts Sega in an even more declining position. Also the trend is toward producing bigger and bigger blockbuster games, with bigger and bigger budgets (at least thats what this months game informer says) I think sega can't do that. Not enough capital. So here's the deal many times when companies face what Sega is facing, they regroup, they buckle down, they go back to the fundamentals, They go back to what worked for them in the first place.
    Virtua Fighter has always been a staple for Sega, so I'm thinking in the time of trouble, in stead of risking money on some big budget games that may or may not return investment, Sega will go with what they know, the sure things.

    Therefore, there will be a VF6 if Sega stays in business. Because its a known quantity and they have a great deal of experience porting it, and can now do so relatively quickly and cheaply. So I'm looking for Sega to reach back into their old bag of tricks. So my vote is VF6 is inevitable if Sega stays in business. But the big question is how long will we have to wait
  14. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member


    Yakuza seems to be Sega's blockbuster title right now.

    PS: it seems to me that if AM2 was NOT making a new VF, somthing would be happening.

    EDIT: <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So even you should agree that what
    you just put up has to be some of the most specious sophistic abductive reasoning posted in these forums in years [​IMG] Bringing fallacy to new heights [​IMG] </div></div>

    Po, I have no proof that VF6 won't be made. what you said about the tsunami/quake/nuclear disaster is true, but its true for all Japanese companies, not only Sega. In fact Sega AFAIK is not doing so badly these days.

    As VF5FS is somewhat popular in Japanese arcades, seeing that Sega still is still a relatively big player in the arcades, and seeing that AM2 hasn't produced anything outside of VF5FS this year (last year there was Afterburner Climax and Virtual On), UNLESS the earthquake wiped out Sega AM2 offices, my sophistic abductive reasoning allows me to abduce that Sega AM2 must be working on something right now, and one of the games it could be working on is the next VF. I know, crazy. It's like I have this faith that tomorrow the sun will rise, but I cannot really prove it, today could very well be the end of the world for all I know! but I am still pretty confident tomorrow the sun will rise!

    PPS: <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Arcadia: Do you think there will be a Virtua Fighter 5?

    Katagiri-san: Its already been proposed. I'm not sure if it will happen, but it would be nice. Right now, we want to push Virtua Fighter 4 as far as we can. </div></div>


    Already in 2001 Katagiri wasnt sure if there would have been a sequel to VF4? I think it's more likely that they will announce the next game when its ready, so as not to damage the sales of the current version.
  15. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Po, I have no proof that VF6 won't be made. what you said about the tsunami/quake/nuclear disaster is true, but its true for all Japanese companies, not only Sega. In fact Sega AFAIK is not doing so badly these days.

    As VF5FS is somewhat popular in Japanese arcades, seeing that Sega still is still a relatively big player in the arcades, and seeing that AM2 hasn't produced anything outside of VF5FS this year (last year there was Afterburner Climax and Virtual On), UNLESS the earthquake wiped out Sega AM2 offices, my sophistic abductive reasoning allows me to abduce that Sega AM2 must be working on something right now, and one of the games it could be working on is the next VF. I know, crazy. It's like I have this faith that tomorrow the sun will rise, but I cannot really prove it, today could very well be the end of the world for all I know! but I am still pretty confident tomorrow the sun will rise!

    PPS: <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Arcadia: Do you think there will be a Virtua Fighter 5?

    Katagiri-san: Its already been proposed. I'm not sure if it will happen, but it would be nice. Right now, we want to push Virtua Fighter 4 as far as we can. </div></div>


    Already in 2001 Katagiri wasnt sure if there would have been a sequel to VF4? I think it's more likely that they will announce the next game when its ready, so as not to damage the sales of the current version.


    Of course Matt, we both conclude that a VF6 is more likely than not. I just get a kick out of abduction, for some reason it strikes my funny bone. Now, if you examine my argument, its part induction and part deduction which doesn't necessarily make it better or worse than yours so I'm not pontificating. I guess its all the dodgey conclusions that
    ppl reach through abduction that gets my fur up [​IMG] In any event, we're all looking for VF6 and we all are convincing ourselves through various lines of reason that it will happen.

    If it does, and if it had to be the last one ever; I would want

    1) separate profile (files) for player1 and player2. So in live tournaments everyone can bring their own profile.

    2) Full blown, full access to VF.NET

    3) All of the features that were in 4EVO (e.g. quest mode challenges, underground tournaments, advanced tutorials, fighter statistics, recommendations for improvement from computer, etc)

    4) full replay system for all games modes

    5) bring back the trainable AI partner

    6) combine Arcade Mode with Kumite from VF4

    7) The ability to watch simulated fights during
    tournaments in single player

    8) AI models that have been adapted after top VF
    players as well as adding extreme difficulty level
    for AI

    9) offline and online Tournament mode similar to
    tournament modes in UFC 2010

    10) Best of Breed Online Modes: for all consoles [​IMG]

    Just these 10 little things, not too much to ask for, especially since we've been waiting for years and years. If I got one more console version of VF with these 10 things correctly implemented , I could accept it as the last version to ever be produced for this generation of console.
  16. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    If SEGA announce a new arcade hardware, I'm pretty sure that the first game they will announce will be Virtua Fighter 6. It's a tradition for the VF series. Maybe we will hear more about that, when the successors of PS3 and X360 are about to enter the market of home consoles.

    I agree with masterpo about the 10 things the new home VF needs. But also the new VF needs to be more friendly with new gamers, and that doesn't mean that SEGA has to change anything about the fighting system (VF has by far the most user friendly fighting system : easy,accessable and very deep an rewarding than any other fg). It needs good advertisement, maybe a light story mode, and a strong presence to all major fighting tournaments.
  17. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    here's a thread about sega financial report, I'll let people smarter than me to interpret the data,

    Yakuza the end sold 430K in Japan alone. I wonder if VF6 would ever do those numbers.
  18. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I know in the U.S bottom line profit is just about the single motivator for anything in life, But I am under (perhaps naive) opinion that the Japanese are motivated by more than just profit. For some reason I'm under the impression (maybe to many movies) that honor, family honor, saving face, and all that stuff are also motivation for Japanese families. Namco, Capcom and others have definitely just moved in on what used to belong to Virtua Fighter alone. Where's Sega's sense of honor [​IMG]
  19. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    It died with the merger. They're a very different company to the one we all grew to love. [​IMG]
  20. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Hey masterpo you may want to read up on Orientalism. More to the point, East Asians aren't some magic group of people whose behavior occupies a higher plane of existence. Sweeping generalizations like that can easily be twisted to dehumanize or token-ize other people.

    With that in mind, I'm pretty sure Sega is a business like any other and regardless of the culture the company occupies they will make decisions grounded in what it sees as economic expedience first. Sure, we'd all love businesses to be run by the talented creative types, but the bean counters win out due to the way the world's economic activity is organized ....blah blah blah.

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