WCG West/East Brackets

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by RayBlade, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    i just signed up for the last west coast bracket.

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    thanks dude.
    well, I opened a new support ticket to cancel the other tournament. If I am still in the tournament, I would send E-mails to the first opponents.
  3. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Hi Dennis & Yosuke - I received a reply from WCG. He is the head of operations for USA, so...

  4. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info man~
    But I just confirmed with Konjou two days ago, and both of us are in resident status now. I think I still can keep doing the further precess. Well, I don't care about representing the US but I do care about the travel stipends!!!

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the information, adam. Like dennis said, I am not interested in representing the US either, but I do also care of the travel stipends and prize money.
  6. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    but yosuke and dennis, it says you CANNOT win prize money OR travel stipends if you are NOT an american citizen? mayb im confused...
  7. DrDogg

    DrDogg Well-Known Member

    Seems kinda weak to be playing in the WCG, beating people and taking spots at the US Nats, when you don't care to represent the US at the grand final.
  8. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Flash, to be honest, I don't know either. Like what I said, I never think that much about representing US to China.

    Since Konjou could participate in US final last year and he also register this time, I believe there should be no problem for me as well.

    Considering about Yosuke's situation, I think he should contact with WCG and explain all the details by himself. The official reply is more reliable I think.
  9. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    So What Yosuke i don't need you to rep me. Just kidding i love you like a brother man lol!!!. To bad you cannot participate (Atleast on your behalf.) I'm onto you though Yosuke...I know your plans. You say your here on study purposes eh? Yeah to study which US players are your targets. The Japanese VF Yakuza Sent you here to contain us and make sure why don't show up in anything nationals regarding VF anymore RMAOTFL!!!!!!
  10. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Like we been saying for awhile now a SS# is needed to collect prize money. I believe Konjou has a SS# so he was able to join and had the chance of winning anything Dennis if you do not have one you should see what you can do to qualify for one. The official word has been out and the need for further argument is done with.
  11. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I Do have SS# and I am in the same condition as Konjou.
  12. Trilogistic

    Trilogistic Active Member

    I'm all for the both of you going to nationals and competing and winning prize money etc. What gets to me though is you don't care about representing Team USA and only care about the money? Why ruin the chance for someone who cares more about representing their country then money its-self?

    Someone else a couple posts up also stated this question, so why?
  13. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    No one ruins anything. You just don't understand the circumstance. Please realize "US national winning prize" and "travel stipends" are totally different, and all my purpose is to hang out with VFDC crews. Last time I was so exhausted about driveing back and forth and why should I give up this shot this time?? Moreover, there are a lot of good players here better than me and I don't believe I deserve to represent US at last.

    This topic is kind of twisted because most people didn't check evey single message but still reply right after. Let's focus on who are going to play and best wish for them.
  14. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    After reading Paul Brewer's response that Adam posted I was a little unsure as to whether or not I (as a Permanent Resident) was eligible to compete. I emailed Paul Brewer this afternoon myself to get a clear answer to my situation or anyone else (Dennis) who might be in the same gray area as me. Here is what I sent Paul and this is his response, well only the important stuff that matters anyway.... damn didn't notice all my typos till now... hehe should have proof read it!

    It's exactly as I said weeks ago. Anyone can compete, but when it comes down to the nationals only U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents will be able to claim prizes and travel stipends due to taxes.

    O.k. I'm done with all this as I got my answer. Dennis there is nothing to fear... Even if you win, you can go to China if you want as WCG can help you get a travel VISA.

    Sorry to everyone for all the comotion that my original post started. I didn't mean any harm, but was only trying to give friendly advice, but now it's all blown out of wack and everyone thinks we are picking on or against Yosuke, but that is not the case. I knew what I was talking about back then and now I got the words from Paul to back it up.

    So as it stands anyone and everyone is eligible to compete, but only citizens and permanent residents will be awarded prizes and travel stipends.
  15. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    good to hear bro.

    GO KAGE GOOOOO! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  16. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Konjou~
    I really appreciate that email from Paul Brewer. As a resident, we do have the same right with citizen except voting.

    One more interesting thing, I remember you guys mentioned about if the pirzes was under $500 then Yosuke could claim it, right??
    What about if the travel stipends is under $500? Can he still award it? I think Yosuke you can emphasize this point to figure out, and even you need to pay the rest of the money but you still have $500 deductible.
  17. Dobi

    Dobi Well-Known Member

    Just curious, to the ones that knows that they won't be receiving that free ticket, who will make the trip to WCG CHINA?
  18. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Winner of WCG national gets an expense paid trip to compete. I believe each country can have 3 reps go to the world event but only the winner gets compensated.
  19. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    well, Can I say something?

    why am I said to drop out from the tournament? I just wonder if you DO have an authority to say so. According to the E-mail I got from paul, I have NO PROBLEM with being the tournament until US final. I just won't get any prize and travel stipend. I am not upset about not being able to get any money prize because I understand, but you know? the attetude of the players. It's very obvious that some of you( I don't mention who you are) don't want me to participate. well, it's just like what O.neal wrote, which you don't have to necessarily write.

    I heard a story that one guy told WCG not to let players to use sholders of any pads. this sounds so ugly to me. don't you just trust your skill?

    IN addition, it's unfair to players if they play me on the tournament? is that the way how AMERICANS think? As you see KS tournament, a few of us drop the tournament AFTER winning the tournament and getting qualified to the final. Because none of japanese players thinks that way, I have never thought of that way, and would never understand it, sorry.

    well, now I completely understand the one told me not to go to NYC gathering in last September. Being a good player is NOT equal to beat me. you say you want get better, but what some of you are trying to do is not to learn skills. what you do is just to get used to me, to hope to win agaist me, and to get some honored by other playres.

    sorry for writing such things. I would say the attetude of players in West and East are completely different.
  20. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Hey Yosuke,
    I'm sorry to hear that you won't gain winning prize due to ID issue. Well, but I think you probably can get portion of travel stipend to the US national final if you decide to show up.( The "travel stipend" here is the traveling to LA or NY, not to China)

    I don't mean to interupt anything, but I think no one againsts you actually. It's just the culture different on representing their feelings. I wish you can finally figure out how to process the coming schedule, and I believe all the attendances in US final will have a great time just like last year!!!

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