Weird Stuff (boredom post)

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by CreeD, Nov 22, 2002.

  1. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Weirdness Part 2

    VF4? Or one of jeffry's other beach stages?
  2. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    Re: Weirdness Part 2

    The third hit in Lion's [4][6]+[P]+[K].[P],[P] is throw interuptable???!!!!
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Weirdness Part 2

    Is it? I dunno, I never tested it. I was saying the second hit of QCB+P,P is throw interruptable.
    Other ones I can think of: One of vanessa's b+P followups I could have sworn I throw interrupted before. Shun's dodge attack and wolf's can both be thrown, tho wolf's is to be expected. The kick in kage's b+P,K can be apparently thrown during the second hit. So can lion's f+P,P though I've never seen it happen.

    Again one of those weird sega exceptions, it definitely goes into the category of "Weirdness"... I know I've seen it happen, tho I forget in what context. But I haven't seen definitive testing/faqs.
  4. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    Re: Weirdness Part 2

    I think I've seen what mindelexir was talking about in one of the recent Chibita clips. You can clearly see him being thrown out of the 3rd punch /versus/images/icons/smile.gif.
  5. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: Weirdness Part 2

    How about...


    A few random comments:

    > On the subject of weird combos, if you use a low attack with certain timing as an opponent crumples, it causes a strange on-the-bounce sound and a better than average float. This makes strange combos possible.

    Common Vanessa combo that uses this:

    [G][8][P] or [4][4][K]+[G], timed [2][P], [3][K].
    My timing on this STILL sucks, argh.

    >-Certain throws like vanessa's sleeper will keep animating even if the thrower falls out of the ring. Vanessa is gone, but the opponent continues to choke and thrash before falling out themselves.

    Leg Breaker and Heaven's Gate do the same thing. Quite funny to watch. Sucks for the Vane player though (usually me, argh)

    >Brad is "special".

    In more ways than one. XD
  6. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    More fuel to the VF2 nostalgia

    hey, thanks again CreeD... i'm really liking this subject.
    (to everyone).. i'm sorry i can't contribute to this topic outside of VF2 PC, but i guess since we're delving into VF nostalgia(no longer really random anymore eh?) i am helping you guys.

    you forgot to add that Akira had 2, maybe 3 really nasty throws in VF2: SPoD did 100 and was unblockable and unescapable, Surprise Exchange gave you a 40-60% damage oppurtunity, and Reverse Body Check gave about say the potential to do over 50%. oh yeah, his single palm gave you a very nice stumble animation on crouchers which was the only stagger in which you could combo into throws /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    more on the VF2 PC game... i had already briefly explained how you could save entire rounds... well included on the game were some rounds of BunBunMaru, Ike Sarah and Shin(i dunno what his exact spelling was) Jacky going against each other. pretty nice, except maybe it was me, but i didn't see any crouch dashing or senbon punching in there. i would've loved to see some clips of expert VF2 Akira, Kage, Lau, and Jacky in action.

    as far as the VF2 PC is concerned, i think it's best for either recording combos or playing against your buddies, but not for internet play... someone already elaborated on this. the speed is pretty much equal to that of the arcade, but as pointed out, the float dynamics appear different... it's lighter than the arcade, but farther than the Saturn. at least you get the slow mo option /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    btw, i'm surprised no one put this down yet, but Akira could cancel his low kick in VF2, which would enable him to recover in a crouching position immediately; thus he had 2 ways to do a modified crouching move; either crouch dash first, or quickly cancel a low kick first.

    on a side note, i could never get a yoho into a VF2 juggle combo with Akira; it seems that everytime i try, i get a ground punch; any tips ppl? or is this just a VF2PC thing? /versus/images/icons/smile.gif i really believe i'm hitting the d/f d/f spot on...
  7. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: More fuel to the VF2 nostalgia

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    on a side note, i could never get a yoho into a VF2 juggle combo with Akira; it seems that everytime i try, i get a ground punch; any tips ppl? or is this just a VF2PC thing? i really believe i'm hitting the d/f d/f spot on...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's no PC thing, it's just an input thing. You have to hold the second df a bit longer to avoid the ground punch. Same thing applies to everyone who has a ground attack the doubles up with a regular attack's commands...

  8. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: More fuel to the VF2 nostalgia

    since throws were unescapeable in 2, it was sort of a moot point which one was the most powerful. high level akira's used 2/3 spod (more damage potential than full spod) or SE. but almost everyone had their killer throw. a minor counter giant swing did 125 points and a low pounce was hard to get out of, and the df+P was nigh impossible to avoid. even pai's ddt did nasty damage.

    stagger -> throw is just as viable in 2 as in 3 and 4. just have to know how to do it.

    everyone save shun and lion could cancel their low kicks in 2, too.
  9. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Re: More fuel to the VF2 nostalgia

    I may have been hallucinating, but I'm almost positive I saw that funky sgpm animation (they stumble back on their butt then push off the ground with both hands) playing VF4 on the PS2...I held off posting this so I could check and see if I could get it in Training but no dice...I didn't try to interrupt a lp with the sgpm (which is what I think was happening when I saw(?) it)...I just getting the animation then later that day playing VF2 & getting the same animation but again, I could have been seeing things because I haven't seen it since. Perhaps Ozzy would have something to say about this?

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