What are you going to do when 360

Discussion in 'General' started by shadowmaster, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    That's cool. Sounds like you're tapping much more of the PS3's potential than I am. If you've got a group of friends to play against on PS3's, I envy you. I plan on playing some VF2 this weekend with some old friends. It's all still fun and enjoyable.

    But I try to play at the other end of the spectrum as well... tournaments are forced to use the newest version of any game to attract the most players... so if I want to continue in that scene, I'll have to move to the 360 for the time being...

    We'll see what happens. I've been playing since VF1. There's always something new coming down the pipe.
  2. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    So you're the guy they made the console for!
  3. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Yeah, if I want to continue in the tourney scene... but it's kind of hard to justify 2 current gaming boxes at these prices... I'll wait a few months either way... see what the vets say around here before I make the plunge.

    Big problem is finding a joystick I'm comfortable with... 360 options are very limited for me right now.
  4. wasted

    wasted Well-Known Member

    I was considering buying a 360 this fall when the 65nm becomes the norm and I received a free copy of Halo 3 at a party.

    Although I already have VF5 on PS3, I'm curious to see how Live handles it and I will pick it up for 360.

    arcades are dead here, so playing at home is the only way here.
  5. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Shun is Drunk
    I was going to buy PS3 for VF5, but then I heard they were going to come out with it in July 2007. I chose to hold on a bit more, because after all the only reasons I upgraded next-gen was for VF5, Halo 3, Metal Gear Solid 4... It's been 7 months waiting for VF5 and now it's so close. The only thing I'm waiting for now is for Kojima to announce Metal Gear Solid 4 Subsitanencivelacious for X360.
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    The only reason I got an xbox 360 was for VF5. After the fact I'm happy because I get to play assassins creed also which is going to be kick ass. I was quite content with my wii before though.
  7. NykkoMT

    NykkoMT Active Member

    I still need a PS3 so I'm set.
  8. ChrisRed

    ChrisRed Member

    dont own a ps3, got my 360 copy yesterday, its my first ever VF game so i guess iv got a lot of practise ahead of me lol

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