what fighting style whould you NEVER like to see in the upcoming VF's?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Crazed, Sep 23, 2003.

  1. Crazed

    Crazed Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    To everyone else: what is your gripe about Capoeira? Are you basing it on Regional or Angola? Do you know what those two words even refer to? If not, you have NO right to say anything about the art being or not being in VF.

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    Shadow dean, you're absolutely right.
    Everyone thinks of eddie gordo from tekken when you say capoeira, but in my opinion, ANYTHING that comes from tekken sucks, so does tekken-like capoeira, but tekken-like taekwondo does too.

    (and by the way, Capoeira Angola is a slower, more close to the ground fighting style than Capoeira Regional, which is much more fast and acrobatic, so now you know that i DO know what i'm talking about, and the others don't /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif)
  2. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: what fighting style whould you NEVER like to see in the upcoming V

    "he was probably saying he doesn't want soul calibur BS in VF ... at least that's what I got out of it... "

    gotcha. duh
  3. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Thank you - and to go with that, it is the programmers who make a style button masher B.S, not the style itself.
  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Hey Shadowdean,... how about posting your own opinion on the topic; that is - which martial art you wouldn't want to see in the game - instead of whining, getting fanboy points or (most obviously) putting down everybody elses opinion in the matter?

    Just food for thought...
  5. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    It's not just the eddy gordo thing that turns me off. I simply don't like the style (capoeira) and would rather see something else instead.

    TKD would be great, as long as.....well, you already said it.
  6. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    TP_KiwE said:
    No more kung fu users in the game period.

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    i completely disagree. Kung-Fuers with distinct, unique stlyes are a joy to handle in any fighting game. i personally love fighting stances and unique fighting play, and i don't feel as yet that kungfu has had the best representation it should have had in VF.

    But to answer the question, i wish i'd see less wrestling combat in fighters. I believe this is a ploy to attract the american fight fans because we all know how popular WWF is over there. i've never been a fan of Hawk or King (from Tekken).
    i'm also not really a fan of the "powerhouse" martial arts which feature plain looking kicks and punches, with a typically slower foot speed.

    However, coming back full circle to my first point in the post, I LOVE distinct, fast styles with expressive fighting stances.
  7. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Well, to answer this I could say the exact same as someone already has done (in the 'which martial arts would you like to see' thread) but instead of that I'll just quote the exakt thing;

    [ QUOTE ]
    spotlite said:

    IMO, VF is already on Asian Martial Arts overload, with Kung Fu in general being REALLY prominent. Whether or not these Kung Fu characters represent all the Kung Fu out there correctly seems less important to me than the fact that VF has 8 of it's 15 fighters using Kung Fu. Add the 3 more that are using Japanse martial arts, and that leaves just 4 characters who are using non-Asian martial art styles, and even then Vale Tudo and Kickboxing have heavy influences from Jiujutsu and Muay Thai.

    If Sega wants to make a Kung Fu game, that's fine, Kung Fu is really colorful and has a lot of history. But, I think there's a whole globe of things out there that don't come from China or Japan, maybe these things could be represented as well? I just think it'd be more interesting than trying to cover EVERY SINGLE facet of the Kung Fu universe.

    Also, I'd really like to see them tweak the existing characters to represent the styles better, ESP in the cases of Goh and Aoi. These characters should be able to function with almost NO striking. It'd give the game a lot of needed variety. I don't think any Aikido player would tell you the crux of the art was elbows to the body and sweeps.


    Just my opinion, but if you watch almost ANY kind of modern sport fighting event, or a street fight for that matter, you're bound to see little to no Kung Fu. While I don't think the game should be dominated by realism, I think Sega should at least acknowledge this (seems like they're starting to, with Goh, Brad and Vanessa, even though Goh's fucked up).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Badabing badabong* Totally of topic but I can't believe Tito got manhandled by Couture. Can't wait to see that..
  8. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    I personally like Capoeira. I think it's a great art that's beautiful to watch. Watching a good Christie player is poetry in motion. I admit though, that Eddy Gordo's introduction to Tekken was a cheesy one, but I think that Sega could make a great Capoeira artist. But just because they can do it doesn't mean it should be done. As much as I love the art, I'd rather see some other styles first. That art is maybe 3rd or 4th on that list.

    I've seen many a Tae Kwon Do competition, and have seen many fighters fight reminiscent of Sarah. Because of that, I'd rather they give Sarah a few more elbows and TkD throws (and finally say her style is TKD) than to add a whole new fighter that's similar to her.

    Similarly, I'd rather they give Vanessa a few MMA moves than to add a MMA fighter. But I think Vanessa's already good as is.

    Angola and Regional...seems as if you guys read Black Belt Magazine /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.
  9. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    What would I not like - ITF TKD...I think I said that before...most of those smucks can't fight worth a crap...esp since they just do point (barf) spraring...
    What else, well, this is a joke for you MMA fans - possum style!
  10. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    there already is a good character that does cap. And that's Elena from SF3: third strike
  11. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    How many TKD styles are there?

    I only know ITF and WTF and between these 2 I'd definitely choose ITF over WTF.

    ITF practionners have much nicer and cleaner forms and are allowed to punch to the head during competition as opposed to WTF where they are forbidden to punch to the head during competition.
  12. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Some explain that to me that you can kick towards the head but you can't punch the head area. What's the deal behind that concept. I understand the weight category thing even though I don't agree with it. grynn?
  13. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    I don't know if it's a 'style' more then a federation / organisation (hence the 'f' in the words) which in turn, as you pointed out, have different rules with different politcal backgrounds. As I understand WTF has it's seat in Korea (and therefor the goverment 'like's it) while ITF now has it's seat in Canada or something.

    ITF is bigger than WTF (but WTF bigger in Europe? I'm not sure) but it's more imo a difference in contact when training / fighting. ITF is semicontact and WTF is full contact with knockdown and so on that follows. WTF followers have a tendancy to think of ITF users as pussys cause of this I guess. WTF is more sparring based while ITF is more traditional. Think Shadowdean has alot more (better) things to say about all of this.

    I have alot of whining about taekwondo when sparring compared to realism (Taekwondo is after all an olympic sport aswell now) but I don't want to go there to make anybody pissed at me (in regards to Kungfu Smurfs question). Most traditional fighting system aren't certainly not perfect when sparring and when you do make a 'better' system it itself gets bug abused imo (when was the last time you saw someone in a streetfight atempt to pull along the ground someone up to a wall to get his neck in a better angle for pounding UFC Tito Ortiz style?) I do, however, find it weird when Taekwondo users in general try to punch (or do it in poomsae's in particular). But I guess Taekwondo users feel the same way about Karatekas kicks as the karatekas feel about the Taekwondo users punches /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    What I don't understand (and would like to have explained) is the amount of hate the two different branches seem to feel against eachother?
  14. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    ITF stuff is Hill-E-Chois thing, while WTF is more the olympic stuff. WTF, now I believe, is actually more popular cause that is the crap in the olympics. If your lucky enough to find an old school DoJo, they will go full contact, punching, grappling, etc.
    Both ITF and WTF are about equal parts watered down sparring and forms. ITF uses the older palgae forms while WTF uses at first the newer forms...I am having a brain shit and can't remember the name for the sets, but eventually WTF covers the older forms as well.
    In sparring, ITF people to me, when I have faught against them, are more like shitty naska fighters who tap around a lot but don't make contact. The only pluse is that they can punch to the head, but all punches have to be light contact and all that gay stuff. WTF you can win by knock out, but can't punch to the head, which is also kinda gay, but at least you can make someone throw up by kicking them hard in the gut (heh heh heh).
    Karate and TDK people tend to look down at the other art because they are so fucking similar. After Japan occupied Korea, TKD was all but replaced with Karate techniques. Nowadays, it has evolved/changed/whatever back to its more traditional roots, but the Karate influence can still be heavily seen.
  15. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Take out every character in the game and let us make our own.

    Custom characters rule.
    If you're going to say: "Ohhh, but that's not Virtua Fighter!!" then don't. It's virtua fighter all right.
    If the game's story sucks, taking out the characters wouldn't be that bad. Besides that, they could have some other use, like uh...being teachers in the training mode?

    Honestly, sega won't do this. But I don't want more characters in the game. Making them better and better is way cooler than having more. Quality over quantity.

    Deeper, and more realistic. That's what I want.
  16. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    Well as far as I know,


    Well as far as I know, the founder of TKD, general Choi Hong Hi studied shotokan karate, so that's why TKD s so similar to that. But the style is still evolving and getting more and more different.

    There was a split after that into ITF and WTF.

    As far as I know, WTF is based in south Korea and ITF is based in North Korea.

    The founder was the president of ITF until his death.


    WTF uses chest and head protection. So if you want to score a point you have to hit hard so that the referee can actually hear the impact and award you a point. So that's why it's full contact. I'm not sure why they forbid the punches to the head though... Anyway I find it weird because up close they try to pull those weird kicks that would never be effective if punching to the face was allowed.

    On the other hand, ITF practionners use gloves and foot protection to lessen their impact. The competition is semi contact.

    I talked with prationners of both styles, and and it seems as if the WTF practionners have more experience in competition fighting and the ITF practionners are better in forms (called pompsy (sp) in WTF and tul (sp) in ITF).

    I would much prefer to see ITF based on these observations. As I think that using moves unchanged from the forms would be much more esthetic to watch than competition TKD, which is much less unique.

    and finally, for people who think that TKD is only kicks, it's just a misconception. TKD offers a very wide assortment of hand techniques too, even more than kick techniques or so I'm told.
  17. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Taekwondo is a decendent from Taekwon. Taekwon is influenced by Hwrang-do, the art that the guards at Korea's royal palace were taught (if you really want to get technical, both styles seemed to of evolved at around the same time. Look for Taekwon videos, they have a push hands kind of activity, only done with their feet).
    In Korea, you can find full contact matches that are not WTF based but actually are more like PRIDE/UFC type matches...I think finding a competitor who has adapted to that style would be the best...Thai boxers have a very limited, if effective, arsenol of kicks. I think TKD people can kick as good if not better with just a few modifications and have a wider assortment of kicks to display and about 500% more hand techniques and throws. Even traditional Mua-thai has a very limited number of throws, weapons, hand techniques.
  18. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    I don't know much about taekwon, only the name actually, some people told me it's a kind of dance, is that true?
    I'm going to look for videos of it on the net, do you know any link?

    I didn't know about these full contact matches found in Korea. What do they look like? Is it still TKD that is being used for strikes?
  19. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Taekwon is not a dance..I will see what videos I can dig up..try a search on google.com
    In korea, it is a mix of TKD and Thai boxing...they hit with both the instep and the shin, though the kicks, in the technical sense, are more TKD and Hapkido.
  20. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    In Tae kyon (thinking that this is what's referred to) they kinda move in rhytm (and yes it looks dumb), think ginga stepping in Capoeira. Hands are low and they move their weight from foot to foot in kinda circular motion while looking like geese. But it's just the weight movement kinda and being very light on their feet - if you qualify that as a dance go ahead though. There's no music to move to unlike capoeira.

    I've seen it in exebitions and so on. It looks quite spectacular actually but wouldn't recommend it's use IRL.

    A good link to read taekwondo history with _correct_ info is as follows;
    Taekwondo History

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