what fighting style whould you NEVER like to see in the upcoming VF's?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Crazed, Sep 23, 2003.

  1. Samson

    Samson Active Member

    Really, any style they put in would be fine with me. I dont see why you have to disclude a style because you dont personally like it. Any new style they put in would be fun.

    Also, this tekken bashing sounds kind of ignorant also. Its the same as tekken peeps saying "oh, VF sucks cause of *this* or *that*" but really they dont know what they are talking about. Its the same here. Also, its a matter of opinion, so dont state it like a fact. And please, dont get all "your a tekken fanboy" on me because im defending tekken (and only have 3 posts). Im a fanboy of ALL fighting games. I will defend each one when i feel an incorrect judgement has been passed on it and i have the knowledge of the game to back it up.

    Sorry for the short, off topic rant, but i really dont like to see any forum be degraded too "any game that isnt my game sucks."
  2. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Actually, there's a lot of people in the Tekken community that say that Tekken 4 sucks. It's just a broken game. Just because someone plays VF doesn't mean they haven't played Tekken. I happen to have played Tekken for 3 years before I got into VF, and I can wholeheartedly admit it's shortcomings.

    That being said, I believe that SEGA will come up with something interesting for the new fighters. I also want them to expand on all the other characters' moves. Only time will tell...

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